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Player: @Lothfalas
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50+
Personal Data
Real Name: Mrwrk
Known Aliases: Kitten Chaos, Void Kitten, Kitten Knight, Shadow Kitten
Species: Kitten, 1/2 Tabby, 1/2 Russian Blue, 12 Burmese Shorthair
Age: Apparent age 5 months
Height: one kitten tall
Weight: one kitten heavy
Eye Color: yellow
Hair Color: grey fur/light grey stripes
Biographical Data
Nationality: Greyspace
Occupation: kitten
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: paragon City
Marital Status: uh, no.
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
dark melee, regeneration
Known Abilities
flight, ninj training, being adorable, scary chaos magic
bag of shadow

Mrwrk is a kitten. (“Not cat! Is important!”) She is positively overflowing with chaos magic. She also has wings, but that’s okay, because they are kitten wings. Has been known to turn into other things on occasion. She resides at Stoneworks Citadel, but is affiliated with The Dawn Patrol.

Emotionally usually equivalent to a very happy two-year-old. Sometimes somewhat unstable, both mentally and physically. Sometimes she's super creepy. Sometimes she exhibits a weird kind of wisdom.

Some known friends: Lothfalas, Myrmidon, Dustwalker, Kyanite