Samantha Grey

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Lieutenant Samantha Grey
Player: @Kherianda
Portrait Main.png
Character Build
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Mar, 1681
Croatoa Colony
110 lbs
Physical Build:
Athletic, Curvy
Physical Features:
Curled Ram Horns, Pointed Ears, Bat Wings, Fiery Aura
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Lawful Neutral

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
Base of Operations:
Dimensional Refugee Green Card
Military & Clandestine Service
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
Kinetics, Fire, Teleportation
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Handcuffs, Zip-ties, radio, comm-unit, first-aid, forensic tools, non-lethal thrown items
ReldinBox Template



Roleplayer. Walkups welcome, NO ERP

Samantha Grey, AKA Samantha Gray, AKA Samlantha Griyh, AKA "Historical Relic HR-713".

Refugee of Dimension Delta Zeta 17-46 (RSS Montana Survivor)

First Lieutenant, North American Federal Republic Super Force, RSS Montana Security Detachment

Born: Mar, 1681.

Samantha Gray was captured in 1896 during the "Great Cleansing" when magical beings and practitoners of magic were eradicated and "contained" by both the United States and the British Empire at that time. Both powers retained some more useful and controllable beings for use to counter the continuing magical threats from the Russian and Manchu empires, and against each other as well.

When the RSS Montana transited to Primal Dimension and exploded, only a few survivors found themselves alive.

Homecoming Forums Dimension Delta Zeta 17-46 Main Story Thread

Delta Zeta 17-46 Main Historical Timeline

The Montana Incident Starting Post


General Appearance

Most of the images presented here were created using DALL-E 3 via the Bing website. Samantha's canonical descriptive prompt is as follows: Bing Image Create summary

A petite woman with a face like Cheryl Ladd's, long black hair, tiny red and black demonic bat wings high on her shoulders, small red curled ram's horns on the sides of her head, small pointed ears, thin pointed tail, wearing a superhero costume with white top and shoulders, black torso with white belt and black heeled boots

Samantha is very pretty, almost to an unearthly degree. From up close, her many time-worn blemishes and defects may appear, but she hides them under carefully applied makeup. She is vain, but fortunately, self-aware of it, and even somewhat embarrassed by it. Her infernal heritage conflicts with her human heritage on this point, and her many years of strict military service with her dimensions' Federal Republic Super Force have given her the discipline to maintain a sense of decorum even while indulging herself in presenting a stunningly beautiful appearance. She is also fond of many fashionable outfits and ensembles, both in her super hero and civilian life. However, she is aware and somewhat disdainful of the effects this has on those in Primal dimension who are attracted to exotically beautiful women.

Her horns have a reddish hue, and curl back sharply and around to frame her head on either side. They're extremely hard and strong and rough to the touch. She keeps their tips honed sharp. Her wings are usually covered in waterproof foundation makeup to follow the coloring of her costume -- typically black ribs and red membranes. Without coloration, the wings do not look particularly appealing, and she rarely lets anyone see them that way. When she flies, they gather much more air than their wing areas would suggest is possible. Her tail is thin, long, and prehensile, and tipped with a tough, flexible, yet sensitive devils-arrow, which she can use almost as well as a third hand. She also keeps this made up in colors to match her outfits.

Samantha also has the ability to hide parts of her infernal heritage, though imperfectly. She is able to fold her wings onto her back under a coat, cloak, or pack; she can style her hair to cover her ears; tuck her tail around a leg to be hidden under a skirt or pant-leg, or even put her hair up to mask the full extent of her horns to a small degree. However, short of magical concealment or shapeshifting, no one would mistake her for normal, and she has never tried to maintain a secret civilian identity.


Samantha has several outfits she wears for different occasions, and even while performing as a hero. She has a variety of Space Force uniforms she retained from her dimension and re-created here in Primal Dimension, plus other outfits she has had Icon put together for her after publicity consultations.

Mission Costumes

In Delta Zeta 17-46, Super Force uniforms maintained the stylish and colorful, patriotic patterns (Federal Republic Scarlet, Silver, and Black) for "Multi-Super" missions involving several super force members, or with Cybernetic Commandos from Federal Republic Cyber Force; but tended more towards subdued, tactical battle dress for "Joint Conventional" missions involving non-super powered troops, such as regular Army, Navy, or Space Force. In her two years in Primal Dimension, Samantha has had re-creations of several of these made for her, as well as new, consult designs from Icon.


