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Defensively, Gravatar applies his ability to manipulate gravitons in several creative ways. Most commonly, he creates forcefields of gravitons, causing most attacks against him to be nullified: the weight of projectiles are increased so they simply drop out of the air, energy beams and similar attacks are bent around him or otherwise dispersed, and physical attacks are blunted or absorbed by the field. When operating with allies, he often extends the size of his fields to encompass them as well, rendering them as impervious to attack as himself. Gravatar can reflexively create a point of intense gravity at the heart of explosions, preventing the explosive force and material from achieving escape velocity, containing the blast in an area no larger than its source and negating the explosion.  
Defensively, Gravatar applies his ability to manipulate gravitons in several creative ways. Most commonly, he creates forcefields of gravitons, causing most attacks against him to be nullified: the weight of projectiles are increased so they simply drop out of the air, energy beams and similar attacks are bent around him or otherwise dispersed, and physical attacks are blunted or absorbed by the field. When operating with allies, he often extends the size of his fields to encompass them as well, rendering them as impervious to attack as himself. Gravatar can reflexively create a point of intense gravity at the heart of explosions, preventing the explosive force and material from achieving escape velocity, containing the blast in an area no larger than its source and negating the explosion.  

With experience and training, Gravatar has begun learning how to manipulate gravity on a truly cosmic scale. He can open up micro-wormholes between two distant points that allow for instantaneous travel between those points. Initially restricted to creating wormholes between two points within a single gravity well, he has since learned how to create them between two different gravity wells, allowing for him to traverse interplanetary and even interstellar distances with ease. It is believed that with more practice and experience, Gravatar could open wormholes to other dimensions and even other periods of time as well, though he has not achieved this ability as of yet. Incredibly, Gravatar has also bonded with a sentient singularity, due to his unique ability to communicate with it via gravitic pulses, and the entity is never far from his side in the field.  
With experience and training, Gravatar has begun learning how to manipulate gravity on a truly cosmic scale. He can open up micro-wormholes between two distant points that allow for instantaneous travel between those points. Initially restricted to creating wormholes between two points within a single gravity well, he has since learned how to create them between two different gravity wells, allowing for him to traverse interplanetary and even interstellar distances with ease. It is believed that with more practice and experience, Gravatar could open wormholes to other dimensions and even other periods of time as well, though he has not achieved this level of control as of yet. Incredibly, Gravatar has also bonded with a sentient singularity, due to his unique ability to communicate with it via gravitic pulses, and the entity is never far from his side in the field.  

Gravatar can sense gravitational waves and flux, and he himself appears to be immune to the effects of gravity as he chooses. He is one of a few known superhumans who has managed to enter and exit black holes and other stellar phenomena without adverse effect, and can operate in high gravity, low gravity or zero gravity without impediment. His gravitic forcefields also allow him to operate in deep space safely, protecting him from the cold, radiation and vacuum, and he can even use gravity to replenish his air supply by drawing oxygen molecules from nearby atmospheres. His flight speed in deep space is exponentially faster, and he is able to achieve superliminal speeds once free of local gravity wells.  
Gravatar can sense gravitational waves and flux, and he himself appears to be immune to the effects of gravity as he chooses. He is one of a few known superhumans who has managed to enter and exit black holes and other stellar phenomena without adverse effect, and can operate in high gravity, low gravity or zero gravity without impediment. His gravitic forcefields also allow him to operate in deep space safely, protecting him from the cold, radiation and vacuum, and he can even use gravity to replenish his air supply by drawing oxygen molecules from nearby atmospheres. His flight speed in deep space is exponentially faster, and he is able to achieve superliminal speeds once free of local gravity wells.  

Revision as of 17:50, 26 May 2021

banner of character name here

Player: @TassaKay (Homecoming/Everlasting Server)
Real Grav 2.png
Character Build
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Gabriel Catalano
Known Aliases:
12 May 1993
Port Charles, New York
Martin Catalano (father, deceased), Irene Catalano (mother, deceased), Dexter Rawlins (stepfather, deceased)
175 lbs.
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
Strong jaw, clean beard, styled hair, classically handsome features
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Neutral Good

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Public (Registered with FBSA)
Years Active:
Base of Operations:
Gravtopia (undisclosed location somewhere in the South Pacific)
Citizen of United States of America with no known criminal record.
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
Registered superhero, field operative for Portal Corporation; formerly reporter for Paragon Times, reporter for Millennium City Free Press, reporter for Millennium City News
Marital Status:
Engaged (Aohdan Darragh/"Omnitone")
Known Powers and Abilities
Gravitikinesis (Omega Level)
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Costume (unstable molecules), personal comlink
ReldinBox Template


Gravatar is a superhero from the so-called "Champions Earth" with the mutant ability to control gravity. Having been sent to Primal Earth by a petty and vindictive supervillainess, he has adopted this new world as his own, and uses his incredible powers to protect it from that which would threaten it or its people. Though his life is full of trauma and loss, he has emerged stronger from every trial he has faced, and though his powers have continued to expand in breadth and scope, he has remained grounded and committed to the safety of his world and its people.
Grav Panoramic 2.PNG


Gravatar is a Caucasian male of average height and weight, with an athletic and toned physique due to rigorous exercise, and skin that is lightly tanned. His wavy black hair is kept impeccably styled, and his blue-grey eyes shine with intelligence and good humor. His facial features are considered classically handsome, with high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a neatly-trimmed beard. He tends to favor clothing that is well-tailored and flattering to his physique, and he does not appear to be shy about displaying his body.

