Vicious 6

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Takeshi Tong.jpg
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Rogue/Neutral
Security Level: 8
Personal Data
Real Name: Takeshi Tong
Known Aliases: Tak, Six
Species: Human
Age: 45
Height: 5'11
Weight: 200
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Attorney, Businessman
Place of Birth: Yokohama, Japan
Base of Operations: Tokyo
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: N/A
Known Powers
Highly Intelligent/ Sharpshooter
Known Abilities
Duel wielding, Mechanical Engineering
Advanced electrical replicating suit

Takeshi Tong was born 1975 in Yokohama, Japan, the son of an esteemed Yakuza attorney. With age he would join the Yakuza himself and put his high intellect to work building a super suit to assist in criminal endeavors. Murder, Robbery and organized crime. When he wasn't committing crimes for the yakuza he studied at the prestigious University of Tokyo working towards being an attorney like his father even getting accepted to Harvard for a semester. January 2, 1995 Tak and his brother would pull off a string of heists in a single day. Utilizing his replicating suit they were able to impersonate guards and withstand gunfire. During the final heist of the day Shoi Tong (Tak's brother) suit ran out of electrical power. With his suit malfunction and no electrical energy to ward of gunfire a sniper would pierce his suit resulting in the death of his brother. Tak would be the only survivor from the heist group and would escape by the skin of his teeth netting up to a five million dollars in a single day for the Yakuza. With the death of his brother and the national news of the villain known as Banknote robbing 6 banks consecutive in a single day. Criminal history was made that day but Tak began to feel the weight of his brothers death on his shoulders. He would beg to be allowed to leave the Yakuza to fully pursue his legal career. His wish partially granted, no longer operating directly under the Yakuza instead only as a associate. The leash around his neck was not dropped completely but instead loosened and he accepted that.

A month later would leave the moniker banknote alone and work towards a more legal way of making money. Representing villains in court cases across Japan. With time The Tong Attorney Kompany would grow as well as his infamy in the courts. Being called vicious by his opponents. By 2015 Takeshi would have law firms in three different countries representing Big name villains and Heroes alike taking on numerous high profile court cases. With Each win he infamous reputation would grow as well as his bank account, netting him one of the richest people in Japan. Villains pay well after all.