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Player: @Crazyleo
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Simika
Known Aliases: none
Species: Android
Age: 16 years since initial activation
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 400lb
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Orange
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Isle
Occupation: Vigilante
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: SPU (deceased)
Known Powers
Master Blackbelt in over a dozen martial arts styles and two high-caliber automatic pistols; chameleon cloaking device.
Known Abilities
Ability to hack into computer networks; knowledgeable in the fields of robotics, cybernetics, cyber-neurology; quantum mechanics
2 high caliber automatic pistols


Simika was created by a man who calls himself Sir Lawrence to see how far sentient artificial intellegence can go. When Simika first became self-aware of her existence; she spent the first year inside a virtual environment to give her time to mature. Once her consciousness was transferred into a physical body, she had the emotional maturity of someone in her mid-20s.

It was at this time that she met her partner; a combat-support android named SPU. She was briefed by Lawrence that SPU was a prototype that became sentient. The people who were responsible decided that his sentience was a detriment to their goals; so they activated what they called "The Omega Directive". This directive was the erasure all evidence of a project they deemed a failure.

Once Simika and SPU reached their final objective; they found that the people who activated the directive were killed. A voice called out over the speakers stating that the people were killed so they couldn't pass on the knowledge of their existence. Then a heavier combat androids started to teleport in at the same time a countdown started. Simika and SPU fought their way out before the counter reached zero.

SPU and Simika arrived in Paragon City shortly after. They soon joined a Super Group calling themselves "The Justice Guard". Simika quickly became friends to the founders of the group as she earned her way to the highest security level.

Shortly after; the group was fighting a mid-level villain group whose intent to destroy them from within. One of the key element was the capture of Simika. It was then that her captor was a sentient AI who called itself OMEGA. Then OMEGA took Simika's body and started to infiltrate Justice Guard headquarters. OMEGA was defeated by SPU who was accompanied by a Mobile Assault Unit that he and Simika salvaged.

Meanwhile; Simika explored her situation when she found one of her teammates who disappered at the start of the conflict. She freed him and told him how to transfer her consciousness into a vessel. They both then escaped in time for the final act.

About a year later; Simika and SPU was approached by an Arbiter from Arachnos to meet in Vanguard HQ. The Arbiter explained that they were transferring OMEGA to a more secured faciltiy when it made its escape. Since both Simika and SPU had experience in dealing with the AI. SPU immediately agreed to help and Simika quickly followed up in agreeing. The Arbiter was with a villain that Simika had fought on occasion. The four of them soon gave chase; always a step behind OMEGA. Simika was using her hacking abilities to track down their quary; and fighting against combat androids under its control.

Soon they were chasing OMEGA through Paragon City. Eventually they chased OMEGA to Warburg; in time to see a rocket lifting off into orbit. Simika eventually tracked OMEGA to an orbiting weapon platform. The Arbiter quickly requested an experimental Arachnos space shuttle. The group soon found that OMEGA was planning on unleashing a high-altitude EMP strong enough to render all electronic devices inert; no matter how hardened they are

SPU devised a means to shut OMEGA down; but doing so will fragment his personality matrix to such a degree to be unrecoverable. Seeing no other choice, Simika agreed to the plan. SPU managed to shut OMEGA down while the others were fighting off combat androids. Once OMEGA was deactivated; the self-destruct system was activated. Simika and her allies quickly made their escape before the platform exploded.

When Simika arrived back to Paragon City; she was arrested by Longbow agents. Simika was charged with aiding a known terrorist; namely Arachnos and hacking into restricted computer networks. At the trial; it became clear on the details. However she was found guilty of her charges. Her punishment was that her hero license will be revoked; but she will still keep her security rating because she did save all of society.

A short time later; she ran into her creator; Sir Lawrence. He was keeping track of her activities and was saddened to see her let go. He said that he was going to start a campaign to track all sentient AI; and if required; to destroy them. Simika; after deliberating for about a week; agreed to join.

The first phase of the campaign was to create copies of Simika to test out new techologies that will be installed in a combat shell. Simika's new body allowed her to summon combat robots under her direct control; a regenertive aura that will repair the robots; an improved energy claws and an Arachnos Crab Spider battle pack and advance chameleon cloaking device.

The campaign was going well until Simika was going up against an AI code named MOTHER. MOTHER managed to hack its way into Simika's personality matrix; implanting the idea that ALL sentient AIs are a threat. Afterwards; Simika started rampaging through Paragon City while trying to break free from the implanted suggestion. Ultimately she encountered her former team mates; "The Justice Guard".

The fight was fierce, but Simika had manage to communicate to her fomer teammates that the only way to stop her is to destroy her utterly. The last thing she saw was the fist of her leader.

When she regained her awareness; she saw an android that looked similar to her. She quickly surmised that this android was one of the prototypes that was constuced to test out new technolgies. The android stated that she traveled back in time to recover Simika's personality matrix and install it into a new body. and that she was bought forward in time by 10 years.

Now Simika resides in The Rogue Isles; trying to figure out where to go from here.