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ProudStarFINAL1 - Copy.png
Hero Icon Web.png
The Universal
Proudstar Revised - Copy1.jpg
· Science Hero ·
Super Strength
Solar Energy Generation
Player: @Maverickdx
Super Group
Global Defense Force
Global Defender
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Alexandria Marie Dawson
October 16th, 1993
The Beacon
Registered Superheroine
· Known Relatives ·
Mother/Father Identities Unregistered.
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
167 lbs
Body Type
Peak Human
· Distinguishing Features ·
A light sprinkle of freckles under her eyes.

"To be gifted is to be burdened and to accept that burden is what it means to be a hero." - Proudstar

Power Grid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Energy Projection
  Fighting Skill


Proudstar was born pretty meagerly in Baltimore, Maryland and grew up to a working class family. When she was only ten years old a blackout occurred over the northeast US and something about the couple days that it took to restore power stuck with her. People she knew were assaulted, her father was mugged, and the destruction caused by rioting and looting in her neighborhood was plastered across the front page news. The trauma caused by these experiences eventually motivated her in life to pursue the ideal of gifting the world with free, clean, renewable, energy.

Alexandria went off to college for an academic scholarship and eventual internship as an energy systems engineer for Portal Corp to explore possible energy sources that could be established from extra dimensional realms. Then a few years of study and zero success led her to be placed on a team of functionary researchers set on analyzing data on a newly discovered orb-like device from another reality where the earth has been entirely glassed by solar rays. When Proud and the team entered the room to begin their process the object activated and unleashed a portion of it's power onto everyone in the room, vaporizing all but her. The event left no trace of the device behind, however Alex remained altered and empowered with properties of the orb and the understanding that her colleagues had just been erased off the face of the universe.

Alexandria didn't take the initial grief of the situation well and quit her job to nearly vanish from the face of the earth for close to a year. Faced with the guilt of being the only survivor and the bottom of a bottle or two she finally came to the conclusion that her only worthy option left is to honor the memory of the lives lost to give her these gifts. Finally deciding to become a superhero and claiming the name Proudstar in the hopes of indeed making those who sacrificed proud. Since she has been patrolling for close to four years both interstellar and on the home-front of paragon city.




Solar Empowerment

Alexandria's sudden interaction with the interdimensional orb gave her a swiss army knife of abilities but at the forefront of all of them lies being able to generate an incredible amount of Solar power from within her body. This energy is most commonly expulsed through her fists but can be produced over her entire body so long as she makes contact with whatever she intends to incinerate. For example, the energy she's produced has been shown to be capable of piercing the hull of Rikti ships and armor on a regular basis. Additionally several forms of heat energy such as intense solar rays, geothermal energy, and simply fire itself have had an augmenting effect to the strength of her abilities.

Super Strength, Invulnerability, and Peak Conditioning

The interaction also caused her body to undergo a form of metamorphosis transforming her into a near perfect version of her human form and then some. Taking on some of the properties of the device she became nigh indestructible and incredibly strong, resisting even the cold harshness of space and a majority of the intense heat of the sun. From the words of Alexandria herself, 'Cheeseburgers don't go straight to my thighs anymore.'

Flight, Vacuum Adaptation, and Life Everlasting

Along with the other properties of the dimensional orb she obtained the ability to propel herself into flight at speeds in excess of orbital velocity around mach 24 with her highest clocked speed being just below. Given the time and motivations it could be possible for her to push those limits if not dangerously so. Additionally Alex through her superhuman condition has trained herself with the ability to hold her breath for a great deal of time to facilitate her interstellar travel. Capable of doing so for in the least a few days. Finally, though not yet apparent given the amount of time she has had her abilities. It's believed that the rate of natural decay of her cells has been reduced to a infinitesimal amount and her thus her aging is theorized to have stopped.


Marketability and Beginnings

Early on in her hero career Alexandria began getting approached by agencies and marketing companies to lease and purchase elements of her 'brand'. She was quickly deemed very marketable between her inspiring strength and attractive appearance. There was a lot of initial reluctance from Proudstar to benefit or even profit off of being a hero or the fame that it might bring. She didn't feel deserving of anything that was being thrown at her because she felt that her powers came at too great a price. It wasn't until months later and more exposure to the injustice of the world around her as a hero that she finally decided to accept the fame and use it as a platform going forward to change the things that her fists could not. This led her to sign her first modelling deal with a make-up brand called 'Surge!' designed by none other than Icon's own Serge of Steel Canyon. The brand was focused towards bright colors and personality expression acceptance and given her natural red hair Alexandria was chosen to highlight some of the more extreme greens and blues in the lineup. The success of this first run led her towards a level of worldwide fame, appearing on talk shows, television cameos, her own studio album, and many advertisements.

Current Endorsements

Mountain Goo

Proudstar has an exclusivity agreement for beverages with soda brand Mountain Goo, their ad focused on the 'out of this world' drink with caption. 'The bold taste from the stars.'


Throughout her career as a hero Proudstar has worn several costumes and always shopped with ICON tailors. It only seems fitting that their marketing partnership contain a little of the truth.


Continually maintaining her relationship with her first endorsement deal was an easy no-brainer with the amount of success they both had.

Image Inc.

The agency company Image Inc. (Focused on agency of heroes to improve their public relations) has worked with Proudstar on many occasions partnering to bring attention to things like discrimination, injustice, and body image acceptance to both the hero community and youths.

Charities and Foundations

Rising Star

A foundation created to help female survivors of abuse and child exploitation find work and jobs and such after, headlined by Proudstar as the face of their campaign and benefactor. The campaign tagline commonly used was, ‘Be proud, get loud, you’re a star.’

New Horizon

Another corporation intent on spreading access to power to third world countries and developing a solution to the world's fuel consumption and replacing it with clean and renewable energy. Proudstar has long sought after this goal and reached out to the corporation herself when it was formed to both donate her likeness and some funding.

Musical Talent and Albums



Team Leaders
Global Defenders
AntivenomFortHomefrontShadeknightShadowbatSilver TwilightSpinosaurus Wrecks
AfterglowArvoAsh MaidenBotanicaBronze BelfryCloudkeeperCymoneDragonstrikeEver StarFarwalkerGloombugJaeger
Lock-DownMistmourneMoonbeamMr. BlankNightbornPsychic FoxThe SilversaintSteel ShieldWind-RiderWindWarrior
All MuscleAria SoundCaptain PoseidonDr. UnknownExpertGodsparkGraystarGridiron GoliathMass ImpactMoonlight Medallion
Ms. SovereignPsionicPulsonSgt. StarburstSir ChozrikSir WinterStar.StormStellarexUniversal KnightWill o' the WispsWombattle
Reserve Members
Blue IconBoltyChimera GirlLumixNebuleiaUltrastar