Elastic Man
- The main part of the suit is a smooth, silver-gray, made from a flexible and highly durable material that can stretch along with his body.
- The navy-blue sections contour along the arms, shoulders and legs, accentuating his physique. The dark purple belt and forearms also break up the silver base color for contrast.
- The lack of gloves allows for maximum dexterity when stretching his hands into various shapes or manipulating objects.
Emblem & Branding:
- A large, bold letter “E” is displayed prominently on his chest in a vibrant silver hue with a purple outline, symbolizing his name, Elastic Man.
Mask & Facial Features:
- A dark purple eye mask wraps around his face, covering the area around his eyes and giving him a classic, heroic look.
- His face remains visible, showcasing a confident smirk and a neatly trimmed goatee, adding to his personality and charm.
- His hair is styled in a sharp, upward-pointing fashion, giving him a distinctive, slightly cocky appearance.
- His boots are a deep navy blue, blending seamlessly with the accents on his suit.
- The boots are sleek and aerodynamic, designed for fluid movement rather than heavy combat.
- Witty and Sarcastic – Eli has a sharp tongue and a tendency to crack jokes, even in the middle of a fight. He often uses humor as a coping mechanism, especially in stressful situations.
- Clever and Resourceful – He thinks quickly on his feet (or while bouncing off them), using his elastic powers in creative ways that others wouldn’t consider. His ability to adapt makes him a formidable hero.
- Rebellious and Independent – Eli doesn’t do well with authority figures and prefers to operate on his own terms. He has a natural distrust of corporations and institutions, stemming from his past as a lowly janitor for a shady company.
- Street-Smart and Pragmatic – Unlike traditional heroes who stick to rigid moral codes, Elastic Man is more of a realist. He understands that life isn’t black and white and is willing to bend (literally and figuratively) to get things done.
- Loyal and Protective – While he may act detached or indifferent at times, he deeply cares about the people in his life and will go to great lengths to protect them. He especially values underdogs and people who remind him of his past struggles.
- Good-Hearted but Reluctant – While he doesn’t see himself as a traditional superhero, he still ends up doing the right thing—sometimes begrudgingly. He may complain about it, but he won’t stand by while innocent people suffer.
- Reluctant but Determined – He never asked to be a hero, but if someone’s in trouble, he won’t turn his back.
- Smartass Under Pressure – He masks his fear and self-doubt with sarcasm, especially when stretching himself into ridiculous shapes.
In short, Elastic Man is a sarcastic, clever, and reluctant hero with a sharp wit and a heart of gold buried under layers of self-deprecation and cynicism. While he doesn’t always take things seriously, he’s fiercely protective of the people he cares about. He’s a mix of improviser, underdog, and wildcard, making him as unpredictable as he is entertaining.
Elias "Eli" Lassik never expected much out of life. A college school dropout with a mountain of debt. That’s how he ended up as a janitor for a Crey subsidiary.
Most days, he mopped floors, emptied trash bins, and did his best not to ask questions about the weird, glowing fluids and half-melted lab rats he sometimes saw in the disposal units. But one night, a scientist—one of the ones who always looked nervous—approached him with an offer: $15,000 in cash to quietly get rid of small, unmarked canisters of "experimental waste." Eli hesitated. He wasn't stupid—he knew shady work when he saw it. But he needed the money, so how bad could it be?
He loaded the canisters into the trunk of his beat-up sedan and drove off, intending to dump it far outside city limits. That’s when everything went to hell.
A storm was rolling in as Eli sped down the highway. The roads were slick, his tires bald, and the old junker he drove hadn’t had working brakes in years. He barely saw the truck barreling through the intersection before it slammed into his car, sending him spinning out of control.
The canisters in his trunk ruptured on impact, spewing black, gelatinous polymer gel everywhere—over him, into his wounds, and across the mangled wreck of his car. Before he could even register the pain, his vehicle slammed into a power pole, causing a massive electrical surge to arc through the wreckage.
Electricity surged through his body, interacting with the unstable polymer compound, triggering an immediate and violent reaction. He felt his skin bubble, his muscles seize, his entire skeleton liquefy for a horrifying moment before solidifying again. His entire body contorted, stretched, twisted unnaturally—then snapped back like rubber. The pain was unbearable. And then, just as quickly as it had started... it was over. When Eli woke up, he wasn’t broken, burned, or bleeding. In fact, he was fine. More than fine.
