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Player: @Snugglebun
Personal Data
Real Name: Charity Morgan Brown
Known Aliases: Cherry,
Lobe Job,
Heads Up
Species: Meta human
Age: 34
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Occupation: Dancer at The Cat Walk,
Place of Birth: Providence, RI

One Happy Family
Gerald and Dotty Brown, high school sweethearts who married in the middle of college had a pretty ideal life. Gerald taught music theory and piano at the nearby university, Dotty taught third grade. Five years into their marriage, they had their first child - Charity Morgan. Brown hair, blue eyes, petite and delightful.

Charity seemed like a normal child. Happy, playful, obsessed with cats. If she was a little precocious, she was given her space to be. They encouraged her learning, enrolling her in day care that would add to it.
When she was five and safely enrolled in preschool, they had their second child, a boy they named Charles Martin. He also started off normal, brown hair, brown eyes, freckles to spare, obsessed with Voltron like any sane child. There was a slight difference between the two, however. When Charlie was old enough to begin understanding reasoning and conversation, he would become unnaturally upset when someone lied to him. A purposeful lie. Cherry not wanting to play with him, saying 'later' would set him into inconsolable tears.

Somehow, it came to be understood that he had an innate understanding for when someone was lying to him. And it didn't' stop there. The older he got, the stronger this gift got. It shifted from 'lying to him directly' to 'saying a half truth with the intent to mislead, in his hearing'. If he heard it, he could tell. It was uncanny. Eventually, it became so strong that he could tell if anyone in the same building as him was lying.

Cherry became his best friend. She learned how it affected him and learned how to talk to him - and encouraged him to find a way to use it and not be as bothered by what he felt.

Uh... huh...
For her part, it wasn't until high school that Cherry learned she was different. She had always felt different. She seemed to have a knack for knowing what people were thinking and how to make them happy. She seemed to absorb information out of the air. Why she felt that way didn't get an explanation until she was trying to help her brother with his situation.
As a senior, Cherry had taken a skip day and her car, and hauled gas over the middle school to have lunch with Charlie for his birthday. Walking through the building with a pizza and some cupcakes, she didn't make it all the way to the cafeteria. Instead, her brother met her in the hall. She knew right away something had gone wrong that day. Charlie didn't look like he was going to talk - and suddenly, he didn't need to. She saw it all - from his perspective. Things she shouldn't have been able to know. The nervous feelings he'd had, the lie in the rejection, the teasing from the other boys. She immediately apologized to him for what had happened. And he immediately knew that she knew, somehow.
They walked into the cafeteria and Cherry found the three people who had been involved in ruining her brother's birthday. ... having a high school senior staring daggers at you when you're a 7th grader is pretty intimidating.
Cherry's mind opened up - immediately flooding with way too many thoughts and hormones. She felt it all. She heard more than she ever wanted - and she fell off of her chair. The world was never as quiet after that.

How to handle things
The initial welcome to the world of mind fuckery was a shock (and involved a visit to the school nurse and a call to the parents for skipping classes). Cherry wasn't all that sure what to do with what she could do. She wasn't sure she wanted to do anything with it. It was too much of a responsibility, and hey you heard a lot of weird shit that you really didn't want to know.
She freaked out and told Charlie.. who, while he was a bit weirded out by it, took it in stride and helped explain to their parents. For their part, Gerald and Dotty did... surprisingly well. Gerald explained that, while they had hoped it would be something a bit more benign, his family had a history of spawning grand genetic mutations. He himself was a mutant, but it manifested with perfect pitch and perfect sense of time. Nothing that really did anything but make music either enjoyable or a terror, depending.

They did what they could, called around, and found a meta with similar powers who was willing to teach Cherry how to keep the other thoughts out of her own head and stop her from unwittingly manipulating anyone else. It took a full year after graduation before Cherry's training was done - or, rather before the other hero called it done. There was nothing more he could teach her, her powers were quickly out leveling his. Thankfully, she seemed content with what she could do, or keep from doing. Cherry didn't want the hero's life. She was going to just breed cats and be fine with it.

That... never, really came about. After high school came a vague attempt at college. She went for an English degree, but got bored with the classes and came back home after a year and a half. Then came a job and an attempt at heroics. It was... not the best thing, ever.

How Not To...
Cherry and a cousin got together with the intent of using their gifts (and licenses the family insisted they get), by going out in the evenings. Unfortunately, her cousin's gifts came with a negative side which left her a little high every time she used them - and more than a little useless. When they stumbled upon an attempt at a B&E, Cherry ended up freaking out and having to put the perpetrators to sleep in order to haul her cousin out of what turned into a gunfight. Unfortunately, when she was knocking them out, a couple of them fell in the line of each other's fire and died. It was a mess. No one blamed Cherry for anything. She did what she could, she neutralized the situation, got (mostly) everyone safe. Stopped the robbery.
Cherry, however, found the whole thing to be rather distasteful. She had let her cousin get in harm's way and taken too long to act.
She tried to go out several times after that, without her cousin, but it never felt right, and so she had packed her things away and opted to move, finding a fresh start.

