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'''Alien Abduction''': In this version, Quipshot  was abducted by aliens and subjected to bizarre experiments. These experiments granted him his powers but left his mind in tatters. He now roams Earth, trying to piece together what happened and exacting revenge. These tales might include outlandish descriptions of alien planets, advanced technologies, and bizarre alien biology.
'''Alien Abduction''': In this version, Quipshot  was abducted by aliens and subjected to bizarre experiments. These experiments granted him his powers but left his mind in tatters. He now roams Earth, trying to piece together what happened and exacting revenge. These tales might include outlandish descriptions of alien planets, advanced technologies, and bizarre alien biology.

'''Failed Super Soldier Experiment''': Quipshot was supposedly part of a covert military program designed to create the ultimate super soldier via secret government experiment. He might say he was injected with experimental serums that enhanced his strength, agility, and regenerative healing, turning him into a living weapon. The program went awry, and he was the sole survivor, escaping with his newfound powers but losing his grip on reality in the process. Now, he uses his abilities for mercenary work while seeking vengeance on those who experimented on him.
'''Failed Super Soldier Experiment''': Quipshot was part of a covert military program designed to create the ultimate super soldier via secret government experiment. He might say he was injected with experimental serums that enhanced his strength, agility, and regenerative healing, turning him into a living weapon. The program went awry, and he was the sole survivor, escaping with his newfound powers but losing his grip on reality in the process. Now, he uses his abilities for mercenary work while seeking vengeance on those who experimented on him.

'''Failed Stand-Up Comedian''': In a more comedic twist, Quipshot claims he was once a stand-up comedian who bombed so hard that the universe itself granted him superpowers out of pity. His banter and jokes are actually remnants of his failed comedy career, and he’s constantly seeking validation through his outrageous antics.
'''Failed Stand-Up Comedian''': In a more comedic twist, Quipshot claims he was once a stand-up comedian who bombed so hard that the universe itself granted him superpowers out of pity. His banter and jokes are actually remnants of his failed comedy career, and he’s constantly seeking validation through his outrageous antics.

Revision as of 17:06, 24 July 2024

Player: @HNBC
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Sentinel
Security Level: 27
Personal Data
Real Name: ??? (Marcus Manson)
Known Aliases: Q.S., The Quip-Cracking Crusader, The Bantering Buffoon, The Never-Dead Knucklehead, The Talking Target, The Irksome Merc, The Remarking Marksman
Species: Human Mutant
Age: 30
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205 lbs
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: ??? (Blonde)
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Mercenary/Assassin
Place of Birth: ??? (Madison, WI)
Base of Operations: Etoile Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: ??? (Unknown)
Known Powers
Superhuman Regeneration, Toxin Resistance, Near-Immortality, Pain Tolerance, Psionic Resistance, Enhanced Strength/Durability/Agility/Reflexes/Speed/Stamina
Known Abilities
Expert Marksmanship, Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Acrobatic Skills, Irritating Personality, Unpredictability
Guns, Blinker, Utility Belt, Katana, Throwing Knives, Body Armor


Quipshot's costume predominantly features a striking combination of red and gray, with bold accents of gold. The use of red and gray creates a visually dynamic and intimidating look. He wears a full-face mask that is predominantly red, covering his entire head and concealing his identity completely. The mask has black eye patches and matching permanet grin, which add to his menacing, manic and mysterious appearance. His torso is gray with a prominent red target symbol on the chest, drawing attention and perhaps mocking his enemies by daring them to take a shot. The arms are predominantly red with gray sections around the shoulders and biceps. He wears gold gloves that extend to his forearms, providing both protection and a striking contrast to the darker colors. He sports a golden utility belt around his waist, equipped with various pouches and holsters for his weapons and gadgets, indicating his readiness for combat and his reliance on a variety of tools.

The legs are red with gray sections around the thighs and knees, mirroring the design on his torso. This cohesive color scheme creates a streamlined and professional appearance. His boots are golden and reach up below his knees, offering sturdy protection to his tactical outfit. The boots have a segmented design, suggesting durability and flexibility.

Possible Origin(s)

The Secret Agent Turned Rogue: Quipshot claims he was once a top operative for a government agent working for an ultra-classified division. Trained in espionage, martial arts, and assassination, but after a mission went wrong, he was betrayed by his own team and left for dead. He survived, but the betrayal shattered his mind, turning him into the man he is today.