Eli stumbled out of the wreckage, dazed but alive. The emergency responders were baffled. They’d expected a corpse, not a man walking away without a scratch.
But things didn’t feel right. His skin didn’t feel like skin anymore—it had a slight give, a strange elasticity. His bones felt less rigid, more fluid. His body was... different.
The changes started small. At first, it was just the feeling of hyper-flexibility—like his muscles had turned into rubber bands. But soon, he discovered his fingers could stretch like taffy when he reached for his coffee. His arm extended across the room when he yawned, smacking his landlord in the face. And one morning, when he stumbled out of bed, his entire torso stretched like melted cheese before snapping back into place.
He panicked. Was he dying? Was he even human anymore?
That’s when Crey came knocking.
The scientist who paid him off had vanished. The company had scrubbed all evidence of the polymer experiment from their records. But they weren’t about to let an unstable, walking lab accident run free.
They offered him a "solution"—a permanent place in their lab as a test subject, under the guise of “helping” him. He refused. They weren’t trying to cure him. They wanted to control him, so he ran.
With no job, no home, and no normal life left, Eli turned to the only thing he had left—his powers. He spent months experimenting, learning to control his elasticity—to stretch, reshape, and even contort himself into impossible forms.
He had become the human equivalent of an industrial-strength rubber band—able to withstand gunfire, blunt trauma, and high-speed impacts without breaking. He could compress himself into tiny spaces or launch himself across a city block like a slingshot.
He started taking odd jobs under the table—helping people who had nowhere else to turn. Some saw him as a hero, others as a freak with nothing to lose. Either way, he was done running. Crey tried to erase him. Now, he’s going to make sure they never forget him.
Powers & Abilities
- Hyper-Elastic Physiology
- Shapeshifting
- Enhanced Durability/Agility/Reflexes
- Regeneration
- Body Expansion/Inflation
- Slight Density Control
- Parkour/Acrobatics
- Mind Control Resistance
- Slight Vocal Mimicry
- Skilled Lockpicking
- Supersuit
Weaknesses & Limitations
- Extreme Temperatures: Excessive heat can make him sluggish and sticky, while intense cold makes him brittle and prone to cracking.
- Overstretching Limit: While he can extend himself to impressive lengths, pushing beyond his limits causes pain and requires recovery time.
- Chemical Vulnerabilities: Certain solvents, acids, and oils weaken his molecular structure, making him more susceptible to damage.
- Psychological Struggles: He still feels like a normal guy trapped in a freak’s body—he’s not always confident in what he’s become.
- Electricity: Despite his rubber-like consistency, Elastic Man's body can still conduct electricity because of how he got his powers, and strong electric attacks can cause him great pain and make his body spasm, like a giant muscle cramp.
- Sharp Objects: Blunt attacks bounce off him, but sharp blades, needles, or precision shots can pierce him.
Name: Mary Lassik
Alias: Mom
Occupation Housewife
Relation: Mother
Details: Died when Eli was a teenager, possibly from an illness or an accident. She was the only one who truly believed in him and encouraged his dreams. Her death left a huge void in Eli’s life, and he never fully recovered from it. Sometimes, he wonders what she’d think of him now—would she be proud, or disappointed
Name: Daniel Lassik
Alias: Danny
Occupation Mechanic
Relation: Older Brother
Details: Danny was the "responsible sibling" who got his act together, while Eli floundered. He often gave Eli harsh advice about getting his life on track, but it always came from a place of love. He loaned Eli money more times than he should have, and it caused some strain. Danny doesn’t know the full extent of what happened to Eli after his accident, but he knows something’s different. He wants to help but doesn’t know how.
Name: Gerald Lassik
Alias: Dad
Occupation Former factory worker, now retired
Relation: Estranged Father
Details: Gerald was never a warm father. He expected his sons to be tough and self-sufficient. He resented Eli’s lack of direction and often compared him to Danny. They haven’t spoken in years, and Eli doesn’t even know if his dad cares what happened to him. Eli is conflicted: part of him wants to reconnect with him after the accident, part of him thinks it’s a lost cause.
Codename: Doc Stiff
Alias: Professor Reginald DeStefano
Designation: The Rigid Rival
Powers: Superhuman Durability, Unbendable Form, Unstoppable Momentum
Details: Doc Stiff was one of the lead biomechanics experts working at the same Crey-owned research facility where the unstable polymer gel was created. However, unlike the other scientists, he was focused on a completely opposite goal—instead of extreme elasticity, he was obsessed with rigidity and structural reinforcement.
