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Character Build
Arachnos Widow
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Emerton Xi
Known Aliases:
Huxley Emerton, Fortunata Emerton, Master Emerton
2 (Chronological), Mid to Late-Twenties (Physically)
Human Mutant
February 27, 2023 (Emerton Xi), February 27, 1998 (Huxley Emerton)
Mississauga ON, Canada (Huxley Emerton), Grandville, Etoile Islands (Emerton Xi), Vancouver BC, Canada (Original Emerton)
Emily Emerton (Huxley - Mother, Status Unknown), Roberto Emerton (Huxley - Father, deceased) / Jolen Emerton (Source), Dillan Emerton (Source's Father, Deceased), Nelly Emerton (Source's Mother, Deceased), Mariah Emerton (Source's Older Sister), Bruno Emerton (Source's Older Brother), Aaron Emerton (Source's Older Brother, Deceased), Josephine Emerton (Source's Younger Sister)
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Chaotic Neutral

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
Base of Operations:
Rogue Arachnos Operative
Marital Status:
Single, Never Married
Known Powers and Abilities
Psychokinesis, Psychokinetic Empowerment; Telepathy, Psychic Attacks, Mental Resistance; Clairvoyance, Peak Human Physicality, Delayed Aging, Accelerated Development
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Protective Wear, E-Serum, Communications Tech, miscellaneous, etc.
ReldinBox Template


Far as everyone knows, Huxley Emerton is a powerful psionic discovered at a relatively young age and forcefully swept up into Arachnos conditioning. He was incorporated into the Canadian branch of Arachnos after being ripped away from his widowed mother. Huxley was initially on the path of a Bane Spider, though advanced assessments quickly placed him within the Fortunata numbers in order to get the most efficiency out of his demonstrated psychic prowess. He worked his way up as a male Fortunata, and by the time he was transferred to the Rogue Isles, Huxley already proved himself as an effective Fortunata Master. The new environment of colleagues - inferiors and superiors alike, grew to secretly fear the whispers of his immense psychic potential and publicly get along with him just fine. Due to his demonstrated effectiveness and loyalty in the short time of working from the Isles, his sudden attempt to defect came as a bit of a shock. What was more shocking was the slap on the wrist he received upon rejoining the Arachnos web. Some are ever-curious that something deeper is going on with Fortunata Emerton.

True Background

The First Taste

Vancouverite Jolen Emerton's long journey to becoming known as one of the most powerful mutant psionics in the world began at the beginning of his life. While most mutants experience a particular enticing incident, especially during puberty where there latent powers manifest, Jolen's powers were already enabling him to affect the world around him by the age of two. As he grew older, more aspects of his well-rounded psychic repertoire revealed themselves; sometimes to the detriment of his parents and three older siblings: influencing their minds or injuring them with his psychokinetic will. By the age of five, this issue grew prevalent enough for his parents to relinquish him to the Institute located north of Kamloops, who were better suited to meet his special long-term psionic-oriented needs in addition to providing all of his basic necessities and general education. Initially under the impression that their opting their son out of any voluntary study deemed intrusive or substantial was honoured, Jolen was subjected to years of having his physical, psychological and emotional limitations pushed.

This initiated the development of a rage-oriented method of tapping into his full potential. Though this greatly altered his development, it also provided him with an opportunity to use his honed abilities for revenge. He cooperated with every adult and peer surrounding him for the entirety of his upbringing until his 18th birthday and the year of his official discharge. During that day, Jolen utilized his superior psychic abilities to not only force any individual he deemed malevolent to destroy their own lives (divorce/break up with their relationships, quit their jobs, commit crimes, etc.), but also instigated a riot and subsequently completely destroying the entirety of the institute and research center's property in seconds with his psychokinetic rage. Jolen and his family spent the next two and a half years in justice system limbo, though any threat of legal repercussion was soon quashed in lieu of the Institute's many abuses of their special pupils completely coming to light.