Off Mission Costumes



Samantha is a master at manipulating and transferring Kinetic energy. She can manipulate the potential energy found in bodies to aid her allies or weaken her foes. Her abilities include:

  1. Amplifying her allies' ability to move fast and maintain their stamina under combat stress
  2. Increasing the inertial mass of allies, enabling them to resist enemies' attempts to hinder or block them
  3. Drawing out the inertial force from an enemy and applying it to herself for additional speed
  4. Draining the health of stamina of an enemy to reinvigorate her allies
  5. Siphoning the kinetic acceleration of a foe to increase the ability of her team to fight, either singly or in mass groups
  6. Setting up a zone of space around herself so inertially chaotic that foes close to her are knocked off their feet

Samantha uses these powers with seemingly wild abandon in combat, but an astute observer will notice there is careful tactical coordination for how these powers are used based on her team's disposition and the axis of advance to their enemies. If the battlespace demands it, Samantha may apply teleportation assault tactics in conjunction with her kinetics.

Fire Blast

Samantha can summon infernal fire, cloak herself with it, and throw it in streams burst, and fireballs. With effort, she can call fire down like rain, or release tremendous explosions near or infernos around herself. Effects of this fire can linger on foes, wearing them down over time.

She is able to temper the intensity of this hellfire, so that while it may cause superficial injury and defeat by heat-exhaustion on enemies, it need not permanently harm or kill them.


As the signature talent of all Super Force members assigned to Teleport Assault formation, like the 203rd Teleport Assault Company on the Montana, Samantha is an adept.

She is able to instantly teleport herself anywhere nearby that she can see or even envision well enough, and can even manifest this to longer distances with a moment of concentration. She is also able to teleport other people; both friends and foes, over fairly long distances, and is known for these skills tactically in combat as well as strategically between firefights.

She has the ability, with great effort, of using her teleportation talents to create folds in local space, that enemies can 'fall' through and then re-appear in space close to herself. Samantha uses this in close tactical synergy with her kinetic powers to impressive effect.


Due to her experience, tactical insights and training, ability to maneuver troops in small units on the battlefield, as well as her immense personal charisma, Samantha inspires allies to greater situational awareness and aggression. Her allies are harder to hit, seek effective cover, are more accurate in their fire, and more confidently engage with their enemies. Samantha couple her quick-response teleportation to ensure she is present near the troops who need her the most, further inspiring their confidence that when the situation is critical, Samantha will be there.


Samantha's ability to fight in hand-to-hand is very limited. She has had training in basic hand to hand, but even through she is a merged human-infernal being, her strengths are otherwise. She is fit and strong for a woman her size, but simply cannot go hand to hand or toe to toe with larger, more melee-focused adversaries.

Her main ability in close body combat is to avoid it, by weaving around and about to escape engagement as well using her small, powerful wings to produce motive force and give extra balance. Otherwise, she is resilient to blunt injury and being overpowered, often long enough to escape by teleportation.

Instead, when needed, Samantha will use guile and trickery as best she can. She carries a number of items useful for this purpose, such as straps, cords, smoke and stun grenades, tasers, small knives, stilettos, saps, and brass knuckles. She will also use her tough prehensile devil's tail to effect for grappling, blocking, whipping, and even tripping foes. Her tail is flexible enough to hold a pencil and yet strong enough to break a finger.

Overall, hand-to-hand combat is a losing preposition for Samantha.


Dimension Delta Zeta 17-46 had its own version of the Well, and it distributed favors and powers to those it deemed worthy as well. Samantha was one of those.

Primal Dimension's Well reaffirmed that connection, and in situation where the Well's notice or favor merit it, Samantha's powers are amplified. She is able to use her powers more rapidly, they tire her less, and overall her ability to avoid being struck by enemies is improved. Her attacks are greatly increased in potency, often leaving lingering heat on enemies, and her ability to throw a great burst of fire is greatly empowered.

When Samantha feels her team is in greatest need, she can both pour forth a burst of healing energy sourced from the well, and spread her own resilience and ability to avoid being hit to her friends.

Finally, Samantha can call on her infernal side to summon the essence of a succubus and a ghost to fight along side her and her team.

Small Unit Tactics

Samantha's military training enables her to approach combat from a tactical perspective.