DeSetefano believed human flexibility was a flaw, a weakness that made people prone to injury, instability, and failure. He theorized that if the body could be reinforced at a molecular level, it could withstand any force without bending or breaking. To test his theories, he developed the Hyper-Dermal Ossification Serum, a compound designed to make tissues ultra-dense, increasing durability and resistance.
When Eli Lassik (Elastic Man) was exposed to the polymer gel, DeStefano resented him immediately. To him, Elastic Man represented everything wrong with human biology—pliability, unpredictability, weakness disguised as strength.
After the accident that gave Eli his powers, the research company panicked, fearing exposure and lawsuits. Rather than allow DeStefano to continue his own experiments, they cut his funding and shut down his research. Furious, DeStefano injected himself with his Hyper-Dermal Serum, intending to prove his work was superior.
But the results were more extreme than expected. His entire body became hyper-dense and nearly unyielding, making his skin, bones, and muscles as tough as reinforced steel. He was now a living statue, unable to bend, twist, or contort, yet completely invulnerable to impact, blades, bullets, or extreme force.
Codename: Vice Versa
Alias: Viceroy Vercelli
Designation: The Two-Faced Trickster
Powers: Bilateral Duplication, Mirrored Perception, Enhanced Acrobatics
Details: Viceroy "Vice" Vercelli was born into a world of contradictions—his father a master illusionist and con artist, his mother a renowned cognitive scientist. Raised on both deception and logic, Vice became a prodigy in psychological manipulation, sleight of hand, and high-stakes trickery. His obsession with duality led him to a daring heist: infiltrating a secretive research lab developing quantum field technology capable of creating paradoxical states of matter. However, the lead scientist saw through his con and trapped him inside the machine until the police could arrive, but in a panic, he triggered a catastrophic malfunction.
The experiment fractured Vice’s existence, leaving him in a state of mirrored duality—able to split into two distinct versions of himself, one coldly methodical, the other wildly impulsive. His perception of reality became unstable, allowing him to anticipate and manipulate outcomes in unpredictable ways. Instead of despairing, he embraced his paradoxical nature, reinventing himself as Vice Versa, a villain who thrives on deception, impossible choices, and warping reality itself.
Now, Vice Versa delights in weaving elaborate schemes and psychological games, pushing his victims—especially Elastic Man—to their mental and physical limits. To him, life is an elaborate illusion, and his ultimate goal is to shatter the very concept of reality by proving that everything is just a trick waiting to be unraveled.
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RP Hooks
TV Tropes
- Achilles’ Heel – Extreme cold makes his body stiff, while extreme heat makes him too stretchy and floppy.
- Blue-Collar Hero – He’s a working-class guy turned superhero, with a background in janitorial work and odd jobs rather than wealth, science, or privilege.
- Butt-Monkey – Constantly gets the short end of the stick, whether from life or supervillains.
- Combat Pragmatist – He doesn’t fight with elegance or martial arts. He fights dirty, using his powers in unpredictable, borderline ridiculous ways.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass – Sure, he seems goofy, but when the situation gets serious, he knows how to use his powers effectively.
- Deadpan Snarker – His go-to defense mechanism is sarcasm, especially when things get ridiculously out of hand.
- Everyman Hero – He’s not some genius scientist or military-trained fighter—he’s just a guy who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and now has to make the best of it.
- Glass Cannon – While his offensive capabilities are high, he lacks strong defenses and can be hurt easily if not careful.
- Improbable Weapon User – His own body is his weapon, and he’ll use it in the strangest ways possible.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold – He can be snippy and sarcastic, but he still risks his neck for others, even when it’s inconvenient.
- Joker Immunity – Survives situations that should kill him, purely because he’s too bendy to die.
- Lethal Joke Character – Goofy on the surface, but can be terrifyingly effective in combat.
- Power Incontinence – Sometimes he stretches without meaning to, especially when startled or panicked
- Not So Invincible After All – His resilience has limits, and he can be injured under certain conditions.
- Rubber Man – His body is absurdly flexible, stretchable, and shapeable. It’s both a blessing and a curse.
- Small Name, Big Ego – He’s not a high-profile hero, but that doesn’t stop him from acting like he’s the greatest when he actually succeeds.
