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| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#Backstory | Backstory]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#Backstory | Backstory]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#GDF: Phase 1 | GDF: Phase 1]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#GDF: Phase 1 - The Foundation| GDF: Phase 1]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#GDF: Phase 2 | GDF: Phase 2]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#GDF: Phase 2 - Age of Overseer| GDF: Phase 2]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#Allies & Enemies | Allies & Enemies]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#Allies & Enemies | Allies & Enemies]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#The Beacon | The Beacon]]  
| style="width: 10%; text-align: center; font-size: 125%; font-weight: bold;" |[[#The Beacon | The Beacon]]  
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<div style="font-size: 6px;color: #70D4F5; background-color: #70D4F5; line-height: 6px; margin-top: 1px">GDF: Phase 1</div>
<div style="font-size: 6px;color: #70D4F5; background-color: #70D4F5; line-height: 6px; margin-top: 1px">GDF: Phase 1</div>
<div style="font-size: 2px;color: #70D4F5; background-color: #70D4F5; line-height: 2px; margin-top: 5px">GDF: Phase 1</div>
<div style="font-size: 2px;color: #70D4F5; background-color: #70D4F5; line-height: 2px; margin-top: 5px">GDF: Phase 1</div>
<div style="padding-left:25px;padding-right:25px;">'''JUMP TO VOLUME:'''<br>
'''[[#ch1|<span style="color:#0D004C">01</span>]]''' | '''[[#ch2|<span style="color:#0D004C">02</span>]]''' | '''[[#ch3|<span style="color:#0D004C">03</span>]]''' | '''[[#ch4|<span style="color:#0D004C">04</span>]]''' | '''[[#ch5|<span style="color:#0D004C">05</span>]]''' | '''[[#ch2|<span style="color:#0D004C">06</span>]]''' | '''[[#ch7|<span style="color:#0D004C">07</span>]]''' | '''[[#ch8|<span style="color:#0D004C">08</span>]]'''</div></center>
<div id="ch1"><center><span style="font-size:25px;">Vol. 1: <u>'''<span style="color:#0D004C">Devoured</span>'''</u></span><br><i>Released March 2020</i></center></div>
The GDF was informed by the UN that an outbreak of Tellurian Plague had occurred in a Central African research facility. Once inside, the heroes discovered lab notes detailing experiments involving the introduction of Tellurian Plague to flora and fauna from Primal Earth. They also discovered the researchers had successfully combined the Plague with a rare lichen from Eden creating the 'Red Lichen'. Soon after, the GDF rescued the lead researcher of the Red Lichen, Arthur Stotch.
As Arthur led them further into the lab, the heroes learned the Red Lichen seemingly had a mind of its own; quickly enveloping any living creature it was introduced to. To their horror, it was revealed that Arthur had tested the lichen on himself, creating the monstrous entity known only as 'Massacre' The resulting battle between Massacre and the heroes raged throughout the facility as the heroes tried to keep the lab intact but also rescue the remaining trapped survivors. Ultimately, Massacre escaped and the GDF plotted their next moves.
Knowing how linked Massacre could be to the Devouring Earth, the heroes calculated that he would eventually try to make its way toward the Hamidon. The heroes placed scanners throughout Eden and the Hive to notify the GDF when Massacre was in the vicinity. In addition, the heroes also attempted to discover the origin of the lichen used in the experiments. Defeating the Crystal Titan, the GDF were able to recover enough lichen samples to bring back to the Beacon to try and learn how it could be turned into the Red Lichen.
As research on the lichen continued, the UN reported that survivors from the research lab revealed that Arthur Stotch previously worked with Arachnos as a researcher on the Devouring Earth. This pointed the GDF toward Vernon von Grun; Arachnos' chief researcher on the Devouring Earth. The GDF would eventually catch up to von Grun who revealed Arthur wasn't evil enough for Arachnos and was extremely pleased when someone affiliated with 'The Foundation' came looking for candidates for an African research lab.
After dealing with von Grun, the GDF were called back to Eden where the Woodsman had discovered a hidden cave system below where the heroes previously fought the Crystal Titan. Not only did a large source of the same lichen grow within, but also crystallized Will of the Earth. As their research had still come up empty, the GDF assumed the Will of the Earth was the key to creating the Red Lichen. With the sheer amount of Will of the Earth inside, the GDF theorized Massacre would attempt to come here upon his arrival to the area.
The heroes then created a trap for Massacre; installing power dampeners throughout the cave while fighting through the creatures that called the cave home. In addition to the trap, the heroes also obtained Crey's defoliating poison as a backup should the dampeners not be enough. Not long after the final preparations were made, A.V.I. alerted the heroes that Massacre had finally arrived in Eden.
