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ProudStarFINAL1 - Copy.png
Hero Icon Web.png
The Universal
art by Mro16@DeviantArt
· Science Hero ·
Super Strength
Solar Energy Generation
Player: @Maverickdx
Super Group
The Chair
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Alexandria Marie Dawson
April 5th, 1993
The Beacon
Registered Superheroine
Marital Status
Dating Cosmic
· Known Relatives ·
Mother/Father Identities Unregistered.
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
167 lbs
Body Type
Peak Human
· Distinguishing Features ·
A light sprinkle of freckles under her eyes.

"To be gifted is to be burdened and to accept that burden is what it means to be a hero." - Proudstar
Power Grid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Energy Projection
  Fighting Skill


Alexandria was born in Baltimore, Maryland to meager beginnings with her parents, small apartment, low income, two jobs, but all the dreams in the world. One of those dreams that stuck with her throughout her childhood was to become a popstar and perform all over the globe for screaming fans. Little Alex spent countless days in her room pretending and dancing about with that dream in mind, and where most kids would have played a public sport or joined some club in school those interests encouraged her parents to get her guitar and singing lessons. Those lessons lead to countless years chasing that dream before she ever thought she'd be Proudstar, from talent shows in school to bar performances and basement shows after graduation she deigned to one day make that dream come true.

Dawson's success almost seemed too far away at times, and after nearly three years of the same stagnant performances and no real traction she was close to giving up on her childhood dream. That was until fate struck her plainly for one last attempt at her desires. One night after leaving yet another disappointing performance a poster flew across the street and under her feet, picking it up it read 'Fan Auditions! For a chance to win a trip to the first ever concert on the Moon!' and with that Alex was roped in again. It was her favorite artist hosting the performance alongside All-Star records and the well known Armstrong Moonbase being the venue was a dream in itself. So with more determination than ever and a last ditch effort to get noticed Alex practiced and prepared before travelling all the way to Cape Canaveral, Florida to oddly audition for a chance to get noticed and take this once in a lifetime journey. Alex was fairly talented as a signer and performer, but performing her favorite original song was really the choice that earned her the victory over the other performers. The gutsy move got her the win and without much delay in the next week she'd be off to meet many of the socialites and artists travelling to the Moonbase to watch it's first ever hosted social event. 'The world we live in' she thought upon her arrival, and Moreover our hero was simply star struck with the opportunity to even get pointers from those she admired. Everything would go off without a problem and each performance was as stunning as the next until the final set began to play...

Just as the music began to play it was interrupted by creaking in the metal shell of the auditorium, the flashing of the lights, and a rumble beneath the feet of those who were in attendance. The music cut and was replaced with elevated voices expressing their confusion and fear. Alex was equally scared and attempted to retreat from the auditorium, but as everyone else was also trying to flood the exits she charged the stage in a rush trying to exit through the back. Alex found herself center stage and things got worse quickly, the rumbling turned to a true quake and the lighting in the entire building cut as it was replaced by a dim but growing illumination. Reds, yellows, and oranges filled the room and grew with great intensity and blinded everyone that remained. Dawson being center stage found herself blind, scared, and before long incapacitated either by fainting or the event itself.

Truth be told most scientists till this day don't know why the first performance on the moon ended in a disaster. Most write it off to a freak unprecedented solar flare incident and move along with their careers. Alex knows a much different story that day as she met a celestial entity who would change her life forever and create the star everyone knows today. This, Solar Flare was actually the final throes of a fading celestial being attempting to attach itself to a host for survival. Having chosen Alexandria from among the crowd it changed her metaphysically and transformed her into the superheroine we all know today as Proudstar. Her powers were discovered in the hospital the next morning where she had awoken and once everything cleared her new life began. Within the next few weeks she was contacted by All-Star records who were already famous for representing superhero performers and given a record deal, her dreams came true, the event was barely spoken of after a little more than a year had passed, and Alexandria was a face finally recognizable to all. A star was born.



Proudstar wielding her energy projection.
Proudstar wields her Solar Energy in space.

Solar Empowerment

Alexandria's sudden interaction with the cosmic entity gave her a swiss army knife of abilities but at the forefront of all of them lies being able to generate an incredible amount of Solar power from within her body. This energy is most commonly expulsed through her fists but can be produced over her entire body so long as she makes contact with whatever she intends to incinerate. For example, the energy she's produced has been shown to be capable of piercing the hull of Rikti ships and armor on a regular basis. Additionally several forms of heat energy such as intense solar rays, geothermal energy, and simply fire itself have had an augmenting effect to the strength of her abilities.

Super Strength, Invulnerability, and Peak Conditioning

The interaction also caused her body to undergo a form of metamorphosis transforming her into a near perfect version of her human form and then some. Taking on some of the properties of the device she became nigh indestructible and incredibly strong, resisting even the cold harshness of space and a majority of the intense heat of the sun. Alex often jokes that, 'Cheeseburgers don't go straight to my thighs anymore.'