- Swiss-Army Superpower – His elasticity allows for a versatile range of abilities, from stretching to shapeshifting.
- This Is Gonna Suck – Whenever something absolutely stupid happens, expect him to sigh and mutter, “Oh, come on…” before diving in.
- The Trickster – His fighting style is all about misdirection, unpredictability, and out-of-the-box thinking.
Trivia, Fun Facts, and Tidbits
General Trivia
- First Learned He Could Stretch By Accident – After waking up from the accident, he yawned and rubbed his face—only to realize his hand was across the room.
- Still Pays Rent... Sometimes – Despite technically being able to live anywhere, he still keeps his apartment because he likes having a home base.
- Eats Like a Garbage Disposal – Thanks to his stretchy physiology, his metabolism is ridiculously high. He can scarf down a large pizza solo and still be hungry an hour later.
- Tried Working Out Once– Quickly realized traditional exercise is weird for him. His muscles don’t really build the same way, and lifting weights is pointless when his arms just stretch.
- Still Doesn't Know His Maximum Stretch Limit – He once stretched the length of a city block but had to take a nap afterward.
- Was Mistaken for a Street Performer Once – While fighting a villain in a tourist-heavy area, he ended up with people throwing tips at him.
- Hates the Name ‘Rubber Man’ – People who don’t know his codename sometimes call him that, and he hates it.
- Used to Binge Crime Dramas but Now Finds Them Unrealistic – He’s seen enough real crime to know TV detectives are way too competent.
- Can Manipulate His Vocal Cords – He can stretch his throat to sound deeper, higher, or like a totally different person, though accents are still tricky.
- Has Pretended to Be a Coat Rack Before – It was a stealth mission. He fooled one security guard, and that’s a win in his book.
- Once Stretched His Face to Mimic a Wanted Criminal’s Mugshot – It almost worked. Almost.
Personality & Habits
- Has No Sense of Time – Due to his flexible nature, he sometimes loses track of time entirely. He’ll think a few minutes have passed when it’s been hours.
- Sleeps in Weird Positions – Has fallen asleep wrapped around his couch, hanging from a ceiling pipe, and once curled up into a perfect sphere.
- Forgets to Use Doors – He often just stretches through windows, vents, or gaps instead of using the front door.
- Pretended to Be a Mannequin Once – To avoid a fight, he stretched into a clothing store display and blended in. It actually worked.
- Has a Bad Habit of ‘Fixing’ Things With His Powers – If something’s out of reach, he just stretches for it. If something’s too heavy, he makes extra limbs. It’s made him a bit lazy.
- Plays Pranks on His Friends – Loves the classic “tap someone’s shoulder from across the room” prank.
- Reads Upside Down Sometimes – He claims it helps his brain process information faster. It doesn’t.
Powers & Body Quirks
- Electricity Makes His Body Twitchy – Since his powers were triggered by an electrical accident, strong jolts of electricity cause random spasms.
- He Can Still Feel Pain – Just because he can bend doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. He’s pulled muscles before—just in very weird ways.
- Can Sling Himself Like a Slingshot – He once launched himself three blocks away trying to stop a getaway car. It worked, but he regretted it.
- Has Stretched His Neck Too Far Before – It was awkward. He had to roll it back up like a garden hose.
- Can’t Stretch if He’s Too Tired – His elasticity depends on energy, and if he’s exhausted, he can barely extend his arms, let alone his whole body.
- Can Inflate Himself Like a Balloon – Doesn’t serve much purpose, but it’s hilarious.
- Once Stretched His Mouth Too Wide and Couldn’t Close It for a Whole Hour – His dentist was horrified.
- Once Floated Across a Lake by Making Himself into a Raft – He regrets that one. He still doesn’t know how to clean algae out of his pores.
- Can Make His Body a Makeshift Bridge – Stretched himself between two buildings once. It was not a fun experience.
Funny & Random Facts
- Has Tried to Eat Without Using His Hands* – Just stretched his mouth to the plate. It was disturbing.
- Once Tripped Over His Own Leg – He wasn’t paying attention, and his leg was still across the street.
- Can Stretch His Face to Look Like Other People – It’s a cool trick, but he’s terrible at impersonations.
- Once Got Stuck in a Theater Seat – He stretched to get comfy, and his body locked up mid-movie. Had to awkwardly slink out long after the credits.