  1. Reconnaissance by Fire: Prior to engaging the enemy, Samantha can use her fire blast powers to create distractions or force the enemy to reveal their positions. This allows her team to gather intelligence and plan their approach effectively.
  2. Speed Ambush: Using her kinetic powers, Samantha can enhance the speed and strength of her teammates' attacks. In these small unit scenarios, she can coordinate with her team to launch a surprise attack on the enemy, overwhelming them with swift and powerful steamrolling assaults.
  3. Fire Support: By draining power from nearby enemies, she can heal her teammates and increase their stamina. This allows her team to sustain longer engagements and maintain their combat effectiveness.
  4. Tactical Teleportation: Samantha's ability to teleport instantaneously over short distances is utilized for quick repositioning. She can use this power to rapidly move her teammates to advantageous positions as well, giving them the element of surprise, allowing them to flank the enemy, or exfiltrate from endangered positions.
  5. Enemy Consolidation: With her massive space folding ability, the superhero can gather all the enemies in close proximity to herself and her team. This tactic, known as "massing the enemy," allows her team to concentrate their firepower and overwhelm the enemy with a coordinated assault.
  6. Overwatch: Utilizing her flying ability, Samantha can provide aerial support to her team, surveying the battlefield from above and relaying critical battlespace intelligence. .
  7. Cover and Concealment: Samantha effectively chooses positions for her team behind barriers or distractions, providing cover and concealment while they move and maneuver to advantageous focused fire positions while minimizing their exposure to enemy fire.
  8. Feigned Retreat: Samantha can teleport herself forward into a mass of enemy combatants, initiate combat, and then feign retreat back to her allies, drawing the enemy force back into a prepared position and ambush.

Samantha applies these tactical processes situationally based on her team's composition and strengths. When able, she will employ their combat power against the maximum strengths and numbers of foes they are able to quickly overcome.


Samantha has training in various specializations related to her prior military service; including: Covert reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, infiltration & extraction, surveillance, counterintelligence, space operations, Lunar operations & habitats, extravehicular activities, shipboard security, anti-intrusion measures, communications systems, encryption technologies, demolitions & explosives handling, and basic proficiency with a range of infantry weapons.

Samantha's understanding of technical skills is entirely applied; her mind's ability to master the theoretical bases of technologies is poor, at best.


Samantha carries an encrypted hero-comm unit with a wireless earpiece, allowing her access to the FBSA, PPD, Vanguard, and Longbow alert systems, as well as civilian medical & fire emergency services. Her encrypted comm unit also allows her to speak and listen to the various independent hero coordination services, and that of her Supergroup, The Global Defense Force.

In case of injuries sustained during operations her kinetic healing abilities cannot manage, Samantha carries limited medical kits. These kits contain basic first aid supplies, hypos, stims, trauma dressings, tourniquets, and other essentials to provide immediate medical assistance to injured team members or civilians.

She also carries restraints for villains have been subdued, uch as handcuffs, zip ties, and cordage. These are in various levels of heft and strength, ranging from basic steel and plastic, up to Impervium and Kevlar reinforced. Samantha also has a sense of humor, and has a few zebra-stripped cloth slips to put on handcuffs for especially troublesome villains. To date, PPD has not asked her to stop this practice.

Samantha also carries a basic evidential security kit. This includes chalk, tape, evidence markers, and a cameras to identify and preserve crucial evidence until PPD takes command of the scene.


The Hall of Heroes

Samantha is a member of the Global Defense Force, which maintains several extensive bases of operation, including the Hall of Heroes, which is sited on an island not far off the coast of Paragon City, and space base, The Beacon, a repurposed Guardian Collective outpost, which is built into an iron-nickel asteroid just outside Earth Orbit.

The Hall of Heroes was constructed on the site where the GDF and their allies had their final, climactic battle, with the alien warlord Conqueror. Initially built to serve as a memorial honoring all the heroes lost in not only that battle itself but also the various Foundation-aligned plots directly preceding, the GDF also utilize the Hall as their secondary base of operations on Earth.

Car ferry service is offered from the mainland to the islands. The outer grounds are open to the public for sightseeing. Inside the Hall, there is a public information desk and tour scheduling receptionist. Access to the other areas and floors is restricted and secured.

