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==== Private History ====
==== Private History ====
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Revision as of 21:30, 12 March 2024

A mugshot of the Silversaint
The Silversaint
Player: @Steampunkette
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: 30
Server: Everlasting
Personal Data
Real Name: Kalliopi Niarchos
Known Aliases: Call
Species: Human
Age: 37
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 144lbs
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: Greek
Occupation: Superhero
Place of Birth: Athens, Greece
Base of Operations: St. Martial
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Extensive family in Europe
Known Powers
None, though she uses relics and devices to mimic powers.
Known Abilities
High grade combat training, acrobatics, and dance.
Anti-grav system, ring of warding, various trinkets.

Silversaint is a superhero of the Etoille, colloquially known as the Rogue Isles. She's been an active hero over off and on over the past twenty years, though her early career was in Southern Europe. A Mediterranean superhero, she first appeared on the crime fighting scene in 2003 after the initial Rikti War. At the time she was largely a street level heroine fighting crime on her own. After a devastating battle with the villain Tzimisce, she vanished from the public eye for several years before returning to active crime fighting duties in 2016 in the Rogue Isles. Since then, she's been a stalwart defender of the common folk of the island chain, though has made practically no change in the character of the Rogue Isles.

Hero Registration

While she is recorded in several databases as a 'Natural' superhero, there is some contention on the point by various groups who believe she would more accurately be described as a 'Technology', 'Magic', or even 'Hybrid' superhero. Wielding technological gadgetry is often a grey area, after all. But she's also very adept at using magical spells, charms, and amulets. Even though she doesn't do so as a primary component of her combat effectiveness.

Traditionally, one's classification would determine which threat groups one would be expected to combat. Mystical heroes, after all, are far better suited to handling cursed objects with the skill and care required to avoid triggering their deletrious effects in the same way a technologically focused hero is better suited to disarming dangerous explosives or doomsday weapons. But the Silversaint often wound up battling against Witches and Demons in Europe alongside the more traditional Nazi remnants and mad scientists taking control of abandoned castles.

For FBSA purposes, she is classified as a Natural heroine.

Known History

Shortly after the final days of the Rikti War, in late November and early December of 2002, Silversaint registered as a hero with the internationale surhumaines activités registre, though it would be an additional four months before she would be approved for action within the EU. In her initial forays, she fought alongside various European superheroes around Athens, Paris, and Berlin.

Her primary targets were smugglers, drug dealers, and the occasional foray into fighting occultists, though the ISAR did not provide initial contact points or casework on such activities. As she gained skill, power, connections, and gizmos, she became entangled in Interpol activities. Often acting as an international liason for extradition of criminals. Her greatest nemesis as a young heroine, Meistergeist, even retired under her relentless pursuit.

Though that may have been entirely coincidental, as Meistergeist -was- an elderly supervillain at the time and had largely ceased being internationally relevant by the time their rivalry began.

In late August 2012, however, the Silversaint was critically injured during a fight against Tzimisce, a quasi-necromancer with a disturbing control over flesh and bone. During the fighting, much of the supergroup Silversaint was assisting, the Centurions, were injured or killed. As Tzimisce lorded over them, he used his powers to break many of Silversaint's bones and left her, screaming, in the darkness.

It would be January of 2017 before she would resurface in the Etoille. Older, wiser, but still as strong, fast, and resilient as ever. Since her reappearance she appears to be far more reliant on magical and technological gadgetry, things she largely eschewed in her early career.

In the Rogue Isles she does her best to fight against all forms of fascism. The Council of course, Arachnos without hesitation. But also Longbow and their secretive, and murderous, cousins in the form of Wyvern. Each of whom now hold long records of Silversaint's actions against them. The FBSA in particular keeps a threat sheet on the Silversaint which updates with new magic and technology she procures or older items she has discarded or lost access to. This file includes a mug shot, in point of fact, from an attack in 2022 when the Silversaint wrecked a Longbow Operation seeking to eliminate Shock Treatment.

Over the past six years, the Silversaint has been seen working with various heroes in the Isles, most are deceased at this point, as well as various thieves. Apparently unwilling to work with murderers, abusers, and brutes she is not opposed to seeking aid from less scrupulous sorts when the situation calls for it. Indeed, nearly two dozen supercriminals have earned rewards at her side, fighting everyone from Arachnos to the Warriors. Two have even chosen to leave their lives of crime behind them and move to the United States.

Private History

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