The battle raged throughout Eden as the crazed symbiote monstrosity proved able to withstand immense damage and also siphon off parts of his form to create innumerable decoys. Using the defoliating serum along with any group attacks they could muster, the heroes were finally able to push Massacre into the power dampening trap inside the Will of the Earth cave. The trap ultimately worked as intended and the Red Lichen retreated; Arthur Stotch was once again in control of his actions and teleported to the Beacon's power dampening detainment cell.
After a round of questions regarding the origins of the African research lab and who the Foundation was, Arthur was eventually placed into United Nations custody. If the Foundation had the means to not only procure Tellurian Plague from Praetorian Earth but establish a facility in Africa, they may prove to be a big problem the GDF would have to deal with sooner rather than later.```
<div style="background:#70D4F5;color:#0D004C;border:5px Solid #3090C7;width:500px;margin:0 auto;"><center>'''[[#top|<span style="color:#0D004C">▲ BACK TO TOP ▲</span>]]'''</center></div>
<div id="ch2"><center><span style="font-size:25px;">Vol. 2: <u>'''<span style="color:#0D004C">The Nictus Conspiracy</span>'''</u></span><br><i>Released August 2020</i></center></div>
Sunstorm alerted the Global Defense Force to attacks that were occuring at numerous Council bases; specifically bases housing Nictus and Kheldian technology. During their investigation, the GDF was drawn into battle with both Arakhn and Requiem before the true culprits revealed themselves. A force of new Void Hunters outfitted with extremely powerful Quantum Array Rifles attacked the GDF although ultimately they were unsuccessful in their ambush. During the ensuing chaos, the GDF was able to obtain one of the rifles which they took back to the Beacon for analysis.
A.V.I. alerted the heroes sometime later and pointed them toward a village in Eastern Europe where the AI had found the manufacturing spot for the rifles. As they investigated the village, the GDF uncovered the mine where the Void Hunters were forcing the villagers to mine for the rifle materials. Upon saving the village, the GDF were pointed to a company known as 'N-Corp'. Investigating N-Corp's office led them to stop more Void Hunters from destroying it but also found themselves in a secret sub-level below the office. Upon investigating further, they were met with a taunting message from Victor Ivanoff, the head of N-Corp. Ivanoff then unleashed his latest creation, Darkforge, on the Global Defense Force.
The GDF did not have long to figure out what the Darkforge was as they were soon called to deal with a prison break at the hands of both the Council and 5th Column who were looking to free their respective leaders. As the attack on Zigursky continued, N-Corp made their move and were able to capture both Nictus. The GDF followed the Void Hunters to a Russian N-Corp facility where the Council had tracked Arakhn to be. Inside the facility, they fought their way through the Void Hunters and Darkforges and were able to free a retired Russian hero known as 'Guardian'. Taking the GDF back to his base, Guardian was able to give the heroes more information on Project: Darkforge, mainly the fact that they were all cloned from 'NE-M.King', which the heroes concluded that they were cloned from Starforge himself. Unfortunately, they were also left with a message that Arakhn and the Council also had this information.
Taking a small detour on their investigation to stop Arakhn, the GDF enlisted the help of the Freedom Phalanx to help save Paragon City. As Arakhn was defeated, the GDF uncover the flash drive they deduced housed the information she downloaded from Guardian's base, however it turned out to be a message from the mysterious 'S'. 'S' pointed them to an alternate dimension where they found Victor Ivanoff had just left but were able to triangulate his position and teleport to the main N-Corp facility.
Doing battle with Ivanoff, the GDF manage to finally defeat him but not before coming face to face with the source of N-Corp's Nictus and the true source of the Darkforges, Starscourge. Starscourge was revealed to be Starforge's doppelganger from Nictus Earth and the genetic template the Foundation had given N-Corp to use. The GDF ultimately defeated the Nictus and drove him back to his home dimension. Not only did the Foundation appear to have the capability to conduct genetics testing and now cloning but this event also confirmed they had the power to reach various alternate dimensions.
<div style="background:#70D4F5;color:#0D004C;border:5px Solid #3090C7;width:500px;margin:0 auto;"><center>'''[[#top|<span style="color:#0D004C">▲ BACK TO TOP ▲</span>]]'''</center></div>