Daily hours for the public are from 9am to 4pm, M-F, and 9am to Noon, Saturdays. Tours are free of charge, but limited availability.


Pinnacle Apartments, Overbrook

Samantha maintains an apartment in Overbrook (Faultline), in the Pinnacle Apartments complex.

Until recently, her rent had been subsidized by the City's Dimensional Hero Residency Program, in cooperation with her participating apartment complex. Under that program, refugee heroes from Praetoria and other dimensions, like Samantha's Delta Zeta 17-46, were able to receive free or greatly reduced rents in exchange for living publicly as a hero thus providing civilian residents with additional security and a sense of safety. Distressed areas of Paragon, such as Faultline, King's Row, and others greatly benefit from the heroes these programs provide.

However, Samantha's steadily increased her income beyond the FBSA stipend and PPD bounties to include an additional GDF stipend and earnings from publicity and merchandizing; and now pays full rent for an upgraded apartment in the same complex, where she still lives publicly.

Her complex offers:

  • One bedroom studio efficiencies
  • One bedroom apartments with separate kitchen/living/sleeping
  • Two bedroom apartments with second bath and additional storage
  • Loft Apartments with open floor plans and modern aesthetics
  • Multi-level 'Townhouse' in luxury style!

And also has the following common amenities:

  • Swimming pool court
  • Community clubhouse
  • Common rooms in each building
  • Dedicated Dog Park
  • Assigned Parking Spaces
  • High-Speed Wi-Fi
  • Walking Access to cafes and shops
  • Mass Transit in nearby Skyway City South

Interested parties should contact 000-555-PNCL (TBR builder contact info here) for availability.


Hellfire & Associates

Samantha is a Citizen Crime Fighting Act client of Hellfire & Associates, a prominent full portfolio law firm specializing in serving the infernal community in Paragon City, as well as other non-CCFA clients from all walks of life.

From their website:

At Hellfire & Associates, we understand the challenges and intricacies faced by infernal superheroes like you. Our team of experienced attorneys is here to provide comprehensive legal services that empower you to embrace your infernal destiny with confidence.
  1. Infernal Rights Advocacy: We are passionate about protecting your rights as an infernal superhero. Our skilled advocates will fiercely fight against discrimination and prejudice, ensuring that you are treated fairly and have equal opportunities to showcase your extraordinary abilities.
  2. Civil Liability Management: Harnessing infernal powers often comes with the potential for collateral damage. Our legal experts will navigate the complexities of civil liability laws, minimizing legal repercussions and safeguarding your interests when your heroic acts unintentionally cause property damage or harm.
  3. Infernal Contract Law: From endorsement deals to team affiliations, our meticulous attorneys will negotiate and draft contracts that maximize your benefits while protecting your infernal identity. We ensure that your infernal heritage is respected and your rights are upheld in all contractual arrangements.
  4. Secrecy and Privacy Protection: As an infernal superhero, maintaining your secret identity is crucial. Our discreet legal consultants will assist you in safeguarding your true nature, ensuring your privacy and protecting your loved ones from unwanted attention and harm.
  5. Infernal Defense Strategies: If you find yourself facing legal challenges, our skilled defense attorneys will create tailored strategies to protect your infernal interests. We'll mount a formidable defense, utilizing our in-depth knowledge of infernal law and the legal system to secure the best possible outcome.
Choose Hellfire & Associates as your trusted legal allies in embracing your infernal destiny. Our unwavering commitment to justice and our understanding of your unique circumstances set us apart from the rest. Contact Hellfire & Associates today to schedule a confidential consultation. Let us be your guiding light in the realm of infernal legality, ensuring that your infernal powers are celebrated and your rights are fiercely protected.

Hellfire and Associates is available and on-call to meet Samantha's legal needs, and further referred her to Virtue Media Management (VMM), a public relations firm offering services such as Branding and Image Management, Media Relations, Social Media Management, Crisis Management, Public Events and Charity Engagements, and Strategic Partnerships and Endorsements. VMM's assigned Serena Powers, a Level 4 Marketing Associate, to oversee Samantha's program. VMM sees considerable value in Samantha's image, both as a beautiful infernally themed heroine, and as a refugee from a dimension with an alternate and intriguing version of the United States, The North American Federal Republic, and its Federal Republic Super Force of superheroes. Profits from endorsements and appearances, the lines of "Style by Samantha" and "FRSF" clothing and fashion accessories, as well as merchandise items such as patches, medals, photos, T-shirts and such pay for their other services, such as crisis and social media management.