Alien Abduction: In this version, Quipshot was abducted by aliens and subjected to bizarre experiments. These experiments granted him his powers but left his mind in tatters. He now roams Earth, trying to piece together what happened and exacting revenge. These tales might include outlandish descriptions of alien planets, advanced technologies, and bizarre alien biology.

Failed Super Soldier Experiment: Quipshot was part of a covert military program designed to create the ultimate super soldier via secret government experiment. He might say he was injected with experimental serums that enhanced his strength, agility, and regenerative healing, turning him into a living weapon. The program went awry, and he was the sole survivor, escaping with his newfound powers but losing his grip on reality in the process. Now, he uses his abilities for mercenary work while seeking vengeance on those who experimented on him.

Failed Stand-Up Comedian: In a more comedic twist, Quipshot claims he was once a stand-up comedian who bombed so hard that the universe itself granted him superpowers out of pity. His banter and jokes are actually remnants of his failed comedy career, and he’s constantly seeking validation through his outrageous antics.

Genetically Engineered Clone: In this backstory, Quipshot is a clone created by a secret organization to be the perfect mercenary. However, something went wrong during the cloning process, resulting in his unstable mind. He now seeks out his creators to get answers and possibly exact revenge.

Haunted by a Ghost: In this tale, Quipshot was an ordinary person until he was possessed by the spirit of a vengeful assassin. The ghost’s presence granted him his powers but also drove him to madness. He now shares his body with the spirit, which sometimes takes control, leading to his unpredictable behavior.

Actual Origin

Marcus Manson was born into a middle-class family in a quiet nondescript suburb in a quiet nondescript town. His parents encouraged stability and routine. His childhood was unremarkable, marked by average academic performance and a lack of any notable talents/interests. He lived an ordinary life, attended school, had few friends, and generally stayed out of trouble. After graduating high school, Marcus followed a conventional path, attending college where he majored in business administration.

In his early twenties, Marcus secured a job at a nondescript office, working a nine-to-five job that was boring and mundane. His life was a routine of paperwork, coffee breaks, and office small talk. Often a "background extra" in the workplace, he was just another face in the crowd. The only thing that made him feel like he was somebody was his close friend and co-worker Winona "Winnie" Winston who made the days at the office much more tolerable and began to have feelings for her. However, everything changed when he offered Winona a ride home after a late night at the office. The car they were in had been involved in a multi-car crash when he went through the windshield, and Winona had died on impact. The crash should've been fatal, but to everyone’s astonishment, Marcus emerged from the wreckage fully unharmed. It was at this moment that his latent regenerative mutation manifested, rapidly healing his injuries and saving his life.

The shock of the accident, combined with the loss of Winona and his sudden activation of his mutation caused Marcus to suffer a severe mental break. His mind couldn’t handle the trauma his psyche shattered, and he was left with amnesia. Marcus could no longer remember significant parts of his past, including details about his family, friends, and even his identity. Hospitalized and under observation, his healing abilities astonished medical professionals.

With no memory of his former life and no ties to his past, Marcus was discharged from the hospital and found himself lost and alone. He wandered the streets, trying to piece together fragments of his memory, but nothing seemed to fit. Desperate and disoriented, Marcus fell into a life of petty crime, using his newfound abilities to survive. Over time, his encounters with the criminal underworld and his repeated exposure to violence further eroded his mental state.

Realizing that his fragmented memories and unpredictable nature could be assets rather than liabilities, Marcus decided to reinvent himself. He adopted the alias "Quipshot". Embracing his chaotic nature, Marcus became a mercenary for hire, taking on jobs that allowed him to indulge in his love for combat and mayhem. His reputation grew, and he became known for his erratic behavior, dark humor, and unrelenting tenacity. As he continued his mercenary career, he began to fabricate various backstories for himself. These tales were often contradictory and outlandish, serving to confuse his enemies and entertain himself, despite himself not knowing which one's true. Among the stories he told were that he was a rogue government agent, a betrayed hero seeking revenge, and a flawed experiment. These false stories added to the mystery surrounding him, making it difficult for anyone to discern the truth.

But despite his outward bravado and apparent contentment with his new life, a part of Marcus still yearns to understand who he truly is. His amnesia haunts him, plagued by fleeting, fragmented memories that offer tantalizing glimpses of his past. This quest for identity drives him to take on certain contracts and missions, hoping they will provide clues to his true origin. His search is often hindered by his own mental instability and the chaotic nature of his life, but he remains determined to uncover the truth.


