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The ATHENA’s visual enhancement settings include infrared night vision, image capture, and video playback. A minimal heads-up-display feeds Carter data on his biometrics, the state of his armor, and environmental readings like temperature or distance.
The ATHENA’s visual enhancement settings include infrared night vision, image capture, and video playback. A minimal heads-up-display feeds Carter data on his biometrics, the state of his armor, and environmental readings like temperature or distance.

<dl><dd><br>[[File:Buff_Accuracy_Olive.png]]  <u><b>Enhanced Vision</b></u><br></dl>
<dl><dd><br>[[File:Buff_Endurance_Olive.png]]  <u><b>Made, Not Born</b></u><br></dl>
Many of Captain Vulcan's organs have been augmented or entirely replaced by cybernetic components, including nearly half of his brain. He also has a few cybernetic "organs" that humans do not. This enables a whole range of abilties:
Through the shaping touch of drills and studies, Carter has acquired skills in war strategy, battlefield tactics, wilderness survival, marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat. Carter has also achieved almost Olympic-level fitness via strenuous exercise and a heavy duty diet, all despite his injuries. Perhaps the hero’s foremost asset is a simple unwillingness to break under pressure. No matter how exhausting, no matter the emotional peril, Carter pursues his objectives without hesitation.
*Computer and virtual interface
*Recording, storing and sharing of sensory input
*Enhanced sight and hearing beyond human norms
*Ability to "see" in radio, sonar or infrared
*Hypersonic flight by way of gravitic oscillator
*Enhanced speed on foot

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<div style="font-size:20px;background-color:transparent; color: #fff;line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.4ex"><div align=center><center>'''Weaknesses'''</center></div></div>
<div style="font-size:20px;background-color:transparent; color: #fff;line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.4ex"><div align=center><center>'''Weaknesses'''</center></div></div>

<dl><dd><br>[[File:Exchange_Transparent.png]]  <u><b>Machine Weaknesses</b></u><br></dl>
<dl><dd><br>[[File:Heal_Suppression.png]]  <u><b>Wounded Warrior</b></u><br></dl>
As he is part machine, Captain Vulcan is susceptible to the weaknesses of electronics and robotics, namely electromagnetism and intense radioactivity. Though his systems are hardened to a degree, no electronic system is completely immune and a sufficient level of ionizing radiation, magnetism or electricity can be a severe detriment. While Cap's Suppression Field is active, he is protected even further, but there are still levels he cannot resist. While his living cells may regenerate, his machine components do not and must be repaired like any other construct to remain functioning.
The ATHENA restores Carter’s full range of motor control, but his injuries’ other symptoms still manifest on occasion. These include: numbness, tingling, tremors, sporadic pain, headache, and temporary hearing loss in the right ear.

<dl><dd><br>[[File:Debuff_Perception.png]]  <u><b>Signal Interference</b></u><br></dl>
<dl><dd><br>[[File:Debuff_Perception.png]]  <u><b>Damage Threshold</b></u><br></dl>
Being open to other sensory inputs can at times be as much a curse as it is a blessing. Sufficiently powerful or distorted signals can overwhelm Captain Vulcan's awareness, causing distress and even pain, much as a loud sound or bright light can debilitate a normal human.
Contrary to his soubriquet in the press ("The Unbreakable Man"), Captain Adamant is not truly invincible. The plates of the ATHENA will eventually deform and deteriorate after taking heavy damage. Failing to replace damaged plates can result in weak spots in the armor, a limited range of motion, and a loss of balance due to uneven weight distribution.

<dl><dd><br>[[File:Taunt_Transparent.png]]  <u><b>Computer Brain</b></u><br></dl>
<dl><dd><br>[[File:Taunt_Transparent.png]]  <u><b>Heavyweight</b></u><br></dl>
Nearly half of Captain Vulcan's brain is machine, and this lays him open to certain drawbacks that full-on humans do not have. If one obtains access to Cap's CPU, they could conceivably alter his base programming, which could change his behavior or disregulate his other abilities. He can also be overwhelmed by data, and will sometimes pause all other actions in order to process the load. His systems are built so that his organic brain can override these things, but it is incredibly difficult and Cap doesn't have much practice taking voluntary control of his systems.
Because of his armor’s incredible weight, Captain Adamant must employ caution near deep water, unsound structures, and treacherous terrain. Such areas can immobilize or trap the Unbreakable Man. He must also be diligent in controlling the armor’s momentum; Captain Adamant is dangerous to both enemies and allies while moving at high speed.

<dl><dd><br>[[File:Heal_Suppression.png]]  <u><b>Outdated Technology</b></u><br></dl>
<dl><dd><br>[[File:Heal_Suppression.png]]  <u><b>Lightning Rod</b></u><br></dl>
Though incredibly advanced for his time, much of Captain Vulcan's tech is difficult, perhaps impossible to upgrade with modern components. He and his proprietary Crey components are so integrated that to remove or swap certain pieces could permanently damage or even kill the Captain. Sufficient upgrades pose a danger to Cap's structural and systemic integrity, and would require an incredible grasp of cybernetics, robotics and computer science to perform properly. This means that for the foreseeable future, Captain Vulcan's abilities remain impressive, but fixed at their current levels, with little room to improve.
When subjected to a powerful enough current, Captain Adamant can become a hazard to those around him, as he becomes a carrier for that dangerous electricity. The armor reacts in a similar fashion to magnetic fields. A strong enough magnet could be used to immobilize or manipulate the Captain’s armor. Sufficient electromagnetic interaction can also damage the armor at the molecular level.

