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<!-- Main Data Module.  Set MainData=Y to show. -->
<!-- If using the Powers Module below, decide between the "Main" -->
<!-- options here and their counterparts there to avoid redundancy. -->
|MainData= Y
|AlignmentIcon= Hero
|Title= '''The Silent Sentinel'''
|Name= <font size=3>'''TalonKnight'''</font>
|MainOrigin= Technology
|MainArchetype= Hero
|MainPrimary= Street Justice
|MainSecondary= Ninjitsu
|MainAncillary= Physical Mastery
|Player= @Regiworld
<!-- Image & Caption -->
|Imageurl= [[File:Emmshin Ram2023 001(HQ).jpg|230px]]
|Caption= art by Emmshin@DeviantArt
<!-- Affiliations Module.  Set Affiliations=Y to show. -->
<!-- Replace with Affiliations2=Y to place at bottom. -->
|SuperGroup= [[File:ProtectorsFinalV1.png|150px|link=https://fbsa.wiki/wiki/The_Protectors_League]]
|Rank= Member of The Table
|OtherAffil=<p> Worthy Consolidated, The Worthy Foundation, The Blindsiders, Alpha Watch (Formerly)
<!-- Identity Module.  Set Identity=Y to show. -->
|Identity= Y
|RealName= Thomas Worthington III (Secret)
|Aliases= 'Tripp'(out of costume), TK, Talon, Birdbrain
|Birthdate= September 25, 19XX
|Place of Origin= Sterling Bay, New York
|Citizenship= American
|Residence= ''???''
|Headquarters= The Hollownest, The Bastion
|Occupation= Vigilante, Adventurer, Socialite, Protector
|Marital= Single, Never Married
|Relatives= Charles Worthington IV (Father, Deceased), Margaret Worthington (nee Carrington)(Mother, Deceased), Robert Worthington IV (Grandfather, Deceased)
<!-- Physical Traits Module.  Set Physical=Y to show. -->
|Physical= Y
|Species= Human
|SubType= Human (Peak Athletic)
|Ethnicity= Caucasian
|Gender= Male
|Age= Early to Mid 30s
|Height= 6'3"
|Weight= 215 lbs
|BodyType= Peak Human
|Hair= Black
|Eyes= Grey
|Skin= Medium
|Features= Relaxed Grim-face
<!-- Powers Module.  Set Powers=Y to show. -->
|Powers= N
<!-- Modular Templates (usually sub-templates of PriceBox) -->

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<div style="margin-top:0px;">[[File:TalonKnightEmmshin.jpg|298px]]</div>
<center><span style="font-size:12px;">'''Player: @Owldad''' {{LinkC|User:Regiworld|#b9f472|}}</span></center>
<div style="padding-left:35px;padding-right:35px;">

<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''NAME:'''</span> Thomas Worthington III (Secret)<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''KNOWN ALIASES:'''</span> TalonKnight, TK<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''PLACE OF BIRTH:'''</span> The Burrow, Unknown Location<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''BIRTHDATE:'''</span> September 25, 19XX<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''AGE:'''</span> 34 <br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''EYE COLOR:'''</span> Brown<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''HAIR COLOR:'''</span> Black<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''HEIGHT:'''</span> 6'3"<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''WEIGHT:'''</span> 215 lbs<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''BODY TYPE:'''</span> Peak Athletic<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''OCCUPATION:'''</span> Adventurer, Protector, Socialite<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''KNOWN RELATIVES:'''</span>Max Worthington (Father, Deceased), Margaret Worthington (Mother, Deceased), Timothy Worthington (Grandfather, Alive)<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''SKILLS/ABILITIES:'''</span> Check Below<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''EQUIPMENT:'''</span> Check Below<br>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">'''AFFILIATIONS:'''</span> [[Global Defense Force]], Blindsiders<br>

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In the early 11th Century, a young squire and his master were sent by the Knight’s templar to search for the “Holy Grail” during the Crusades. They believed that the grail would help them liberate Jerusalem from “the infidels” and spread their faith throughout the world. When weeks of searching turned into months, and then into years, the band of once noble knights grew disillusioned with their mission and the war, and decided to abuse their power, except the squire and his master. Everything hit boiling point when the Band of Knights came across the rumored “cursed” village, known for its dense population of desert owls* (a symbol of bad luck in Middle Eastern Culture). Soon, conflict broke out between the villagers and the Knights, leading to them pillaging and plundering. The young squire and his Master had enough, and decided to take matters into his own hands, joining the oppressed villagers in driving the rogue band of knights away. The battle was bloody, and the master was fatally wounded. With his dying breath, he elevated the young squire to knighthood.
In the early 11th Century, a young squire and his master were sent by the Knight's Templar to search for the "Holy Grail" during the Crusades, driven by their belief that it would aid them in liberating Jerusalem and spreading their faith. As time passed and their mission grew increasingly disillusioning, the band of once noble knights succumbed to corruption and abuse of power, except for the squire and his master. Their breaking point came when they encountered a fabled village known for its dense population of desert owls, considered a symbol of bad luck in Middle Eastern culture.
Conflict erupted between the knights and the villagers, leading to pillaging and chaos. However, the young squire and his master could no longer tolerate the atrocities committed by their comrades. They took a stand and joined forces with the oppressed villagers, fiercely driving the rogue knights away. The battle was fierce, and sadly, the master met a fatal fate. In his dying moments, he elevated the young squire to knighthood, passing on his noble legacy.
Grateful for his valor and aid, the villagers guided the newly minted knight to a <span style="color:#FFD700;">hidden cave within a mystical mountain, rumored to be where the elusive "Holy Grail" was located</span>. Gravely injured, the weary knight was placed on an altar where the villagers performed a ritual using an ancient totem called The <span style="color:#FFD700;">OwlSpark</span> to miraculously heal his wounds. During his healing, the young knight experienced a profound vision—a majestic black owl hovering over him, hooting with an air of wisdom and vigilance. <span style="color:#FFD700;">This owl, known as "al-Sada," symbolized the avenger, empowering him to bring justice upon those who have been wronged</span>.
Awakening from his healing trance, the knight found himself fully restored but haunted by the enigmatic presence of the owl. Seeking answers, he consulted with a wise shaman who explained the significance of his vision. He had been blessed by al-Sada, chosen to carry out the mission of avenging the oppressed and bringing evildoers to justice.
Grateful for his second chance and deeply committed to his newfound purpose, the young knight embraced his destiny as the TalonKnight—the embodiment of justice and vengeance. With the power of the <span style="color:#FFD700;">Owlspark</span> flowing through him, he pledged to protect the innocent, fight against corruption, and strike fear into the hearts of those who would harm the weak and defenseless. Guided by the legacy of his master and the spirit of al-Sada, the first TalonKnight emerged, forever committed to upholding justice and maintaining the balance between light and darkness.
<div style="color: #FFD700;">
The legend of the TalonKnight grows.</div>
During the tumultuous era of the Crusades, the young knight dedicated himself to fulfilling his purpose, utilizing a hidden village – home of the <span style="color:#FFD700;">Himaraat al-Noor or Guardians of the Light</span>, as his strategic base. As his exploits spread, he became known as the <span style="color:#FFD700;">"Talon of al-Sada"</span> or the "Talon of the Death Owl" - a symbol of vengeance and justice. The mystique surrounding his persona grew with the distinctive design of his armor and cloak, adorned with owl-like motifs, further fueling the growing legend.
As the Crusades came to an end, the knight was summoned before Saladin, the newly crowned Sultan, who had caught wind of the village's secret and sought to eradicate any evidence for invaders to abuse. In a bid to safeguard the knowledge and power bestowed upon him by al-Sada, the knight and a <span style="color:#FFD700;">lone Himaraat al-Noor warrior, Rashid al-Farouq</span> embarked on a perilous journey back to the hidden mountain cave, eager to save the <span style="color:#FFD700;">OwlSpark</span> (a small totem in the crude shape of an owl) from falling into the wrong hands. With the OwlSpark in hand, the young knight and Rashid fled the Levant back to the knight’s homeland.
Assuming the name and resources of his fallen master, the knight became known as <span style="color:#FFD700;">Ser Thomas Worthy, the lord of Worthy Rock</span>. They established their base of operations within a hidden mountain cave in proximity of Worthy Rock, known as the first <span style="color:#FFD700;">Hollownest</span>, he and his loyal followers continued their noble cause, extending help to the downtrodden and vulnerable across the lands. Ser Thomas's valor and heroism were magnified as he embraced his role as the TalonKnight, an agent of justice feared by evildoers.
In time, Ser Thomas would father a son, whom he carefully trained to inherit the mantle and the blessings of al-Sada. When the fateful moment arrived and Ser Thomas fell in combat, his son William assumed the role, carrying on the legacy of the TalonKnight. The tales of their exploits echoed through the ages, with <span style="color:#FFD700;">the Hollownest</span> serving as a sanctuary and a repository of knowledge.
<span style="color:#FFD700;">During the 17th century</span>, the Worthy family made a significant decision to <span style="color:#FFD700;">relocate their endeavors to the United States</span>, embarking on a journey that would shape their future. At the time, <span style="color:#FFD700;">Thomas Worthy II</span>, the 17th TalonKnight in the family lineage, recognized the need for a fresh start and opted to change the family name to <span style="color:#FFD700;">Worthington</span>. This name change symbolized their commitment to forging a new legacy in their new homeland. Alongside their modest wealth and the promising prospects of the new land, Thomas Worthington II diligently built a substantial fortune that would serve as the <span style="color:#FFD700;">financial backbone for the enduring TalonKnight tradition in the years to come</span>. Their astute investments and resourceful endeavors ensured the continued sustenance of the TalonKnight legacy, enabling them to <span style="color:#FFD700;">protect the innocent and fight against injustice</span> in the centuries that followed.