Quipshot is known for his sharp wit and constant sarcasm, often using humor as a defense mechanism. He has a knack for making biting remarks and clever quips, even in the heat of battle. His humor ranges from playful to dark, reflecting his complex nature and tumultuous past. His mental instability makes him highly unpredictable, both to his allies and enemies. One moment, he could be joking around; the next, he could be in a ruthless combat mode. This unpredictability keeps those around him on edge, never quite sure what he’ll do next. Beneath his humorous exterior lies a man deeply scarred by his past. The accident that triggered his powers and killed his coworker and love interest haunts him, leading to occasional bouts of PTSD and intense flashbacks. Despite his outward cynicism and mistrust, Quipshot is fiercely loyal to those he considers friends or allies. He will go to great lengths to protect and support them, even if it means putting himself in danger. His years as a mercenary have honed his resourcefulness and tactical acumen. Quipshot is a quick thinker, able to adapt to rapidly changing situations and come up with effective strategies on the fly. His combat intuition often gives him an edge in fights.

As an antihero, Quipshot operates in a moral gray area. He is willing to bend or break the rules to achieve his goals, often using brutal and unorthodox methods. His actions, while sometimes questionable, are driven by a desire to do what he believes is right, even if it means getting his hands dirty. He is a man of contradictions: tough yet vulnerable, humorous yet tragic. His emotional complexity makes it difficult for others to fully understand him, and he often struggles to understand himself. His fragmented memories and identity issues add to this complexity.

Despite his rough exterior, Quipshot has a strong protective instinct, especially towards those who are vulnerable or in need. He often takes on the role of a reluctant guardian, helping those who cannot help themselves. Despite his flaws and instability, Quipshot highly self-aware. He recognizes his own shortcomings and the impact of his actions on others. This self-awareness often manifests in moments of introspection, where he grapples with his identity and purpose.


  • Regeneration: Quipshot has a rapid regenerative ability that allow him to recover from virtually any injury, ranging from minor cuts to severe trauma. This also grants him increased longevity.
  • Expert Marksman: Proficient with a wide range of firearms and projectile weapons, capable of extraordinary precision.
  • Teleportation: Uses a high-tech device, he dubs "the Blinker" to teleport short distances, aiding in both combat and escape.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: His mutation grants him reflexes that are faster than normal, allowing him to dodge attacks and react with incredible speed.
  • Unpredictability: Utilizes erratic and unconventional strategies that make him a difficult opponent to anticipate and counter.
  • Pain Tolerance: Quipshot regeneration ability dulls his pain receptors, enabling him to endure significant pain without it affecting his combat effectiveness.
  • Enhanced Stamina: He can exert himself physically for extended periods without tiring, allowing him to keep fighting or running long after a normal person would have collapsed from exhaustion.
  • Psionic Shielding: Due to the constant damage Quipshot received, as well as his regeneration abilities, it makes him highly resistant to mind control, telepathy, and other psionic abilities.
  • Enhanced Physical Abilities: Due to his mutation, he possesses slightly heightened strength, durability, agility, and endurance beyond human norms.


  • The Blinker: The "borrowed" Sky Raider teleportation device that Quipshot had modified to use during combat and/or escape. Often attached to his belt that allows him to teleport short distances. Requires regular maintenance.
  • Dual Pistols: Semi-automatic pistols with customized grips for better handling. These are his primary firearms, perfect for close to mid-range combat.
  • Throwing Knives: Small, easily concealable knives for silent takedowns or quick distractions.
  • Katana: A high-quality, razor-sharp katana for melee combat, made from Impervium
  • Advanced Utility Belt: A durable, gold-colored belt equipped with numerous pouches for carrying his various gadgets and ammunition.
  • Body Armor: Lightweight but durable armor integrated into his costume, providing protection against bullets and blades without sacrificing mobility.

Weaknesses & Limitations

  • Mental Instability: Marcus suffers from varying degrees of insanity, which can lead to unpredictable behavior and poor decision-making.
  • Amnesia: His memory is fragmented, making it difficult for him to recall important details about his past and sometimes even recent events.
  • Overconfidence: His regenerative abilities can make him reckless, as he tends to underestimate threats that could incapacitate him temporarily.
  • Social Isolation: His erratic nature and unpredictable actions often lead to alienation from both allies and enemies, making it hard for him to form lasting alliances.
  • PTSD: The trauma from the accident and his fragmented memories result in occasional bouts of PTSD, which can trigger flashbacks and affect his performance.
  • Hallucinations: As a result of his fragmented mind, Quipshot sometimes experiences vivid hallucinations that blur the line between reality and illusion, affecting his judgment.
  • Chronic Over-Talking: His incessant need to make jokes and comments can distract him in critical moments, sometimes giving his enemies openings they wouldn't have otherwise.








