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Revision as of 20:15, 18 August 2021 by LGN-06 (talk | contribs)
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[[Image:Elle Profile Pic Small.jpg|300px|]]
Player: LGN
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Elle
Known Aliases: Marshal Six
Species: Robotic frame
Age: Confidential
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eye Color: Variable
Hair Color: Variable
Biographical Data
Nationality: Etoile
Occupation: Arachnos Marshal
Place of Birth: Classified
Base of Operations: Sharkhead Isle
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Project LEGION
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

Legion Six

"Knew there was something I liked about you, Elle."
"The nuclear warheads? My finest feature, really."

Screenshot 210817-20-16-46.jpg


++Project Proposal: Legion (LGN) series modular robotic personnel++

++Initial production: Eight Legion prototype units for Arachnos review++

++Initial bid entries below: response to Arachnos super-soldier query++

++LGN proposal: rejected++

LGN-06, or "Elle" to her friends, is one of only eight prototypes created as part of Project LEGION: a proposed army of mechanical soldiers linked into a hive network. The proposal was dismissed by Arachnos, and the small lab that presented it, Amaranth Industries, promptly folded. The eight prototypes were sold as scrap to alleviate the debts incurred by their creation.

Elle was sold as part of a lot of spare equipment to Black Heart Memorial hospital in Sharkhead, where she functioned as a mechanical aide for several months, during which she became familiar with synthskin: an expensive and realistic skin used at the hospital to treat burns among the meta population. Elle taught herself to manipulate the material, eventually disguising herself as the hospital administrator, murdering her, and leaving the hospital without raising an alarm.

Her talent for disguise and lethal precision served her for years as a freelance assassin in the snake-eat-snake world of the Rogue Isles, and her reputation eventually brought her to the attention of Arachnos. Under the ominous wing of Black Scorpion she rose through the ranks as a devastating precision weapon, capable of bringing down the most dangerous superhuman marks for the right price.


One From Many

Screenshot 210817-20-24-18.jpg

Screenshot 210301-20-59-58.jpg

Screenshot 200501-20-12-33.jpg

Marshal Six banner.jpg

Screenshot 210304-18-04-03 2.jpg

Legion Divided

(Story notes to follow)

About LGN-06

"Bein' good folk ain't'bout wearin' a clean coat've paint. There's more humanity in'er than most." - Sergeant Trixie Gamble, Vanguard
"A curious borderline criminal with unclear intent. At the end of the day, she will either be the hero of the story or the one to kill said hero. I'm still trying to decide which." - Sergeant Nergui Feldsher, PPD