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Character Build
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Cosmic Entity
The Father Tree
Father Entity, Millions of siblings
620 lbs
Dark grey, Magenta glow obscurity
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
Base of Operations:
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
Cosmic Element Manipulation, Fundamental Forces Manipulation, Flight, Immortal Cloning, Superior Cosmic Physicality
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template



Spoiler warning: Details about a player-created storyline, or information currently unrevealed about a character, within.   
When a galaxy twice the size of Andromeda in the Virgo Cluster instantaneously perished due to a still unknown, catastrophic event, it created a one-in-a-trillion chance disturbance between this universe and the closest parallel multiverse. Though this tear in reality was brief, barely a perceived second, it was long enough for a powerful cosmic entity to slip through.

At first its presence played upon the universe like antimatter, but soon it adapted and stabilized itself. It drew in the remnants of the destroyed galaxy rapidly across mere perceived centuries, building upon its own consciousness and material structure to interact with the universe it found itself in. In its visual manifestation, a strange, tree-like structure sprouted from its "head" that came about from its ever-increasing curiosity.

This tree's many branches sprouted millions of pod-like leaves. Each pod developed within it an entity imbued with the dubbed Father Entity's cosmic energies, and gifted consciousness, with a preconsciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness linked to the Father Entity. These cosmic children were sent to explore the planets and moons of the various galaxies within the Virgo Supercluster as Father Entity's foremost mission and desire - especially those that are inhabited by other beings.

The Father Entity's children's forms became physically, mentally and sometimes emotionally adaptable to whatever home-world their pod landed within, while their experiences relayed information and knowledge into the Father Entity's memory bank. Their perceived ethics were directly learned from their surroundings, which had a powerful effect on the core of their unique development. The cosmic entity now known as Renascence was no different.

Spoilers end.

As just another cosmic entity, The pod that contained Renascence's consciousness and default, nigh-shapeless form was destined for Earth - eventually crashing within Cap Au Diable in the Rogue Isles. The strange pod that cratered the ground went virtually unnoticed by any method of detection sans the basic senses of witnesses. Crashing near an Arachnos post, a named villain associated with them and his goons were the first to approach the pod. Upon doing so the pod cracked open, where the entity's presence immediately reached out to its surroundings. It turned into the first sentient, prominent thing it detected, and stood up from the pod with an appearance identical to the villain that became his muse. Unfortunately, said villain reacted in a negative way due to this eerie likeness and made the mistake of attempting to apprehend the cosmic alien violently.

This resulted in his and the Arachnos with him's deaths, where the alien was then free to start roaming and observing on his own accord. First he developed an understanding of how a humanoid body such as his worked and simulated processes. Then, he endeavoured to understand the language of such body; the communication method eventually morphing into the understanding of the most common language in his surroundings. He eavesdropped on various individuals while picking up the dirty newspapers and reading the signs of the streets. All the while, he consistently avoided the Arachnos that started to chase him as they proved to be a nuissance and distraction to his development. Eventually, his curiosity lead to Paragon City where he bared witness to another kind of existence entirely.

His first interaction with a human was not of his doing, but through his own distractions. A little girl approached him and asked what his name was after none of her other questions were being answered, and strangely, he replied: "Renascence".

Personality Profile








Renascence's extraordinary expanse of interactive capabilities all stem from astrokinesis and cosmological force manipulation, which can be manifested as or controlled in a variety of different ways to achieve different goals. His powers include everything from the creation and projection of cosmic elements to the manipulation of the fundamental forces in the limitations of how his powers are "end result focused-based", and not "specific element-based".

Illusions_spectralWounds.png Stardust Creation and Manipulation - Renascence's primary expression of power is the summoning and manipulation of stardust, the danger level of the ionized gases within varying through willpower, and the creation of localized nebulae. He can direct this matter into lingering blinding clouds, offensive blasts, vortexes or even more advanced manifestations, such as "stardust entities" that are connected to his willpower and awareness. By condensing this matter, he can create durable barriers, armor, or enhance the physical impact of his or others' physical attacks. With extreme condensation and more purposeful use of his manipulation of cosmic elements and fundamental forces, the possibilities and chain reactions of his powers expand.

SeismicBlast_Meteor.png Cosmic Creation - By affecting various aspects of cosmic elements and fundamental forces depending on his focal point, Renascence can create a variety of astronomical objects and phenomena. This includes but is not limited to: the formation of miniature planets, stars (including pulsars, magnetars, etc.) and various satellites; the summoning and/or projection of meteors, icy comets and fiery shooting stars alike; the creation of dark matter (with increased mass); the initiation of singularities, black holes and white holes (which can be used to teleport); the emanation of miniature quasars, and etc.

Flight_GroupFly.png Levitation/Flight - Renascence is able to directly manipulate localized gravitons to a moderate degree, enabling him to achieve self levitation and flight, or affect other objects/people. This gravitational influence cannot be compared to that of some of the phenomena he can create and summon.

Teleportation_Teleport.png Immortal Cosmic Cloning - Though extremely powerful and ageless, Renascence is not completely invulnerable to obliteration. However, the destruction of Renascence would simply cause the Father Entity to recreate an exact replica of his developed body in a tree pod, imbuing it with a conscious copy of the same memories and development points, and sent back to the location of his destruction to resume his mission.

ElectricArmor_SelfBuffDefense.png Supernatural Physicality - Renascence was created with an overall supernaturally superior physicality in the context of human comparison. He possesses enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, but most impressive is his supernatural stamina and durability. Renascence's body is much denser than assumed, and his cosmic composition can easily endure the extreme elements and dangers of space: temperatures, radiation, etc. In addition, he can detect a few types of energy and possesses a powerful "Cosmic Sensory" that links him with the Father Entity.

MentalControl_MindControl.png Mental Aspects - Renascence's consciousness allows him to learn and develop in an individual way without threatening the overall efficiency of the Father Entity. He produces his own inner thoughts like a simulated conscience that can be detected by telepathic-oriented individuals. However, because his preconscious, subconscious and unconscious is connected directly to the Father Entity's branch specific to Renascence's origin, the vast majority of attempts to access such inner workings is extremely overbearing, painful and sometimes even deadly - being the equivalent of thousands of minds simultaneously.



Uniform - An almost exact replica of the outfit that Black Pulsar wore, Renascence can coalesce matter into the outfit or remove it at will.

Other Skills/Talents

(In development)



