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'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">High-Level Strategist:</span>''' Tripp has been trained in numerous forms of combat strategy, studying classical warfare philosophies and historical war scenarios since he was a child. Always taught to see the "big picture" and the "end game", Tripp uses the vast contingencies and protocols the TalonKnights before him have put in place to his advantage. Although impossible to be prepared for every eventuality, Tripp "cheats" by manipulating situations to his advantage, surprising his enemies and presenting the illusion of having foreseen the eventual actions of his foes.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">High-Level Strategist:</span>''' Tripp has been trained in numerous forms of combat strategy, studying classical warfare philosophies and historical war scenarios since he was a child. Always taught to see the "big picture" and the "end game", Tripp uses the vast contingencies and protocols the TalonKnights before him have put in place to his advantage. Although impossible to be prepared for every eventuality, Tripp "cheats" by manipulating situations to his advantage, surprising his enemies and presenting the illusion of having foreseen the eventual actions of his foes.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Analytics/Deductive Reasoning:</span>''' Although not the best in the world, Tripp has a vast network of detectives and experts from around the globe at his disposal, most are contacts his predecessors have made. He uses this network to piece together clues and data to be able to solve even the most complicated of cases. His cowl constantly streams data to "A.R.C.H.I.", which in turn is passed onto his contacts, who help him piece together clues and scenarios to help solve crimes. Due to constant exposure to detective work with some of the best detectives in the world, over time, Tripp's own deductive reasoning and crime solving skills have been honed, even solving a couple of cases on his own.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Analytics/Deductive Reasoning:</span>''' Although not the best in the world, Tripp has a vast network of detectives and experts from around the globe at his disposal, most are contacts his predecessors have made. He uses this network to piece together clues and data to be able to solve even the most complicated of cases. Due to constant exposure to detective work with some of the best detectives in the world, over time, Tripp's own deductive reasoning and crime solving skills have been honed where he himself has become formidable.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Skilled Driver/Pilot:</span>''' Tripp pilots numerous vehicles. He is skilled enough to maneuver whatever vehicle is at his disposal as if it were an extension of his body. Part of his training as a TalonKnight involved Tripp piloting and studying schematics of vehicles, as his mentors felt that it was an essential part of being the TalonKnight. Since he cannot fly, or run with superspeed, vehicles are a key part of the TalonKnight's arsenal, therefore, being a skilled pilot or driver is definitely a must.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Skilled Driver/Pilot:</span>''' Tripp pilots numerous vehicles. He is skilled enough to maneuver whatever vehicle is at his disposal as if it were an extension of his body. Part of his training as a TalonKnight involved Tripp piloting and studying schematics of vehicles, as his mentors felt that it was an essential part of being the TalonKnight. Since he cannot fly, or run with superspeed, vehicles are a key part of the TalonKnight's arsenal, therefore, being a skilled pilot or driver is definitely a must.
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'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Intellect:</span>''' Constant study and thirst for knowledge has assisted Tripp in developing his intelligence/IQ. Tripp is competent in basic sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology. Knowledge in these fields help him troubleshoot his equipment, as well as develop formulas and antidotes for situations that require it. He is also a capable engineer, with skills varying from troubleshooting of the "A.R.C.H.I." system, to hacking computers during missions and operations.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Intellect:</span>''' Constant study and thirst for knowledge has assisted Tripp in developing his intelligence/IQ. Tripp is competent in basic sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology. Knowledge in these fields help him troubleshoot his equipment, as well as develop formulas and antidotes for situations that require it. He is also a capable engineer, with skills varying from troubleshooting of the "A.R.C.H.I." system, to hacking computers during missions and operations.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Peak Physical Condition:</span>''' Tripp was raised from a young age using a specialized diet and exercise regimen developed by the 9th TalonKnight during his stay in Japan, and has been used by other TalonKnights since its inception. The diet and exercise regimen have helped Tripp and previous TalonKnights develop muscles and dexterity comparable to an Olympic-level athlete. Their diet helps develop strong bones and muscles, while also making the immune system stronger, increasing the dexterity, immunity and recovery capabilities of the human body. Meanwhile, the exercise regimen develops high-level flexibility, peak human strength and endurance, allowing the TalonKnight to perform certain movements the average human being can't. '''''<span style="color:#FFD700;">It is necessary to prepare the body to accept “the blessing” bestowed upon new TalonKnights when they take up the mantle.</span>'''''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Peak Physical Condition:</span>''' Tripp was raised from a young age using a specialized diet and exercise regimen developed by the 17th TalonKnight during his stay in Japan, and has been used by other TalonKnights since its inception. The diet and exercise regimen have helped Tripp and previous TalonKnights develop muscles and dexterity comparable to an Olympic-level athlete. Their diet helps develop strong bones and muscles, while also making the immune system stronger, increasing the dexterity, immunity and recovery capabilities of the human body. Meanwhile, the exercise regimen develops high-level flexibility, peak human strength and endurance, allowing the TalonKnight to perform certain movements the average human being can't. '''''<span style="color:#FFD700;">It is necessary to prepare the body to accept “the blessing” from the OwlSpark bestowed upon new TalonKnights when they take up the mantle. If not in peak human condition, they may not be able to withstand the ritual and risk dying whilst trying to accept "the blessing".</span>'''''

