Crazy Hex-Ghoulfiend
"I'm not UN-dead. I'm FUN-dead. Necromancy? More like Necro-FANCY."
CASUAL OBSERVATION: Dark, prominent veins. Abnormally long tongue and canine teeth; speech unaffected. Never yawns, coughs, sneezes, cries, sweats, eats, or drinks. Skin is pale and always feels cool. Animals react with fear and hostility. Only ever wears gold jewelry, never silver.
EXTENDED OBSERVATION: Appears while asleep to be fresh corpse. Does cry; tears are blood. Does drink, blood only. Doesn't age; ages and decays if deprived of blood and/or sleep; replenishment restores youth.
POWERS/TECH: Never breathes except to talk. No heartbeat. No body heat. Always appears to Infrared Vision as colder than surroundings regardless of ambient temperature. Never dreams. Exceptionally resistant to probing or influence by psychic powers, but not completely immune.
Empusa. Gello. Lamia. Mormo. Throughout the ages, the Greek goddess Hekate has transformed many wronged women into monsters, forging their anger and anguish into weapons of divine wrath.
A knife wielded by the jealous wife of one of her lovers left Alessa laying in the street bleeding out into the gutter. With her dying breaths, she said a prayer to no deity in particular. Hekate heard that prayer, and answered.
The authorities didn't even bother to perform an autopsy. Alessa's remarkably, unnaturally well-preserved corpse was buried in a potter's field and forgotten. Three days later, Penelope grasped and clawed up out of her own grave, thirsty for the blood of the living.
Gale Power Grid |
- Academic
- Accidental Hero
- Adult
- American
- Anti-Hero
- Brute
- Caucasian
- Character
- Criminal Record
- Dark Armor
- Dark Melee
- Derivative
- Divine
- Estranged
- Everlasting
- Ex-Human
- Full-Time Hero
- Horror
- Immortal
- Italian
- Lapsed Catholic
- Legally Deceased
- Magic
- Magical Creature
- Magician
- Mage
- Mature Roleplay
- Modern Age
- Multilingual
- Mystic
- Nonhuman
- Not Publicly Known
- Petty Criminal
- Researcher
- Scholar
- Sexy
- Single
- Sorcerer
- Tragic
- Undead
- Vampire
- Witch