Flight, Vacuum Adaptation, and Life Everlasting

Along with the other properties of the entity she merged with the ability to propel herself into flight at speeds in excess of orbital velocity around mach 36 with her new highest clocked speed being just below. Given the time and motivations it could be possible for her to push those limits if not dangerously so. Additionally Alex through her superhuman condition has trained herself with the ability to hold her breath for a great deal of time to facilitate her interstellar travel. Capable of doing so for in the least a few days. Finally, though not yet apparent given the amount of time she has had her abilities. It's believed that the rate of natural decay of her cells has been reduced to a infinitesimal amount and thus her aging is theorized to have stopped.


Marketability and Beginnings

Early on in her hero career Alexandria began getting approached by agencies and marketing companies to lease and purchase elements of her 'brand'. She was quickly deemed very marketable between her inspiring strength and attractive appearance. It wasn't long at all that Alex decided to accept the fame and use it as a platform going forward to change the things that her fists and powers could not. This led her to sign her first modelling deal with a make-up brand called 'Surge!' designed by none other than Icon's own Serge of Steel Canyon. The brand was focused towards bright colors and personality expression acceptance and given her natural red hair Alexandria was chosen to highlight some of the more extreme greens and blues in the lineup. The success of this first run led her towards a level of worldwide fame, appearing on talk shows, television cameos, her own studio album, and many advertisements.

Current Endorsements and Music

Proudstar on set drinking from a bottle of Mountain Goo.
One of the pictured ads for Mtn. Goo with Proudstar

Mountain Goo

Proudstar has an exclusivity agreement for beverages with soda brand Mountain Goo, their ad focused on the 'out of this world' drink with caption. 'The bold taste from the stars.'

Proudstar's billboard and poster ad with ICON
A poster and billboard seen about the city of Proudstar


Throughout her career as a hero Proudstar has worn several costumes and always shopped with ICON tailors. It only seems fitting that their marketing partnership contain a little of the truth.

Cover for the hit single Crash from Constellations!
Alexandria's now second biggest hit single Crash! Released December 15th, 2021!
Cover for the album Constellations!
Alexandria's hit album Released January 1st, 2022!
Cover for Proudlove!
Cover for the album PROUDLOVE released August, 3rd, 2023 featuring images from her journey as a youth to her beginnings as a performer.


Continually maintaining her relationship with her first endorsement deal was an easy no-brainer with the amount of success they both had.

Image Inc.

The agency company Image Inc. (Focused on agency of heroes to improve their public relations) has worked with Proudstar on many occasions partnering to bring attention to things like discrimination, injustice, and body image acceptance to both the hero community and youths.

Allstar Records Since her rise to celeb status Alexandria has become a swiss army knife of talents, mostly thanks to Image Inc's recognition in association with Allstar records, she's becoming a natural rising pop star. Having released an entire album called Constellations and a hit single featured on the album, Crash. Both the Album and the song topped the billboard top 100 internationally for eight weeks before falling lower than the number one spot. Since she has released two more albums roughly a year a part. Stardust in 2022 which was hailed for it's more serious and emotional vibe, and then Proudlove was released in late August, 2023 and once again topped the charts as the songs each featured a small piece of the artist's past and journey to stardom. All of these feats culminating in her recent and most notable performance at the famed Madison Square Gardens arena in December of 2023.

A snapshot from her performance in the garden.
A snapshot of Alex performing hits from her new Album Proudlove at MSG.

Charities and Foundations

Rising Star

A foundation created to help female survivors of abuse and child exploitation find work and jobs and such after, headlined by Proudstar as the face of their campaign and benefactor. The campaign tagline commonly used was, ‘Be proud, get loud, you’re a star.’

New Horizon

Another corporation intent on spreading access to power to third world countries and developing a solution to the world's fuel consumption and replacing it with clean and renewable energy. Proudstar has long sought after this goal and reached out to the corporation herself when it was formed to both donate her likeness and some funding.



The deviant elegant herself.
The deviant elegant herself. Alchemistress

Jessica Jarrod, billionaire CEO of one of the world’s largest luxury brands “Jessinct” wanted the heroine Proudstar to be the face of her brand, marking one of the largest endorsement deals in the industry. But when an article leaked of her involvement in illegal North African gold mines (coincidentally, the reporter who broke the story mysteriously disappeared at the same time), Proudstar and her agent wanted nothing to do with it, sending stock prices plummeting and the board firing Jessica. Disgraced and humiliated, Jessica’s latent mutant powers activated, discovering that she could turn anything she touched into metal/s, even gold. She took on the name Alchemistress, and one by one hunted down the board members, trying to take her company back by force. With almost full control of her company back, all that’s left is to get revenge on Proudstar, whom she blames for losing her company in the first place.

T'Leia Moonbane

The unquenchable warrior.
The unquenchable warrior Moonbane

Moonbane was once the protector of her planet. She fought off centuries worth of enemies, eventually defeating every challenger to her world. She became addicted to the fighting, and the peace that resulted in her bloodshed only made her bored and restless. So she set off, on a quest for the universes’ strongest warrior and challenged each of them to battle on their home planets. On a stop in the Milky Way quadrant, she intercepted a television signal of Proudstar patrolling and assumed her to be Earth’s strongest and most beautiful warrior. While watching her on the monitor, T’Leia’s blood boiled with excitement. She thought “finally, a worthy opponent” and so she set off for Earth, hoping to quench her thirst for battle.


PL BlackBG.png
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