Samantha is not in great demand for advertising endorsements and sponsorships yet, but has appeared on three limited run Hero-O's cereal boxes, and been on billboards for Pyro-Guard Sunscreen and TurboSpice energy drink. She eats the cereal, and likes the taste, but feels it a bit sugary. The is an avid user of sunscreen, having been on difficult missions and run out before. She smiled and held the can, but she did not drink the TurboSpice, and does not intend to work with them again.



Samantha has a line of posters, autographed photos, medals, and service patches. These are sold in hero memorabilia stores around the country, as well as on her website.

Dolls and Toys

There is the line of kid's dolls, licensed to the Matteo Toy Company. One doll design was deemed age-inappropriate, and cancelled before it got to Tooling & Production.


She also has the Style by Samantha line of shoes, boots, clothing accessories, sold in Empower Couture boutiques around the country.


Finally, she has a line of jewelry under the FRSF brand name, nostalgic items remembering that now absent force of heroes from the Federal Republic.

Shield of Honor

Shield of Honor

The greater of 5% of net revenue, or 50% of net profits from all merchandizing sales, go directly to support Shield of Honor -- a Paragon City charity that provides financial assistance and resources to wounded veterans and their families. They offer grants for medical expenses, housing support, educational scholarships, and career development opportunities to help veterans adapt and thrive after their service.

Some of the key initiatives and programs offered by the Shield of Honor include:

  • Rehabilitation and Medical Assistance: The Shield of Honor ensures that wounded veterans receive the necessary medical care, rehabilitation services, and specialized treatments to aid in their physical and emotional recovery.
  • Vocational Training and Employment Support: The Shield of Honor offers vocational training programs, career counseling, and job placement assistance to help veterans acquire new skills and secure meaningful employment opportunities.
  • Financial Aid and Housing Support: The Shield of Honor provides financial assistance to wounded veterans, helping them with housing expenses, home modifications, and other financial burdens they may face during their recovery process.
  • Mental Health and Counseling Services: Understanding the unique challenges faced by wounded veterans, the Shield of Honor offers comprehensive mental health services, including counseling, therapy, and support groups.
  • Community Integration and Support: The Shield of Honor organizes activities for social interaction, peer support, and participation in recreational activities, helping veterans rebuild their social networks and find a sense of belonging.


Early Life

March 1681 - Samantha Grey is born in Croatoa Colony, north of present-day Rhode Island. Her grandparents escaped Ireland during the invasions of the 1650's; selling everything to afford passage to the New World.

Witchcraft and Corruption

Samantha Grey at Age 11.

November 1691 - Mrs. Annabelle Hubbard discovers the 'Illstone' in a hillside outcropping of Orebegan rocks and becomes corrupted by an infernal spirit.

January 1692 - Mrs. Hubbard entices several young girls, including Samantha Grey, to stir up trouble, accuse others of witchcraft, and prepare them to be taken over by other infernal beings.

October 1711 - The Colony General Court reverses the attainders against those wrongly found guilty of witchcraft in the Croatoa Hysteria of 1692.

Illustration of Wilderness Hovel Inhabited by Exiled Magicfolk, 1800's American Territories

Life in the Shadows

1712-1896 - Samantha Grey leads a low-profile life, hiding alone in the wilderness, or among underground groups of magic wielders, magicians, warlocks, witches, and fey.

Captured and Imprisoned

Chicago, June 1896. Witches and warlocks being chased by an angry crowd. Several burned alive in background.

June 1896 - Samlantha Griyh, a formerly human vengeance devil, is captured during the Great Cleansing. Due to her human origin, she cannot be banished to the infernal plane and is held imprisoned by Sector 14, a directorate of the U.S. Secret Service responsible for securing, containing, and protecting magical artifacts and beings.

Under careful supervision, Samlantha was enlisted as a covert operative, carefully selected for missions that required a delicate touch of the supernatural. Her infernal powers and her relentless pursuit of vengeance made her an exceptional resource for Sector 14's clandestine operations. At this time, she took back on her original, human, name to ease her captors and controllers.

Involvement in Wars and Special Missions

Zamanta Grej (United States Secret Service, Sector 14) exhorting Polish peasants to rebel against their British Imperial enslavers; Great War, Spring, 1909.