The entire situation was quite prominent within the national news cycle and made mention across a few other countries worldwide. Though a young adult, Jolen had no experience in the real world and lacked the tools to be self-sufficient - agreeing to be transferred to another special program in Toronto, Ontario, who would further assist him regarding his extraordinary powers, mental health, social services and future prospects. This afforded him with the ability to live in assisted housing within a neighbourhood specifically geared toward metahumans of all kinds. He resented the rest of his family, and refused to speak to them for a short while. The next decade became rather eventful: Jolen was eventually recruited into the Canadian Department of Psionic Affairs government agency, re-established communication with his family, came out with his homosexuality, earned a college education, and met the love of his life in the form of musician and audiokinetic Darshan Singh.

The consistent activity enabled him to only increase the magnitude and mastery of his psychic gifts over time, and by the time he was thirty, his extremely powerful psionic presence could be detected within a radius spanning potentially hundreds of miles to anyone keen enough to perceive such. Eventually and inevitably, international institutions, research projects and organizations took great notice of one of the most powerful known psychics, deriving their powers from a natural mutation, on the planet. Jolen became much more willing to volunteer for controlled studies when it meant it would benefit others, and such cooperation took him around the Americas. One of such places was Paragon City. As his reputation and "industry fame" became even more international, Jolen soon accepted a specialist position in the U.N.P. where his extraordinary-even-among-his-psionic-peers myriad of abilities granted him illustrious status. This relocated him and his fiance to Geneva on a more permanent basis.

The Tipping Point

The general identity of Jolen Emerton did not go unnoticed by Arachnos, especially after the former's first visit to Paragon City. The immense psychic presence he emanated was irresistible to many-a-Fortunata's present and future senses. Jolen became a primary subject for recruitment (or conscription), though the knowledge of his potential power level translated into nearly a year of reconnaissance and planning. Jolen's mental detection of suspicious Arachnos-affiliated spying blended in with a sea of others committing similar attempted breaches of privacy, albeit for less nefarious ends. Arachnos finally enacted their plan in February of 2020 during Jolen's next visit to Paragon City in two steps. The first was a pleasant introduction from an Arachnos representative who attempted to hard sell their most privileged position for nearly a week, but upon Jolen's refusal each and every time, the second step became necessity. Arachnos were successful in infiltrating his Kallisti Wharf hotel room and capturing him at his most vulnerable (though not by as much as one would think) - while sleeping.

Jolen's reactionary power managed to render a few of his abductors comatose before a tranquilizer agent could even be injected into his system. The supreme psion awakened nearly a day later in an underground Arachnos facility located on one of the Nerva Archipelago islands, where he was bound down with many physical and psionic methods of keeping him, and his powers, suppressed and restrained. For countless days, Jolen was held against his will with increasingly potent methods of persuasion. What once started with more promises of wealth, status, power and true purpose, very quickly devolved into blunt force trauma, electroshock treatment and waterboarding. His insistent refusal and strong will, even while suppressed, prevented any hope to dominate his mind or make him lose control like once before.

The final straw was in the form of Jolen being presented with not only his fiance, but members of his family, under the threat of execution to force his compliance. Despite this being a successful method of coaxing his cooperation, Arachnos made the fatal mistake of deciding on executing them anyway in order to break Jolen's psyche to be rebuilt. One by one, his fiance, father, mother and one of his brothers fell upon the floor with the life draining from their eyes. Each sight caused Jolen to shout louder, and louder, causing his psionic aura to grow brighter and brighter... until a taste of the true magnitude of his absolutely cataclysmic potential was revealed to the ignorant spiders for the first time. Across the entire island, a deadly mental resonance weaved effortlessly with an absolutely devastating storm of psychokinetic energy. In the aftermath, hundreds of dead Arachnos soldiers, technicians, scientists and other subjects with missing heads and twisted or severed bodies scattered across a huge field of disturbed earth, miscellaneous debris and disintegrated building structures with Jolen in the centre.

