Repairman Kane

Standing a little over six feet tall, outside of the armor the man known as Victor Kane is nothing too awe-inspiring, and frankly fairly bland. He'd blend in with potentially most blue-collar work enviroments with a tired look to his eyes accentuated by the dark circles of someone who had suffered from asthma for a long time. His face has a handful of scars of varying ages ranging from an old thin scar running form his left cheek down to his chin to a fresher one (perhaps only a couple years old at most) across the bridge of his nose, all with stories from his decade long career within Arachnos. His Brown hair is kept short, and somewhat messy with sprinkling of gray, from beneath the messily tossled hair, a keen-eyed observer might notice a surgical peaking out from the left side.
Personality Traits
- Determined
- Loyal
- Grumpy
- Protective
- Calculated
The Webbed Legacy
Little Spider, Big Web
Powers and Abilities
Technological Aptitude - Amplified greatly by the implant within his head, Kane possesses near-super human familiarity and capability with things of a technological nature. The implant gives him a near technopathic ability to interface with technology he comes in contact with, provided he has a point of access into it (I.E., Arachnos or compromised servers).
Mathematic Computation Always having a head for numbers and mental computation, the implant has further enhanced that by allowing him to complete complex computations in his head at a super-human rate.
Cybernetic Performance Booster - Designed by Weaver-1, Kane is fitted like all of the repairmen allowing for a near-metahuman affinity for technology.
Standard Issue Arachnos Body Armor -
Arachnos Mediport Beacon - A Mediport Beacon that has been augmented by Arachnos for those in their service. This device tracks Kane's biometrics and teleports him to the nearest Arachnos Fort Med-bay or Hospital in relation should they reach a certain threshold.
Mortality - In a world of gods and monsters, Kane is but a human once you get past the drones and gadgets and beneath that armor. He can be killed, he heals as normal for the average human.
Good People
So-So People
Bad People
RP Hooks
- Kane survived a decade as Repairman in Spider City before being assigned to a team under Arbiter Dusk Grey, perhaps you knew him during that time or are suspicious of a relative nobody caught the attention of an arbiter.
- Has a known dislike of Destined Ones, perhaps you're one of the ones responsible for that.
TV Tropes