Samantha Grey

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Lieutenant Samantha Grey
Player: @Kherianda
Portrait Main.png
Character Build
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Mar, 1681
Croatoa Colony
110 lbs
Physical Build:
Athletic, Curvy
Physical Features:
Curled Ram Horns, Pointed Ears, Bat Wings, Fiery Aura
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Lawful Neutral

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Years Active:
Base of Operations:
Dimensional Refugee Green Card
Military & Clandestine Service
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
Kinetics, Fire, Teleportation
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Handcuffs, Zip-ties, radio, comm-unit, first-aid, forensic tools, non-lethal thrown items
ReldinBox Template



Roleplayer. Walkups welcome, NO ERP

Samantha Grey, AKA Samantha Gray, AKA Samlantha Griyh, AKA "Historical Relic HR-713".

Refugee of Dimension Delta Zeta 17-46 (RSS Montana Survivor)

First Lieutenant, North American Federal Republic Super Force, RSS Montana Security Detachment

Born: Mar, 1681.

Samantha Gray was captured in 1896 during the "Great Cleansing" when magical beings and practitoners of magic were eradicated and "contained" by both the United States and the British Empire at that time. Both powers retained some more useful and controllable beings for use to counter the continuing magical threats from the Russian and Manchu empires, and against each other as well.

When the RSS Montana transited to Primal Dimension and exploded, only a few survivors found themselves alive.

Homecoming Forums Dimension Delta Zeta 17-46 Main story Thread

Delta Zeta 17-46 Main Historical Timeline

The Montana Incident Starting Post


Bing Image Create summary

A petite woman with Cheryl Ladd's face, long black hair, tiny red and black demonic bat wings high on her shoulders, red curled ram's horns on the sides of her head, small pointed ears, thin pointed tail, superhero costume with white top and shoulders, black torso with white belt and black heeled boots

Samantha is very pretty, almost to an unearthly degree. From up close, her many time-worn blemishes and defects may appear, but she hides them under carefully applied makeup. She is vain, but fortunately, self-aware of it, and even somewhat ashamed. Her infernal heritage conflicts with her human heritage on this point, and her many years of strict military service with her dimensions' Federal Republic Super Force have given her the discipline to maintain a sense of decorum even while indulging herself in presenting a stunningly beautiful appearance. She is also fond of many fashionable outfits and ensembles, both in her super hero and civilian life. However, she is aware and somewhat disdainful of the effects this has on those in Primal dimension who are attracted to exotically beautiful women.

Samantha has several outfits she wears for different occasions, and even while performing as a hero. She has a variety of Space Force uniforms she retained from her dimension and re-created here in Primal Dimension, plus other outfits she has had Icon put together for her after publicity consultations.

Mission Costumes

In Delta Zeta 17-46, Super Force uniforms maintained the stylish and colorful, patriotic patterns (Federal Republic Scarlet, Silver, and Black) for "Multi-Super" missions involving several super force members, or with Cybernetic Commandos from Federal Republic Cyber Force; but tended more towards subdued, tactical battle dress for "Joint Conventional" missions involving non-super powered troops, such as regular Army, Navy, or Space Force. In her two years in Primal Dimension, Samantha has had re-creations of several of these made for her, as well as new, consult designs from Icon.

Off Duty Costumes

Samantha also has the ability to hide parts of her infernal heritage, though imperfectly. She is able to fold her wings onto her back under a coat, cloak, or pack; she can style her hair to cover her ears or even mask the full extent of her horns to a small degree. However, short of magical concealment or shapeshifting, no one would mistake her for normal, and she has never tried to maintain a secret civilian identity.