- His Running Gait is Just… Wrong – Instead of regular strides, he sort of... sproings forward. It’s bizarre to watch.
- Got Chased by a Dog That Thought He Was a Chew Toy – He learned not to run from playful puppies after that.
- Accidentally Bowled Himself Down an Alley – He tripped and went full “human bowling ball.” Got a strike, though.
- Once Made Himself Into a Kite – It worked but controlling himself in the wind was not fun.
Superhero Life Trivia
- Has a Love-Hate Relationship with Capes– Tried wearing one once. It got tangled around his limbs, and he nearly choked himself. Never again.
- Villains Keep Trying to Trap Him in Jars or Boxes** – It’s happened way too many times! He always gets out. Eventually.
- Can’t Turn Invisible, but He Can Flatten Himself Against Walls – Works surprisingly well in the right lighting.
- Villains Keep Trying to ‘Tie’ Him in Knots – It never works, but they keep trying.
- Once Used Himself as a Temporary Support Beam – A collapsing building needed reinforcement, so he braced himself against it until everyone got out.
- Police Once Mistook Him for a Blob Monster During a Fight – It was dark, and he had stretched into a weird shape. The situation got awkward fast.
- Once Got Shot at and Just ‘Let’ the Bullet Pass Through a Stretched Hole in His Body – The shooter was so confused that they just gave up.
- Can Flatten Himself to Fit Under Doors – This has helped him escape many times.
Elastic Man's Likes, Dislikes, and Favorite Things
- Old-School Cartoons & Comics – Grew up watching classic cartoons and reading old superhero comics. Has a soft spot for slapstick humor and wacky animation.
- Diner Food – Loves greasy spoon diners, particularly pancakes, burgers, and milkshakes. There's a small 24-hour diner nearby he frequents.
- Junk Food & Comfort Meals – Besides diner food, he loves anything deep-fried, extra cheesy, or stuffed with sugar. Favorites include chili dogs, nachos, and peanut butter & banana sandwiches.
- Tinkering & DIY Fixes – While not a scientist, he enjoys jury-rigging things, fixing old appliances, or modifying his gear.
- Bad Movies – Enjoys terrible action movies, sci-fi B-movies, and cheesy horror flicks. The more over-the-top, the better.
- Classic Rock & Blues – Listens to old-school rock, blues, and some funk. Has a beat-up record player in his apartment.
- People Watching – Likes sitting on rooftops or in a park, observing the quirks of city life.
- Dogs – Not a pet owner himself, but always stops to pet a friendly dog on the street.
- Soft Beds & Comfy Clothes – Given his elastic nature, he appreciates comfort more than most. Loves baggy hoodies and worn-in sneakers.
- Parkour & Freerunning – While not super serious about it, he enjoys stretching and launching himself over rooftops, fire escapes, and alleyways. He treats the city like his personal jungle gym
- Corporate Greed & Shady Companies – Has a personal grudge against corporations that exploit people, especially after his experience with the experimental polymer gel.
- Being Called a "Rubber Band" or "Gumby" – People making fun of his stretchy nature can annoy him if it’s repetitive.
- Super Serious, No-Nonsense Heroes – While he respects heroes who get the job done, he finds the brooding, humorless types exhausting.
- Deep Water – Not necessarily a fear, but his elasticity makes it weird to swim, and he finds water pressure unsettling.
- Overly Fancy or Expensive Food – Doesn’t trust food with tiny portions and long, complicated names.
- High Society & Fancy Parties – Can’t stand snobby rich people or events where he has to “dress up and act normal.”
- Paperwork & Bureaucracy – Any kind of official paperwork drives him nuts, whether it’s taxes, forms, or legal red tape.
- Elevators – Prefers taking the stairs or just stretching between floors. Something about being stuck in a metal box makes him antsy.
- Super Glue – Has had more than one unfortunate encounter with industrial adhesive.
Favorite Things
- Favorite Food: Pancakes with way too much syrup.
- Favorite Drink: A good cup of diner coffee (even if it’s bad).
- Favorite Place to Relax: His couch, in a ridiculous stretched-out position.
- Favorite Holiday: Halloween, because he can shape himself into ridiculous costumes without effort.
- Favorite Toy as a Kid: Stretch Armstrong—now he just finds it ironic.
- Favorite Dance Move: The Worm—he barely has to try.
- Favorite Time of Day: Sunset—because the long shadows make him feel less weird.