His costume, deep blue and white in color and consisting of unstable molecules, is a skintight bodysuit that encases him from neck to toes. His personal symbol, a stylized star, is displayed prominently on his chest, and he also wears a deep blue impervium cape clasped to one shoulder and a domino mask over his upper face (though this is more for style than to conceal his identity). Out of costume, he tends to favor dark blue, black and grey clothing, all of which is tailored to his body and of a professional urban style.


As his codename implies, Gravatar is a gravitikinetic, able to generate and manipulate graviton particles through sheer force of will. Classified as Omega Level by GIFT, his mutation has no discernible upper limit. When using his abilities, the interaction between gravitons and photons tends to cause his hands and eyes to glow and emit visible ripples through the air, though he can suppress this effect when he chooses.

The most basic application of Gravatar's mutation is his ability to manipulate gravitons to increase or decrease the weight of anything with discernible mass, causing it to get heavier or lighter respectively. With practice, Gravatar has learned how to change the direction at which such objects "fall", effectively exercising his own version of telekinesis. Decreasing the effect of gravity on objects also allows Gravatar to lift things far in excess of his own normal human strength. Gravatar can also alter the gravitational pull on himself, allowing him to do such things as fly at incredible speeds, change the direction "down" lies for him in order to walk on walls or ceilings as if they were the floor or ground and slow a fall to land as lightly and gently as a feather. He can also use gravity to bend light rays around himself, effectively rendering himself invisible.

Offensively, Gravatar is quite adept at utilizing his control of gravity in the field. He can project concentrated graviton particles that have a concussive effect, affecting single targets with powerful blasts of gravitic force, sending forth widening waves of gravitic force to affect everything in the waves' path, and releasing bursts of gravitic force radiating in all directions around him. Gravatar can also create gravity fields that increase the pull of gravity in an area (causing targets caught within to be pulled downward), decrease the pull of gravity in an area (causing targets to be lifted upward) or nullify the gravity in an area (causing targets to float weightlessly within the field). He has begun to use his ability to create micro-singularities tactically, gravitically pulling in nearby targets and depositing them in a different location of his choosing.

Defensively, Gravatar applies his ability to manipulate gravitons in several creative ways. Most commonly, he creates forcefields of gravitons, causing most attacks against him to be nullified: the weight of projectiles are increased so they simply drop out of the air, energy beams and similar attacks are bent around him or otherwise dispersed, and physical attacks are blunted or absorbed by the field. When operating with allies, he often extends the size of his fields to encompass them as well, rendering them as impervious to attack as himself. Gravatar can reflexively create a point of intense gravity at the heart of explosions, preventing the explosive force and material from achieving escape velocity, containing the blast in an area no larger than its source and negating the explosion.

With experience and training, Gravatar has begun learning how to manipulate gravity on a truly cosmic scale. He can open up micro-wormholes between two distant points that allow for instantaneous travel between those points. Initially restricted to creating wormholes between two points within a single gravity well, he has since learned how to create them between two different gravity wells, allowing for him to traverse interplanetary and even interstellar distances with ease. It is believed that with more practice and experience, Gravatar could open wormholes to other dimensions and even other periods of time as well, though he has not achieved this level of control as of yet. Incredibly, Gravatar has also bonded with a sentient singularity, due to his unique ability to communicate with it via gravitic pulses, and the entity is never far from his side in the field.

Gravatar can sense gravitational waves and flux, and he himself appears to be immune to the effects of gravity as he chooses. He is one of a few known superhumans who has managed to enter and exit black holes and other stellar phenomena without adverse effect, and can operate in high gravity, low gravity or zero gravity without impediment. His gravitic forcefields also allow him to operate in deep space safely, protecting him from the cold, radiation and vacuum, and he can even use gravity to replenish his air supply by drawing oxygen molecules from nearby atmospheres. His flight speed in deep space is exponentially faster, and he is able to achieve superliminal speeds once free of local gravity wells.




Gravatar's uniform was constructed with unstable molecules, which render it immune to his own powers, and can be concealed or even transformed into other forms with mental commands. He also wears an earbud comlink unit issued to him by the FBSA, allowing him to communicate with other operatives in the field. He doesn't carry much else in the way of personal equipment, though he often bears a Portal-issue tablet computer in order to assist him in his work for the Portal Corporation. Any other equipment is requisitioned from the FBSA or Portal on a case-by-case basis.