Name: Samson Carter

Alias: Slim

Relation: The Informant

Details: A streetwise informant with connections across the criminal underworld. Slim feeds Quipshot valuable information and tips in exchange for protection and occasional favors. Usually an on-and-off ally.

Name: Doctor Elizabeth "Liz" Hope

Alias: Doctor Hope

Relation: The Personal Doctor

Details: A former trauma surgeon who now works as a "private medical consultant". Dr. Carter assists Quipshot with medical treatment and advice, often helping him manage his injuries and regenerative needs. She has a soft spot for Quipshot despite his erratic behavior and is one of the few people that Quipshot fully trusts.

Name: Tyler Jennings

Alias: Wrench

Relation: The Techie

Details: A brilliant inventor and hacker who supplies Quipshot with advanced gadgets, including the maintenance of his weapons and the Blinker.





Name: Joseph "Big Joe" Malone

Alias: Grizzly Addams

Relation: Bar Owner

Details: A former soldier who runs a dive bar frequented by mercenaries and antiheroes. Bog Joe provides a safe haven for Quipshot and valuable street-level intelligence. His bar is a neutral ground where deals are made, and alliances are formed.

Name: Emilio Reed

Alias: The Redeemer

Relation: The Retired Vigilante

Details: Emilio believes in redemption and sees potential in Quipshot. He helps guide him towards more constructive uses of his abilities, hoping to channel his chaos for good.


Codename: Norman "Norm" Albright

Alias: Mr. Normal

Designation: A harmless-looking, elderly man who turns out to be a retired master assassin.

Powers/Abilities: Expert Marksmanship, psychological manipulator

Details: Sees Quipshot as a challenge to prove he still has what it takes to eliminate high-profile targets.

Codename: Preston "Big Press" Baxton

Alias: Mr. Tabloid

Designation: A sensationalist journalist who aims to expose and discredit the Quipshot at every opportunity

Powers/Abilities: The power of journalism

Details: Uses media influence to turn public opinion against Quipshot, painting him as a dangerous lunatic.

Codename: Reginald "Red Herring" Harrington

Alias: Fishstick

Designation: A master of distraction who creates false leads and diversions.

Powers/Abilities: Deception, master of disguise, fabricator of fake evidence

Details: Takes delight in sending Quipshot on wild goose chases and false missions.






Codename: Toby "The Tool" Thompson

Alias: Toolhead

Designation: A small-time crook with a big-time grudge.

Powers/Abilities: Experienced Mechanic, Gadgeteer, and Former Chop Shop Owner

Details: Blames Quipshot for a crashing a car that would've made him a fortune while exposing his chop shop and landing him in prison and is now seeking revenge.

Codename: Kevin "The Kid" Malone

Alias: Babyface

Designation: A petty thief with an inflated sense of self-importance.

Powers/Abilities: Average Marksmanship

Details: Frequently attempts to outwit the Quipshot, often with laughable results, but holds a grudge for being humiliated repeatedly.

Codename: Methane-Man

Alias: Mr. Fartastic

Designation: A prankster villain who uses gas-based weapons and gadgets.

Powers/Abilities: Gas-based weapons, no sense of smell

Details: Engages Quipshot in ridiculous and often smelly confrontations.

Codename: Lady Vendetta

Alias: Lady V

Designation: Assassin and revenge seeker

Powers/Abilities: Master of disguise, expert in various forms of combat, high intelligence

Details: Once wronged by Quipshot during a mission, Lady Vendetta has sworn to destroy him. Her mastery of disguise and combat skills make her a relentless and cunning adversary.


