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| birthplace =Kantu'a
| birthplace =Kantu'a
| hometown =
| hometown =
| marital =Single/Dating
| marital =Married
| relatives =Tealah - Mother, Morrigan - Paternal Uncle
| relatives =Tealah - Mother, Morrigan - Paternal Uncle
| powers =Technomancer
| powers =Technomancer
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==Early Life==
Cecil was an oddity in his family from the beginning. While the middle child of only 5 offspring (his father died while he was very young and his mother refused to remarry, so the family was smaller than the average of 12 children), he was very quiet from the start. Always watching what was going on around him, at first they thought he might have hearing or speech issues until they realized the toddler was analyzing everything he saw, evidenced by later seeing him emulating complex behaviours that should have been well above his understanding at that age.  It was soon discovered had had been able to talk, likely nearly a year earlier that is normal, but he simply didn’t have much to say, preferring to listen.
His father having died while he was very young, his father's brother- Morrigan, took his mother and his siblings in as he had an estate with extra homes on it.  Morrigan and Spots' mother were never quite what one would call close friends but were staunch allies. Uncle Morrigan served as a steady if somewhat distant father figure for Cecil. Taught him a strong sense of justice and the need to look out for those that could not look out for themselves.
Spots excelled in almost all parts of scholastic life except the social skills. He was always polite to a fault but was awkward and shy. Even when those around him were more than patient and reached out. He was even skilled physically, having remarkable hand-eye coordination making him among other things a top-ace class marksbunn. But he mostly sidelined these pursuits until he was done with his main focus- learning as much science as he could.

By the time he was of normal university graduate age, he had the equivalent of 8 doctorates, and was still going strong. He then entered the military’s science program and befriended [[Bunn with a Gun|Harvey]] R. Abbot and [[Blazing Blue Bunny|Blue]] Ta'ala, forming a strong friendship and eventually this included the soon-to-be epic sorcerer [[The Amazing Bunnford|Basil]] Bunnsworth III.

==Rikti Attack on Kantu’a==

The day the Rikti attacked Kantu’a was frightening and frustrating for the scientist. NO ONE had predicted that ship would simply wash into existence from another universe entirely right on top of their world and begin raining down destruction without so much as a hail.  Twelve seconds’ more warning, maybe eight, and the planet’s defenses would have been online enough automatically to repel the invasion. He, as did virtually everyone, lost many friends and family that day. He spent sleepless nights going over the data from the arrival, the attack, and the wreckage to learn what he could from these new monsters. They could be beaten. WOULD be, next time they met. Won’t need to be bailed out by kind strangers next time.  But what about that planet where the surviving freighter was heading?  They would need to go there and help them with this technology. He lost his right hand in the attack. Replaced it himself with his lab equipment and a cybernetic hand of his own design. Next time. Things would be different. 

Can get lost in a project and seem brusque, even short with people if he’s hyper-focused and feels he’s being interrupted for no good reason. Actually very good natured, but until recently mostly timid socially and outside the lab is at a loss. IN his element, he has a commanding presence, knows exactly what he needs to do, and will direct those nearby on what needs doing- bots, nanites, apprentice scientists, anyone standing in the wrong place. 

His online presence, in gaming, chat boards, VR , etc – he has total confidence. Talks with no hesitation, is witty, fun, and encouraging of others. No anxiety is detectible when he’s safely ensconced in his online world.
More recently, he has come into himself more on the social scene ‘IRL’. His friend Blue Ta’ala has succeeded in getting him out of his underground lab and sent him out to do some field work. Predictable, he was a stammering, bumbling, apologetic mess the first day. He connected with the friends of Blue that he’d only ever interacted with online (save a rare few like [[Catherine "Cat" Grey|Cat Grey]] ) That evening, he was somewhat less so.  The next day he was still uncertain but held concourse with several different groups of The Friends that needed support from his division. The second night, he answered a call for call for backup and met a young local human woman that would change both their lives. Since meeting and subsequently dating, he’s lost his social anxieties because was frankly too busy to notice he was not exhibiting them any more.

Technomancy- ability to instinctively understand, control, disassemble, and/or repair virtually any device of mechanical or technical origin. This includes certain biological constructs of artificial origin.

Electircal affinity- generates, manipulates, and controls electricity to attack, defend, heal, shield, and snare.
Expert Marksbunn-  one of the best recorded pistol marksbunns on Kantu’an modern record.
Has a Cybernetic right hand with many built in gadgets including sensors, interface jacks in fingertips, holographic display in palm, transmitters, jammers, etc.
Right eye has cybernetic additions internally, allows him highly enhanced vision, ability to see in other spectrums, etc.
Generates and controls a cloud of nanites that he can send remotely to do microscopic tasks. 


