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| abilities =Superb physical dexterity and damage resistance, strength increases in proportion to situation
| abilities =Superb physical dexterity and damage resistance, strength increases in proportion to situation
| equipment =Magically-enhanced staff that can transform into a variety of shapes
| equipment =Magically-enhanced staff that can transform into a variety of shapes
| footnotes =
| footnotes = Closely associated with the organizations [[Bells Demoralisation and Demolishment]] and [[Demolition Divas]]

Revision as of 22:19, 21 October 2020

Player: @Belah Nain
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: Rising
Personal Data
Real Name: Samantha "Sam" Dorset
Known Aliases: Artbreaker, The Cleaner, The Maid of Malice, The Housekeeper from Hell
Species: Human
Age: Unknown
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eye Color: Variable
Hair Color: Variable
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Isles Citizen
Occupation: Professional Vandal, Professional Pole Dancer
Place of Birth: St Martial, Rogue Isles
Base of Operations: St Martial
Marital Status: HA!
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Superhuman strength, size/mass shifting, empathic sustenance, entropic aura
Known Abilities
Superb physical dexterity and damage resistance, strength increases in proportion to situation
Magically-enhanced staff that can transform into a variety of shapes
Closely associated with the organizations Bells Demoralisation and Demolishment and Demolition Divas

Little Miss Homewrecker

"And we all got up individually and thought 'Okay, let's go over there and destroy the place'."

While most of her life is unknown, we know that her specialty is sabotage and demolition: Hired to infiltrate a home, office, private collection, museum, or other facility under the form of an unassuming, petite maid; once she has located and disabled the security system she will transform into a much larger form and destroy everything she can get her hands on.

A Guardian Angel(?)

"Biomechanical is tearing their hair out again. Looks like another 'empowerment' from our favorite chaos-bringer. I guess the good news is that MAGI is getting yelled at even more than we are."

Enhanced beyond her normal "smash and bash" physical presence with the aid of Belah Nain, Artbreaker's abilities have expanded to an "entropic field" which renders anything within a three meter radius extra-brittle and susceptible to damage. This effect can be limited to specific targets in her area of effect, but has made her that much more effective at ensuring zero recovery or salvage of anything she wants to damage. In addition she can draw additional health, stamina, and power from violent or destructive desires of people near her. Very useful when brawling her way into or out of a situation.

Belah has also gifted her with her current tool of choice: A staff that can take the form of anything she desires. In her disguised form it looks like a simple cleaning broom, but can change into a massive iron staff with studded, weighted ends for extra crushing power. Other exhibited forms include various polearms, magical staves, and a chromed dancing pole.

Maid to Destroy

With her general attitude, methodology, and semi-covert abilities, she has worked closely with other groups in the area, such as Bells Demoralisation and Demolishment, hiring on as an independent contractor for infiltration. Otherwise she's often seen dancing on stage with the Demolition Divas, where she will often use her staff as a dancing pole after impaling an unfortunate engine block to use as a base.