A tsunami was instigated that affected the surrounding islands. It took the collected might of dozens upon dozens of the best Fortunatas and loyal psionic destined ones to arrive on the scene and successfully subjugate Jolen, who gradually weakened in his bottomless pit of grief. Though, he was not deemed a lost cause. Little did he, or any Arachnos scientist or operative without the correct clearance know, that the prolonged failure to recruit him into the ranks on a deadline forced Arachnos's hand in their alternate plan to make use of the extremely powerful psychic. Because this phenomenon almost certainly drew the attention of many beyond even the Rogue Isles, Jolen Emerton was swiftly relocated to one of the most secure Arachnos laboratories in Grandville. Utilizing the latest in stasis, genetic and experimental technology, Jolen was induced into medical coma indefinitely, where his body, and everything within it, would be used for the beginning of the Emerton Project.

The Emerton Project


Through the harmonized replication process, Jolen the "Source Emerton"'s DNA was utilized in the increasingly rapid development of Emerton Clones. The process was imperfect and resulted in several failed experiments, though consistency and improvement bread increasingly more powerful Emertons: the ultimate goal of the Emerton Project sought to create absolutely obedient and devastating psionic super soldiers as powerful as Source Emerton, possessing peak physical capabilities and lacking hindering emotions or any desire for personal freedom. Though it became apparent that a perfect clone was yet within reach, the improved Emertons along the journey were deemed useful enough to be deployed as Bane Spiders and Fortunatas. The highly classified nature of the Emerton Project, however, rendered these individuals with fake backstories and records; seldom out of uniform while too many prying eyes were around. Throughout 2020 and 2021, the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Emerton clones resulted in cruel and twisted failures.

The Zeta clones, perfected in 2022, were the first to make themselves useful in such manner, matching the current age of the Source. Eta, Theta and Iota clones continued this trend with an increase in power ratio regarding their psychokinetic, telepathic and clairvoyant prowess. The scientists overseeing Project Emerton were finally able to perfect the creation of Emertons consistent with a physical equivalent to mid-twenties with the Kappa Emertons (physically deemed the most efficient for peak enhancements), without sacrificing too much of their power level ratio. Perhaps an oversight or laziness caused those on the project to deal with a new developmental defect, in that of an inclination to free thinking, with a quickly-developed serum unique to Emerton's physiology designed to keep any such defected Emertons compliant - unofficially dubbed the E-Serum. The Mu and Nu Emertons furthered development and bridged the path between both breakthrough points, meanwhile inconspicuously (as possible) joining the ranks of Arachnos as intended for use and contributing to a large influx of male Fortunatas around this period.

In 2023, the next breakthrough of the project came in the form of the Xi Emertons, which possessed the highest ratios of power compared to the source: 80% Psychokinetic, 75% Telepathic, 70% Psionic Offense and 50% Clairvoyant power level equivalent, respectfully. Unfortunately for Arachnos, this large leap in cloning advancement also brought with it it's own caveat. The very first Emerton Xi, after a year and a half of learning, conditioning and quickly working his way up to become an established Fortunata Master, secretly developed his own personality, likes, dislikes and critical thinking capabilities likened to that of the Source Emerton, by pretending to be more compliant than he was and thereby avoiding use of the E-Serum. This increased aptitude for deception was rectified for further Xi Emertons, though by the time Arachnos operatives were ready to apprehend the troublesome Emerton Xi, he had long utilized his mental facilities to defect and escape, becoming a rogue asset. Arachnos immediately made the return of such an asset back into rank a priority for the Emerton Project, though the improvement of clones and production of already established subjects were not completely stalled outright. Eventually Emerton Xi was recovered with minimal Arachnos casualties, re-chipped, re-injected with the E-serum and made to resume his previous public identity. The loose ends Emerton Xi created throughout his rogue status were taken care of for the most part.

Personality Profile

Disregarding the compliance the E-serum drenches it with, Emerton Xi's personality is very similar to source Emerton's.