  • It's well-known in some circles that Quipshit has a remarkable ability to heal, allowing him to recover from injuries that would be fatal to others. This fact is often exaggerated but is essentially accurate.
  • Some believe that Quipshot has had multiple identities or alter egos over his mercenary career, given his history of shifting allegiances and erratic behavior.
  • A popular but false rumor is that Quipshot was a subject of a secret government experiment gone wrong. This conspiracy theory suggests he was intentionally given his powers and amnesia as part of a covert program.
  • There are whispers that Quipshot is secretly working for a powerful criminal organization, manipulating events from behind the scenes. In reality, his mercenary work is largely freelance and driven by his personal code.
  • Some exaggerate his regenerative abilities to the point of claiming he is truly immortal, able to recover from any injury, no matter how severe. This myth is a stretch of his actual regenerative capabilities.
  • A rumor circulates that Quipshot is actually a government agent or hero playing a role to mislead the public and infiltrate criminal organizations. This idea adds an element of espionage to his character that doesn’t align with his actual background.
  • There’s a rumor that Quipshot was once a notorious criminal before gaining his powers. This is false, as his past as an ordinary office worker is well-documented among those who know him.
  • Some think that Quipshot’s amnesia is a result of memory manipulation or a mind-altering device rather than the trauma-induced amnesia from his accident. This adds a layer of intrigue and conspiracy to his story.
  • There’s a fantastical rumor that Quipshot is a clone created by Crey, with the original Marcus Manson having been disposed of. This is a fanciful tale that adds a sci-fi twist to his origins.


Have any opinions about Quipshot? Put them down here!

RP Hooks

  • You might have been a target of Quipshot's assassination or mercenary work
  • You might have been the person to hire Quipshot
  • You might have been a victim of Quipshot's antics

TV Tropes


  • Chest Insignia: Quipshot's telltale target emblem essentially taunts his opponents to aim for his chest, but due to his regenerative abilities he is often able to shrug off injury
  • Glasgow Grin: What Quipshot's constantly smiling mask gives the appearance of.
  • Utility Belt: Quipshot's belt is filled with gadgets, tools, and weapons, highlighting his preparedness and resourcefulness.
  • The Faceless: His mask conceals his facial expressions, making him appear more intimidating and inscrutable to his foes.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Quipshot's costume predominantly features a color scheme of red and greyish black, symbolizing both his dangerous nature and his morally ambiguous role
  • Cool Mask: His mask has a distinctive design that is both intimidating and stylish, featuring a constant wide grin


  • The Trickster: His sharp wit, sarcastic humor, and penchant for unconventional tactics fit the classic trickster mold.
  • The Snark Knight: A hero (or antihero) known for his biting wit and sarcasm.
  • Morality Pet: Despite his erratic nature, his connection to characters he likes shows he still has a soft spot for certain people.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: His cynical outlook and dark humor mask a deep-seated desire to protect the innocent and punish the guilty.
  • Laughing Mad: His constant quips and jokes, even in dangerous situations, highlight his tenuous grip on sanity.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His unpredictable actions often have unintended and far-reaching consequences.
  • The Unfettered: His chaotic nature and lack of adherence to conventional morality make him difficult to predict or control.
  • Anti-Hero: Quipshot operates in a moral gray area, often using brutal and unorthodox methods to achieve his goals.
  • Guile Hero: Uses his wit, cunning, and unpredictability to outsmart his opponents.
  • The Mad Hatter: His fragmented mind and erratic behavior place him in the trope of characters who are unpredictable and seemingly insane.
  • The Gadfly: He enjoys provoking and teasing others with his remarks and unconventional tactics, often using psychological manipulation to achieve his goals.
  • Wild Card: Quipshot's unpredictable behavior and alliances, driven by his mental instability and moral ambiguity, often make him a wild card in any situation.
  • Woobie: With his tragic backstory, mental struggles, and quest for redemption make Quipshot a sympathetic character despite his flaws.
  • Berserk Button: If you -really- want to get on Quipshot's bad side, do any of the following: Hurt children, hurt those with mental issues, hurt animals, or hurt his friends. You'll get what you deserve
  • Beneath the Mask: Quipshot is known to be a deadly and deranged mercenary, due to his unpredictability nature and often nonsensical talking. But carefree and jovial nature is actually a facade under which is severe depression and self-loathing resulting from the gaps in his memories and often laughs at his own pain.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Don't let Quipshot's zany nature trick you: he might be a buffoon, but he's a buffoon with a gun.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: Some of the time, Quipshot really wants to do the right thing... the problem is, he's absolutely crazy. He doesn't always have the best judgment between what's right and what's wrong.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Quipshot's mind is basically as odd as he is.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: While he has a strong moral code, his methods and lack of empathy can be ruthless, but to a comedic effect.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Quipshot, due to being a psychopath and annoying. Although he's has managed to gain some true acceptance from others though.