Revision as of 11:24, 3 November 2023


Work in Progress

This article or user page is a work in progress. It may undergo critical changes while this message remains in place. As a courtesy, please avoid making minor edits to this page while this message is displayed, in order to avoid edit conflicts.


"Serving as a beacon of hope in times of darkness."
Backstory GDF: Phase 1 GDF: Phase 2 Allies & Enemies The Beacon The Hall of Heroes Team Members



In late 2011, the untimely closure of the Palladium Sentry left a huge void in the superhero community. For so many years, the Sentry served as a cornerstone in not only the fight against crime, but also improving the lives of Paragon City's citizens. Fortunately, former Sentry member Starforge had an idea. Whereas the Palladium Sentry oftentimes fought crime at home in Paragon, Starforge believed a group that could more readily protect the entire planet was needed. Soon enough in early 2012, the Global Defense Force was born.

The mission of the Global Defense Force was simple; to be ready to deploy heroes around the planet at a moments notice anytime a threat arose. In order to do this, Starforge was able to obtain a derelict space station which was soon retrofitted to serve as the orbiting base of the Global Defense Force. Not long after completion of the station, Starforge had the station technicians install a central intelligence unit in the command center. An offshoot of the Palladium Sentry's own intelligence unit, NAIKA, AVI (Automated Virtual Interface) would help keep the station's defenses and databases up to date. Soon enough, the Lambent Dawn was officially operational.

The first members to join Starforge in the Global Defense Force were his longtime allies from his days in the Palladium Sentry. It didn't take long for word to spread and before he knew it, the group's membership soon included a wide variety of established heroes and even some at the start of their heroic careers. Unfortunately, this also drew the ire of many villains looking to make their name at the GDF's expense. The most notorious of these villains were known as the Doom Society. The leader of the Doom Society, Dominion, had his sights set on taking down Starforge and the GDF and at the end of 2012...he succeeded.

Staging a calculated attack on the Lambent Dawn, the Doom Society was able to not only destroy the base but take down a good number of heroes with it. The icing on the cake was their sabotage of the GDF's shuttle which forced a trapped Starforge to watch in horror as everything he had built was taken away. However, in their haste to destroy the base, the Doom Society missed the fact that the shuttle wasn't actually destroyed in the attack. Hurtled through space from the explosion, it took many years for Starforge to return home.

The world had seemingly changed a great deal when Starforge returned to Paragon City. The fallout of the Doom Society's attack had left the few surviving members of the GDF scattered or in hiding while the villains were relishing in their newfound fame. It would take a long time, but Starforge was determined to see the Global Defense Force return. His first stop was the find any trace of the Lambent Dawn. Luckily, he discovered debris on the lunar surface and after establishing a new partnership with the United Nations, the Global Defense Force was once again up and running. Temporarily based out of the Armstrong Moonbase, Starforge used this as a staging ground to recover more debris from the Lambent Dawn. As luck would have it, AVI was able to survive the attack which helped a great deal in getting the GDF up and running again.

In the ensuing months, Starforge worked with the United Nations while also having the Guardian Collective help move a decommissioned Guardian outpost into Earth's orbit to serve as a more permanent base of operations for the GDF. Many more villains were seeking to put an end to the Global Defense Force's resurgence but despite these threats the Global Defense Force's new base, the Beacon, was brought into Earth's orbit and will be the new staging ground for Starforge and his team to defend the Earth from any evil that seek to harm it.

