Dajj was born in the Shadow Realm of Loz in the Beyel (shadow) dimension. His mother and father were both human and both sorcerers of high regard in Loz. Dajj's father, Deszmond Menaat had gone into Beyel to conduct research on the realm. His goal was to find a crystal that would allow him to seal off the realm of Beyel from the rest of Loz. Dezmond had been missing for several weeks before his pregnant lover, Callista had decided to take action and follow him. Upon arrival, she had been almost instantly corrupted with umbral energy, but was determined to press forward in finding her lover. Dezmond was found clutching the crystal he sought so desperately, but had no sign of light left in his eyes. It seemed he had been attacked and slain by the Othersiders that lived there; creatures that had been there, neither dead or alive, twisted and corrupted by the extreme umbral shift of energy. A fate that Callista knew she was bound for having entered the realm unprepared. As fate would have it, she miscarried due to the rapid twisting of her essence and the grief and stress of losing her love. The sorceress dragged herself to a ruined temple in an open field with nothing but the moon and stars to light her way. All alone in the dark of Shadow Realm, the girl produced a child with no heartbeat and no breath. At this moment, she resolved that her son would live, even at the cost of her own life. With the last of her strength and spirit, she used the crystal to invoke the power of the shadow moon mother and used it to give what little life she had left to the child, resurrecting him.
Dajj, the Shadowborne, knew life again.
With his very first breath, the child let out a cry so fierce that it shattered the silence for miles. Crying unceasingly, Dajj was eventually rescued by his parent's colleagues and friends, Yvetta Scarborough and Adamas Amadeus who had mysteriously heard the boy's cry from another dimension like a distress beacon. Dajj was reared by the two mages and introduced into a life of learning and magic. He was a natural and like Adamas, he could channel the power of the umbral realm. Adamas had a successor and he would become the next Farside. The pair enrolled Dajj in the magical academy known as Academia Astrologicum where they were both instructors. He was taught the ways of magic and had great interest in other scholarly pursuits such as math and history. As he grew in age, skill and power, Dajj was made into a full sorcerer of the academy and granted some degree of authority within it's walls. Soon, he was offered the chance of spreading word of the academy to other dimensions and realms, but mainly Primal Earth. Proud of his ward, Adamas bestowed the title of Farside onto Dajj and retired, content with the knowledge that he could handle himself just fine and that he had grown into a great mage.
Dajj is a wizard able to use various forms of magic to achieve any specific goal. He can use any number of spells, hexes, curses and rituals he has learned to achieve a wide range of magical effects. Since he was a very young boy, Dajj has been tutored in the ways of magic at his home in the Academia Astrologicum and not only does he have the knowledge and skills required for the practice but he also has the spiritual potency to back the practice unaided.
Mage Mind: Dajj is incredibly intelligent. He has learned nine languages at age 29, six of which are ancient tongues and scripts which he uses to form spells with. His intellect allows him to grasp complex concepts with relative ease. Dajj has created a large number of his own spells that he one day hopes to publish into his own method of sorcery. His tutors at the academy believe that he has genius level intellect and is capable of becoming an arch-magi or arch-wizard if he ever deiced to claim the title. Dajj dreams of becoming a professor one day, just like his adoptive parents.
Arcane Sorcery: Dajj has been trained since a very young age in the arcane arts. Although the practice is largely arcane and does not follow the conventional laws of math and science, he structures his practice using both of these sets of laws. The practice calls for three components at its base; the formula, the energy source and the action itself. Using this, he can create a wide variety of effects via several different methods.
Umbral Sorcery:
Umbral sorcery is a form of sorcery that draws essence from an umbral or negative plane of existence. When used, umbra sorcery unbalances the planar aspects in a localized area and causes a number of negative effects. As Dajj was born (and reborn) on the negative plane of his home world Loz, he has a natural umbral affinity, which is incredibly rare in humans. In order to wield these magics with any sort of efficacy, the practitioner must constantly pulling essence from the umbral planes. To achieve this, Dajj has separated a piece of his soul and placed it in the umbral plane so that he may constantly draw umbral essence. He is unaware that as a shadowborne, he is constantly generating his own umbral essence and him splitting part of his soul off is actually a massive hindrance to the growth of his abilities.
Dajj is a Shadowborne, a creature born in an umbral plane whose very essence has been fully corrupted by it's energies. He has the ability to absorb and convert several different types of energy into umbral essence which he uses to sustain himself. Though Dajj is aware that he has this ability, he believes it is a side effect of his umbral sorcery practice and remains unaware that this power is active at all times sustaining and even bolstering his life force.
Dream manipulation: Another side effect of being shadowborne is control over the dreams and nightmares of other living beings. He can even cause lucidity in or grant visions to others as they dream. Dajj is actually at his most powerful in the world of dreams as it is adjacent to the world of the dead and the world of the living, umbral and astral planes respectively. All of Dajj's dreams are lucid dreams and he can use this ability to communicate with others remotely.
Shadow Authority: Dajj's status as shadowborne grants him a level of sealing and binding over beings that fall under the qliphotic world tree of darkness. This includes ghosts, demons, spirits, certain monstrosities and zombies. He can use this ability to assume control over these creatures or purify and release their essence.
Dajj is about as strong as an average human that engages in regular physical activity. He is physically fit and posses the conditioning to preform such feats as running several miles without exhaustion. He can lift about double his body weight.
Hand to Hand Combat: Under the tutelage of follow Global Defender Citizen Thirteen, Dajj has become proficient at MMA. He favors the Savate and Taekwondo styles that Thirteen has instructed him in. Despite his usually graceful nature, Farside is a very aggressive, even violent martial combatant.