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Things we need to work on.</div>
Things we need to work on.</div>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Only Human:</span>''' Despite being equipped with cutting edge technology and having centuries worth of crimefighting knowledge at his disposal, Tripp is still extremely mortal. Unlike most of his peers, he does not possess super powered abilities or skills, making him susceptible to metahuman/extra-human attacks. Without his armor he is also vulnerable to attacks just like a normal human and can be mortally wounded. Over time, his body will break down from the continuous rigors he puts his body through, eventually having to retire from the mantle of TalonKnight.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Only Human:</span>''' Despite being equipped with cutting edge technology, having centuries worth of crimefighting knowledge at his disposal, and enhanced abilities from the Owlspark, Tripp is still extremely mortal. Unlike most of his peers, he does not possess super powered abilities or skills, making him susceptible to metahuman/extra-human attacks. Without his armor he is also vulnerable to attacks just like a normal human and can be mortally wounded. Despite the minor healing factor he gets from the Owlspark, his body is still susceptible to long term damage. Pushing himself too far and too hard will result in permanent damage, and over time, he will have to retire. He is also vulnerable to poisoning, drowning, magic and psychic attacks he isn't prepared for. 

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Overconfidence:</span>''' Because he’s trained from a young age, and studied the teachings of the TalonKnights before him fanatically, Tripp has come to be very confident in his abilities. This in turn has led to becoming confident to the point of arrogance, sometimes getting himself into situations beyond his capabilities. This, combined with his lack of social skills (prideful, distant) has led to many sticky situations in the past.  
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Overconfidence:</span>''' Because he’s trained from a young age, and studied the teachings of the TalonKnights before him fanatically, Tripp has come to be very confident in his abilities. This in turn has led to becoming confident to the point of arrogance, sometimes getting himself into situations beyond his capabilities. This, combined with his lack of social skills (prideful, distant) has led to many sticky situations in the past.  
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'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Poor Social Skills:</span>''' Although charming and approachable in his “Philanthropist/Playboy” persona, Tripp is far from sociable. He is introverted, quiet and prefers the company of silence. His business-like demeanor is off putting, even to the ones closest to him like his Grandfather and Monty. In reality, he was traumatized early in his TalonKnight journey, after watching his parents die at the hands of their arch-nemesis. Ever since then Tripp has had trouble getting close to people for fear they will either get hurt or suddenly taken away from him. Because of this trauma, he tends to push people away, coming across as prideful and arrogant (even his jokes don’t take well).  
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Poor Social Skills:</span>''' Although charming and approachable in his “Philanthropist/Playboy” persona, Tripp is far from sociable. He is introverted, quiet and prefers the company of silence. His business-like demeanor is off putting, even to the ones closest to him like his Grandfather and Monty. In reality, he was traumatized early in his TalonKnight journey, after watching his parents die at the hands of their arch-nemesis. Ever since then Tripp has had trouble getting close to people for fear they will either get hurt or suddenly taken away from him. Because of this trauma, he tends to push people away, coming across as prideful and arrogant (even his jokes don’t take well).  

