Snoe Bunn

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Play it cool
Snoe Bunn
Origin: '
Archetype: '
Security Level: '
Server: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Jaque R. Abbot
Known Aliases: Snoe Bunn
Species: Kantu'an
Age: 25
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 245 lbs
Eye Color: Light Grey
Hair Color: Arctic White
Biographical Data
Nationality: Kantu'an
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: Kantu'a
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Powerful Ice Manipulation
Known Abilities

Member of the Kantu'a Wardens Earth Expedition

Captain Jaque R. Abbot (cousin to Harvey) is another survivor of the Rikti hit on planet Kantu'a who has come to Earth both to settle the score and to keep the same thing from happening to Earth. He's here to dole out icy judgement on the Rikti and any that back them. A rabbit with a warm heart but an icy temper for the unjust. One of the more patient rabbits (as opposed to his assigned duty partner, Hot Cross Bunn), he will listen and analyze a situation carefully if possible before acting. Mess with those whom he holds dear, and you'll learn new depths of Cold Fury.