Samantha is a master at manipulating and transferring Kinetic energy. She can manipulate the potential energy found in bodies to aid her allies or weaken her foes. Her abilities include:

  1. Amplifying her allies' ability to move fast and maintain their stamina under combat stress
  2. Increasing the inertial mass of allies, enabling them to resist enemies' attempts to hinder or block them
  3. Drawing out the inertial force from an enemy and applying it to herself for additional speed
  4. Draining the health of stamina of an enemy to reinvigorate her allies
  5. Siphoning the kinetic acceleration of a foe to increase the ability of her team to fight, either singly or in mass groups
  6. Setting up a zone of space around herself so inertially chaotic that foes close to her are knocked off their feet

Samantha uses these powers with seemingly wild abandon in combat, but an astute observer will notice there is careful tactical coordination for how these powers are used based on her team's disposition and the axis of advance to their enemies. If the battlespace demands it, Samantha may apply teleportation assault tactics in conjunction with her kinetics.

Fire Blast

Samantha can summon infernal fire, cloak herself with it, and throw it in streams burst, and fireballs. With effort, she can call fire down like rain, or release tremendous explosions near or infernos around herself. Effects of this fire can linger on foes, wearing them down over time.

She is able to temper the intensity of this hellfire, so that while it may cause superficial injury and defeat by heat-exhaustion on enemies, it need not permanently harm or kill them.


As the signature talent of all Super Force members assigned to Teleport Assault formation, like the 203rd Teleport Assault Company on the Montana, Samantha is an adept.

She is able to instantly teleport herself anywhere nearby that she can see or even envision well enough, and can even manifest this to longer distances with a moment of concentration. She is also able to teleport other people; both friends and foes, over fairly long distances, and is know for these skills tactically in combat as well as strategically between firefights.

She has the ability, with great effort, of using her teleportation talents to create folds in local space, that enemies can 'fall' through and then re-appear in space close to herself. Samantha uses this in close tactical synergy with her kinetic powers to impressive effect.


Due to her experience, tactical insights and training, ability to maneuver troops in small units on the battlefield, as well as her immense personal charisma, Samantha inspires allies to greater situational awareness and aggression. Her allies are harder to hit, seek effective cover, are more accurate in their fire, and more confidently engage with their enemies. Samantha couple her quick-response teleportation to ensure she is present near the troops who need her the most, further inspiring their confidence that when the situation is critical, Samantha will be there.


Samantha's ability to fight in hand to hand is very limited. She has had training in basic hand to hand, but even through she's is a merged human-infernal being, her strengths are otherwise. She is fit and strong for a woman her size, but cannot go hand to hand or toe to toe with larger, more melee focused adversaries.

Her main ability in hand to hand is to avoid it, by weaving about to escape hand to hand engagement, or simply by being resilient to being overpowered long enough to escape by teleportation.

Instead, when needed, Samantha will use guile and trickery as best she can. She carries a number of items useful for this purpose, such as straps, cords, smoke and stun grenades, tasters, small knives, stilettos, and brass knuckles. She will also use her tough and prehensile devil's tail to effect for grappling, blocking, whipping, and tripping foes.


Small Unit Tactics








Early Life

March 1681 - Samantha Grey is born in Croatoa Colony, north of present-day Rhode Island.

Witchcraft and Corruption

November 1691 - Mrs. Annabelle Hubbard discovers the 'Illstone' in a hillside outcropping of Orebegan rocks and becomes corrupted by an infernal spirit.

January 1692 - Mrs. Hubbard entices several young girls, including Samantha Grey, to stir up trouble, accuse others of witchcraft, and prepare them to be taken over by other infernal beings.

October 1711 - The Colony General Court reverses the attainders against those wrongly found guilty of witchcraft in the Croatoa Hysteria of 1692.

Life in the Shadows

1712-1896 - Samantha Grey leads a low-profile life, hiding alone in the wilderness, or among underground groups of magic wielders, magicians, warlocks, witches, and fey.

Captured and Imprisoned

June 1896 - Samlantha Griyh, a formerly human vengeance devil, is captured during the Great Cleansing. Due to her human origin, she cannot be banished to the infernal plane and is held imprisoned by Sector 14, a directorate of the U.S. Secret Service responsible for securing, containing, and protecting magical artifacts and beings.