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Obsessive Tendencies:</span>''' When Tripp broods over something, the thought turns over and over in his head trying to come up with a solution or answer. Due to his extreme focus on whatever he’s brooding over, it sometimes leads to paranoia, overplanning, and contingencies that may be more dangerous than initially planned. This weakness can also be exploited because of the tunnel vision it comes with. '''''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Currently, this is being amplified by Tripp/TalonKnight's exposure to an ancient golem, the Odeum.</span>'''''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Obsessive Tendencies:</span>''' When Tripp broods over something, the thought turns over and over in his head trying to come up with a solution or answer. Due to his extreme focus on whatever he’s brooding over, it sometimes leads to paranoia, overplanning, and contingencies that may be more dangerous than initially planned. This weakness can also be exploited because of the tunnel vision it comes with.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Aristocratic Upbringing:</span>''' Tripp's "I know what's best for you" attitude stems from decades of Worthington upbringing. Having been raised generation to generation to believe that they are best equipped to help others (through their money, influence and strength as TalonKnights) has given Tripp the misconception that he knows what's best for the world and those he helps. While he means well, it comes across as unsavory and controlling to those around him. Not only that, his 'control freak' nature seeps into this ingrained attitude, alienating him further from his teammates and allies making him an easy target to isolate should a villain decide to attack.   
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Aristocratic Upbringing:</span>''' Tripp's "I know what's best for you" attitude stems from decades of Worthington upbringing. Having been raised generation to generation to believe that they are best equipped to help others (through their money, influence and strength as TalonKnights) has given Tripp the misconception that he knows what's best for the world and those he helps. While he means well, it comes across as unsavory and controlling to those around him. Not only that, his 'control freak' nature seeps into this ingrained attitude, alienating him further from his teammates and allies making him an easy target to isolate should a villain decide to attack.   

Revision as of 07:20, 28 June 2023


Player: @Owldad

NAME: Thomas Worthington III (Secret)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Hollownest, Unknown Location
BIRTHDATE: September 25, 19XX
AGE: 34
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 215 lbs
BODY TYPE: Peak Athletic
OCCUPATION: Adventurer, Protector, Socialite
KNOWN RELATIVES:Charles Worthington IV (Father, Deceased), Margaret Worthington (nee Carrington) (Mother, Deceased)
EQUIPMENT: Check Below
AFFILIATIONS: Global Defense Force, Blindsiders


The beginning.

In the early 11th Century, a young squire and his master were sent by the Knight's Templar to search for the "Holy Grail" during the Crusades, driven by their belief that it would aid them in liberating Jerusalem and spreading their faith. As time passed and their mission grew increasingly disillusioning, the band of once noble knights succumbed to corruption and abuse of power, except for the squire and his master. Their breaking point came when they encountered a fabled village known for its dense population of desert owls, considered a symbol of bad luck in Middle Eastern culture.

Conflict erupted between the knights and the villagers, leading to pillaging and chaos. However, the young squire and his master could no longer tolerate the atrocities committed by their comrades. They took a stand and joined forces with the oppressed villagers, fiercely driving the rogue knights away. The battle was fierce, and sadly, the master met a fatal fate. In his dying moments, he elevated the young squire to knighthood, passing on his noble legacy.

Grateful for his valor and aid, the villagers guided the newly minted knight to a hidden cave within a mystical mountain, rumored to be where the elusive "Holy Grail" was located. Gravely injured, the weary knight was placed on an altar where the villagers performed a ritual that miraculously healed his wounds. During his healing, the young knight experienced a profound vision—a majestic black owl hovering over him, hooting with an air of wisdom and vigilance. This owl, known as "al-Sada," symbolized the avenger, empowering him to bring justice upon those who have been wronged.

Awakening from his healing trance, the knight found himself fully restored but haunted by the enigmatic presence of the owl. Seeking answers, he consulted with a wise shaman who explained the significance of his vision. He had been blessed by al-Sada, chosen to carry out the mission of avenging the oppressed and bringing evildoers to justice.

Grateful for his second chance and deeply committed to his newfound purpose, the young knight embraced his destiny as the TalonKnight—the embodiment of justice and vengeance. With the power of the Owlspark flowing through him, he pledged to protect the innocent, fight against corruption, and strike fear into the hearts of those who would harm the weak and defenseless. Guided by the legacy of his master and the spirit of al-Sada, the first TalonKnight emerged, forever committed to upholding justice and maintaining the balance between light and darkness.


The legend of the TalonKnight grows.

