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For characters that exist on the Everlasting shard of the City of Heroes: Homecoming server.
Pages in category "Everlasting"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 476 total.
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- A-V
- Accidental Fire
- User:Adipup
- Adriwyn
- Aftershock
- Agent Wolfbane
- Airwave
- Alice Krall
- All-Star
- Allie Monet
- Alphonse Dewey Jr.
- Aly Driscoll
- Amnesty
- Ana da Silva
- Analemma
- Ancestor
- Angeltouched
- Anomalie
- Aqua
- Aquanaut
- Aquara
- Archiviste
- Areus
- Artbreaker
- Ashinaga
- Au Revoir
- Autocast
- Avalanche
- Avispa
- Aztec
- Backlight
- Baeside
- Baewatch
- Ballpark
- Barbara Athena
- Beatriz da Fontaine
- Belah Nain
- Belar'Phon
- Beshemoth
- Betty Herder
- Bigger
- Bionic
- Birthday Candle
- Bladewraith
- Blazartron
- Blood-Mother
- Blood-Mother/The Date
- Bloodsucker
- Bloody Jacque
- Blue Hood
- Bob The Murder Hobo
- Body Shop
- Bombae
- Bounce
- Brainstorm
- Breeze
- Broad Street Brawler
- Bronze Belfry
- Bubble Tease
- Bugbyte
- Byelaya
- Cadavo
- Caliber
- Cambot (Betsumei)
- Candi Crush
- Cannon
- Capitaine Comète
- Captain Adamant
- Cardinal's Guard
- CatBorg
- Celsius
- Challengers of the Infinite
- Champion
- Chaos Agent
- ChaosBringer
- Chernaya
- Cherry Ice
- Chill
- Chillltouch
- Chronoscape
- Citizen Thirteen
- Clam
- Clockwork Olympian
- Cloudgaze
- Cloudkicker
- Cola-Bot
- Colossal knight
- Combat
- Commando
- Cooperstown
- Cosmic
- Cosmic Raye
- Crabclaw
- Crag
- Crazy Hex-Ghoulfiend
- Creams
- Crowning Glory
- Crush Hour
- Curse
- Cyborg Lincoln
- Cyclone
- Dame Britain
- Dame Columbia
- Darkmantle
- Dat Asp
- Deadbeat
- Deadeye
- Death Dealer
- Death's Head Atomic
- Deenaalee
- Derryl
- Determinant
- Dino
- Disappear
- Disinterred
- Disk
- Divergent Chain
- Doc Williamson
- Doc Zilla
- Doctor Fear
- Doctor Morbis
- Doctor Revenant
- Dominatriea
- Dr. Altair
- Dr. Amandine Laird
- Dr. Damian Dearnly
- Dr. Maningzhoue
- Drake
- Drama
- Dungeon