1904-1911 - Samantha participates in the Great War, operating behind Imperial lines in Slavic regions to create unrest and lead attacks on rail and road logistical centers used by the Empire of Britain to attack the Russian Empire. Her sabotage efforts in Wielkopole, Rozdol, Przemysl, and Zawadka early in the conflict gained her the trust of many serf and slave resistance groups, and Samantha was able to instigate a widespread attempted slave revolt in the Imperial Duchy of Polish. It was later crushed by Imperial Janissary troops.

May 1920 - The Secret Service is reconstituted into the Federal Security Bureau (FSB) after the U.S. reorganizes into the NAFR (North American Federal Republic). Samantha Grey is identified as a candidate for compulsory national service. They envision roles for her, and others in elite special forces operations, strategic intelligence gathering, demolition actions, medical support, and in psychological warfare.

Montana Buttes Atomic Research Center, First Self Sustaining Atomic Chain Reaction, 1920.

July 1920 - 1923 - After the first nuclear tests, several individuals with superpowers are arrested by national governments. With governments' positive experiences using captured magical beings, like Samantha, from the Great Cleansing, these new atomically induced metahumans are also secretly inducted into national service.

El Salvador, 1943. Samantha Grey, HR-713 with Special Tasking Group Nine (STG-9)

1922-1945 - Samantha is initially assigned to FSB Special Tasking Group Nine, routing intelligence to Salvadoran kill-squads. Later, Samantha and Federal Army Rangers as escorts, are embedded as leadership cadres of Salvadorans who range across Honduras and Guatemala identifying, ambushing, and neutralizing Imperial military officers and civilian leaders, along with Imperial sympathizers and their unfortunate families. These incidents of injustice pain Samantha, but she cannot refuse her orders.

August 1952 - Samantha is tasked with setting and detonating explosives in Thailand to disrupt logistical flows to Imperial Janissary regiments clashing with conventional Federal Expeditionary Forces. A significant railroad bridge over the Khwae river is destroyed by STG-9. Imperial British forces had used Japanese POW's in forced labor to construct the timber-truss bridge, and with it destroyed, three regiments of Janissary troops were stranded and reduced by airpower.

1957 - Idaho Flats Nuclear-Medical Research Facility. Samantha is tested for resistance to hard radiation and allocated to the Nuclear Force, where she is trained for nuclear subversion and tampering missions.

Samantha Grey, Agent HR-713 of STG-9 setting Imperial centrifuges to catastrophic over-spin.

November 14, 1968 - NAFR Special Forces execute a commando raid on the Imperial Nuclear Research Station Tehran (INRST), with Samantha participating and destroying most of the production facility and equipment. Imperial enriched fissionables production rates were greatly reduced for several months.

Samantha Reservedly joyful at her Citizenship and Commissioning ceremony.

January 1969 - Samantha is manumitted, has her human identity and citizenship restored, and is commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the FSB Secret Forces. She is awarded the Secret Service Cross for extraordinary determination in completing a mission under great adversity. President Neil Armstrong signs the Rehabilitation Act, granting all surviving magical being wrongfully persecuted after the Great Cleansing citizenship and restoring their civil rights. Super Force, a secret branch of the military, is established, inheriting the FSB Special Tasking Groups, including Samantha's STG-9.

1972 - Samantha receives a new assignment to the newly constituted Space Force and begins numerous tours in space facilities with other super-powered individuals in the secret service. Federal Republic Space Force is rapidly becoming the "Senior Service" as the war between the dominant superpowers on Earth spreads in to near Earth, Lunar and Asteroidal Space. Samantha qualifies for the Space and Orbits Badge based on service on orbital platforms, with space superiority fighter squadrons, Lunar mines and resource facilities, and the first crewed mission to the Asteroid Vesta.

2nd Lt Samantha Grey, FRSF, leading STG_9 near Port Stanley.

1982 - Samantha leads a team of Super Force Cyber Rangers to liberate slave populations in Imperial Falklands but must retreat hastily as Imperial Forces perform saturation nuclear strikes. Her team is caught in dangerous proximity to ICBM strikes and only due to quick thinking and high radiation tolerance is she able to ensure more than half of the Rangers escape alive. She is awarded the Defense Distinguished Service Medal.