This act of bravery and honor almost cost the squire his life, being badly beaten and near death’s door. Unbeknownst to the squire, the “cursed” village they had helped were also the keepers of the “Holy Grail”, which used the superstition on owls as a cover for the underground river which was situated within the village. The river had healing properties caused by a meteorite which landed in the area hundreds of years ago, and it was the source of power of the“Grail”. Bathing in the river not only had fully healed the squire of his wounds, but had also granted him limited enhanced strength, speed and stamina. The village shaman gave the young squire a piece of the meteor, in exchange for protecting its secret and saving the village and its people from the band of rogue knights. They dubbed the young man “al Sada*”, or “the death owl” due to the loud cry he let out for his unavenged master. The squire was grateful for his second chance, and swore then and there to the shaman to not only protect the secret of the grail, but also the innocent and to stop tyranny wherever he went.
Operating in the shadows, <span style="color:#FFD700;">the TalonKnights</span> fought tirelessly against evil, transcending time itself, from the 11th century to the modern era. The enigmatic hero left an indelible mark on history, etching his name into the collective consciousness as a timeless guardian of justice. The legend of al-Sada and the power of the OwlSpark continued to guide and empower the TalonKnight and his successors, ensuring that the legacy of vengeance and righteousness would endure. The Altar of al-Sada remained a sacred site, where the chosen champion of justice would reconnect with the divine essence and find strength to face the darkest of adversaries.

The young squire, now a knight, returned to his hometown in Europe, only to find it rotting with corruption. At first, he tried to handle the problems with diplomacy, as Sir Thomas Werthy, landowner and lord of a small village beyond the valley. But the people had given up hope, and the cruelty of the King’s men had made it hard to stand up to the injustice, even for a knight of the templar.

Finding inspiration from the village that saved his life, “al Sada” forged an identity to drive out the corrupt villany in his lands, also striking fear into those who even tried. On that day, the first TALONKNIGHT was born, giving birth to a long generation of crime fighters who fought through centuries of villainy to protect the innocent.  
<div style="color: #FFD700;">
:'''''"Birds of omen, dark and foul, Night-crow, raven, bat and owl, Leave the sick man to his dream - All night long he heard your scream."'''''
- Sir Walter Scott, inspired after being saved by the TalonKnight.</div>

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:'''''"Beware, beware the TALONKNIGHT! His eyes of gold a frightening sight! Turn and run with all your might! The TALONKNIGHT hunts tonight!"''''' -18th Century Nursery Rhyme </div>
:'''''"Beware, beware the TALONKNIGHT! His eyes of gold a frightening sight! Turn and run with all your might! The TALONKNIGHT hunts tonight!"''''' -18th Century Nursery Rhyme </div>
Nestled in the outskirts of nearby Sterling Bay, <span style="color:#FFD700;">Worthington Manor</span> stood as a testament to elegance and grandeur. Within its walls, young <span style="color:#FFD700;">Thomas "Tripp" Worthington III</span>, a curious and observant 8-year-old, led a privileged life alongside his loving parents, <span style="color:#FFD700;">Charles and Margaret Worthington</span>, esteemed figures in the high society of Sterling Bay and <span style="color:#FFD700;">Paragon City</span>. However, one seemingly ordinary evening, tragedy struck as the manor was infiltrated by a ruthless gang of criminals, led by the notorious <span style="color:#FFD700;"><REDACTED></span>, arch nemesis of the 27th TalonKnight, Tripp's Father. These malevolent intruders had discovered the Worthingtons' connection to the TalonKnight legacy and sought to eliminate them as a threat.

Thomas “Tripp” Worthington III grew up a happy child in peaceful times, unbeknownst to him the legacy of his family. His father was Maxwell Worthington, CEO of Worthy Consolidated and his mother Margaret was a socialite from an equally wealthy family.
Realizing the imminent danger, Charles and Margaret valiantly confronted the invaders, utilizing their skills and resourcefulness to protect their beloved son. In a selfless act of sacrifice, they devised a plan to ensure Thomas's safety and preserve the TalonKnight legacy. Amidst the chaos that erupted throughout the manor, a beacon of strength emerged in the form of <span style="color:#FFD700;">Alistair Montgomery</span>, the loyal and trusted butler of the Worthingtons.  

Tripp was a superhero fanboy; he fell in love with the idea of fighting crime and saving innocents. He’d sit in his father’s 50th floor corner office and watch out for heroes doing flybys and saving people. It wasn’t until Tripp’s 10th birthday where his father revealed the family’s long kept secret: he was part of a long legacy of crime fighters, and he would be next in line to pick up the mantle… if he was worthy (no pun intended). His father showed him the “Burrow”, a secret base of operations located in an undisclosed part of the world, accessible only through a special teleportation device (designed with the help of Nikola Tesla) and explained the duties and responsibilities of a TalonKnight.  
With unwavering loyalty, Alistair swiftly took charge, guiding Tripp to a secret sanctuary within the manor while skillfully orchestrating the unfolding of Charles and Margaret's plan. Engaging in a fierce battle, Charles and Margaret fought valiantly against <REDACTED>, utilizing their combined talents and the limited resources at their disposal. Yet, despite their courageous efforts, they were ultimately overpowered by the ruthless tactics and superior numbers of their adversaries. In their <span style="color:#FFD700;">final moments</span>, Charles and Margaret shared heartfelt words with Tripp through a secure communication device, expressing their unwavering love and hope for him to continue their legacy as the next TalonKnight, protecting the innocent and fighting against evil and injustice. To keep the legacy of the TalonKnights secret and to defeat <REDACTED> and his gang, Charles and Margaret <span style="color:#FFD700;">had set the Mansion to self-destruct: preserving the secret of the TalonKnights and while also defeating their invaders</span>.

The tragic event was all over the media, but was <span style="color:#FFD700;">covered up by the Worthington family resources</span>, with reports varying about what really happened that night: <span style="color:#FFD700;">ranging from a drunken orgy gone wrong, to a rival-sponsored hit on the CEO of one of the countries’ largest conglomerates, Worthy Consolidated</span>.
Recognizing Alistair's unwavering loyalty and commitment, <span style="color:#FFD700;">Robert Worthington</span>, Tripp's grandfather, entrusted him with the care and training of their young ward, while he <span style="color:#FFD700;">came out of retirement to take on the mantle of TalonKnight</span> while Tripp was being prepared for the role.  
Alistair became more than a butler; he became a confidant, mentor, and guide for Tripp. Within the hidden sanctuary of the TalonKnights, <span style="color:#FFD700;">the Hollownest</span>, Tripp found solace, protection, and the beginning of his training to accept the powers of the Owlspark. Under Alistair's guidance, he honed his physical and mental abilities, delving into the rich history and values of the TalonKnight legacy. Through rigorous training, Tripp gradually accepted the immense responsibility of the Owlspark, developing his own unique set of skills while enhancing his strength, speed, and agility.
As he embraced his destiny, Tripp adorned the iconic TalonKnight suit, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to protect the innocent and stand against the forces of evil. <span style="color:#FFD700;">His parents’ tragic deaths served as a constant reminder of the darkness he must face and his unwavering pursuit of justice.</span> Throughout his journey, Thomas and Alistair shared a deep and unbreakable bond, founded on their shared loss, purpose, and determination. Together, they embarked on a path fraught with challenges, ready to confront the darkness that threatened their city and <span style="color:#FFD700;">uphold the legacy entrusted to them.</span>