GDF: Phase 1 - The Foundation

GDF: Phase 1
GDF: Phase 1

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08

Vol. 1: Devoured
Released March 2020

The GDF was informed by the UN that an outbreak of Tellurian Plague had occurred in a Central African research facility. Once inside, the heroes discovered lab notes detailing experiments involving the introduction of Tellurian Plague to flora and fauna from Primal Earth. They also discovered the researchers had successfully combined the Plague with a rare lichen from Eden creating the 'Red Lichen'. Soon after, the GDF rescued the lead researcher of the Red Lichen, Arthur Stotch.

As Arthur led them further into the lab, the heroes learned the Red Lichen seemingly had a mind of its own; quickly enveloping any living creature it was introduced to. To their horror, it was revealed that Arthur had tested the lichen on himself, creating the monstrous entity known only as 'Massacre' The resulting battle between Massacre and the heroes raged throughout the facility as the heroes tried to keep the lab intact but also rescue the remaining trapped survivors. Ultimately, Massacre escaped and the GDF plotted their next moves.

Knowing how linked Massacre could be to the Devouring Earth, the heroes calculated that he would eventually try to make its way toward the Hamidon. The heroes placed scanners throughout Eden and the Hive to notify the GDF when Massacre was in the vicinity. In addition, the heroes also attempted to discover the origin of the lichen used in the experiments. Defeating the Crystal Titan, the GDF were able to recover enough lichen samples to bring back to the Beacon to try and learn how it could be turned into the Red Lichen.

As research on the lichen continued, the UN reported that survivors from the research lab revealed that Arthur Stotch previously worked with Arachnos as a researcher on the Devouring Earth. This pointed the GDF toward Vernon von Grun; Arachnos' chief researcher on the Devouring Earth. The GDF would eventually catch up to von Grun who revealed Arthur wasn't evil enough for Arachnos and was extremely pleased when someone affiliated with 'The Foundation' came looking for candidates for an African research lab.

After dealing with von Grun, the GDF were called back to Eden where the Woodsman had discovered a hidden cave system below where the heroes previously fought the Crystal Titan. Not only did a large source of the same lichen grow within, but also crystallized Will of the Earth. As their research had still come up empty, the GDF assumed the Will of the Earth was the key to creating the Red Lichen. With the sheer amount of Will of the Earth inside, the GDF theorized Massacre would attempt to come here upon his arrival to the area.

The heroes then created a trap for Massacre; installing power dampeners throughout the cave while fighting through the creatures that called the cave home. In addition to the trap, the heroes also obtained Crey's defoliating poison as a backup should the dampeners not be enough. Not long after the final preparations were made, A.V.I. alerted the heroes that Massacre had finally arrived in Eden.

The battle raged throughout Eden as the crazed symbiote monstrosity proved able to withstand immense damage and also siphon off parts of his form to create innumerable decoys. Using the defoliating serum along with any group attacks they could muster, the heroes were finally able to push Massacre into the power dampening trap inside the Will of the Earth cave. The trap ultimately worked as intended and the Red Lichen retreated; Arthur Stotch was once again in control of his actions and teleported to the Beacon's power dampening detainment cell.

After a round of questions regarding the origins of the African research lab and who the Foundation was, Arthur was eventually placed into United Nations custody. If the Foundation had the means to not only procure Tellurian Plague from Praetorian Earth but establish a facility in Africa, they may prove to be a big problem the GDF would have to deal with sooner rather than later.```

Vol. 2: The Nictus Conspiracy
Released August 2020

Sunstorm alerted the Global Defense Force to attacks that were occuring at numerous Council bases; specifically bases housing Nictus and Kheldian technology. During their investigation, the GDF was drawn into battle with both Arakhn and Requiem before the true culprits revealed themselves. A force of new Void Hunters outfitted with extremely powerful Quantum Array Rifles attacked the GDF although ultimately they were unsuccessful in their ambush. During the ensuing chaos, the GDF was able to obtain one of the rifles which they took back to the Beacon for analysis.