MORS Delta-9 in Low-Earth Orbit.

1990 - Samantha provides Super Force security for the Manned Orbital Recon Satellite Delta Nine and rescues six crewmen via long-range teleport when the satellite is hit by an Imperial Surface to Orbit Missile (SOM) during the Middle Eastern Conflicts. She is awarded the Super Force Distinguished Service Medal with the Space Forces Golden Orbit for exceptionally meritorious service.

2003 - Samantha is assigned to a task group inciting riots in East African Imperial Domains and is awarded the Intelligence Medal of Merit for her analysis of critical functional relationships in oppressed slave populations. Imperial overseers had been systematically starving out the remaining holdout populations -- Samantha was able to guide a column of refugee villagers out of the interdiction zone and smuggle them to, and intermix them with, existing settled areas with carrying capacity to support them, without Imperial analysts detecting the population move. Graceful villagers agreed to acquire and relay intelligence on Imperial activities to Federal Republic agents. Samantha is also awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.

1st Lt Samantha Grey, FRSF, receiving her Purple Heart from Secretary of Defense Rodgers.
Secretary of Defense James G. Rodgers.

Spring 2009 - Samantha and forty-six other Super Force metas intervene in the Middle Eastern "Slaughter Spring" and attempt to raise local insurgent forces from the civilian population. They are driven out by Imperial Meta Command, and Samantha has a brief combat engagement with Lady Warspite. She receives a field promotion to First Lieutenant, and is awarded the Purple Heart for a bullet penetration through her left thigh. Super Force holds a public ceremony where awards and citations are formally bestowed by Secretary of Defense James Rodgers.

Later Assignments and Achievements

Federal Republic Space Force Lieutenant General Matthew King; Commander, Moonbase Omega.
Federal Republic Moonbase Omega, during qualification trials of its Long Range Atomic Radiation Projector.

2011-2017 - Samantha is assigned to Moonbase Omega's Command security detachment and meets Space Force Lieutenant General Matthew King. The Lunar surface is a contested zone with frequent small-unit engagements. Samantha initially leads ground of Space Force marines on perimeter patrols. Later she is tapped to be General King's Super Force adjutant. This six-month staff assignment was a welcome relief from almost non-stop combat assignments.

RSS Montana on station near Ceres Asteroid.

2018 - Samantha is detached to the Space Force's 203rd Teleport Assault Company, Bravo Team, as the team lead under Company Commander Captain Maria Medina. The 203rd is assigned to the secret RSS Montana project in the asteroid belt.

The Montana is a new, first-of-class, five-hundred-thousand ton, space battleship using an experimental salt shockwave impulse drive. The new class of battleships was intended to give the Federal Republic enough combat power to achieve Near Earth orbital space superiority over the Imperials, and allow the Americans to crush them decisively and then deal with the Ravaging infection with radiation projection from Moonbase Omega unimpeded.

RSS Montana Arriving in Primal Dimension after the Final War.

2022 - The Montana Incident. The Montana was undergoing final weapons tests in the Asteroid Belt when the last stages of the Final War erupted and quickly escalated into all-out Nuclear Armageddon on Earth.

The on-board science crew, and especially Doctor Philadelphia, the most enigmatic and scientifically able member of Super Force, determined that gate technology might allow the Montana to find a new Earth on which to settle. Or conquer. The Montana and crew spent several months reactivating a prototype gate device at the Pallas Asteroidal Research Station, and from there, transit across the fabric of dimensions.

Everything worked according to plan. The Montana's engines were at full standby power, the crew at full alert, the main catalytic-wave-motion detonation spinal cannon was charged and ready to fire. The Red Leopard F-39 Space Superiority fighters were ready to be launched, and all three Teleport Assault Companies were in their drop-pods and ready to disembark.

It exploded on emerging from the gate, killing nearly everyone, and scattering plasma and white-hot debris across the far side of the Moon.