During the tumultuous era of the Crusades, the young knight dedicated himself to fulfilling his purpose, utilizing a hidden village – home of the Himaraat al-Noor or Guardians of the Light, as his strategic base. As his exploits spread, he became known as the "Talon of al-Sada" or the "Talon of the Death Owl" - a symbol of vengeance and justice. The mystique surrounding his persona grew with the distinctive design of his armor and cloak, adorned with owl-like motifs, further fueling the growing legend.

As the Crusades came to an end, the knight was summoned before Saladin, the newly crowned Sultan, who had caught wind of the village's secret and sought to eradicate any evidence for invaders to abuse. In a bid to safeguard the knowledge and power bestowed upon him by Al-Sada, the knight and a lone Himaraat al-Noor warrior, Rashid al-Farouq embarked on a perilous journey back to the hidden mountain cave. Within the depths of this sacred place lay an Altar dedicated to Al-Sada, the embodiment of justice and retribution. The young knight, bathed in the ethereal glow of the OwlSpark (a small totem in the crude shape of an owl) and made a solemn vow to carry the spirit of Al-Sada within him and avenge the innocent. The divine energy of Al-Sada coursed through his veins, empowering him with enhanced abilities and a relentless resolve to combat evil. The young knight and Rashid fled the Levant back to the knight’s homeland.

Assuming the name and resources of his fallen master, the knight became known as Ser Thomas Worthy, the lord of Worthy Rock. They established their base of operations within a hidden mountain cave in proximity of Worthy Rock, known as the Hollownest, he and his loyal followers continued their noble cause, extending help to the downtrodden and vulnerable across the lands. Ser Thomas's valor and heroism were magnified as he embraced his role as the TalonKnight, an agent of justice feared by evildoers.

In time, Ser Thomas would father a son, whom he carefully trained to inherit the mantle and the blessings of Al-Sada. When the fateful moment arrived and Ser Thomas fell in combat, his son William assumed the role, carrying on the legacy of the TalonKnight. The tales of their exploits echoed through the ages, with the Hollownest serving as a sanctuary and a repository of knowledge.

Operating in the shadows, the TalonKnight fought tirelessly against evil, transcending time itself, from the 11th century to the modern era. The enigmatic hero left an indelible mark on history, etching his name into the collective consciousness as a timeless guardian of justice. The legend of Al-Sada and the power of the OwlSpark continued to guide and empower the TalonKnight and his successors, ensuring that the legacy of vengeance and righteousness would endure. The Altar of Al-Sada remained a sacred site, where the chosen champion of justice would reconnect with the divine essence and find strength to face the darkest of adversaries.

"Birds of omen, dark and foul, Night-crow, raven, bat and owl, Leave the sick man to his dream - All night long he heard your scream."
- Sir Walter Scott, inspired after being saved by the TalonKnight.


"Beware, beware the TALONKNIGHT! His eyes of gold a frightening sight! Turn and run with all your might! The TALONKNIGHT hunts tonight!" -18th Century Nursery Rhyme

Nestled in the outskirts of nearby Sterling Bay, Worthington Manor stood as a testament to elegance and grandeur. Within its walls, young Thomas "Tripp" Worthington III, a curious and observant 8-year-old, led a privileged life alongside his loving parents, Charles and Margaret Worthington, esteemed figures in the high society of Sterling Bay and Paragon City. However, one seemingly ordinary evening, tragedy struck as the manor was infiltrated by a ruthless gang of criminals, led by the notorious Chivalrous Creed, arch nemesis of the 27th TalonKnight, Tripp's Father. These malevolent intruders had discovered the Worthingtons' connection to the TalonKnight legacy and sought to eliminate them as a threat.

Realizing the imminent danger, Charles and Margaret valiantly confronted the invaders, utilizing their skills and resourcefulness to protect their beloved son. In a selfless act of sacrifice, they devised a plan to ensure Thomas's safety and preserve the TalonKnight legacy. Amidst the chaos that erupted throughout the manor, a beacon of strength emerged in the form of Alistair Montgomery, the loyal and trusted butler of the Worthingtons.

With unwavering loyalty, Alistair swiftly took charge, guiding Tripp to a secret sanctuary within the manor while skillfully orchestrating the unfolding of Charles and Margaret's plan. Engaging in a fierce battle, Charles and Margaret fought valiantly against Chivalrous, utilizing their combined talents and the limited resources at their disposal. Yet, despite their courageous efforts, they were ultimately overpowered by the ruthless tactics and superior numbers of their adversaries. In their final moments, Charles and Margaret shared heartfelt words with Tripp through a secure communication device, expressing their unwavering love and hope for him to continue their legacy as the next TalonKnight, protecting the innocent and fighting against evil and injustice. To keep the legacy of the TalonKnights secret and to defeat Chivalrous Creed and his gang, Charles and Margaret had set the Mansion to self-destruct: preserving the secret of the TalonKnights and while also defeating their invaders.