Cape City
Cherry ended up moving not too far away, to Paragon. It was a new place, but close enough to her parents that she could drive home to visit them and Charlie whenever she wanted. Further, it gave her more space to get used to her powers without the pressure of anyone knowing about them.
Sure, she was still registered with the FBSA, but she changed her name to something a little sillier, and let that set the tone for the rest of her time. What few forays she had out in the 'heroic' community involved mind tricks and letting people think they weren't as hurt as they were, then telling them after that they REALLY needed to rest and see a doctor, if necessary. After a few months of that, she kind of felt like she had just... done enough. There were real heroes out there and if the time ever came that she felt like she had to do things, well, she would.

Work It
She tried a few normal jobs once she got settled in; retail at book stores, waitressing, this and that. None of it really stuck, until she had the hilarious thought at lunch with a friend that "Would't it be hysterical if I was paid to strip without having to do anything?".

...And it kind of snowballed. She went down to The Cat Walk the following week and had her audition. Hired almost immediately, she was put on roster as Cherry Bomb, the sweet as pie girl next door. Her popularity grew rapidly.

In reality, Cherry spends most of her time dressed in sweaters and jeans, letting them all see what they expect to see while she sits in the wings reading. Sometimes, she watches the audience to make sure no one is looking too close; and if someone pays for a private session, she follows along to give a good show.

Cherry will try the clothes on, at home, in private. She'll move in them and work on her routines so that she can make it look good... but when it comes to put Cherry Bomb on display, there are a few differences between her and the vision - a few extra pounds, some extra tattoos, a different shade of eye color. Enough the same that it takes little effort on her part, but enough different that she feels comfortable flashing it around people's minds. And for all her work, it's gone over quite well. She's been there for a good two years, now.

Job Offer, 2
Now... working as a stripper isn't exactly living the high life, and Cherry tended to not make a lot of friends. She wanted to, but... never seemed to happen. She had her cousin and his family, her brother, one gal friend. Social life was not quite what it should be, and maybe a date or two would be nice - and not from people at the office. So, she signed up for a dating site. Three months of sifting through weirdness and she got a real weird offer. "Okay, full disclosure. I made this profile for my dad. He hasn't gone anywhere since his wife died. He stays at home and collects stamps. It's boring and he needs to go on a date."

If nothing else, it was amusing. And he was an attractive man. The date was set, and the horribly uncomfortable guy showed up. Cherry didn't have to read his mind to know he wasn't entirely comfortable and she felt a little bad -- until she read his mind. It was habit. There' already been a few bad dates from the site, even after the sifting and well, better to check before things snowball and if nothing else, she could help him relax and enjoy himself before he ran away. So she peeked. Leaning forward, she used her powers to blur their conversation from everyone else as she blurted out "Ohmygod. You're Signalfire!"

Thankfully, her lack of finesse didn't kill anything. In fact, it got them into a long conversation, and earned her an invitation to his reforming group, the Battle Ready Organization. Though Cherry took a very ... relaxed view of her powers, she felt she owed it to him to at least try. Things seem to be working out a lot better than her previous attempts at heroics.

.♥. Cherry comes from a family with a tendency to birth omega mutants. Not all of the powers are useful. But all of them are stupidly strong.
.♥. That being the case, Cherry is HORRIBLY, stupidly powerful. She just doesn't care.
.♥. Cherry can work with animal minds, but it feels icky.
.♥. She knows the entire AC/DC library and will scream out the lyrics to Thunderstruck if it is on around her.
.♥. Cherry hates the taste of most cherry candy. It's too fake.
.♥. Given the option, Cherry will take cocoa over coffee. Bonus if it is chocolate IN some coffee.
.♥. A+ best babysitter. Except that one kid.

Cherry is sure there are limits to her powers. So far, she hasn't found them. It isn't something she really cares to look for. What is known, is this:

  • Without really trying, Cherry can get in people's heads. She can make them see, feel, taste and believe they are touching things. She can give them the sensation of an entirely new reality while they are sitting, unaware in this one. ... She can do this to a whole city block of people.
  • Cherry's mind has developed to the point that she can use it to lift things. Books, paperclips, kittens, herself, other people. Cars. An entire red light worth of cars during rush hour. She can, alternately, manipulate that little paperclip to hold onto a small origami post it note. Finesse and the unsubtle.
  • Cherry can stop people in their tracks, erase memories and make them forget they saw what they saw. She can do it to an entire restaurant of people. She has, recently.
  • She can link people's minds together for a giant, secret conversation. She can do this if they're in the same room, or across the state.

She can. She just doesn't usually care to.

Inner Circle

  • Kasun - Thanks to a blind date that went sideways, Cherry ended up joining Kasun's group. She has more than a little respect for the tall hero, and for his growing group. It recently was revealed that Kasun is actually also John her boyfriend and they're engaged. SCANDALOUS. They have two cats.


  • Rizzo - Cherry ran into Rizzo while she was in St. Martial on a personal errand. She proceeded to scare the bejeezus out of him and then felt 'horrible and apologized. They had a nice talk, after. When she joined the Battle Ready Organization, he was there. It's the best kind of fate.
  • Web - Cherry's not entirely sure what to do with Web. Well, except how to talk him out of his office, kind of. But he's oddly effective in the field and she really likes that.
  • Jaq - Cherry really likes Jacqueline. The girl has a very unique personality and it amuses her how well she and Web click.