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All business.. 60% of the time, everytime.</div>
All business.. 60% of the time, everytime.</div>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Thomas Worthington III</span>''', or Tripp is either loved or hated by the general public. However, there is more to his personality than just "Billionaire Playboy" and "Relentless Vigilante".
[[File:Paparazzi TK.png|300px|right|thumb|<font color=#0000>Paparazzi photo of Tripp and Candy Crothers</font>]]
The first is the cliched "Billionaire Playboy" persona that Tripp plays so well. Tripp theorizes that in a world full of superheroes, a reckless, irresponsible and arrogant billionaire who would consistently make world headlines and gossip columns for his acts of recklessness and scandal would draw the attention of terrorist organizations, super-villain plots, and assassins for hire, as some sort of "VIP victim" or "easy target". This method of "baiting" his enemies puts Tripp one step ahead of would-be adversaries, being more prepared for attacks, rather than going on the assault. Another reason why Tripp insists on acting like an "irresponsible, arrogant buffoon" is so that others stay away from him, and not learn his secret legacy, in turn protecting those close to him. A TalonKnight is always taught that "the tighter the circle, the less casualties there will be".
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Thomas Worthington III</span>''', or Tripp is a polarizing figure in the eyes of the general public and media, often depicted as a reckless playboy with turbulent relationships. However, behind this facade lies a multifaceted personality that transcends the labels of "Billionaire Philanthropist/Playboy" and "Relentless Vigilante."
The first layer of Tripp's persona is the cliched "Billionaire Philanthropist/Playboy" image he <span style="color:#FFD700;">meticulously cultivates</span>. This carefully crafted persona serves a crucial purpose in the world of the TalonKnights, an ancient lineage of protectors with a long history of adversaries. Throughout the centuries, the TalonKnights have amassed an impressive rogues gallery. It is Tripp's deliberate choice to behave like an <span style="color:#FFD700;">irresponsible, arrogant buffoon</span>, a facade designed to deter others from delving into his secret legacy. This intentional act of self-sabotage not only shields his loved ones from being targeted but also safeguards the rich mythos that the previous TalonKnights have meticulously built. By avoiding any unnecessary risks that may expose his true identity, Tripp upholds the principle ingrained in every TalonKnight's training: <span style="color:#FFD700;">"the tighter the circle, the fewer casualties there will be."</span> The tragic death of his parents also serves as motivation to safeguard his identity at all costs.
[[File:Emmshin TK2023 Brooding(HQ).jpg|left|270px]]
In this enigmatic dance of personas, Tripp walks a tightrope, balancing the preservation of his family's legacy with the protection of those he holds dear. Behind the scenes, he <span style="color:#FFD700;">embraces the responsibilities bestowed upon him as a TalonKnight</span>, dedicating himself to the timeless pursuit of justice and safeguarding the innocent. While the public may perceive him as <span style="color:#FFD700;">an eccentric billionaire with a penchant for indulgence,</span> Tripp's true purpose lies hidden beneath the surface, ensuring that the legacy of the TalonKnights endures and that darkness is met with unwavering resolve.

As '''<span style="color:#FFD700;">TalonKnight</span>''', Tripp is focused, business-like, and sometimes hard to be around. Being prepared at all times and minimizing the risks to himself and those close to him are high priority when Tripp formulates a contingency. He is most comfortable being in control, and seeing others stray from his "battle plans" and "contingencies" will make him lose sleep and mildly irritate him (although he most likely won’t voice it). Tripp is a perfectionist, and will strive to get things done as efficiently and effectively as possible. He understands that he cannot control all situations, so instead he prepares endlessly, almost giving himself migraines going meticulously through every scenario. Tripp is also unreasonably brave and strong-willed, willing to put his life on the line to save the lives of others, not caring if he gets hurt or killed. His commitment to the mission of the TalonKnight is extremely unhealthy, even bordering on obsession.
As '''<span style="color:#FFD700;">TalonKnight</span>''', Tripp is focused, business-like, and <span style="color:#FFD700;">oftentimes hard to be around</span>. Being prepared at all times and minimizing the risks to himself and those close to him are high priority when Tripp formulates a contingency plan. He is most comfortable being in control, and seeing others stray from his "battle plans" and "contingencies" will make him lose sleep and mildly irritate him (although he most likely won’t voice it). Tripp is a <span style="color:#FFD700;">perfectionist,</span> and will strive to get things done as efficiently and effectively as possible. He understands that he cannot control all situations, so instead he prepares endlessly, almost giving himself migraines going meticulously through every scenario. Tripp is also unreasonably brave and strong-willed, willing to put his life on the line to save the lives of others, not caring if he gets hurt or killed. His commitment to the mission of the TalonKnight is extremely unhealthy, <span style="color:#FFD700;">even bordering on obsession.</span>

To those around him he can seem distant and cold, yet he still tries to be polite (as he can be). His business-like demeanor is almost unsettling, but he tries to offset it with dry and sarcastic humor (which backfires most of the time).

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'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Legacy Crimefighter:</span>''' Tripp Worthington comes from a long line of crime fighters, with knowledge and experience spanning over centuries. With each TalonKnight new knowledge and technology is passed on, eventually compiling various techniques and methods of crime fighting. Groomed from a young age, Tripp developed and honed his crime fighting skills through regular lessons with his grandfather, and other tutors, making Tripp the perfect weapon in the war against the world's evil.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Legacy Crimefighter:</span>''' Tripp Worthington comes from a long line of crime fighters, with knowledge and experience spanning over centuries. With each TalonKnight new knowledge and technology is passed on, eventually compiling various techniques and methods of crime fighting. Groomed from a young age, Tripp developed and honed his crime fighting skills through regular lessons with his Alistair and his Grandfatehr, and other tutors, making Tripp the perfect weapon in the war against the world's evil. Tripp also understands that by projecting an air of invincibility and resilience, his enemies perceive him as an immortal figure, making him seemingly unassailable. Little do they know that the mantle of the TalonKnight is <span style="color:#FFD700;">passed down from generation to generation</span>.
[[File:TalonKnightEmmshin.jpg|250px|left|thumb|<font color=#0000>Talonknight suit, 2020</font>]]
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Excellent/Skilled Combatant:</span>''' The TalonKnights have developed a systematic fighting art only taught to heirs of the mantle. The unnamed combat art used by TalonKnights can be described as a combination of holds, strikes, and complex locks to disable and (when necessary) kill foes. Developed through centuries of experience, the 17th TalonKnight described the fighting form as "a combination of Boxing, Japanese Judo, and Shaolin-inspired Kung-Fu". Tripp employs this fighting style daily, adding some modern martial arts to his fighting style, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Combat Sambo. TalonKnights are also well versed in the use of combat arms, being able to use various ranged weapons (bows, rifles, throwing projectiles, etc.), and melee-based weapons (swords, knives, etc.) with equal effectiveness.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Excellent/Skilled Combatant:</span>''' The TalonKnights have developed a systematic fighting art only taught to heirs of the mantle. The unnamed combat art used by TalonKnights can be described as a combination of holds, strikes, and complex locks to disable and (when necessary) kill foes. Developed through centuries of experience, the 18th TalonKnight described the fighting form as "a combination of Boxing, Japanese Judo, and Shaolin-inspired Kung-Fu". Tripp employs this fighting style daily, adding some modern martial arts to his fighting style, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Combat Sambo. TalonKnights are also well versed in the use of combat arms, being able to use various ranged weapons (bows, rifles, throwing projectiles, etc.), and melee-based weapons (swords, knives, etc.) with equal effectiveness.
[[File:TK MKART.jpg|left|270px]]
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">High-Level Strategist:</span>''' Tripp has been trained in numerous forms of combat strategy, studying classical warfare philosophies and historical war scenarios since he was a child. Always taught to see the "big picture" and the "end game", Tripp uses the vast contingencies and protocols the TalonKnights before him have put in place to his advantage. Although impossible to be prepared for every eventuality, Tripp "cheats" by manipulating situations to his advantage, surprising his enemies and presenting the illusion of having foreseen the eventual actions of his foes.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">High-Level Strategist:</span>''' Tripp has been trained in numerous forms of combat strategy, studying classical warfare philosophies and historical war scenarios since he was a child. Always taught to see the "big picture" and the "end game", Tripp uses the vast contingencies and protocols the TalonKnights before him have put in place to his advantage. Although impossible to be prepared for every eventuality, Tripp "cheats" by manipulating situations to his advantage, surprising his enemies and presenting the illusion of having foreseen the eventual actions of his foes.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Analytics/Deductive Reasoning:</span>''' Although not the best in the world, Tripp has a vast network of detectives and experts from around the globe at his disposal, most are contacts his predecessors have made. He uses this network to piece together clues and data to be able to solve even the most complicated of cases. His cowl constantly streams data to "M.E.R.L.I.N.", which in turn is passed onto his contacts, who help him piece together clues and scenarios to help solve crimes. Due to constant exposure to detective work with some of the best detectives in the world, over time, Tripp's own deductive reasoning and crime solving skills have been honed, even solving a couple of cases on his own.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Analytics/Deductive Reasoning:</span>''' Although not the best in the world, Tripp has a vast network of detectives and experts from around the globe at his disposal, most are contacts his predecessors have made. He uses this network to piece together clues and data to be able to solve even the most complicated of cases. Due to constant exposure to detective work with some of the best detectives in the world, over time, Tripp's own deductive reasoning and crime solving skills have been honed where he himself has become formidable.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Skilled Driver/Pilot:</span>''' Tripp pilots numerous vehicles. He is skilled enough to maneuver whatever vehicle is at his disposal as if it were an extension of his body. Part of his training as a TalonKnight involved Tripp piloting and studying schematics of vehicles, as his mentors felt that it was an essential part of being the TalonKnight. Since he cannot fly, or run with superspeed, vehicles are a key part of the TalonKnight's arsenal, therefore, being a skilled pilot or driver is definitely a must.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Skilled Driver/Pilot:</span>''' Tripp pilots numerous vehicles. He is skilled enough to maneuver whatever vehicle is at his disposal as if it were an extension of his body. Part of his training as a TalonKnight involved Tripp piloting and studying schematics of vehicles, as his mentors felt that it was an essential part of being the TalonKnight. Since he cannot fly, or run with superspeed, vehicles are a key part of the TalonKnight's arsenal, therefore, being a skilled pilot or driver is definitely a must.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Intellect:</span>''' Constant study and thirst for knowledge has assisted Tripp in developing his intelligence/IQ. Tripp is competent in basic sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology. Knowledge in these fields help him troubleshoot his equipment, as well as develop formulas and antidotes for situations that require it. He is also a capable engineer, with skills varying from troubleshooting of the "M.E.R.L.I.N." system, to hacking computers during missions and operations.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Keen Intellect:</span>''' Constant study and thirst for knowledge has assisted Tripp in developing his intelligence/IQ. Tripp is competent in basic sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology. Knowledge in these fields help him troubleshoot his equipment, as well as develop formulas and antidotes for situations that require it. He is also a capable engineer, with skills varying from troubleshooting of the "A.R.C.H.I." system, to hacking computers during missions and operations.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Peak Physical Condition:</span>''' Tripp was raised from a young age using a specialized diet and exercise regimen developed by the 9th TalonKnight during his stay in Japan, and has been used by other TalonKnights since its inception. The diet and exercise regimen have helped Tripp and previous TalonKnights develop muscles and dexterity comparable to an Olympic-level athlete. Their diet helps develop strong bones and muscles, while also making the immune system stronger, increasing the dexterity, immunity and recovery capabilities of the human body. Meanwhile, the exercise regimen develops high-level flexibility, peak human strength and endurance, allowing the TalonKnight to perform certain movements the average human being can't. '''''<span style="color:#FFD700;">It is necessary to prepare the body to accept “the blessing” bestowed upon new TalonKnights when they take up the mantle.</span>'''''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Peak Physical Condition:</span>''' Tripp was raised from a young age using a specialized diet and exercise regimen developed by the 17th TalonKnight during his stay in Japan, and has been used by other TalonKnights since its inception. The diet and exercise regimen have helped Tripp and previous TalonKnights develop muscles and dexterity comparable to an Olympic-level athlete. Their diet helps develop strong bones and muscles, while also making the immune system stronger, increasing the dexterity, immunity and recovery capabilities of the human body. Meanwhile, the exercise regimen develops high-level flexibility, peak human strength and endurance, allowing the TalonKnight to perform certain movements the average human being can't. '''''<span style="color:#FFD700;">It is necessary to prepare the body to accept “the blessing” from the OwlSpark bestowed upon new TalonKnights when they take up the mantle. If not in peak human condition, they may not be able to withstand the ritual and risk dying whilst trying to accept "the blessing".</span>'''''