Gravatar's base of operations is known colloquially as "Gravtopia", an island paradise of his own creation. Pushing himself to his limits, Gravatar opened a massive wormhole between Primal Earth and the Shadow Shard, then moved several of the floating landmasses from that turbulent dimension to an area somewhere in the South Pacific. Once the islands had been cleared of any remaining Rularuu servants, Gravatar and his fiancé Omnitone combined their efforts to turn the largest of the barren rocks into a virtual paradise on Earth.

Once their home was completed on the main island, they turned their attentions to the smaller landmasses, creating several more additions to Gravtopia: Portal Island (with permanent wormholes established to several locations throughout Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, the Shadow Shard and even Praetoria), Memorial Island (a massive shrine/park dedicated to Gravatar's fallen teammates from his own Earth), Tiki Island (an island with a beach, a lagoon, and an eponymous tiki bar), and Vault Island (an island serving as a sort of Shadow Shard "nature preserve" and bearing several Rularuu artifacts taken by Gravatar).

Gravtopia bears formidable defenses: besides the permanent gravitational fields erected by Gravatar himself to keep intruders at bay, a magical ward was also put into place by Gravatar's friends, Tien and Daniel, who combined their abilities to protect Gravtopia from hostile magical effects as well. And as the landmasses originated from the Shadow Shard, Gravatar was able to call in a favor through his allies in the FBSA to influence the UN to recognize Gravtopia as a sovereign nation of sorts, granting Gravatar sole legal authority over his floating island paradise.


Early Life

Gabriel Catalano was born in Port Charles, NY, a small New York city on the shores of Lake Ontario between Rochester and Buffalo. His father, Martin, was a detective in the PCPD, and his mother, Irene, worked for a local PR firm. Growing up in an apartment in the Harborview Towers downtown, Gabriel's childhood was rather typical of most well-to-do urban families, and rather unremarkable as a whole. However, that all changed when Martin was killed in the line of duty, at the hands of one of the first metahumans ever employed by the local mobs as an enforcer. The Catalano family was shattered by this, but Irene and Gabriel soldiered on as best they could for the next few years. When Gabriel was 10, his mother informed him that they would be leaving Port Charles, and making a new life for themselves in the former city of Detroit: Millennium City.

Rookie Career

A New Earth

The Big Leagues

Current Status


Gravatar bears several affiliations of note.

First, of course, is his fiancé Aohdan Darragh, also known as the superhero Omnitone. When the Irish mutant arrived in Paragon City fresh from County Ulster, Gravatar took him under his wing, serving as his official mentor via GIFT. It was during that time that the pair fell in love, and once Aohdan finished his mentorship and became a fully-fledged registered superhero in Paragon City, he proposed to Gravatar, and the two are now enjoying both a happy engagement and a solid partnership in the field.

His closest friends and allies are the Praetorians Tien Tamari-Mizu and Daniel Davisson, former Resistance fighters who, like Gravatar himself, transitioned to Primal Earth from their native Earth. Tien served as a mentor for Gravatar when he arrived from Champions Earth, teaching him how to better utilize his control of gravity to support his teammates in combat situations. The pair of them remain close with Gravatar, and are often his first call when he requires assistance in the field. He even maintains a permanent wormhole from Gravtopia to the mountaintop chateau where the pair of them live.

Gravatar also maintains close ties with several of his former teammates within the Global Defense Force: Citizen Thirteen, Crowning Glory, Starspark, Elycion, Areus, Farside, Nitroburst, Ultrastar and the alien entities Hugs and X. He often assists them with field work, though he himself chose to resign from the GDF in order to focus on his work with the Portal Corporation, and counts them among his closest allies on Primal Earth. He also bears an unusual but close friendship with Mu'Sekhmet, one of the Mu Guardians from the Rogue Isles, as well as her concubine Dominic Balthazar Ashera. This has raised some eyebrows amongst his colleagues in Paragon City, but Gravatar pays these concerns no mind.

Professionally, Gravatar is most affiliated with the Portal Corporation. He recently accepted a full-time position with Portal as a field operative, and can most often be found assisting them at Firebase Zulu in the Shadow Shard, due to his unique ability to operate in that dimension's gravity without detriment. He has also been a member of the Northern Stars and the Global Defense Force, as previously mentioned, and also maintains contacts with some of his former co-workers at the Paragon Times.

On Champions Earth, Gravatar was a member of the Forces of Nature (Undertow, Earthmover, Windshear, Sunscorch and the team leader Plasmus) in good standing, until their untimely demise at the hands of the supervillainess Gravitar. He was also closely affiliated with the Champions Earth versions of Citizen Thirteen, Starspark and Elycion, working with them via PRIMUS on several high-profile cases.

Beyond these ties, Gravatar is in good standing within the superhero community of Paragon City, and his reputation has even begun to extend to other worlds throughout the multiverse as his work with the Portal Corporation has taken him to other worlds and other dimensions more and more.