Guardian Adept

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Arek Banner.png

Arek Banner.png
Arek Main JPG.jpg
""๐“‡‹๐“…ฑ ๐“Ž›๐“€ƒ ๐“‚‹๐“ˆŽ๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ค๐“€ ๐“Ž›๐“ˆ–๐“‚ ๐“‚‹๐“‚๐“‡ณ""
PLAYER @EgyptoNerd
Super Group GDFResize.png
Rank Defender
Current Affliations
Former Affiliations

Real Name Arek ๐“‚‹๐“ˆŽ๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ค๐“€
Known Aliases Guardian ๐“€ธ
Gender Male
Species Demigod Golem
Birthdate ๐“„Ÿ๐“‹ด๐“…ฑ๐“ ๐“…ƒ๐“ˆŒ๐“๐“ญ๐“€ญ ๐“Žฑ
Place of Birth ๐“‡พ๐“Œป๐“‚‹๐“‡‹๐“†ด๐“ˆ‰
Current Location Paragon City
Relatives ๐“น๐“†‘๐“ˆ–๐“‹ด๐“ˆ–๐“ฅ๐“™๐“‹น

Apparent Age Appears 21
Height 5'11"
Weight 250 lbs
Eyes Honey-Green/Gold
Hair Dark Brown/Black
Complexion Medium Bronze
Build Athletic
Notable Features Tattooed ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs around his collarbone, down his spine, upper arms, thighs and chest. Eyes shimmer with gold.

Identity Public
Citizenship ๐“€…๐“Šน๐“ช
Marital Status
Occupation ๐“€ธ๐“„ฟ๐“ฒ๐“›๐“€œ


Solar Energy Manipulation, Durability, Enhanced Strength, Regeneration. Adaptive Linguistics, Flight and Teleportation.
Gold bands around his biceps and wrists.

   Energy noinclude></noinclude>
ProtectorsBox Template


OOC Notes: The .

history something!

Arek Main 2 JPG.jpg
"bold text in the paragraph."
"more bold text in the paragraphs."
"My Name!"
And, thus, the profile history came to be.

Trivia Time: Arek's faceclaim is Toni Mahfud.

THis is stuff about Arek's personality.

File:Cgpa2.pngPowers & Abilities

NOTE: Take this as OOC information! ...

Solar Energy Manipulation

Arek Slam JPG.jpg
  • Super Strength: A.
  • Invulnerability: W!
  • Regeneration: R.
  • Flight: Like a comet in the sky, he is able to soar and hover through the air. When in flight, solar energy is always surrounding him in a golden glow.
  • Energy Discharge: T.






  • xx ; d
  • xx ; C
  • xx : F.


  • Nh: H
  • Vy: T.
  • Lm: I
  • Es: I.
  • Sd: S.



Arek Actionshot2 JPG.jpg

470px|right| GDF? | thumbnail

These are the people he has either befriended or has been working with to ensure the public is protected. Either affiliates or people he has grown close to, they are the ones he isn't afraid to call on or heed their call when they need the help.


  • Global Defense Force: The Global Defense Force .. blah blah blah ... Starforge blah blah blah Tlatelolco blah blah blah.
  • New Defenders:: A bunch of nerds
  • Ancient EGyptian Gods: stuff


  • Dexter and Wrecks: It's a man and a kaiju...
  • Probably others...: uuuuhh.

ok maybe



Is there one yet?



Have something to say about Arek? Say it here!

Chivalry: "Cosmic Glory is a fair and powerful maiden with strong morales! I did battle her not the other day and lo' she and I did battle perpetually to a stock standstill with no victor!"

Hunter: "Cos? Sweet kid. Gives me a heart attack ta see'er out here, fightin' monsters, killers, what have ya. But, I wouldn't be able ta stop her, an' sometimes ya can't NOT use yer powers. That said, kid should be careful so she can be an' old fart someday like me an'

Thundrax: "She has world of potential, and an even bigger heart. And a great singing voice too!"

Avro: "She's already a better hero than most of the other people out there. When Cosmic Glory is a little older, she's either going to be leading the Champions...or on Sixteen and Pregnant."

Mr. Blank: "Good. Perhaps better than good. For now, petulance and inexperience are obstacles stopping her from harnessing her true potential. She'd better hope she can overcome them before they overcome her."

The Peacemaker: "She's one of the best up-and-coming heroes we've got! She can handle her own out there, and that's good news for all of us."

Nightwave: "I don't put my faith in politicians or religions. I put my faith in people. People who are better than me. Cosmic Glory is one of these people. Shes the one I'm fighting for. Shes the only reason I need to don the mask."