<div style="color: #FFD700;">
<div style="color: #FFD700;">
Things we need to work on.</div>
Without it, there is no strength.</div>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Only Human:</span>''' Despite being equipped with cutting edge technology and having centuries worth of crimefighting knowledge at his disposal, Tripp is still extremely mortal. Unlike most of his peers, he does not possess super powered abilities or skills, making him susceptible to metahuman/extra-human attacks. Without his armor he is also vulnerable to attacks just like a normal human and can be mortally wounded. Over time, his body will break down from the continuous rigors he puts his body through, eventually having to retire from the mantle of TalonKnight.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Only Human:</span>''' Despite being equipped with cutting edge technology, having centuries worth of crimefighting knowledge at his disposal, and enhanced abilities from the Owlspark, Tripp is still extremely mortal. Unlike most of his peers, he does not possess super powered abilities or skills, making him susceptible to metahuman/extra-human attacks. Without his armor he is also vulnerable to attacks just like a normal human and can be mortally wounded. Despite the minor healing factor he gets from the Owlspark, his body is still susceptible to long term damage. Pushing himself too far and too hard will result in permanent damage, and over time, he will have to retire. He is also vulnerable to poisoning, drowning, magic and psychic attacks he isn't prepared for. 
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Overconfidence:</span>''' Because he’s trained from a young age, and studied the teachings of the TalonKnights before him fanatically, Tripp has come to be very confident in his abilities. This in turn has led to becoming confident to the point of arrogance, sometimes getting himself into situations beyond his capabilities. This, combined with his lack of social skills (prideful, distant) has led to many sticky situations in the past.  

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Overconfidence:</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Secretive Control Freak:</span>''' Tripp’s need to be in control leads to him keeping his cards close to his chest. He feels like the less his peers know what he’s thinking/planning, the more control he has over the situation. His secretive nature ironically feeds into his trauma of losing those close to him.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Poor Social Skills:</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Poor Social Skills:</span>''' Although charming and approachable in his “Philanthropist/Playboy” persona, Tripp is far from sociable. He is introverted, quiet and prefers the company of silence. His business-like demeanor is off putting, even to the ones closest to him like his Grandfather and Monty. In reality, he was traumatized early in his TalonKnight journey, after watching his parents die at the hands of their arch-nemesis. Ever since then Tripp has had trouble getting close to people for fear they will either get hurt or suddenly taken away from him. Because of this trauma, he tends to push people away, coming across as prideful and arrogant (even his jokes don’t take well).

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Obsessive Personality:</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Obsessive Tendencies:</span>''' When Tripp broods over something, the thought turns over and over in his head trying to come up with a solution or answer. Due to his extreme focus on whatever he’s brooding over, it sometimes leads to paranoia, overplanning, and contingencies that may be more dangerous than initially planned. This weakness can also be exploited because of the tunnel vision it comes with.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Control Freak/Secretive:</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Aristocratic Upbringing:</span>''' Tripp's "I know what's best for you" attitude stems from decades of Worthington upbringing. Having been raised generation to generation to believe that they are best equipped to help others (through their money, influence and strength as TalonKnights) has given Tripp the misconception that he knows what's best for the world and those he helps. While he means well, it comes across as unsavory and controlling to those around him. Not only that, his 'control freak' nature seeps into this ingrained attitude, alienating him further from his teammates and allies making him an easy target to isolate should a villain decide to attack. 

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<div style="color: #FFD700;">
The suit doesn't make the man... But it helps.</div>
Tools of the trade.</div>

<big>'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Armor and Utility Belt:</span>'''</big>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Cowl:</span>''' TalonKnight's cowl is made up of the latest in Worthy Tech, including a kevlar mesh around rigid ballistic plastics. It features built-in electronics that allow Nightvision and Infrared modes, a HUD link to A.R.C.H.I. and a comms unit for communication back to The Hollownest, The Beacon and Hall of Heroes' command center. It also features a patented noise-cancelling mechanic and microphone that can amplify whispers from a certain range, shut out external sounds and issue voice commands.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Body Armor:</span>''' TalonKnight's standard body armor includes a <span style="color:#FFD700;">Kevlar-weave suit with synthetic Impervium-like material</span> that covers the vital areas of his body, and can protect him from small firearms, knife attacks and low impact projectiles. The suit is also fire resistant, dissipating heat fast. It also insulates well during extreme weather conditions. 
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Weighted Cape:</span>''' The TalonKnight's cape have always been an integral part of the suit, it's design <span style="color:#FFD700;">evolving over many decades from TalonKnight to TalonKnight</span>. The key features of the cape is that it acts as protection to small and mid-sized automatic firearms, knife attacks and low impact projectiles. It is also fireproof to an extent, able to dissipate heat quickly and can also insulate heat quite well in extreme weather conditions. In combat, it's weighted tips can be used as a "sweeping" weapon, and also helps TK maneuver around attacks like a bullfighter. If grabbed, it can be detached quickly.