A.V.I. alerted the heroes sometime later and pointed them toward a village in Eastern Europe where the AI had found the manufacturing spot for the rifles. As they investigated the village, the GDF uncovered the mine where the Void Hunters were forcing the villagers to mine for the rifle materials. Upon saving the village, the GDF were pointed to a company known as 'N-Corp'. Investigating N-Corp's office led them to stop more Void Hunters from destroying it but also found themselves in a secret sub-level below the office. Upon investigating further, they were met with a taunting message from Victor Ivanoff, the head of N-Corp. Ivanoff then unleashed his latest creation, Darkforge, on the Global Defense Force.

The GDF did not have long to figure out what the Darkforge was as they were soon called to deal with a prison break at the hands of both the Council and 5th Column who were looking to free their respective leaders. As the attack on Zigursky continued, N-Corp made their move and were able to capture both Nictus. The GDF followed the Void Hunters to a Russian N-Corp facility where the Council had tracked Arakhn to be. Inside the facility, they fought their way through the Void Hunters and Darkforges and were able to free a retired Russian hero known as 'Guardian'. Taking the GDF back to his base, Guardian was able to give the heroes more information on Project: Darkforge, mainly the fact that they were all cloned from 'NE-M.King', which the heroes concluded that they were cloned from Starforge himself. Unfortunately, they were also left with a message that Arakhn and the Council also had this information.

Taking a small detour on their investigation to stop Arakhn, the GDF enlisted the help of the Freedom Phalanx to help save Paragon City. As Arakhn was defeated, the GDF uncover the flash drive they deduced housed the information she downloaded from Guardian's base, however it turned out to be a message from the mysterious 'S'. 'S' pointed them to an alternate dimension where they found Victor Ivanoff had just left but were able to triangulate his position and teleport to the main N-Corp facility.

Doing battle with Ivanoff, the GDF manage to finally defeat him but not before coming face to face with the source of N-Corp's Nictus and the true source of the Darkforges, Starscourge. Starscourge was revealed to be Starforge's doppelganger from Nictus Earth and the genetic template the Foundation had given N-Corp to use. The GDF ultimately defeated the Nictus and drove him back to his home dimension. Not only did the Foundation appear to have the capability to conduct genetics testing and now cloning but this event also confirmed they had the power to reach various alternate dimensions.

GDF: Phase 2 - Age of Overseer

GDF: Phase 2
GDF: Phase 2

Coming soon Late 2023

Allies & Enemies

Allies & Enemies
Allies & Enemies



The Beacon

The Beacon
The Beacon

The Beacon is the name of the orbiting base of the Global Defense Force. A large number of technicians are employed to manage the regular maintenance necessary to keep the Beacon functional. Due to destruction of the original base by the Doom Society in 2012, security has been heightened greatly on the Beacon; members of the Global Defense Force are given communicators that allow them to access the teleportation network set up by AVI to allow them access to the base from any location. Those allied with the Global Defense Force are also granted clearance to access the base.

Base Layout

Room Descriptions

The Hall of Heroes

The Hall of Heroes
The Hall of Heroes

The Hall of Heroes was constructed on the site where the Global Defense Force and their allies had their final, climactic battle, with the alien warlord Conqueror. Initially built to serve as a memorial honoring all the heroes lost in not only that battle itself but also the various Foundation-aligned plots directly preceding, the GDF also utilize the Hall as their secondary base of operations on Earth.

Base Layout

Room Descriptions

Team Members

Team Members
Team Members

Team Leaders
Global Defenders
AntivenomFortHomefrontShadeknightShadowbatSilver TwilightSpinosaurus Wrecks
AfterglowArvoAsh MaidenBotanicaBronze BelfryCloudkeeperCymoneDragonstrikeEver StarFarwalkerGloombugJaeger
Lock-DownMistmourneMoonbeamMr. BlankNightbornPsychic FoxThe SilversaintSteel ShieldWind-RiderWindWarrior
All MuscleAria SoundCaptain PoseidonDr. UnknownExpertGodsparkGraystarGridiron GoliathMass ImpactMoonlight Medallion
Ms. SovereignPsionicPulsonSgt. StarburstSir ChozrikSir WinterStar.StormStellarexUniversal KnightWill o' the WispsWombattle
Reserve Members
Blue IconBoltyChimera GirlLumixNebuleiaUltrastar