<dl><dd><br>[[File:Teleport_Transparent.png]]  <u><b>Only (Half) Human</b></u><br></dl>
<dl><dd><br>[[File:Teleport_Transparent.png]]  <u><b>Psychic/Mystic Vulnerability</b></u><br></dl>
The parts of Captain Vulcan that are still organic, while better protected, are no more or less resilient than an average humans. To a lesser degree, Cap can still get infections and come down with any number of human illnesses, and of course can sustain critical damage if these organic parts of him are targeted.
Other than his particularly strong will, Captain Adamant has no real defense against the forces of magic or psychic energy.
<dl><dd><br>[[File:Confuse_Transparent.png]]  <u><b>Programming Conflicts</b></u><br></dl>
Captain Vulcan's operation system has a few prime directives that govern or restrain his actions in lieu of his organic brain:
*Serve the public trust
*Protect the innocent
*Uphold the law
These are organized in order to prioritize certain actions above others and minimize conflicts. Still, conflicts in which Captain Vulcan cannot default to his prime directives can give him pause - literally. A conflict between his directives or inability to classify a situation can lead to inaction while he processes the information, leading to a lull that could be exploited or lead to further danger for him or others. These are rare, but perilous if happened upon or exploited by others.

Revision as of 13:44, 4 February 2021


Captain Vulcan Profile.PNG
· Science Tanker ·
Street Justice
Real Name
Carter Williams
Livingston, Montana
Paragon City, RI
Legal Status
Registered Hero
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Shrapnel and burn scars across right side of body
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Super Strength, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Speed
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·
Military Training, Martial Arts Training

"Speak softly and carry a big stick..."


Powers & Abilities

Buff Mega Olive.png Super Strength

Layers of piezoelectric cells within the ATHENA’s underlay amplify force by a factor of almost forty. This allows Adamant to carry over one-thousand kilograms of armor almost without hindrance, and lift a further eleven metric tons overhead.

Buff Defense Olive.png Enhanced Durability

The Advanced Threat Encounter Apparatus, or ATHENA can withstand up to fifty tons of TNT-equivalent force, and temperatures in excess of two-thousand degrees Kelvin. Captain Adamant is effectively immune to worldly weapons, most forms of radiation, and intense impact forces.

Sprint Olive.png Enhanced Movement

The same piezoelectric cells that enable Captain Adamant's strength also allow him to run faster and jump higher than any human. At full sprint, his top speed is just over fifty miles an hour. When leaping straight off the ground with no running start, Cap can jump over three stories; about 40 feet in the air.

Force Bubble Olive.png Hardened Electronics

Because of minimalist computerware with no wireless connectivity, the ATHENA is immune to cyberwarfare of any kind. Its power source is a simple atomic battery, and there are fewer moving parts than other powered armor designs. These low-tech approaches make Captain Adamant robust beyond simply being bulletproof.

Buff Accuracy Olive.png Enhanced Vision

The ATHENA’s visual enhancement settings include infrared night vision, image capture, and video playback. A minimal heads-up-display feeds Carter data on his biometrics, the state of his armor, and environmental readings like temperature or distance.

Buff Endurance Olive.png Made, Not Born

Through the shaping touch of drills and studies, Carter has acquired skills in war strategy, battlefield tactics, wilderness survival, marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat. Carter has also achieved almost Olympic-level fitness via strenuous exercise and a heavy duty diet, all despite his injuries. Perhaps the hero’s foremost asset is a simple unwillingness to break under pressure. No matter how exhausting, no matter the emotional peril, Carter pursues his objectives without hesitation.


Heal Suppression.png Wounded Warrior

The ATHENA restores Carter’s full range of motor control, but his injuries’ other symptoms still manifest on occasion. These include: numbness, tingling, tremors, sporadic pain, headache, and temporary hearing loss in the right ear.

Debuff Perception.png Damage Threshold

Contrary to his soubriquet in the press ("The Unbreakable Man"), Captain Adamant is not truly invincible. The plates of the ATHENA will eventually deform and deteriorate after taking heavy damage. Failing to replace damaged plates can result in weak spots in the armor, a limited range of motion, and a loss of balance due to uneven weight distribution.

Taunt Transparent.png Heavyweight

Because of his armor’s incredible weight, Captain Adamant must employ caution near deep water, unsound structures, and treacherous terrain. Such areas can immobilize or trap the Unbreakable Man. He must also be diligent in controlling the armor’s momentum; Captain Adamant is dangerous to both enemies and allies while moving at high speed.

Heal Suppression.png Lightning Rod

When subjected to a powerful enough current, Captain Adamant can become a hazard to those around him, as he becomes a carrier for that dangerous electricity. The armor reacts in a similar fashion to magnetic fields. A strong enough magnet could be used to immobilize or manipulate the Captain’s armor. Sufficient electromagnetic interaction can also damage the armor at the molecular level.

Teleport Transparent.png Psychic/Mystic Vulnerability

Other than his particularly strong will, Captain Adamant has no real defense against the forces of magic or psychic energy.