'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Gauntlets:</span>''' The armored gauntlets protect against bladed weapon strikes through the fins present on the side of them, while also housing a small wrist HUD and control unit in the right gauntlet.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Utility Belt:</span>''' Grappling Gun + Hook, Smoke Pellets, Trackers, Basic Tool Kit, Med Kit, Universal Electronics (Hacking) Kit, Compact Escape Kit, a Micro Camera, High Density Cuffs and a <span style="color:#FFD700;">Rebreather</span> that can be put on to filter out harmful poisons, toxins and gasses as well as breath underwater for up to 2 hours.
<big>'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Weapons:</span>'''</big>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Hoot-e-rangs:</span>'''Shuriken like projectiles with slightly tipped edges that can be thrown at targets. Not all are designed to return like a traditional boomerang. They're sharp enough to cut rope and jumplines with effort, but designed not to penetrate too deep when thrown at organic targets (should not break bones and rupture muscles). TK has several variations including a high-impact Hoot-e-rangs which is blunt but will knock targets off balance.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Exploding Hoot-e-rangs:</span>''' This variation of Hoot-e-rangs have many applications, particularly when TK has to face off against more powerful opponents. They are shaped and function like regular Hoot-e-rangs but explode either on impact or with a timed delay. 
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Pocket Proximity Mines:</span>''' These compact proximity mines fit perfectly in TK's belt compartments and have a variety of use cases which range from breaching heavily armored doors and areas to disabling powerful opponents. Though compact, they pack a serious punch with a sizeable blast radius and can stick to any surface.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Compact Concussion Grenades:</span>''' Designed for crowd control mostly, these compact grenades can knock opponents down within a 5 meter radius with their sudden impact and quick flash of blinding light. Very effective for taking out large areas of hostiles. Though not deadly, they have been known to cause hospitalizations if not used in the right situation.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Compact Smoke Grenades:</span>''' A more subtle method of crowd control and also doubles as an exit strategy. When TK finds himself overwhelmed, setting off a few of these can quickly fill the area with smoke. Perfect for getting the drop on hostiles in hostage situations, or when TK needs to retreat and regroup.
[[File:Nightbird VI v1.jpg|200px|right|thumb|<font color=#0000>Nightbird MK VI</font>]]
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Caltrops:</span>''' Traditional caltrops for slowing enemies down, on foot and in vehicles. Made with high density steel, TK always carries a set in his belt compartment.
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Combat Aerosol Sprays:</span>''' A variety of compact combat-designed aerosol sprays are at TK's disposal in a fight. From knock-out sprays which can induce temporary amnesia to supercooled sprays to freeze electronics and render adhesives brittle.
<big>'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Vehicles:</span>'''</big>
[[File:NBArbaRW.jpg|200px|right|thumb|<font color=#0000>Nightbird MK IV w/ the Arbalest MK II</font>]]
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Nightbird MK I to VI:</span>''' The talon-mobiles have been a staple of the TalonKnight's arsenal of tools since the industrial revolution. As this era's TalonKnight, Tripp has updated the talon-mobiles with the Nightbird series (currently onto Mark V), adding modern day enhancements for modern day crimefighting. The Nightbird MK V's top speed is around 250 mph, powered by a 1,200 horsepower (combined) twin turbines. Fully armored and armed with a combination of lethal and non-lethal weapons, the Nightbird allows TalonKnight to fight modern supervillains on equal footing. '''The current iteration is the Nightbird VI after the V was destroyed in a battle with ther alien overlord [https://fbsa.homecoming.wiki/wiki/Global_Defense_Force#ch1| Conqueror] in 2022.'''   
[[File:TK Strix v1.jpg|200px|left|thumb|<font color=#0000>Strix Series Interceptor</font>]]
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">Talon Aircraft:</span>''' TalonKnight maintains a squadron of aircraft ranging from the sleek and rapid interceptor style "Strix Series" to the massive cargo/personnel mobile air command "Arbalest Series". Most of his aircraft are capable of VTOL and are heavily armored. The Strix Series (MK III) is capable of dynamic camouflage - able to disguise itself as a LongBow Interceptor or Arachnos Flyer - to evade sensors and unwanted attention. TK's aircraft also maintain a highly advanced autopilot system which can respond to remote commands. 
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">The Battlebruiser MK I to IV:</span>''' A series of heavy battle suits designed to give the wearer strength, durability and flight comparable to the flying bricks '''(e.g. [[Areus|Areus]])''' around Paragon City. Conceived due to his heightened paranoia caused by the exposure to the Odeum and getting gravely injured in the battle against Doomsday in New York, the Battlebruisers are armed with high-density synthetic impervium plates, laser canons, jet-boosters and a micro reactor to power the suits for at least a week (at full power output). Tripp is constantly improving its features to match the data that he gathers for every mission so far.   


[[File:TK SecretFiles.png|300px]]
<div style="color: #FFD700;">
<div style="color: #FFD700;">
Friends in high places.</div>
Brought to you by paranoia.</div>
<center>To learn more about TalonKnight's Rogues Gallery, Allies, Mission Recaps and More...</center>'''<span style="color:#FFD700;"><center>[https://fbsa.homecoming.wiki/wiki/Overwatch_Matrix/Login'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">ACCESS HERE</span>''']</center><center><span style="color:#0000;">The password is 2195.</span></center></span>'''

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'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- There have been 28 TalonKnights to date, with Tripp being the most recent. '''<span style="color:#0000;">The list of TalonKnights are in the Secret Files section.</span></span>'''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Tripp prefers to be called Thomas in private.'''<span style="color:#0000;">
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Tripp is a talented Pianist. He has two grand pianos in Worthington Manor. One in the music room across the study and one in the family room.'''<span style="color:#0000;">
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Is a teetotaler. Can't stand the taste of alcohol.'''<span style="color:#0000;">
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Has recently rebuilt Worthington Manor on the outskirts of Paragon City, on land his Mother (from the esteemed Carrington family) inherited, effectively moving it away from it's original location in the outskirts of Sterling Bay.'''<span style="color:#0000;">
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Is a member of the [[The Providence Society| Providence Society]]. <span style="color:#0000;">'''<span style="color:#0000;"> His mother was a wealthy socialite with direct ties to it's Court of Suits. '''</span>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Is under pressure from Alistair "Monty" Montgomery, his loyal butler and confidant to marry and produce an heir to continue the TalonKnight legacy.'''<span style="color:#0000;"> Tripp is straight. Just not looking to settle. (yet.).</span>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Has multiple properties including a cliffside mansion beside the sea. Normally invite only, but feel free to visit OOC @ Worthyguest-24526 (Cliffside Mansion) and Worthy-27960 (Family Manor).'''<span style="color:#0000;">
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- His right molar is a miniature flashbang/stun grenade. It can be used to escape desperate situations when he does not have his utility belt. He recently used it in an adventure to his teammate [[Farside|Farside's]] home dimension.'''<span style="color:#0000;">'''<span style="color:#0000;"> He learnt that it isn't effective against magical beings lol.</span>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- The Hollownest, TK's base of operations is not located in Paragon City and can only be accessed via a network of portals that the 24th TalonKnight and Nikola Tesla developed. The portals have been upgraded since, and can teleport anything from humans to vehicles and equipment.'''<span style="color:#0000;">More about the Hollownest in the Secret Files.</span></span>'''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- There have been several iterations of the Hollownest, the TalonKnight's traditional base of operations. The original Hollownest was destroyed and abandoned when the Worthingtons moved to America during the 17th Century. Key items were salvaged and continue to reside within the current Hollownest's archives: the TalonKnight journals and the first TalonKnight's armor (which is a family heirloom within the Hollownest). The current Hollownest's location is unknown but allows access to most of the areas Tripp patrols.</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- TalonKnight saved a woman in King’s Row from the Circle of Thorns. The woman turned out to be aspiring novelist Barabara Horseland, who later became famous for her “Knight” series of romance novels. Those who have read it in TK’s circle (including Monty) feel like the main character was heavily inspired by TK/Tripp. '''<span style="color:#0000;"> TK’s Player’s Teammates Warspite and Nitroburst helped come up with this funny little tidbit. It’s canon now guys. </span>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- TalonKnights can be associated with the cryptid "Bird Beast". Spotted all across Europe and England in the 15th and 16th Century, and up until the 80s and 90s in Paragon City and the areas surrounding it.</span>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- TK has a habit of going "Hn." or "Hh." alot as an expression. @Regiworld (TK's Player) is paying homage to his very first RP character back on Virtue, who was known to use the expression alot.'''</span>
'''<span style="color:#FFD700;">- TK the character draws alot of inspiration from Batman, The Phantom, Black Panther and Moon Knight. He has had several iterations, starting on Virtue when CoX was live and Champions Online. In @Regiworld's headcanon, those are multiverses where different versions of TK resides. '''<span style="color:#0000;">
'''<div style="color: #FFD700;">
We're shy, feel free to use them.</div>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Has a secret identity. Very secret. Please ignore the floating name.</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">- When out of costume, he's recognizable as Thomas "Tripp" Worthington III, (In)Famous Billionaire Philanthropist, President of The Worthy Foundation and Chairman of the Board for Worthy Consolidated. </span>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">- If you are a member of Paragon's High Society (e.g. an exclusive club like the Providence Society), you may know him or have met him before.</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">- If you follow business, or have a business, you may have run into him at an event or two. May have even dealt with his Venture Capital firm, Worthy Ventures.</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Tries to be rarely seen in the public eye, but has numerous rumors about his social life in the tabloids and gossip magazines.</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">- If you're a reporter, journalist or paparazzi and you'd like an interview, or picture opportunity (for whatever reason), feel free to reach TK's creator @regiworld.</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700;">- Is a legacy hero. His family has been around for centuries as The TalonKnight. This is a secret, and gives the illusion that TalonKnight is immortal/really,really old. </span>

<span style="color:#FFD700;">- If your villain is really, really old or has been around for a long time, you may have heard of the Talonknight or even fought him before and are wondering how old he really is or if he is immortal. </span>

{{Global Defense Force}}
{{Template:The Protectors League}}

[[Category: Stalker]] [[Category:Male]] [[Category: Hero]] [[Category: Technology]][[Category: Secret Identity]] [[Category: Global Defense Force]] [[Category: Legacy Hero]]
[[Category: Stalker]] [[Category:Male]] [[Category: Hero]] [[Category: Technology]][[Category: Secret Identity]] [[Category: Legacy Hero]]

Latest revision as of 08:05, 15 May 2024


Hero Icon Web.png
The Silent Sentinel
Emmshin Ram2023 001(HQ).jpg
art by Emmshin@DeviantArt
· Technology Hero ·
Street Justice
Physical Mastery
Player: @Regiworld
Super Group
Member of The Table
· Other Affiliations ·

Worthy Consolidated, The Worthy Foundation, The Blindsiders, Alpha Watch (Formerly)

Real Name
Thomas Worthington III (Secret)
'Tripp'(out of costume), TK, Talon, Birdbrain
September 25, 19XX
The Hollownest, The Bastion
Vigilante, Adventurer, Socialite, Protector
Marital Status
Single, Never Married
· Known Relatives ·
Charles Worthington IV (Father, Deceased), Margaret Worthington (nee Carrington)(Mother, Deceased), Robert Worthington IV (Grandfather, Deceased)
Physical Traits
Human (Peak Athletic)
Apparent Age
Early to Mid 30s
215 lbs
Body Type
Peak Human
· Distinguishing Features ·
Relaxed Grim-face


The beginning.