The tragic event was all over the media, but was covered up by the Worthington family resources, with reports varying about what really happened that night: ranging from a drunken orgy gone wrong, to a rival-sponsored hit on the CEO of one of the countries’ largest conglomerates, Worthy Consolidated. Recognizing Alistair's unwavering loyalty and commitment, Robert Worthington, Tripp's grandfather, entrusted him with the care and training of their young ward, while he came out of retirement to take on the mantle of TalonKnight while Tripp was being prepared for the role.

Alistair became more than a butler; he became a confidant, mentor, and guide for Tripp. Within the hidden sanctuary of the TalonKnights, the Hollownest, Tripp found solace, protection, and the beginning of his training to accept the powers of the Owlspark. Under Alistair's guidance, he honed his physical and mental abilities, delving into the rich history and values of the TalonKnight legacy. Through rigorous training, Tripp gradually accepted the immense responsibility of the Owlspark, developing his own unique set of skills while enhancing his strength, speed, and agility.

As he embraced his destiny, Tripp adorned the iconic TalonKnight suit, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to protect the innocent and stand against the forces of evil. His parents’ tragic deaths served as a constant reminder of the darkness he must face and his unwavering pursuit of justice. Throughout his journey, Thomas and Alistair shared a deep and unbreakable bond, founded on their shared loss, purpose, and determination. Together, they embarked on a path fraught with challenges, ready to confront the darkness that threatened their city and uphold the legacy entrusted to them.


All business.. 60% of the time, everytime.

Thomas Worthington III, or Tripp is either loved or hated by the general public and media for his reckless antics and turbulent "relationships" (not really). However, there is more to his personality than just "Billionaire Philanthropist/Playboy" and "Relentless Vigilante". The first is the cliched "Billionaire Philanthropist/Playboy" persona that Tripp plays so well. The TalonKnights have built centuries worth of adversaries, amassing an impressive rogues gallery. Part of what makes him so effective is that his enemies believe he is "immortal" or the same man, essentially making him "un-killable" after all these years, not knowing the mantle is passed on from generation to generation. Tripp insists on acting like an "irresponsible, arrogant buffoon" so that others stay away from him, and not learn his secret legacy. This not only protects those he cares about from being targeted, but also preserves and protects the mythos that the previous TalonKnights built by not risking exposure in any way. A TalonKnight is always taught that "the tighter the circle, the less casualties there will be".

As TalonKnight, Tripp is focused, business-like, and sometimes hard to be around. Being prepared at all times and minimizing the risks to himself and those close to him are high priority when Tripp formulates a contingency. He is most comfortable being in control, and seeing others stray from his "battle plans" and "contingencies" will make him lose sleep and mildly irritate him (although he most likely won’t voice it). Tripp is a perfectionist, and will strive to get things done as efficiently and effectively as possible. He understands that he cannot control all situations, so instead he prepares endlessly, almost giving himself migraines going meticulously through every scenario. Tripp is also unreasonably brave and strong-willed, willing to put his life on the line to save the lives of others, not caring if he gets hurt or killed. His commitment to the mission of the TalonKnight is extremely unhealthy, even bordering on obsession.

To those close to him he can seem distant and cold, yet he still tries to be polite (as he can be). His business-like demeanor is almost unsettling, but he tries to offset it with dry and sarcastic humor (which backfires most of the time).


Born for this.

Legacy Crimefighter: Tripp Worthington comes from a long line of crime fighters, with knowledge and experience spanning over centuries. With each TalonKnight new knowledge and technology is passed on, eventually compiling various techniques and methods of crime fighting. Groomed from a young age, Tripp developed and honed his crime fighting skills through regular lessons with his grandfather, and other tutors, making Tripp the perfect weapon in the war against the world's evil.