<Partial list only>
[[Bunn with a Gun|Harvey]] R. Abbot – Longtime friend and commanding officer.
[[The Amazing Bunnford|Basil]] Bunnsworth III – Sort of the other side of the same coin to him. One a master of Tech, the other a master of Magic.
[[Blazing Blue Bunny|Blue]] Ta'ala – Longtime friend and occasional classmate. He nursed a quiet crush for her for some time but never had the courage to say anything. Also she frequently scared him, without meaning to.
Jh'ett [[Jett Bunn|Jett Bunn]] Airdrigh - Recent transfer from back home and quickly became a good pal. Strong, fast, and a force to be reconned with in a fight, also a bit of a prankster.
Stephanie Spotsbunn - Wife and mother of their twin children Dierdre and Donovan. Adorable redheaded magic wielder who won his hearts and became his 'Stoneage Angel' - as she has lithomancy powers and her hero name is jokingly 'Pebbles Go BammBamm'
[[Catherine "Cat" Grey|Cat Grey]] – One of his earliest human friends thanks to acquaintance with Blue, she is kind and patient with him, which he has always appreciated.
[[Prinzeps| Prinzeps]] – ‘Subject Prinzeps’ as he first knew her from reports, Blue’s best friend, roommate, and mind linked battle partner. Pri has a special place in the hearts of the rabbits now and he regards her as a good friend, if a bit awkward.
Cybil Longercat – The lady of Spottis-On-Catte manor, leader of the CatGrrl Brigade, and wife of the Wardens leader Harvey. He tends to address her very formally still.
Stellar Flux – He enjoys having her around. She’s quieter than a lot of the humans and much like him, seems often to just be watching. He noted that they’d catch each other just scanning the room and cross each other’s view with a little grin of acknowledgement- ‘I see you’ as it were.
Chloe – He knew OF Chloe for some time, out of a fascination for the Cybernetic Life Form from a technical curiosity point of view. Meeting her in person he went from elated to terrified to fascinated to terrified again and eventually hid behind some crates. 
Mind Fire- A time/dimensional variant of Wylde, Priness Mel has Psionic powers, an impressive intellect, and is a good friend to Blue, so he spoke with her, if somewhat clumsily. She was one that needed his help with a technical project.

[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Hero]]
[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Hero]]

Latest revision as of 22:25, 18 January 2024

Spots 1a (2).jpg
'I am a fortunate fool that wandered out of my lab directly into the arms of a very patient angel.'
Spots TechBunn
Origin: Tech
Archetype: '
Security Level: '
Server: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Cecil Spotsbunn
Known Aliases: Spots TechBunn
Species: Kantu'an
Age: 26
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 175
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: Kantu'an
Occupation: Senior Scientist/Doctor/Captain
Place of Birth: Kantu'a
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Tealah - Mother, Morrigan - Paternal Uncle
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Extreme-level Genius
Has several highly advanced cybernetic implants, replacement right hand with many built in features, produces nanites which he controls.

Member of the Kantu'a Wardens Earth Expedition

He is the Science Genius of the Kantu’a Wardens expedition to Earth. Initially, he didn’t ever leave his labs and was more than content to just study the new world via the many drones, satellites and reports from his fellow space rabbits. But eventually, his curiosity, and gamer’s sense of adventure lead him to peek his nose out. He is a fast-thinker, and when he gets going, a fast talker. Initially shy, he can be gabby when he feels comfortable with his surroundings. Expert marksman with pistols, and hacker extraordinaire. Holds equivalent of multi-level PhDs in 14 disciplines of science.

Mere days after emerging from his labs, he found himself answering a call for backup and met a young local human woman, Stephanie, fighting ghouls in Croatoa. The odd pair of an alien techno-rabbit with gadgets and lightning powers and a human girl dressed as a cartoon cave-girl with bright red hair commanding Stone like it was her personal plaything meshed so well, they became a team and have actually begun dating much to the delight of both of them and also their friends.


Early Life

Cecil was an oddity in his family from the beginning. While the middle child of only 5 offspring (his father died while he was very young and his mother refused to remarry, so the family was smaller than the average of 12 children), he was very quiet from the start. Always watching what was going on around him, at first they thought he might have hearing or speech issues until they realized the toddler was analyzing everything he saw, evidenced by later seeing him emulating complex behaviours that should have been well above his understanding at that age. It was soon discovered had had been able to talk, likely nearly a year earlier that is normal, but he simply didn’t have much to say, preferring to listen.

His father having died while he was very young, his father's brother- Morrigan, took his mother and his siblings in as he had an estate with extra homes on it. Morrigan and Spots' mother were never quite what one would call close friends but were staunch allies. Uncle Morrigan served as a steady if somewhat distant father figure for Cecil. Taught him a strong sense of justice and the need to look out for those that could not look out for themselves.

Spots excelled in almost all parts of scholastic life except the social skills. He was always polite to a fault but was awkward and shy. Even when those around him were more than patient and reached out. He was even skilled physically, having remarkable hand-eye coordination making him among other things a top-ace class marksbunn. But he mostly sidelined these pursuits until he was done with his main focus- learning as much science as he could.