In the early 11th Century, a young squire and his master were sent by the Knight's Templar to search for the "Holy Grail" during the Crusades, driven by their belief that it would aid them in liberating Jerusalem and spreading their faith. As time passed and their mission grew increasingly disillusioning, the band of once noble knights succumbed to corruption and abuse of power, except for the squire and his master. Their breaking point came when they encountered a fabled village known for its dense population of desert owls, considered a symbol of bad luck in Middle Eastern culture.

Conflict erupted between the knights and the villagers, leading to pillaging and chaos. However, the young squire and his master could no longer tolerate the atrocities committed by their comrades. They took a stand and joined forces with the oppressed villagers, fiercely driving the rogue knights away. The battle was fierce, and sadly, the master met a fatal fate. In his dying moments, he elevated the young squire to knighthood, passing on his noble legacy.

Grateful for his valor and aid, the villagers guided the newly minted knight to a hidden cave within a mystical mountain, rumored to be where the elusive "Holy Grail" was located. Gravely injured, the weary knight was placed on an altar where the villagers performed a ritual using an ancient totem called The OwlSpark to miraculously heal his wounds. During his healing, the young knight experienced a profound vision—a majestic black owl hovering over him, hooting with an air of wisdom and vigilance. This owl, known as "al-Sada," symbolized the avenger, empowering him to bring justice upon those who have been wronged.

Awakening from his healing trance, the knight found himself fully restored but haunted by the enigmatic presence of the owl. Seeking answers, he consulted with a wise shaman who explained the significance of his vision. He had been blessed by al-Sada, chosen to carry out the mission of avenging the oppressed and bringing evildoers to justice.

Grateful for his second chance and deeply committed to his newfound purpose, the young knight embraced his destiny as the TalonKnight—the embodiment of justice and vengeance. With the power of the Owlspark flowing through him, he pledged to protect the innocent, fight against corruption, and strike fear into the hearts of those who would harm the weak and defenseless. Guided by the legacy of his master and the spirit of al-Sada, the first TalonKnight emerged, forever committed to upholding justice and maintaining the balance between light and darkness.


The legend of the TalonKnight grows.

During the tumultuous era of the Crusades, the young knight dedicated himself to fulfilling his purpose, utilizing a hidden village – home of the Himaraat al-Noor or Guardians of the Light, as his strategic base. As his exploits spread, he became known as the "Talon of al-Sada" or the "Talon of the Death Owl" - a symbol of vengeance and justice. The mystique surrounding his persona grew with the distinctive design of his armor and cloak, adorned with owl-like motifs, further fueling the growing legend.

As the Crusades came to an end, the knight was summoned before Saladin, the newly crowned Sultan, who had caught wind of the village's secret and sought to eradicate any evidence for invaders to abuse. In a bid to safeguard the knowledge and power bestowed upon him by al-Sada, the knight and a lone Himaraat al-Noor warrior, Rashid al-Farouq embarked on a perilous journey back to the hidden mountain cave, eager to save the OwlSpark (a small totem in the crude shape of an owl) from falling into the wrong hands. With the OwlSpark in hand, the young knight and Rashid fled the Levant back to the knight’s homeland.

Assuming the name and resources of his fallen master, the knight became known as Ser Thomas Worthy, the lord of Worthy Rock. They established their base of operations within a hidden mountain cave in proximity of Worthy Rock, known as the first Hollownest, he and his loyal followers continued their noble cause, extending help to the downtrodden and vulnerable across the lands. Ser Thomas's valor and heroism were magnified as he embraced his role as the TalonKnight, an agent of justice feared by evildoers.

In time, Ser Thomas would father a son, whom he carefully trained to inherit the mantle and the blessings of al-Sada. When the fateful moment arrived and Ser Thomas fell in combat, his son William assumed the role, carrying on the legacy of the TalonKnight. The tales of their exploits echoed through the ages, with the Hollownest serving as a sanctuary and a repository of knowledge.

During the 17th century, the Worthy family made a significant decision to relocate their endeavors to the United States, embarking on a journey that would shape their future. At the time, Thomas Worthy II, the 17th TalonKnight in the family lineage, recognized the need for a fresh start and opted to change the family name to Worthington. This name change symbolized their commitment to forging a new legacy in their new homeland. Alongside their modest wealth and the promising prospects of the new land, Thomas Worthington II diligently built a substantial fortune that would serve as the financial backbone for the enduring TalonKnight tradition in the years to come. Their astute investments and resourceful endeavors ensured the continued sustenance of the TalonKnight legacy, enabling them to protect the innocent and fight against injustice in the centuries that followed.

Operating in the shadows, the TalonKnights fought tirelessly against evil, transcending time itself, from the 11th century to the modern era. The enigmatic hero left an indelible mark on history, etching his name into the collective consciousness as a timeless guardian of justice. The legend of al-Sada and the power of the OwlSpark continued to guide and empower the TalonKnight and his successors, ensuring that the legacy of vengeance and righteousness would endure. The Altar of al-Sada remained a sacred site, where the chosen champion of justice would reconnect with the divine essence and find strength to face the darkest of adversaries.

"Birds of omen, dark and foul, Night-crow, raven, bat and owl, Leave the sick man to his dream - All night long he heard your scream."
- Sir Walter Scott, inspired after being saved by the TalonKnight.


"Beware, beware the TALONKNIGHT! His eyes of gold a frightening sight! Turn and run with all your might! The TALONKNIGHT hunts tonight!" -18th Century Nursery Rhyme

Nestled in the outskirts of nearby Sterling Bay, Worthington Manor stood as a testament to elegance and grandeur. Within its walls, young Thomas "Tripp" Worthington III, a curious and observant 8-year-old, led a privileged life alongside his loving parents, Charles and Margaret Worthington, esteemed figures in the high society of Sterling Bay and Paragon City. However, one seemingly ordinary evening, tragedy struck as the manor was infiltrated by a ruthless gang of criminals, led by the notorious <REDACTED>, arch nemesis of the 27th TalonKnight, Tripp's Father. These malevolent intruders had discovered the Worthingtons' connection to the TalonKnight legacy and sought to eliminate them as a threat.

Realizing the imminent danger, Charles and Margaret valiantly confronted the invaders, utilizing their skills and resourcefulness to protect their beloved son. In a selfless act of sacrifice, they devised a plan to ensure Thomas's safety and preserve the TalonKnight legacy. Amidst the chaos that erupted throughout the manor, a beacon of strength emerged in the form of Alistair Montgomery, the loyal and trusted butler of the Worthingtons.

With unwavering loyalty, Alistair swiftly took charge, guiding Tripp to a secret sanctuary within the manor while skillfully orchestrating the unfolding of Charles and Margaret's plan. Engaging in a fierce battle, Charles and Margaret fought valiantly against <REDACTED>, utilizing their combined talents and the limited resources at their disposal. Yet, despite their courageous efforts, they were ultimately overpowered by the ruthless tactics and superior numbers of their adversaries. In their final moments, Charles and Margaret shared heartfelt words with Tripp through a secure communication device, expressing their unwavering love and hope for him to continue their legacy as the next TalonKnight, protecting the innocent and fighting against evil and injustice. To keep the legacy of the TalonKnights secret and to defeat <REDACTED> and his gang, Charles and Margaret had set the Mansion to self-destruct: preserving the secret of the TalonKnights and while also defeating their invaders.

The tragic event was all over the media, but was covered up by the Worthington family resources, with reports varying about what really happened that night: ranging from a drunken orgy gone wrong, to a rival-sponsored hit on the CEO of one of the countries’ largest conglomerates, Worthy Consolidated. Recognizing Alistair's unwavering loyalty and commitment, Robert Worthington, Tripp's grandfather, entrusted him with the care and training of their young ward, while he came out of retirement to take on the mantle of TalonKnight while Tripp was being prepared for the role.

Alistair became more than a butler; he became a confidant, mentor, and guide for Tripp. Within the hidden sanctuary of the TalonKnights, the Hollownest, Tripp found solace, protection, and the beginning of his training to accept the powers of the Owlspark. Under Alistair's guidance, he honed his physical and mental abilities, delving into the rich history and values of the TalonKnight legacy. Through rigorous training, Tripp gradually accepted the immense responsibility of the Owlspark, developing his own unique set of skills while enhancing his strength, speed, and agility.

As he embraced his destiny, Tripp adorned the iconic TalonKnight suit, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to protect the innocent and stand against the forces of evil. His parents’ tragic deaths served as a constant reminder of the darkness he must face and his unwavering pursuit of justice. Throughout his journey, Thomas and Alistair shared a deep and unbreakable bond, founded on their shared loss, purpose, and determination. Together, they embarked on a path fraught with challenges, ready to confront the darkness that threatened their city and uphold the legacy entrusted to them.


All business.. 60% of the time, everytime.
Paparazzi photo of Tripp and Candy Crothers

Thomas Worthington III, or Tripp is a polarizing figure in the eyes of the general public and media, often depicted as a reckless playboy with turbulent relationships. However, behind this facade lies a multifaceted personality that transcends the labels of "Billionaire Philanthropist/Playboy" and "Relentless Vigilante."