Involvement in Wars and Special Missions

1904-1911 - Samantha participates in the Great War, operating behind Imperial lines in Slavic regions to create unrest and lead attacks on rail and road logistical centers used by the Empire of Britain to attack the Russian Empire.

May 1920 - The Secret Service is reconstituted into the Federal Security Bureau (FSB) after the U.S. reorganizes into the NAFR (North American Federal Republic). Samantha Grey is identified as a candidate for compulsory national service.

July 1920 - 1923 - After the first nuclear tests, several individuals with superpowers are arrested by national governments. Samantha and others are secretly inducted into national service.

1922-1945 - Samantha is assigned to FSB Special Tasking Group Nine, routing intelligence to Salvadoran kill-squads that assassinate Imperial leaders and supporters.

August 1952 - Samantha is tasked with setting and detonating explosives in Thailand to disrupt logistical flows to Imperial Jannissary regiments clashing with conventional Federal Expeditionary Forces.

1957 - Samantha is tested for resistance to hard radiation and allocated to the Nuclear Force, where she is trained for nuclear subversion and tampering missions.

November 14, 1968 - NAFR Special Forces execute a commando raid on the Imperial Nuclear Research Station Tehran (INRST), with Samantha participating and destroying most of the production facility and equipment.

January 1969 - Samantha is manumitted, has her human identity and citizenship restored, and is commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the FSB Secret Forces. She is awarded the Secret Service Cross for extraordinary determination in completing a mission under great adversity.

1972 - Samantha receives a new assignment to the newly constituted Space Force and begins numerous tours in space facilities with other super-powered individuals in the secret service. She is awarded the Space and Orbits Badge.

1982 - Samantha leads a team of Super Force Cyber Rangers to liberate slave populations in Imperial Falklands but must retreat hastily as Imperial Forces perform saturation nuclear strikes. She is awarded the Defense Distinguished Service Medal.

1990 - Samantha provides Super Force security for the Manned Orbital Recon Satellite Delta Nine and rescues six crewmen via long-range teleport when the satellite is hit by an Imperial Surface to Orbit Missile (SOM) during the Middle Eastern Conflicts. She is awarded the Super Force Distinguished Service Medal with the Space Forces Golden Orbit for exceptionally meritorious service.

2003 - Samantha is assigned to a task group inciting riots in East African Imperial Domains and is awarded the Intelligence Medal of Merit for her analysis of critical functional relationships in oppressed slave populations. She is also awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.

Spring 2009 - Samantha and forty-six other Super Force metas intervene in the Middle Eastern "Slaughter Spring" and attempt to raise local insurgent forces from the civilian population. They are driven out by Imperial Meta Command, and Samantha has a brief combat engagement with Lady Warspite. She is awarded the Purple Heart and receives a field promotion to First Lieutenant.

Later Assignments and Achievements

2011-2017 - Samantha is assigned to Moonbase Omega's Command security detachment and meets Space Force Lieutenant General Matthew King.

2018 - Samantha is detached to the Space Force's 203rd Teleport Assault Company, Bravo Team, as the team lead under Company Commander Captain Maria Medina. The 203rd is assigned to the secret RSS Montana project in the asteroid belt.


Team Leaders
Global Defenders
AntivenomFortHomefrontShadeknightShadowbatSilver TwilightSpinosaurus Wrecks
AfterglowArvoAsh MaidenBotanicaBronze BelfryCloudkeeperCymoneDragonstrikeEver StarFarwalkerGloombugJaeger
Lock-DownMistmourneMoonbeamMr. BlankNightbornPsychic FoxThe SilversaintSteel ShieldWind-RiderWindWarrior
All MuscleAria SoundCaptain PoseidonDr. UnknownExpertGodsparkGraystarGridiron GoliathMass ImpactMoonlight Medallion
Ms. SovereignPsionicPulsonSgt. StarburstSir ChozrikSir WinterStar.StormStellarexUniversal KnightWill o' the WispsWombattle
Reserve Members
Blue IconBoltyChimera GirlLumixNebuleiaUltrastar