Marit Lage

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Player: Beansidhe
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Mary Havisham
Known Aliases: Confidential
Species: Human (formerly)
Age: 37
Height: 5'2
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Varies
Hair Color: Dark blue, thin tentacles
Biographical Data
Nationality: English (formerly)
Occupation: Oceanologist (formerly) / ambassador and priest (currently)
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Married to the sea
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Water blast / dark miasma
Known Abilities
Macrohydrokinesis, scotomancy (minor), telepathy (minor)
Rebreather, diving suit
No additional information available.


Mary Havisham has not actually felt much of a passion for oceanology specifically, but nonetheless chose it as her field of study in college, as life in all of its diversity has always fascinated her, and the deep sea life has been the greatest uncharted territory in biology to this day. After completing her Ph.D she returned to fieldwork, working with local fishermen at the coasts of northern Brasil to capture and dissect deep-sea squid, tragedy struck, and their small exploration vessel has been caught in a horrible storm. With no chance of immediate rescue, the sailors and her other colleagues perished immediately or lasted a few hours in the raging waters, some of their bloated corpses washing up at the shore days later. Mary's experience was different.

She was seen next in Fiji, months later, and not quite in a situation where she would sit down and answer questions, and not really a reliable narrator either way. According to her, the capsized boat has ended up being a sort of baptism: she was given an audience with the ancient god of the seas, Dagon, and he took a great interest in her love for the sea and all manner of beasts that live within it. He offered her a pact of sorts: she would be granted an array of superhuman powers, but in exchange she would return from the waters to serve as a conduit of his will in the land of the landlubbers, given a new name to his liking to go with it, and she gladly accepted. Of course, the alternative would be to become yet another skeleton to decorate the seabed, so she could be hardly blamed for that.

The issue, however, is that no hard evidence that Dagon exists, or that the event has taken place as described, has been found. Nonetheless, it is not to be discarded entirely.

Power details and general threat warning

Biologically, according to long range medical sensor data, Marit Lage is no longer human in any capacity: her skeletal system is completely different, her muscles and eyes are squidlike, she breathes seawater instead of air, and so on. Objectively speaking, we are not able to verify that Marit Lage is even mutated Mary Havisham, rather than a before-unknown organism that has changed its shape to resemble her outwardly and extracted some of her memories. It is also not clear how her mutated biology is responsible for granting her the superhuman powers she possesses.

Powers-wise, Marit Lage is first and foremost a macrohydrokinetic. She is capable of moving an arbitrary amount of seawater in her immediate vicinity with an average degree of control. This makes her an extremely dangerous combatant on a shore and virtually unbeatable in the open sea, but this is widely diminished outside her area of expertise. Marit Lage has taken to carrying some amount of seawater with herself on missions that take place away from the sea, which still renders her fairly dangerous, but much more manageable and less capable of creating impregnable defenses. In a pinch, she can use human blood as it possesses a similar amount of salt, but she claims this to be very difficult and limited to blood that is already flowing from a cut.

She is also capable of generating and manipulating darkness to some degree. Remote observation indicates that it is largely illusory in nature (i.e. clouding the perception of sentient organisms rather than actually obscuring light). Finally, she some limited psionic powers, capable of inducing fear, catatonia, or even forcibly turning sapient humans to her side, albeit they have to be drowning at the time she attempts the latter. Puppeteer protocols are to be put in place.

Current goals and activities

Marit Lage has chosen to register as a rogue instead of villain. This means that she does not get guaranteed support from the Arachnos that most official villains do, but she prefers the ability to be able to team up with self-identified heroes and vigilantes to combat threats that she feels would compromise her general goals as well. This is subject to change.

Her general goals are, as claimed: in the short term, induction of more people into worship of Dagon through preaching and demonstration of miracles granted by Dagon's will (in human terms, superpowers) as well as removal of possible threats for future advancement; in the long term, subjugation of the human race and other air-breathing sapients, massive expansion of the ocean, possible expansion to other planets. These are are all, as she claims, not her own decision, but the will of Dagon, and are also subject to change.

It is to note that Marit Lage has been independently verified to be insane, or at the very least an organism that acts like a delirious human would. It is to note that in no way does this disprove her claims about anything that goes on in the dark depths.