Aurora Star

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The Valiant, Captivating Aurora Star!
Aurora Star
Player: @VeliciaL
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Peacebringer
Security Level: 50
Server: Everlasting
Personal Data
Real Name: Claire O'Carroll
Known Aliases: none
Species: Human/Kheldian
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red-Ginger
Biographical Data
Nationality: Irish American
Occupation: Model, for Icon and various other agencies
Place of Birth: Rural Pennsylvania
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Siblings, Parents, Grandparents
Known Powers
Tri-form Peacebringer
Known Abilities
Can permanently maintain Light Form
Various examples of Icon-designed, ultra-durable costumes

Aurora Star is the entity formed upon the merging of Claire O'Carrol, a fashionista and aspiring model, with "Aurora," a notably old Kheldian who has been hosted by several heroes throughout history. Claire received the Kheldian from her predecessor, Aurora Flare, who had been so critically wounded even the considerable healing powers of a Peacebringer could not save him. Claire, who happened to be shopping when the skies above her erupted in superpowered battle, agreed to be a temporary host to Aurora until a more permanent host could be found. However, as the battle raged on both Claire and Aurora found common cause in their desire to help, and once each realized they had a kindred spirit in the other, their minds joined, instantly creating a new superhero.

Aurora Star has always assured interviewers that she retains Claire's personality and memories, brushing aside any concerns for her "human" side with a single line: "I wouldn't change a thing."



Human Biography

Claire O'Carrol was born and raised on a farm in northern Pennsylvania. She relished her country life as a child, but as she entered her teens she began to chafe at it. She began doing modeling jobs in late high school, and by adulthood had moved to Philadelpha, hoping to save up enough to accomplish her dream of moving to New York. However, friends in the industry tipped her to work needed by the relatively obscure, superhero-oriented fashion company Icon, which would lead to her moving to Paragon City barely a year before the incident that would lead to her becoming a superhero herself.

Kheldian Biography

Aurora is a notably old Kheldian, even by joined Kheldian standards. Their joined human memory stretches back nearly a thousand years, non-human hosts go back even farther, and stasis periods of interstellar travel are likely several orders of magnitude more than that. They've been joined to many superheroes over the years, including the World War 2 superhero Silver Star, Aurora Glow, who died during the Kheldian invasion, and Aurora Star's own predecessor, Aurora Flare. Aurora (and their hosts') penchant for superheroics tend to cost them bodies, but Aurora treasures each of their hosts deeply.


Inciting Incident