Excellent/Skilled Combatant: The TalonKnights have developed a systematic fighting art only taught to heirs of the mantle. The unnamed combat art used by TalonKnights can be described as a combination of holds, strikes, and complex locks to disable and (when necessary) kill foes. Developed through centuries of experience, the 17th TalonKnight described the fighting form as "a combination of Boxing, Japanese Judo, and Shaolin-inspired Kung-Fu". Tripp employs this fighting style daily, adding some modern martial arts to his fighting style, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Combat Sambo. TalonKnights are also well versed in the use of combat arms, being able to use various ranged weapons (bows, rifles, throwing projectiles, etc.), and melee-based weapons (swords, knives, etc.) with equal effectiveness.

High-Level Strategist: Tripp has been trained in numerous forms of combat strategy, studying classical warfare philosophies and historical war scenarios since he was a child. Always taught to see the "big picture" and the "end game", Tripp uses the vast contingencies and protocols the TalonKnights before him have put in place to his advantage. Although impossible to be prepared for every eventuality, Tripp "cheats" by manipulating situations to his advantage, surprising his enemies and presenting the illusion of having foreseen the eventual actions of his foes.

Keen Analytics/Deductive Reasoning: Although not the best in the world, Tripp has a vast network of detectives and experts from around the globe at his disposal, most are contacts his predecessors have made. He uses this network to piece together clues and data to be able to solve even the most complicated of cases. Due to constant exposure to detective work with some of the best detectives in the world, over time, Tripp's own deductive reasoning and crime solving skills have been honed where he himself has become formidable.

Skilled Driver/Pilot: Tripp pilots numerous vehicles. He is skilled enough to maneuver whatever vehicle is at his disposal as if it were an extension of his body. Part of his training as a TalonKnight involved Tripp piloting and studying schematics of vehicles, as his mentors felt that it was an essential part of being the TalonKnight. Since he cannot fly, or run with superspeed, vehicles are a key part of the TalonKnight's arsenal, therefore, being a skilled pilot or driver is definitely a must.

Keen Intellect: Constant study and thirst for knowledge has assisted Tripp in developing his intelligence/IQ. Tripp is competent in basic sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology. Knowledge in these fields help him troubleshoot his equipment, as well as develop formulas and antidotes for situations that require it. He is also a capable engineer, with skills varying from troubleshooting of the "A.R.C.H.I." system, to hacking computers during missions and operations.

Peak Physical Condition: Tripp was raised from a young age using a specialized diet and exercise regimen developed by the 17th TalonKnight during his stay in Japan, and has been used by other TalonKnights since its inception. The diet and exercise regimen have helped Tripp and previous TalonKnights develop muscles and dexterity comparable to an Olympic-level athlete. Their diet helps develop strong bones and muscles, while also making the immune system stronger, increasing the dexterity, immunity and recovery capabilities of the human body. Meanwhile, the exercise regimen develops high-level flexibility, peak human strength and endurance, allowing the TalonKnight to perform certain movements the average human being can't. It is necessary to prepare the body to accept “the blessing” from the OwlSpark bestowed upon new TalonKnights when they take up the mantle. If not in peak human condition, they may not be able to withstand the ritual and risk dying whilst trying to accept "the blessing".


Things we need to work on.

Only Human: Despite being equipped with cutting edge technology, having centuries worth of crimefighting knowledge at his disposal, and enhanced abilities from the Owlspark, Tripp is still extremely mortal. Unlike most of his peers, he does not possess super powered abilities or skills, making him susceptible to metahuman/extra-human attacks. Without his armor he is also vulnerable to attacks just like a normal human and can be mortally wounded. Despite the minor healing factor he gets from the Owlspark, his body is still susceptible to long term damage. Pushing himself too far and too hard will result in permanent damage, and over time, he will have to retire. He is also vulnerable to poisoning, drowning, magic and psychic attacks he isn't prepared for.

Overconfidence: Because he’s trained from a young age, and studied the teachings of the TalonKnights before him fanatically, Tripp has come to be very confident in his abilities. This in turn has led to becoming confident to the point of arrogance, sometimes getting himself into situations beyond his capabilities. This, combined with his lack of social skills (prideful, distant) has led to many sticky situations in the past.

Secretive Control Freak: Tripp’s need to be in control leads to him keeping his cards close to his chest. He feels like the less his peers know what he’s thinking/planning, the more control he has over the situation. His secretive nature ironically feeds into his trauma of losing those close to him.

