Mad Bad O'Malley

Public Record
Real Name: In older arrest documents, O’Malley is identified by her birth name, 'Josie Mae O'Malley'.
Alias: Mad Bad O’Malley
Species: Cyborg (?)
DOB: The 'original' O'Malley was born on August 7, 1972.[1]
Age: See previous.
Height: 5’4’’
Weight: 200 lbs or about. O'Malley is heavier than her size would suggest.
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Neon Green
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: West Virginia, US.
Prior Occupations: Petty thief, bank robber, henchwoman, public nuisance
Education Level: No record. Unlikely to have graduated high school.[2]
Martial Status: Single.
Known Relatives: None of note; Josie Mae O'Malley has siblings, but none of them are in the public eye. They are not reliable sources of information.[3]
Known Associates: Dr. Overgrave and co.; see attached file.
Historical Notes
- Offense record extends 20 years hence.
- Before her death, she was a mutant with feline features. Her skill set included hand-to-hand combat, the use of firearms, and supernatural stealth.
- She was a petty thief before coming into Dr. Overgrave’s employ. Thereafter, her crimes escalated to corporate espionage. This included not only theft, but an incident of mechanical sabotage that led to an explosion, and the assault and battery of Dr. Overgrave’s competitors.
- Believed to have been killed in combat with the hero Gravewatcher. This was an accident; there was an attempt to apprehend O’Malley at Dr. Overgrave’s base when a piece of debris from the ceiling fell and pierced O'Malley's chest - the debris having been knocked out of the ceiling during their fight.
- Reappeared on October 3rd, 2008 in Charleston, West Virginia. No obvious injuries. Claimed to have no memory of prior battle. Another of Overgrave’s resurrected underlings?
- An encounter with [REDACTED] exposed the mechanical nature of her body; the faux-skin was burned off her arms. No covering has been reapplied; Dr. Overgrave’s absence may account for this.
- January 21, 2009: O'Malley was spotted at the Rogue Isles, and later, during a bank robbery on Paragon City.
Known Abilities, Skills, and Powers
In addition to previously mentioned skills (hand-to-hand combat, use of firearms, stealth, mechanical sabotage), O’Malley has shown:
- Super Strength; more than her previous living body had displayed.
- The ability to produce electricity from her mechanical body, used in a defensive manner.
- Radiation, but there’s more record of her threatening to use than there is of her actually using it.
- She claims to have an explosive chassis which holds enough power to level a city if she is destroyed. This is unconfirmed.
- When apprehended, a geiger counter detected some radiation coming from her body. It was not enough to pose a threat to the average human. If this isn’t a bluff, she must have some method of controlling the output.
- Faux skin regenerates faster than human tissue; however, it appears to have limits. See prior history.
- A module or device, either on her person or inside her artificial body, which renders her invisible to eye and ear.
- Beyond this, the nature of her mechanical body is not obvious. Unconfirmed reports of her eating, drinking and smoking exist.
Known Weaknesses
- EMPs can stun and disable her without activating the alleged ‘explosive chassis’ defense. She has been successfully apprehended this way.
- Although she claims to be an android, her emotions are very human. She does not appear to have processing power of an advanced AI. This became apparent in interviews; advanced algebra alludes her.
- Sometimes her electricity short-circuits on her.
- In her invisible state, a gieger counter can be used to track O'Malley, or spot traces of her presence. Additionally, her stealth module appears to only mask sight and sound, not smell.
- For someone who makes extensive use of invisibility to commit her crimes, her personality is not subtle.
- She can't pass through metal detectors without setting them off.
Psychological Profile
- In the absence of Dr. Overgrave's guidance, O'Malley's crimes seem to be driven by boredom, convenience, and a juvenile sense of humor. She is a nuisance, and her actions succeed in wasting resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
- At times, she does this on purpose; there are occasions when her crimes coincide with another villain's, usually in the opposite ends of the city. When two crimes occur at once, the response team is forced to prioritize one or another. O'Malley's crime, as it happens, is nearly always first.
- She has done this for different villainous organizations, and is believed to be operating as something of a for-hire distraction.
- ↑ Her death and subsequent return via cyborg body poses philosophical questions about whether this is the same O'Malley. The officer filling out this paperwork doesn't care, to be clear, but is noting it for consistency's sake.
- ↑ Data based on her hometown's graduation rates.
- ↑ A man named Whirley Joe took 50 dollars to tell me that he hasn't seen her since they were teenagers. Her other siblings were also unhelpful. See attached reimbursement request.
- Played by Trashlord
- Some of the information on this page is missing (or redacted) because I either haven't decided on specifics, or it's just not that important to me.
- This is meant to be something that a character could find out about O'Malley if they bothered to search for information on her. It's not necessarily easily accessible, like a wikipedia page, but it is there if they have access to police files. (It also lacks some information that might become obvious after interacting with her for a while.)