The first layer of Tripp's persona is the cliched "Billionaire Philanthropist/Playboy" image he meticulously cultivates. This carefully crafted persona serves a crucial purpose in the world of the TalonKnights, an ancient lineage of protectors with a long history of adversaries. Throughout the centuries, the TalonKnights have amassed an impressive rogues gallery. It is Tripp's deliberate choice to behave like an irresponsible, arrogant buffoon, a facade designed to deter others from delving into his secret legacy. This intentional act of self-sabotage not only shields his loved ones from being targeted but also safeguards the rich mythos that the previous TalonKnights have meticulously built. By avoiding any unnecessary risks that may expose his true identity, Tripp upholds the principle ingrained in every TalonKnight's training: "the tighter the circle, the fewer casualties there will be." The tragic death of his parents also serves as motivation to safeguard his identity at all costs.

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In this enigmatic dance of personas, Tripp walks a tightrope, balancing the preservation of his family's legacy with the protection of those he holds dear. Behind the scenes, he embraces the responsibilities bestowed upon him as a TalonKnight, dedicating himself to the timeless pursuit of justice and safeguarding the innocent. While the public may perceive him as an eccentric billionaire with a penchant for indulgence, Tripp's true purpose lies hidden beneath the surface, ensuring that the legacy of the TalonKnights endures and that darkness is met with unwavering resolve.

As TalonKnight, Tripp is focused, business-like, and oftentimes hard to be around. Being prepared at all times and minimizing the risks to himself and those close to him are high priority when Tripp formulates a contingency plan. He is most comfortable being in control, and seeing others stray from his "battle plans" and "contingencies" will make him lose sleep and mildly irritate him (although he most likely won’t voice it). Tripp is a perfectionist, and will strive to get things done as efficiently and effectively as possible. He understands that he cannot control all situations, so instead he prepares endlessly, almost giving himself migraines going meticulously through every scenario. Tripp is also unreasonably brave and strong-willed, willing to put his life on the line to save the lives of others, not caring if he gets hurt or killed. His commitment to the mission of the TalonKnight is extremely unhealthy, even bordering on obsession.

To those around him he can seem distant and cold, yet he still tries to be polite (as he can be). His business-like demeanor is almost unsettling, but he tries to offset it with dry and sarcastic humor (which backfires most of the time).


Born for this.

Legacy Crimefighter: Tripp Worthington comes from a long line of crime fighters, with knowledge and experience spanning over centuries. With each TalonKnight new knowledge and technology is passed on, eventually compiling various techniques and methods of crime fighting. Groomed from a young age, Tripp developed and honed his crime fighting skills through regular lessons with his Alistair and his Grandfatehr, and other tutors, making Tripp the perfect weapon in the war against the world's evil. Tripp also understands that by projecting an air of invincibility and resilience, his enemies perceive him as an immortal figure, making him seemingly unassailable. Little do they know that the mantle of the TalonKnight is passed down from generation to generation.

Talonknight suit, 2020

Excellent/Skilled Combatant: The TalonKnights have developed a systematic fighting art only taught to heirs of the mantle. The unnamed combat art used by TalonKnights can be described as a combination of holds, strikes, and complex locks to disable and (when necessary) kill foes. Developed through centuries of experience, the 18th TalonKnight described the fighting form as "a combination of Boxing, Japanese Judo, and Shaolin-inspired Kung-Fu". Tripp employs this fighting style daily, adding some modern martial arts to his fighting style, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Combat Sambo. TalonKnights are also well versed in the use of combat arms, being able to use various ranged weapons (bows, rifles, throwing projectiles, etc.), and melee-based weapons (swords, knives, etc.) with equal effectiveness.


High-Level Strategist: Tripp has been trained in numerous forms of combat strategy, studying classical warfare philosophies and historical war scenarios since he was a child. Always taught to see the "big picture" and the "end game", Tripp uses the vast contingencies and protocols the TalonKnights before him have put in place to his advantage. Although impossible to be prepared for every eventuality, Tripp "cheats" by manipulating situations to his advantage, surprising his enemies and presenting the illusion of having foreseen the eventual actions of his foes.

Keen Analytics/Deductive Reasoning: Although not the best in the world, Tripp has a vast network of detectives and experts from around the globe at his disposal, most are contacts his predecessors have made. He uses this network to piece together clues and data to be able to solve even the most complicated of cases. Due to constant exposure to detective work with some of the best detectives in the world, over time, Tripp's own deductive reasoning and crime solving skills have been honed where he himself has become formidable.

Skilled Driver/Pilot: Tripp pilots numerous vehicles. He is skilled enough to maneuver whatever vehicle is at his disposal as if it were an extension of his body. Part of his training as a TalonKnight involved Tripp piloting and studying schematics of vehicles, as his mentors felt that it was an essential part of being the TalonKnight. Since he cannot fly, or run with superspeed, vehicles are a key part of the TalonKnight's arsenal, therefore, being a skilled pilot or driver is definitely a must.

Keen Intellect: Constant study and thirst for knowledge has assisted Tripp in developing his intelligence/IQ. Tripp is competent in basic sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology. Knowledge in these fields help him troubleshoot his equipment, as well as develop formulas and antidotes for situations that require it. He is also a capable engineer, with skills varying from troubleshooting of the "A.R.C.H.I." system, to hacking computers during missions and operations.

Peak Physical Condition: Tripp was raised from a young age using a specialized diet and exercise regimen developed by the 17th TalonKnight during his stay in Japan, and has been used by other TalonKnights since its inception. The diet and exercise regimen have helped Tripp and previous TalonKnights develop muscles and dexterity comparable to an Olympic-level athlete. Their diet helps develop strong bones and muscles, while also making the immune system stronger, increasing the dexterity, immunity and recovery capabilities of the human body. Meanwhile, the exercise regimen develops high-level flexibility, peak human strength and endurance, allowing the TalonKnight to perform certain movements the average human being can't. It is necessary to prepare the body to accept “the blessing” from the OwlSpark bestowed upon new TalonKnights when they take up the mantle. If not in peak human condition, they may not be able to withstand the ritual and risk dying whilst trying to accept "the blessing".


Without it, there is no strength.

Only Human: Despite being equipped with cutting edge technology, having centuries worth of crimefighting knowledge at his disposal, and enhanced abilities from the Owlspark, Tripp is still extremely mortal. Unlike most of his peers, he does not possess super powered abilities or skills, making him susceptible to metahuman/extra-human attacks. Without his armor he is also vulnerable to attacks just like a normal human and can be mortally wounded. Despite the minor healing factor he gets from the Owlspark, his body is still susceptible to long term damage. Pushing himself too far and too hard will result in permanent damage, and over time, he will have to retire. He is also vulnerable to poisoning, drowning, magic and psychic attacks he isn't prepared for.

Overconfidence: Because he’s trained from a young age, and studied the teachings of the TalonKnights before him fanatically, Tripp has come to be very confident in his abilities. This in turn has led to becoming confident to the point of arrogance, sometimes getting himself into situations beyond his capabilities. This, combined with his lack of social skills (prideful, distant) has led to many sticky situations in the past.

Secretive Control Freak: Tripp’s need to be in control leads to him keeping his cards close to his chest. He feels like the less his peers know what he’s thinking/planning, the more control he has over the situation. His secretive nature ironically feeds into his trauma of losing those close to him.

Poor Social Skills: Although charming and approachable in his “Philanthropist/Playboy” persona, Tripp is far from sociable. He is introverted, quiet and prefers the company of silence. His business-like demeanor is off putting, even to the ones closest to him like his Grandfather and Monty. In reality, he was traumatized early in his TalonKnight journey, after watching his parents die at the hands of their arch-nemesis. Ever since then Tripp has had trouble getting close to people for fear they will either get hurt or suddenly taken away from him. Because of this trauma, he tends to push people away, coming across as prideful and arrogant (even his jokes don’t take well).

Obsessive Tendencies: When Tripp broods over something, the thought turns over and over in his head trying to come up with a solution or answer. Due to his extreme focus on whatever he’s brooding over, it sometimes leads to paranoia, overplanning, and contingencies that may be more dangerous than initially planned. This weakness can also be exploited because of the tunnel vision it comes with.

Aristocratic Upbringing: Tripp's "I know what's best for you" attitude stems from decades of Worthington upbringing. Having been raised generation to generation to believe that they are best equipped to help others (through their money, influence and strength as TalonKnights) has given Tripp the misconception that he knows what's best for the world and those he helps. While he means well, it comes across as unsavory and controlling to those around him. Not only that, his 'control freak' nature seeps into this ingrained attitude, alienating him further from his teammates and allies making him an easy target to isolate should a villain decide to attack.


Tools of the trade.

Armor and Utility Belt:

Cowl: TalonKnight's cowl is made up of the latest in Worthy Tech, including a kevlar mesh around rigid ballistic plastics. It features built-in electronics that allow Nightvision and Infrared modes, a HUD link to A.R.C.H.I. and a comms unit for communication back to The Hollownest, The Beacon and Hall of Heroes' command center. It also features a patented noise-cancelling mechanic and microphone that can amplify whispers from a certain range, shut out external sounds and issue voice commands.

Body Armor: TalonKnight's standard body armor includes a Kevlar-weave suit with synthetic Impervium-like material that covers the vital areas of his body, and can protect him from small firearms, knife attacks and low impact projectiles. The suit is also fire resistant, dissipating heat fast. It also insulates well during extreme weather conditions.