Poor Social Skills: Although charming and approachable in his “Philanthropist/Playboy” persona, Tripp is far from sociable. He is introverted, quiet and prefers the company of silence. His business-like demeanor is off putting, even to the ones closest to him like his Grandfather and Monty. In reality, he was traumatized early in his TalonKnight journey, after watching his parents die at the hands of their arch-nemesis. Ever since then Tripp has had trouble getting close to people for fear they will either get hurt or suddenly taken away from him. Because of this trauma, he tends to push people away, coming across as prideful and arrogant (even his jokes don’t take well).

Obsessive Tendencies: When Tripp broods over something, the thought turns over and over in his head trying to come up with a solution or answer. Due to his extreme focus on whatever he’s brooding over, it sometimes leads to paranoia, overplanning, and contingencies that may be more dangerous than initially planned. This weakness can also be exploited because of the tunnel vision it comes with.

Aristocratic Upbringing: Tripp's "I know what's best for you" attitude stems from decades of Worthington upbringing. Having been raised generation to generation to believe that they are best equipped to help others (through their money, influence and strength as TalonKnights) has given Tripp the misconception that he knows what's best for the world and those he helps. While he means well, it comes across as unsavory and controlling to those around him. Not only that, his 'control freak' nature seeps into this ingrained attitude, alienating him further from his teammates and allies making him an easy target to isolate should a villain decide to attack.


Tools of the trade.


Body Armor:

Weighted Cape:

Gauntlets: Wrist HUD and control unit.

Utility Belt: Grappling Gun + Hook, Smoke Pellets, Basic Tool Kit, Med Kit, Universal Hacking Kit, Compact Escape Kit, High Density Cuffs

TK Car.jpg


- Hoot-e-rangs:

- Exploding Hoot-e-rangs:

- Pocket Proximity Mines:

- Compact Concussion Grenades:

- Compact Smoke Grenades:

- Caltrops:

- Combat Aerosol Sprays:

Nightbird MK I to V: The talon-mobiles have been a staple of the TalonKnight's arsenal of tools since the industrial revolution. As this era's TalonKnight, Tripp has updated the talon-mobiles with the Nightbird series (currently onto Mark V), adding modern day enhancements for modern day crimefighting. The Nightbird MK V's top speed is around 250 mph, powered by a 1,200 horsepower (combined) twin turbines. Fully armored and armed with a combination of lethal and non-lethal weapons, the Nightbird allows TalonKnight to fight modern supervillains on equal footing.

Talon Aircraft: TalonKnight maintains a squadron of aircraft ranging from the sleek and rapid interceptor style "Strix Series" to the massive cargo/personnel mobile air command "Arbalest Series". Most of his aircraft are capable of VTOL and are heavily armored. The Strix Series (MK III) is capable of dynamic camouflage - able to disguise itself as a LongBow Interceptor or Arachnos Flyer - to evade sensors and unwanted attention. TK's aircraft also maintain a highly advanced autopilot system which can respond to remote commands.

The Battlebruiser MK I to IV: A series of heavy battle suits designed to give the wearer strength, durability and flight comparable to the flying bricks (e.g. Areus) around Paragon City. Conceived due to his heightened paranoia caused by the exposure to the Odeum and getting gravely injured in the battle against Doomsday in New York, the Battlebruisers are armed with high-density synthetic impervium plates, laser canons, jet-boosters and a micro reactor to power the suits for at least a week (at full power output). Tripp is constantly improving its features to match the data that he gathers for every mission so far.

TK SecretFiles.png

Brought to you by paranoia.
To learn more about TalonKnight's Rogues Gallery, Allies, Mission Recaps and More...
The password is 2195.


Fun Facts about The TalonKnight.

- There have been 28 TalonKnights to date, with Tripp being the most recent. The list of TalonKnights are in the Secret Files section.


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Team Leaders
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Lock-DownMistmourneMoonbeamMr. BlankNightbornPsychic FoxThe SilversaintSteel ShieldWind-RiderWindWarrior
All MuscleAria SoundCaptain PoseidonDr. UnknownExergyExpertGodsparkGraystarGridiron GoliathMass ImpactMoonlight MedallionMs. Sovereign
PsionicPulsonSgt. StarburstSir ChozrikSir WinterSoleosSparkwitchStar.StormStellarexUniversal KnightWill o' the WispsWombattle
Reserve Members
Blue IconBoltyChimera GirlLumixNebuleiaUltrastar