Tomonari: "She's... w-well, nice. Um... honestly, I-I really don't know wh-what to really say. I don't r-really think much on her being a-a hero, but, she's an honest friend. I don't want that to change."

Dragonfly: "What can I say about Faye? She's the first girl to make me feel the way I do about her and I love spending time with her. I love seeing her face, her smile. What can I say? I love her, even if she is a little on the "petite" side, she's got a heart the size a' a jumbo jet."

Lightwave: "It's not often that I'll admit this, but there are some heroes that I am terribly jealous of. The ones that have it in them to be great, the ones with not only the power, but the heart. She's almost ten years younger than I am, but she's decades ahead of me, and has the potential to be much, MUCH more. She's a great kid with a huge heart, and I'm jealous, there, I said it."

Gary Lelik: "Haven't met her all too much, but from what I could tell? She's one of the more upstanding folk we got horsing around. I'd buy her ice-cream for her heroics, but I figger she'd be creeped out by it.Anyway. Nice kid. Nuff said."

General Freedom: "She's a good kid with a lot of heart. Brave, respectful and kind. I hope this life doesn't beat that out of her."

Real Soviet Damage: "Ask Sascha, and Sascha say that conviction and heart greatest super powers of Comrade."

Sparrowhawk: "Cosmic Glory is immensely powerful, hopeful and kind. She's been invaluable in the short time she has been with the Protectors. I think even larger things are in store for her, most definitely."

Voreen: "Cosmic Glory is kind hearted, sincere, and nice. There are many good things about her. I hope she keeps that flame alive as she ages."

Ice-Heart: "It always pains me to see that such youth must fight and be put in harms way. I am gladdened though that she has grown stronger in the crucible that fate has thrust her in."

Tesseract: "Man, for someone so young, she's had to deal with a lot, at least as in the short time that I've known her. Still, despite all that, she manages to just be this...bright light in the middle of a dark room. It's hard not to be inspired, and her hopefulness just kind of rubs off on you."

Razira: "Despite her young age, Cosmic Glory is a fantastic, upbeat, and powerful teammate that refuses to let the weight of the world bring her down. She's been through a lot in her limited years, and despite having had things happen to her that would crack more experienced heroes, Glory continues to take it in stride. I'm proud to have her as an ally in the Protectors."

Fathom: "Doesn't matter how bleak things look during a battle, we can always rely on Cosmic Glory to re-energize our morale and throw in a punch or two."

C.O.P.: "Newbie's got a better handle on things than most heroes twice her age. She's more than earned her place with the Protectors."

Artifist: "Glory's got style and skill to match her fierce determination and 'never give up' attitude. Give her about ten years and I'm sure she'll running her own global superteam."

Imp (Angel Anderson) "I don't know her too well. But she's stronk, has a good head on her shoulders, and is JUST FREAKIN' ADORABLE! Seriously, I just wanna pinch her cheeks!"

Keioseth: "She is my first and, I'm fairly certain, ONLY fan. She's always a shining ray of light even in the darkest times."

Keioseth II: "If you even are having a bad day just walk up to her and give her a hug, she's the best!"

The Doctor: "What a sweetheart. I give her about five more years in this business, then she'll have encountered so many insane cultists, violent mass murderers and ruthless opportunists that it'll put that naive attitude to rest faster than she can pray to her little shooting stars. People are just the worst. *chuckles* Case in point right here!"

Jinn: "My colleague wish giver! That rhyme she does totally sounds like a pick-up line for a one-night stand though... it really does! It's an easy mistake to make. Ooh! Think I should maybe get myself some lyrical poetry too? Ahem! - Winds of the north, east, south and west. First kisses are the best. If I may, If I might... Have a taste of magic tonight."

Captain Adamant: "Naivetรฉ is a liability in this line of work, no matter the powers behind it. But Faye is committed to doing better every day, which is more than others her age can say. I hope it's enough."

  • Cosmic Glory's original hero name was going to be Starr. The same concept of being a hero with powers of a comet were there but the backstory of being a little girl was not there. This would not come until later when surfing for a proper hero name and finding inspiration from a certain superhero from the Marvel universe.
  • The Cosmic Glory is a concept based off of Haley's Comet many years ago. It was a big comet that flew in the sky and the color that @Angelight remembered from its tail was the color blue. That is why her flames were given a blue color, to emulate that comet in the sky. Her name, Faye, is named after another comet. You can read about Faye's Comet right here!
  • Faye loves stuffed animals. She has a huge fixation for teddy bears. She has one on her bed that she sleeps with every night named Fluffy. She had it ever since she was a baby.
  • Faye hates broccoli.