By the time he was of normal university graduate age, he had the equivalent of 8 doctorates, and was still going strong. He then entered the military’s science program and befriended Harvey R. Abbot and Blue Ta'ala, forming a strong friendship and eventually this included the soon-to-be epic sorcerer Basil Bunnsworth III.

Rikti Attack on Kantu’a

The day the Rikti attacked Kantu’a was frightening and frustrating for the scientist. NO ONE had predicted that ship would simply wash into existence from another universe entirely right on top of their world and begin raining down destruction without so much as a hail. Twelve seconds’ more warning, maybe eight, and the planet’s defenses would have been online enough automatically to repel the invasion. He, as did virtually everyone, lost many friends and family that day. He spent sleepless nights going over the data from the arrival, the attack, and the wreckage to learn what he could from these new monsters. They could be beaten. WOULD be, next time they met. Won’t need to be bailed out by kind strangers next time. But what about that planet where the surviving freighter was heading? They would need to go there and help them with this technology. He lost his right hand in the attack. Replaced it himself with his lab equipment and a cybernetic hand of his own design. Next time. Things would be different.


Can get lost in a project and seem brusque, even short with people if he’s hyper-focused and feels he’s being interrupted for no good reason. Actually very good natured, but until recently mostly timid socially and outside the lab is at a loss. IN his element, he has a commanding presence, knows exactly what he needs to do, and will direct those nearby on what needs doing- bots, nanites, apprentice scientists, anyone standing in the wrong place.

His online presence, in gaming, chat boards, VR , etc – he has total confidence. Talks with no hesitation, is witty, fun, and encouraging of others. No anxiety is detectible when he’s safely ensconced in his online world.

More recently, he has come into himself more on the social scene ‘IRL’. His friend Blue Ta’ala has succeeded in getting him out of his underground lab and sent him out to do some field work. Predictable, he was a stammering, bumbling, apologetic mess the first day. He connected with the friends of Blue that he’d only ever interacted with online (save a rare few like Cat Grey ) That evening, he was somewhat less so. The next day he was still uncertain but held concourse with several different groups of The Friends that needed support from his division. The second night, he answered a call for call for backup and met a young local human woman that would change both their lives. Since meeting and subsequently dating, he’s lost his social anxieties because was frankly too busy to notice he was not exhibiting them any more.


Technomancy- ability to instinctively understand, control, disassemble, and/or repair virtually any device of mechanical or technical origin. This includes certain biological constructs of artificial origin.

Electircal affinity- generates, manipulates, and controls electricity to attack, defend, heal, shield, and snare.

Expert Marksbunn- one of the best recorded pistol marksbunns on Kantu’an modern record.

Has a Cybernetic right hand with many built in gadgets including sensors, interface jacks in fingertips, holographic display in palm, transmitters, jammers, etc.

Right eye has cybernetic additions internally, allows him highly enhanced vision, ability to see in other spectrums, etc.

Generates and controls a cloud of nanites that he can send remotely to do microscopic tasks.


<Partial list only>


Harvey R. Abbot – Longtime friend and commanding officer.

Basil Bunnsworth III – Sort of the other side of the same coin to him. One a master of Tech, the other a master of Magic.

Blue Ta'ala – Longtime friend and occasional classmate. He nursed a quiet crush for her for some time but never had the courage to say anything. Also she frequently scared him, without meaning to.

Jh'ett Jett Bunn Airdrigh - Recent transfer from back home and quickly became a good pal. Strong, fast, and a force to be reconned with in a fight, also a bit of a prankster.


Stephanie Spotsbunn - Wife and mother of their twin children Dierdre and Donovan. Adorable redheaded magic wielder who won his hearts and became his 'Stoneage Angel' - as she has lithomancy powers and her hero name is jokingly 'Pebbles Go BammBamm'

Cat Grey – One of his earliest human friends thanks to acquaintance with Blue, she is kind and patient with him, which he has always appreciated.

Prinzeps – ‘Subject Prinzeps’ as he first knew her from reports, Blue’s best friend, roommate, and mind linked battle partner. Pri has a special place in the hearts of the rabbits now and he regards her as a good friend, if a bit awkward.

Cybil Longercat – The lady of Spottis-On-Catte manor, leader of the CatGrrl Brigade, and wife of the Wardens leader Harvey. He tends to address her very formally still.

Stellar Flux – He enjoys having her around. She’s quieter than a lot of the humans and much like him, seems often to just be watching. He noted that they’d catch each other just scanning the room and cross each other’s view with a little grin of acknowledgement- ‘I see you’ as it were.

Chloe – He knew OF Chloe for some time, out of a fascination for the Cybernetic Life Form from a technical curiosity point of view. Meeting her in person he went from elated to terrified to fascinated to terrified again and eventually hid behind some crates.

Mind Fire- A time/dimensional variant of Wylde, Priness Mel has Psionic powers, an impressive intellect, and is a good friend to Blue, so he spoke with her, if somewhat clumsily. She was one that needed his help with a technical project.