He is assertive in his ability to ask questions and think critically, though is simultaneously prone to daydreaming or deep pondering. Nonetheless, the opinions he does form are stoic. He can come off as a contrarian at times while finding great purpose in challenging norms for the sake of common sense. Though he doesn't share his opinions when they aren't requested or warranted, Emerton has other ways to communicate his take on things. A part of him can't help indulging in the feeling of superiority over others pertaining to his will and extraordinary mental prowess, and yet another part of him is willing to downplay it when he deems it necessary to do so. The darkness inside of him manifests as selective apathy and callousness for thoughts and emotions, though foregoes physical abuse when he can as he deems such overrated, ineffective and/or unnecessary in many cases. All in all, he treats those he loves, likes and tolerates with any due respect, compassion and attentiveness.

Most of these qualities however, while under the effects of the E-serum, are dulled down.



  • Arachnos






Psychokinesis - Possessing 80% of the Source Emerton's effectiveness, Emerton Xi is an extremely powerful and versatile psychokinetic. The raw might of his psychic strength alone is capable of supporting weight upwards of nearly 80 tons with maximum concentration, and he is capable of affecting/manipulating multiple objects in his proximity with little trouble. Some examples of his capabilities include creating psychokinetic walls of force and force-fields, surrounding/empowering various objects and/or persons to increase their strength and/or durability, or conjure more destructive manifestations of psychokinetic will, such as twisters.

Telepathy - Possessing 75% of the Source Emerton's effectiveness, Emerton Xi is a very powerful telepath capable of easily communicating and creating mental networks across vast distances and between many minds simultaneously. He can perceive surface thoughts with no effort, efficiently delve into the deeper parts of another's psyche, exist prominently upon the astral plane, alter perception, mind control masses (though the more minds included, the lesser his overall hold), fortify the minds of others and detect and rectify psychic-afflictions, among other capabilities. His own mental resilience is virtually impossible to best by inferior psychics, and a very difficult battle for those even on par with him.

Psychic Attacks - Possessing 70% of the Source Emerton's effectiveness, Emerton Xi possesses powerful psionic offensive output, capable of assaulting his foes with psychic bolts, debilitating psionic fluctuations and even cause serious psychosomatic harm, among other emanations.

Clairvoyance - Possessing 50% of the Source Emerton's effectiveness, Emerton Xi is a strong clairvoyant capable of experiencing visions of near-future events prevalent to the subject he is focusing upon. Through a more immediate means of flash-clairvoyance, such extrasensory functions as a "danger sense" for himself and those in his immediate proximity that he is connected to.

Psionic Distortion - Most who attempt to foretell Emerton's timeline via precognition, retrocognition or any other related medium will find themselves unable to establish a stable perception.

Unique Physical Condition - Like all Emerton clones, including the earliest, Emerton Xi's body was rapidly accelerated in growth to match the Source's at the time of comatose preservation, and enhanced to peak physical human capabilities of strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, durability, stamina, health, recovery, etc. In addition, he was designed to possess an increased lifespan.

Accelerated Development - Linked to their prominent minds, Emerton clones all possess a high level of intelligence, and the ability to dramatically learn and retain information relating to knowledge and social developments, up to a cap associated with that of the Source Emerton.


Tactical Training -


Protective Wear - The standard Emerton Xi uniform as well as the Fortunata uniform both possess bulletproof and heat resistant standard materials.

E-Serum - The E-Serum is a specially designed agent that, when injected into an Emerton Clone, causes them to become much less inclined to break rank. This was a developed band-aid solution to an oversight during the process of clone development. All Emerton clones more often than not carry at least one small syringe with them at all times for emergency purposes. These syringes are typically kept within compartments of their utility belts.

Communications Tech - In possession of, and can easily utilize and integrate any miscellaneous/situational communications technology.

Microchip - All Emerton clones are internally implanted with a microchip (located at the back of the neck) for several purposes. The Rogue Emerton Xi removed his original chip before a replacement was created.

Other Skills/Talents


Current RP Hooks

  • The highest-of-ups may be informed of the Emerton Project to some degree (excluding anyone directly involved).
