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  • 20:27, 7 November 2024Barbara Athena (hist | edit) ‎[2,336 bytes]Archiviste (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WIP}} FILE:wiki_barbryan.png '''TO BE CONTINUED...''' Category:Character Category:Everlasting") originally created as "Barbara Ryan"
  • 03:09, 7 November 2024Asteroid (hist | edit) ‎[4,693 bytes]First Player (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div style="background:-webkit-radial-gradient(#15082b,#532997,#15082b);padding-top:110px;padding-bottom:110px;"> <div style="margin:0 auto;background:#000;width:1000px;box-shadow:0px 0px 30px 0px #000;color:#363636;font-family: calibri;font-size:16px;color:#fff;letter-spacing:0.1ex;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"> <center></center> <div style="margin-top:-350px;padding-left:70px;padding-right:70px;padding-bott...")
  • 23:02, 5 November 2024Flambae (hist | edit) ‎[10,151 bytes]Drea (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div style="background-color:#050505;padding:50px;"> <div style="border-top: 1px Solid #fffe65;border-bottom: 1px solid #c53bff;border-right:1px solid #a6ff6a;border-left:1px solid #2ecde7; margin:0 auto;background:#000415;width:1000px;"> <div style="margin: 0 auto; width:1000px;"><div align="center"></div></div> <div style="margin-top:-84px;padding:20px; background-color: transparent;width:950px; font-family: arial; font-size:18px; line-h...")
  • 18:44, 5 November 2024Saguara (hist | edit) ‎[67,689 bytes]Kang081 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{RogueBox | image = Saguara.png | caption = | name = | player = @HNBC | archetype = Dominator | origin = Science | level = 41 | realname = Cassandra Delavega | aliases = Cassie, Saggy, Cactus Cass, Prickles | species = Human Mutate | age = 27 | height =5'5" | weight = 165 lbs | eyes = Golden-Brown | hair = Dark Greenish Brown | nationality = Hispanic | occupation = Botanist (formerly) | birthplace = Tuscon, AZ | hometown = Paragon City, PI | marital = Single | relativ...")
  • 23:28, 4 November 2024The Owl (hist | edit) ‎[418 bytes]TheZura (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{HeroBox | image = | caption = | name = | player = | archetype = | origin = | level = | realname = | aliases = | species = | age = | height = | weight = | eyes = | hair = | nationality = | occupation = | birthplace = | hometown = | marital = | relatives = | powers = | abilities = | equipment = | footnotes = |}} <!--- Add your Character Information here ---> Category: Character Category:Hero")
  • 04:43, 31 October 2024Li'l Knightmare (hist | edit) ‎[2,005 bytes]KellyRocket (talk | contribs) (Created page with " {{VigilanteBox | image = | caption = | name = Li'l Knightmare | player = | archetype = Controller | origin = Magic | level = | realname = | aliases = | species = | age = | height = | weight = | eyes = | hair = | nationality = | occupation = | birthplace = | hometown = | marital = | relatives = | powers = | abilities = | equipment = | footnotes = |}} <!--- Add your Character Information here ---> Longbow Intelligence File: Li'l Knightmare 10 year old <name redacted*>...")
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