
NAME: Koa Naea
ALIAS: Kahuna
AGE: 26
Koa possesses the mystical ability to alter and manipulate the weather.
Koa is able to control the flow and movement of water.
Before there were stars in the sky and fish in the sea, the three creators breathed life into the world. Shybium took a deep, deep breath and sighed, filling our world with air. The mighty Aorr stomped his giant foot and land rose from the depths. Idite, god of storms, wept at the beauty they had created, and that outpouring became the ocean.
It was a story Koa Naea had heard time and time again. Passed down from generation to generation for eons, his people’s creation myth was deeply ingrained in him. Koa’s people, The Sama Lea'ai, were sea-faring, boat-dwelling nomads, and they’d lived that way for centuries. Some of the elders had lived their entire lives without stepping foot on solid ground. Though they were a withdrawn and insular people, the Sama Lea’ai survived by trading goods with land-based communities near their mooring points. Every family owns a houseboat, regularly coming together in flotillas during gatherings and fishing expeditions.
Aside from trading, the Sama Lea’ai kept mostly to themselves, wary of outsiders who would seek to exploit them and kept many facets of their culture and lifestyle secret. The most important one being how they were able to survive so effortlessly on the sea. More than a thousand years of subsistence freediving associated with their life on the sea endowed the Sama Lea’ai with several genetic adaptations to facilitate their lifestyle. They’re able to hold their breath far longer than average humans. They also possess superior vision which helps them navigate underwater.
When Koa came of age, he took on the role of fisher like many before him. Strong, eager, and hardworking, Koa captained hunting parties, repaired boats, and spent a great amount of time performing other communal chores, quickly gaining the respect of the elders. After his twenty-first year, he began exhibiting strange abilities. Koa discovered he could breathe underwater indefinitely and the weather seemed to bend, reflecting his mood at any given time. The elders summoned him and revealed to him a secret known only to the elders of their people. They told him the story of the Iohr, powerful beings that were said to be descendants of Ihdor, the god of the seas, and that they only appeared once every two hundred years. Born with abilities far stronger than the rest of their tribe, the Iohr acted as guardians and protectors of their people. After much training, Koa took his place as leader of the Sama Lea’ai.

Koa's body is specially adapted for underwater conditions, granting him the ability to withstand freezing temperatures as well as superior vision to see clearly even in murky ocean depths. His enhanced physiology means he can survive indefinitely underwater or on land.