![]() The Moroaică (PPD sketch artist rendition) The Moroaică
· Magic Brute · Savage Melee
Energy Aura Soul Mastery Player: @Blackhand
Real Name Unknown Birthdate Unknown Birthplace Romania (suspected)
Physical Traits
Species Moroaice Gender Female Height 5'2" Weight Unknown Hair Black Eyes Black/red Skin gray/pale
Sergeant Shih and Lieutenant Ayers, Paragon Police Department Sergeant Shih [on phone]: Urgently in need of backup. We got twentyish Warriors. Ayers and I are barricaded in the upper room, on the west side of the warehouse. Urgent, they’ll hack through soon enough and some are climbing toward a window. Yes, correct. Thanks. Shih out. Shih to Ayers: SWAT is on route from Central. [warehouse door flies off hinges] Ayers: That fast?! Wait, are those…..bats? [Shih looks] Shih: Nope. Gods. You don’t want to watch this. Ayers: What? What?! Sergeant? Shih: Moroaică. [screams from warehouse floor] Ayers: She’s a hero? Shih: Not a hero and not backup, at least not officially. And more a ‘what’ than a ‘she’ Ask Dr. Toth. I’m no magical taxonomist. A Romanian vampire, witch, ghost creature…she doesn’t like the taste of cops at least. [Ayers looking out] Ayers: $^*#. Not just a neck biter. $%^ me. As the screams stopped, the Moroaică crashed through the window. Her solid black eyes scanned the room and her beastly visage turned to a childlike but bloody smile. She gave the cops a thumbs up and was gone.
Dr. Susannah Toth - File excerpts. MSI1457 Tentatively coded as an individual magic super being, it should be noted further evidence is needed to confirm origin and if the subject is even one person. She was captured without struggle once by PPD and “leaked through a drain in the interrogation room,” after providing some useful intel on Family leaders. For one, there is no clear or consistent physical description of the subject. While she has been caught on security cameras, the footage is all at some distance and our ‘enhance’ software is on the fritz. When subject(s) gets close to cameras, they experience power surges or other glitches. Second, many eyewitnesses report that the subject's face seems to change over mere seconds. Some reported she seemed to take on the appearance of bystanders. These reports dovetail, if you will, with the shapeshifting ability. Subject seems to most closely resemble the moroaice documented by our EU counterparts in the Romania office. The apparent pattern to her victims being known villains, and frequently powered ones, is unique however. Powers include superhuman strength and speed, claws which have seen to cut through metal doors, flight (or at least extreme leaping), voice mimicry, fast healing, draining electrolytes, fangs and serrated teeth, subject’s jaw seems to be unfused (i.e. like a snake). There is some indication that subject’s reported shape shifting (moths, bats, rats) and stealth are probably telepathic. Nick o’ Time reported he could sense subject with his heat ‘vision’ in one spot while she appeared to be elsewhere shapeshifted. Notably, Nick also reported her body temperature was very high, probably 150-175 F. PPD Internal Affairs also has a file on the subject, as it seems she may have hacked secured PPD channels or might be getting inside tips. Notably in this regard, SWAT has shown up for at least five operations to find all the wanted villains dead and boxes of donuts (with complimentary bloody handprints on the outside) ((with no discernible prints)). -Dr. Susannah Toth, Freedom Corp Liaison to Paragon Police Department/ Magical Asset and Threat Specialist