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In this category you will find a full listing of this wiki's player characters (game characters controlled by the players) and player-created NPCs (those characters that only appeared in fiction or in limited amounts in the game itself). To see a further list of additional character categories, please see the aptly-named Character Categories.
Please include the [[Category:Character]] category with all characters so that your entry will be automatically included in this database.
Pages in category "Character"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 766 total.
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- A-V
- Acanthis
- Accidental Fire
- Adriwyn
- Aetleria
- Afterglow
- Agent Wolfbane
- Airwave
- Akashic
- Albionian
- Alibis
- Alice Krall
- Alley Cat II
- Allie Monet
- Aloft
- Aly Driscoll
- Alyssa Q'Uzixola
- Alyxandra Lykaios
- Ameila Shrike
- America's Angel
- American Soldier
- American Starlet
- Amethyst Rose
- Amnesty
- Analemma
- Andre V2.200425
- Angel Tina
- Angeltouched
- Anna Maria
- Anne Gwish
- Annie Amnesia
- Anomalie
- April Mae June
- Aquanaut
- Aquara
- Arbiter Blackbane
- Archon Bolt
- Arctic Avenger
- Ardraria
- Arend Roland
- Areus
- Argon Shadowstar
- Artbreaker
- Ashen Tyrant
- Ashinaga
- Astor Van'r
- Athanasia (Reunion)
- Au Revoir
- Aurora Star
- Auspicious Viper
- Avalanche
- Avispa
- Azure Huntress
- Azure Noir
- Azure-Demon
- Azureon
- Babylon Cat
- Bandwidth
- Bangs
- Barbara Athena
- Barghast
- Barnstormer
- Bastille Boy
- Battle King
- Beach Bombshell
- Beaconess
- Beaconess Prior
- Beads
- Beatbox
- Beatriz da Fontaine
- Becky Beacon
- Beetle-Man
- Belah Nain
- Belar'Phon
- Beshemoth
- Betty Herder
- Big Girl
- Bigger
- Billie Deuce
- Birthday Candle
- Biru
- Bitter Wraith
- Blackbook
- Bladewraith
- Blazartron
- Blazing Blue Bunny
- Bleak Huntress
- Blitz.
- Blood-Mother
- Bloodsucker
- Bloody Jacque
- Blue Hood
- Blue Valiant
- Bob The Murder Hobo
- Body Shop
- Booty Rockin'
- Bota
- Boyscout
- Brainstorm
- Brenna Graveland
- Broad Street Brawler
- Bronze Belfry
- Bruce Wee
- Brutality
- Bun Kata
- Bunn with a Gun
- Bunni Rabbit
- Byelaya
- Cadavo
- Callie Alivene
- Cambot (Betsumei)
- Candi Crush
- Capitaine Comète
- Captain Adamant
- Captain Blackwater
- Captain Coggs
- Captain Superior
- Captain Vulcan
- Cardinal's Guard
- Carmelia White
- Cartel
- Cassidy-9
- CatBorg
- Catherine "Cat" Grey
- Cathode Cathy
- Catty Whompus
- Celestial
- Centerfold
- Champain
- Chaos Agent
- ChaosBringer
- Chernaya
- Cherry Ice
- Cherry Spark
- Child Star
- Chill
- Chillltouch
- Chloe
- Chronoscape
- Citizen Thirteen
- Clam
- Clash Ruby
- Clockwork Olympian
- Cloudgaze
- Cobalt Cowl
- Cola-Bot
- Cold
- Colossal knight
- Combat Trooper 1-5
- Conscience
- Cooperstown
- Coral Former
- Corax
- Corpsus Christie
- Cory SkyHawk
- Cosmas
- Cosmic Cow
- Cosmic Raye
- Counterfeit
- Countess Nefaria
- Crabclaw
- Crag
- Crazy Hex-Ghoulfiend
- Creams
- Crimson Archer
- Crowning Glory
- Crownsman
- Crush Hour
- Cryosphere
- Crystal Dragon
- Curie Critical
- Cyborg Lincoln
- Dame Columbia
- Dames
- Daniel Cao
- Daria Dreadblood
- Darkmantle
- Datana
- Deadlock
- Deadreef
- Deagon
- Death Rite
- Death's Head Atomic
- Deenaalee
- Delilah Halphen
- Determinant
- Deus
- Devil Trigger
- Dingo Cartwright
- Director 6
- Disinterred
- Divergent Chain
- Djinnkies
- Doc Williamson
- Doctor Kallisti
- Doctor Morbis
- Doctor Revenant
- Doctor Thaumaturge
- Dory Darling