  • Blatant Lies: Most of his so called "backstories" are bold-faced lies, but he doesn't really know the truth either.
  • Alliterative Name: Quipshot's real name is Marcus Marlon Manson... supposedly.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The traumatic accident that killed his love interest and triggered his powers is a pivotal part of his backstory.
  • Tragic Monster: Despite his abilities and combat prowess, Quipshot is haunted by his past and his role in the death of his love interest.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: His amnesia and fragmented memories make his backstory ambiguous and open to various interpretations.
  • Unreliable Narrator: Due to his amnesia and fragmented memories, his version of events may not always be accurate.
  • Freudian Excuse: His tragic backstory and mental health issues often explain his erratic behavior and moral ambiguity.


  • Teleportation Rescue: Quipshot's use of a teleportation device allows him to escape from tight situations and surprise his enemies in combat.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Quipshot uses whatever means necessary to win, including dirty tricks and improvised weapons.
  • Genius Bruiser: Although he appears chaotic, he possesses a tactical mind and combat intuition, making him a formidable opponent.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Quipshot always has a plan, even if it seems improvised. His utility belt and gadgets ensure he’s ready for any situation, no matter how bizarre it may be.
  • Teleport Spam: Uses his teleportation device frequently in combat for both offensive and defensive maneuvers.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Despite his eccentricities and mental instability, Marcus possesses formidable combat skills and strategic intelligence that make him a valuable asset despite his flaws.
  • Friendly Sniper: Despite being an insane marksman and mercenary, he's quite extroverted, outgoing and caring to his close friends and loved ones.
  • Confusion Fu: Quipshot often uses his unpredictable combat style to throw his opponents and enemies off their guard.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: Quipshot's tactics usually follow the unusual logic that only he seems to understand.
  • Guns Akimbo: One gun usually isn't enough for Quipshot
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: His erratic behavior and nonsensical remarks hide his formidable combat skills and strategic mind.


  • Rule of Cool: Many of his actions and abilities are designed to be stylish and entertaining, often defying logic.
  • Badass Normal: Despite his mutant healing factor, much of his prowess comes from skill, training, and the use of technology, making him formidable even without his regenerative abilities.
  • Never Found the Body His regenerative abilities make it difficult for him to be permanently taken out, leading to situations where enemies believe they’ve defeated him only for him to return.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability:His advanced regenerative abilities make him nearly impossible to kill, allowing him to take extreme risks and recover from almost any injury.
  • Healing Factor: Quipshot's main mutant superpower.


  • Amnesiac Hero: His severe amnesia following the accident leaves him with fragmented memories, driving his quest to uncover his past.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: His friends and allies often serve as stabilizing influences, helping him stay grounded despite his mental instability.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite his rough exterior and sarcastic nature, he often helps those in need and fights for justice in his own, albeit unusual way.
  • The Everyman: Quipshot's life as an office worker was unremarkable, making him relatable and ordinary before his transformation.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite his morally ambiguous profession, Quipshot often targets corrupt individuals and organizations.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Even though he's a ruthlessly effective assassin and mercenary, Quipshot has his own moral code where he doesn't go after innocent civilians such as women or kids, as well as not harming animals
  • Private Military Contractor: What Quipshot usually gets paid do be.


  • Quipshot's Actual Origin Story is unknown to others, or even himself
  • His favorite foods are rainbow sprinkle donuts for a dessert, popcorn for a snack and pizza for lunch or dinner
  • His hideout is filled with bizarre and eclectic collectibles, from novelty items to obscure memorabilia. Each item has a humorous or nonsensical backstory according to him, such as a stuffed unicorn, an antique typewriter, and a golden doorknob.
  • Despite his chaotic nature, he follows a self-imposed code of conduct that he insists on adhering to, though the rules are nonsensical or contradictory, such as never harming animals, children or innocent civillians.
  • Often gives himself and others whimsical nicknames, adding a layer of absurdity to his interactions.
  • Despite his apparent recklessness, he has an uncanny ability to come out on top in seemingly impossible situations. This luck might be a result of his unstable powers or just a quirk of fate.
  • Quipshot is being a surprisingly good cook and juggler
  • Named his sword Winona for reasons unknown to himself and his guns Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson
  • Is ambitdextrous