Weighted Cape: The TalonKnight's cape have always been an integral part of the suit, it's design evolving over many decades from TalonKnight to TalonKnight. The key features of the cape is that it acts as protection to small and mid-sized automatic firearms, knife attacks and low impact projectiles. It is also fireproof to an extent, able to dissipate heat quickly and can also insulate heat quite well in extreme weather conditions. In combat, it's weighted tips can be used as a "sweeping" weapon, and also helps TK maneuver around attacks like a bullfighter. If grabbed, it can be detached quickly.

Gauntlets: The armored gauntlets protect against bladed weapon strikes through the fins present on the side of them, while also housing a small wrist HUD and control unit in the right gauntlet.

Utility Belt: Grappling Gun + Hook, Smoke Pellets, Trackers, Basic Tool Kit, Med Kit, Universal Electronics (Hacking) Kit, Compact Escape Kit, a Micro Camera, High Density Cuffs and a Rebreather that can be put on to filter out harmful poisons, toxins and gasses as well as breath underwater for up to 2 hours.


- Hoot-e-rangs:Shuriken like projectiles with slightly tipped edges that can be thrown at targets. Not all are designed to return like a traditional boomerang. They're sharp enough to cut rope and jumplines with effort, but designed not to penetrate too deep when thrown at organic targets (should not break bones and rupture muscles). TK has several variations including a high-impact Hoot-e-rangs which is blunt but will knock targets off balance.

- Exploding Hoot-e-rangs: This variation of Hoot-e-rangs have many applications, particularly when TK has to face off against more powerful opponents. They are shaped and function like regular Hoot-e-rangs but explode either on impact or with a timed delay.

- Pocket Proximity Mines: These compact proximity mines fit perfectly in TK's belt compartments and have a variety of use cases which range from breaching heavily armored doors and areas to disabling powerful opponents. Though compact, they pack a serious punch with a sizeable blast radius and can stick to any surface.

- Compact Concussion Grenades: Designed for crowd control mostly, these compact grenades can knock opponents down within a 5 meter radius with their sudden impact and quick flash of blinding light. Very effective for taking out large areas of hostiles. Though not deadly, they have been known to cause hospitalizations if not used in the right situation.

- Compact Smoke Grenades: A more subtle method of crowd control and also doubles as an exit strategy. When TK finds himself overwhelmed, setting off a few of these can quickly fill the area with smoke. Perfect for getting the drop on hostiles in hostage situations, or when TK needs to retreat and regroup.

Nightbird MK VI

- Caltrops: Traditional caltrops for slowing enemies down, on foot and in vehicles. Made with high density steel, TK always carries a set in his belt compartment.

- Combat Aerosol Sprays: A variety of compact combat-designed aerosol sprays are at TK's disposal in a fight. From knock-out sprays which can induce temporary amnesia to supercooled sprays to freeze electronics and render adhesives brittle.


Nightbird MK IV w/ the Arbalest MK II

Nightbird MK I to VI: The talon-mobiles have been a staple of the TalonKnight's arsenal of tools since the industrial revolution. As this era's TalonKnight, Tripp has updated the talon-mobiles with the Nightbird series (currently onto Mark V), adding modern day enhancements for modern day crimefighting. The Nightbird MK V's top speed is around 250 mph, powered by a 1,200 horsepower (combined) twin turbines. Fully armored and armed with a combination of lethal and non-lethal weapons, the Nightbird allows TalonKnight to fight modern supervillains on equal footing. The current iteration is the Nightbird VI after the V was destroyed in a battle with ther alien overlord Conqueror in 2022.

Strix Series Interceptor

Talon Aircraft: TalonKnight maintains a squadron of aircraft ranging from the sleek and rapid interceptor style "Strix Series" to the massive cargo/personnel mobile air command "Arbalest Series". Most of his aircraft are capable of VTOL and are heavily armored. The Strix Series (MK III) is capable of dynamic camouflage - able to disguise itself as a LongBow Interceptor or Arachnos Flyer - to evade sensors and unwanted attention. TK's aircraft also maintain a highly advanced autopilot system which can respond to remote commands.

The Battlebruiser MK I to IV: A series of heavy battle suits designed to give the wearer strength, durability and flight comparable to the flying bricks (e.g. Areus) around Paragon City. Conceived due to his heightened paranoia caused by the exposure to the Odeum and getting gravely injured in the battle against Doomsday in New York, the Battlebruisers are armed with high-density synthetic impervium plates, laser canons, jet-boosters and a micro reactor to power the suits for at least a week (at full power output). Tripp is constantly improving its features to match the data that he gathers for every mission so far.

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Brought to you by paranoia.
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Fun Facts about The TalonKnight.

- There have been 28 TalonKnights to date, with Tripp being the most recent. The list of TalonKnights are in the Secret Files section.

- Tripp prefers to be called Thomas in private.

- Tripp is a talented Pianist. He has two grand pianos in Worthington Manor. One in the music room across the study and one in the family room.

- Is a teetotaler. Can't stand the taste of alcohol.

- Has recently rebuilt Worthington Manor on the outskirts of Paragon City, on land his Mother (from the esteemed Carrington family) inherited, effectively moving it away from it's original location in the outskirts of Sterling Bay.

- Is a member of the Providence Society. His mother was a wealthy socialite with direct ties to it's Court of Suits.

- Is under pressure from Alistair "Monty" Montgomery, his loyal butler and confidant to marry and produce an heir to continue the TalonKnight legacy. Tripp is straight. Just not looking to settle. (yet.).

- Has multiple properties including a cliffside mansion beside the sea. Normally invite only, but feel free to visit OOC @ Worthyguest-24526 (Cliffside Mansion) and Worthy-27960 (Family Manor).

- His right molar is a miniature flashbang/stun grenade. It can be used to escape desperate situations when he does not have his utility belt. He recently used it in an adventure to his teammate Farside's home dimension. He learnt that it isn't effective against magical beings lol.

- The Hollownest, TK's base of operations is not located in Paragon City and can only be accessed via a network of portals that the 24th TalonKnight and Nikola Tesla developed. The portals have been upgraded since, and can teleport anything from humans to vehicles and equipment.More about the Hollownest in the Secret Files.

- There have been several iterations of the Hollownest, the TalonKnight's traditional base of operations. The original Hollownest was destroyed and abandoned when the Worthingtons moved to America during the 17th Century. Key items were salvaged and continue to reside within the current Hollownest's archives: the TalonKnight journals and the first TalonKnight's armor (which is a family heirloom within the Hollownest). The current Hollownest's location is unknown but allows access to most of the areas Tripp patrols.

- TalonKnight saved a woman in King’s Row from the Circle of Thorns. The woman turned out to be aspiring novelist Barabara Horseland, who later became famous for her “Knight” series of romance novels. Those who have read it in TK’s circle (including Monty) feel like the main character was heavily inspired by TK/Tripp. TK’s Player’s Teammates Warspite and Nitroburst helped come up with this funny little tidbit. It’s canon now guys.

- TalonKnights can be associated with the cryptid "Bird Beast". Spotted all across Europe and England in the 15th and 16th Century, and up until the 80s and 90s in Paragon City and the areas surrounding it.

- TK has a habit of going "Hn." or "Hh." alot as an expression. @Regiworld (TK's Player) is paying homage to his very first RP character back on Virtue, who was known to use the expression alot.

- TK the character draws alot of inspiration from Batman, The Phantom, Black Panther and Moon Knight. He has had several iterations, starting on Virtue when CoX was live and Champions Online. In @Regiworld's headcanon, those are multiverses where different versions of TK resides.

We're shy, feel free to use them.

- Has a secret identity. Very secret. Please ignore the floating name.

- When out of costume, he's recognizable as Thomas "Tripp" Worthington III, (In)Famous Billionaire Philanthropist, President of The Worthy Foundation and Chairman of the Board for Worthy Consolidated.

- If you are a member of Paragon's High Society (e.g. an exclusive club like the Providence Society), you may know him or have met him before.

- If you follow business, or have a business, you may have run into him at an event or two. May have even dealt with his Venture Capital firm, Worthy Ventures.

- Tries to be rarely seen in the public eye, but has numerous rumors about his social life in the tabloids and gossip magazines.

- If you're a reporter, journalist or paparazzi and you'd like an interview, or picture opportunity (for whatever reason), feel free to reach TK's creator @regiworld.

- Is a legacy hero. His family has been around for centuries as The TalonKnight. This is a secret, and gives the illusion that TalonKnight is immortal/really,really old.

- If your villain is really, really old or has been around for a long time, you may have heard of the Talonknight or even fought him before and are wondering how old he really is or if he is immortal.

PL BlackBG.png
The Chair
The Table
AreusCitizen ThirteenSamantha GreySolomon CaineTalonKnight
World Protectors
AeroHawkEnsorcelledRocket Robyn
Alley Cat IIBig MuttBladewraithCosmicDayDevil
Golden BlizzardHu'SzservnLady VegaNitroburst
Race WaySamuraiconShield SentinelSpellcaster IX
Alley Cat IAtomox

DreamslayerImbibeOmnianPsykeyStorm ShiftWarp Shift

CloudstruckForecastHolly Handgrenade
PowertoolsTemporalixTungsten Jazz