Associated Wireshare News Release, February 6th, 2022:

On Saturday Vanguard held a press conference to reveal their findings from the recent spectacular space event seen near the Moon by observers on several continents. Vanguard raised an alert immediately when what looked like fireworks showered down on the the waxing crescent Moon, outshining the body itself at peak.
A Vanguard spokeswoman, Ms. Talitha Laurent of the Etoilles, said a "gravitational space-anomaly" appeared without warning and then from inside it, fragments of a large spaceship of unknown origin appeared, already fully melted and partially vaporized, then impacted the farside surface of the Moon. The material was at so high a temperature it emitted considerable radiation, but fortunately far enough from Earth that no injuries or property damage resulted. Several Supergroups responded to Vanguard's request to investigate the impact sites on farside. What little they found beyond radioactive craters was determined to not have been of Earthly, neither Human or Rikti, origin. Vanguard surmises an alien spacecraft, perhaps peaceful, and perhaps not, suffered a catastrophe while attempting visit the Earth.
No further evidence of gravitational anomalies or additional wreckage have been noted since.
No matter who was attempting to reach Earth; for now, we can treat this as no more than a brilliant display of lights in the sky for those who happened to be looking up towards the Moon this past Friday.

Paragon City

Samantha using the boxing bag in the Beacon's Gym

February, 2022 - After the Montana exploded, members of the 203rd Teleport Assault Company having abandoned their wrecked assault shuttle and drop pods chain-teleport down from space and into the sea off the coast of Sharkhead Island. Several metahuman officers and their cybernetically enhanced assault marines survive, and establish themselves safely on the shore. Over the next weeks they determine their status, regroup with several other survivors, and begin to integrate into the metahuman ecosystem of the Rogue Islands.

April, 2022 - Over those weeks, a breach in the 203'rd begins to appear. Several of the officers determine that the Rogue Islands offers them possibilities of to satisfy latent personal ambitions for power, wealth, and even conquest. Captain Medina, Lieutenant Dakota Blizzard, Lieutenant Regina Summers, and Lieutenant Samantha Grey disagree. Captain Medina admits the 203'rd has no reason to maintain a command hierarchy, as no other surviving Montana crew have been found. The remaining officers and the enlisted cybersoldiers stay in the Rogue Islands; the four dissenting officers leave for Paragon city, where they apply for, and are granted Dimensional Refugee status with FBSA.

November, 2022 - The four spend time getting established in Paragon City, finding contacts, meeting new associates, and even registering themselves as a Supergroup -- "Federal Republic Super Force". However, without a higher command echelon and source of authority, the group loses their sense of cohesion over petty points of drama, especially whether to accept financial support from the FBSA or via publicity. Samantha feels their loyalty to the old FRSF, while and worthy of respect, should not govern them now, and she parts ways. They still stay in contact, but do not work with each other.

Samantha enjoying her first slice of home-baked pie in her Overbrook Apartment

2022 - 2023 - Samantha signs up with PPD and then with Vanguard, accepting the small financial stipends each offers, and also applying for and receiving a rent subsidy from the Paragon City Dimensional Hero Residency Program, she moves in to a one bedroom apartment in Overbrook. After establishing rapport and gaining good-will from her neighbors, she settles in to life as a publicly known hero in the city. She cultivates her image, and even signs on with a legal firm, Hellfire and Associates, after social media images of an unsavory nature emerge. Her legal representatives quickly those taken don, and she signs with a publicist to manage media, appearances, and so forth more properly. With additional income from modest merchandizing and endorsements, she is able to upgrade to a better apartment and have Icon work over her costuming.

February, 2024 - By February of 2024, the FBSA was satisfied Samantha was a worthy candidate to be considered by reputable supergroups, and after some investigation, chose to sign on with the [Global Defense Force], on of the premier non-lethal organizations fighting the most dangerous threats facing the world.


Team Leaders
Global Defenders
AntivenomFortHomefrontShadeknightShadowbatSilver TwilightSpinosaurus Wrecks
AfterglowArvoAsh MaidenBotanicaBronze BelfryCloudkeeperCymoneDragonstrikeEver StarFarwalkerGloombugJaeger
Lock-DownMistmourneMoonbeamMr. BlankNightbornPsychic FoxThe SilversaintSteel ShieldWind-RiderWindWarrior
All MuscleAria SoundCaptain PoseidonDr. UnknownExergyExpertGodsparkGraystarGridiron GoliathMass ImpactMoonlight MedallionMs. Sovereign
PsionicPulsonSgt. StarburstSir ChozrikSir WinterSoleosSparkwitchStar.StormStellarexUniversal KnightWill o' the WispsWombattle
Reserve Members
Blue IconBoltyChimera GirlLumixNebuleiaUltrastar