
Energy Aura
Bisexual Disaster
bipedal Great Dane
Generally, when a mutant is gifted with super-speed, the rest of their body and functions are gifted to accommodate the inherent input that would come about from that. Usually, they are also given heightened sensory powers and excellent mental processes, allowing the quote-unquote speedster to take in everything that happens at faster than normal speeds.
But what happens when the speedster deals with chronic levels of ADHD? Unable to connect the dots of what could otherwise be genius synapses, they are instead hyper distracted and can't put together any kind of tech. For Haile, there is no tech for her to develop. No hacking level brain.
She hates the inside seams of socks, has to wear bright colors, and struggles to keep a steady job - although she has kept this latest one for the last 6 months because it means being near animals.
Scott and Marilyn Howser are good people. Everyone thinks so. Scott is a hard working union man with the electric company and a deacon at the church going on twenty-five years. Marilyn has been a teacher as long as anyone can remember; elementary music. They attend church without fail and always have their three children in tow. Harper, Brooke and Haile.
Harper and Brooke were good, polite, well behaved children. They were what you expected. Blonde hair, green eyes like their mother, grew up wanting to be teachers and love the lord. Harper was engaged to her high school sweetheart Brad Douglas a year after high school. Brooke, three years younger than Harper was the picture of academic perfection. The star of choir at both school and church, she didn't date until after she ended up at college.
And then there was Haile.
What happens when you're not the good child? It wasn't that she was terrible. She just.. wasn't blonde. She didn't do well in school. She hated noise, so singing at church was terrible. She didn't like sitting still. She got distracted by things during class and couldn't focus... Unless, of course it was something she liked and then she hyper focused on things.
Where Harper and Brook were beautiful, well behaved girls, it seemed like Haile was determined to undo all of the saintly patience that their mother had. It wasn't on purpose, she just... was different. And when asked about what she wanted to be when she grew up, she said 'A bird'. It wasn't that she thought she could actually BE a bird. She just thought flying would be fun and they were lucky.
Oh Haile, no.
To her credit, she tried. Some people just aren't cut out for being the mild mannered, white dress, clean and prim types. And she was one of them. The more they tried to strong arm her into behaving, the worse she got. More and more she found herself unable to sit still. Her favorite class in school was gym. She excelled at cross country, until she realized it was about pacing yourself. Then she liked track and field. She held a couple of speed records, and her parent's approval for a while.
With the other classes, though... She did poorly in school and they grounded her until she got it better. She was grounded a lot. She didn't have friends the way her sisters did. She wasn't interested in boys the way they were. Which, initially they thought would be just fine. They didn't really need the added stress of a troublemaking girl going out with heavens knows what type of boys.
But then there were the questions "Oh when is Haile going to bring home a nice young man" "Who is she going to be going to the dances with' "Isn't Haile going to find herself a nice young gentleman"? They tried to introduce her, but she was not there for it. She was distracted, uncomfortable, irritable. The young men uninterested. She wasn't like her sisters. And they knew the weirdo from school. No, thank you.
And if all of that wasn't enough... Haile... Well, Haile turned out to be Different.
She was first diagnosed with ADHD. There were drugs for that, and they tried them. And it was ... a mess. She did so poorly with them, going socially catatonic. Where she at least was funny- silly and outgoing with a weird sense of humor outside of her issues, now Haile was... reclusive.
She slept all the time, cried a lot. Complained of feeling heavy and the world going so slow she wanted to throw up. They tried four different medications. The last one was the worst.
And this, unfortunately, was because it was timed with the final blossoming of her mutation.
What the family hadn't realized up to this point, was that part of her increased irritablilty with everything... her inability to focus on things. Her comment about the world slowing down around her. Her record setting runs at school...
They were all the slow start to a fast paced DNA issue. Haile was a mutant. A meta with the gift of super speed. Able to accelerate her body and bypass friction to run at the speed of stupid. Unfortunately, it was given to a girl with crippling ADHD and now not a small bit of anxiety.
And her family did not quite enjoy that news. Nor did the school. They retracted her records, saying that with the news that she was a meta, there was no way to know whether she had attained those as a baseline human or not. She did not meet the records set for metas, so her records were not vaild. Sorry.
Graduation approached and Haile came to another realization. The whole 'looking for a nice boy' thing? Mmmmm... well. Surprise mom and dad, she likes girls. Well maybe not JUST girls. All kinds. Everyone. But mostly girls, maybe? That uh... also... did.. not go over well. Not in a strong Christian family. There were a lot of unkind things said. On all sides.
So, she left.
Unsure of where to go, exactly, she did a lot of running around. Learning how to modulate her speed, Haile took to the streets. She did odd jobs to make ends meet, staying in a few places here and there. Finally, she found her passion - dog grooming. And when that clicked, she started holding down jobs. She took trips to learn how to do different styles of grooming. Applied for new positions in new places. And got hired in Paragon.
And that's how she met her Pheeb. The space crab of love and chaos. WIP WAP WIP WAP WIP WAP
dis gon be gud
- Haile initially got the outfit so that she could sneak into places she isn't supposed to be, and take pictures for her instagram page of graffiti and stuff.
- She started maybe, sorta, kinda VERY POORLY pushing people into walls because of Photobomb.
- wip wip wip
Things and stuff.
- Haile eats a LOT. She favors steak but will settle for dollar burgers.
- Haile is ambidextrous. She just forgets most of the time.
- Haile once went in for a tattoo. She did not sit still long enough for them to finish. So there is the outline of a dog head on her ankle. It looks like a corgi, maybe.
- She plays PokemonGo, but mostly for any dog types. She gives all the cats to Pheebe and frees the rest.
- Haile has an instagram account. Her handle is Haileinahandbasket. A lot of her stream includes her taking selfies in REALLY random places all over the country… often times reverse photobombing famous people. There is also a collection of #MysteriousWivesClub
- PHEEB - Haile thinks Pheeb is one of the best people (?) on the planet - and she has met a lot. Pheeb is funny and can do a ton of weird things. They have spent a lot of time together, and by now, Haile lllllnn...Loves her. And her dogcat, Barktholomew.
- Livia - Livia is one of the more prominent members of her MysteriousWivesClub, but more than that, she is a rolemodel and someone who Haile is coming to trust and look up to. Haile feels comfortable about all aspects of herself around Livia and that says more about Livia than anything else she could possibly say.