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*Everlasting Server

*Pacific TZ

*Casual RP

*Mature RP



Animaleavatar.pngAnimale V_archetypeicon_mastermind.png Originicon_magic.png (Inactive)

Social Good/Custodian (Sees use in and values law/honour, but prioritizes good over it.)

Birthdaycandleavatar.pngBirthday Candle V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png Originicon_magic.png (Active)

Neutral Good/Benefactor (Uninfluenced by law or chaos, represents pure good.)

IYtkk1D.pngEl Lusion Archetypeicon_controller.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Rebel Good/Avenger (Heavily prioritizes the greater good, disrupts order when necessary.)

Z9qT4Lo.pngSnow-Bird Archetypeicon_defender.png Originicon_magic.png (Active)

Social Good/Custodian (Sees use in and values law/honour, but prioritizes good over it.)

ys545MQ.pngTricolour Archetypeicon_scrapper.png Originicon_natural.png (Active)

Social Good/Custodian (Sees use in and values law/honour, but prioritizes good over it.)


8COXS0w.pngLifespike Archetypeicon_defender.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Neutral Moral/Altruist (Not influenced by law or chaos, focuses on morality. May often question their or others's actions.)

Madmaloufavatar.pngMad Malouf Archetypeicon_controller.png Originicon_magic.png (Active)

Neutral Moral/Altruist (Not influenced by law or chaos, focuses on morality. May often question their or others's actions.)

Nefelibataavatar.pngNefelibata Archetypeicon_controller.png Originicon_science.png (Active)

Rebel Moral/Protestor (Fights for what they think is right, challenging the status quo.)

Powdermanavatar.pngPowder Man Archetypeicon_sentinel.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Rebel Moral/Protestor (Fights for what they think is right, challenging the status quo.)

Silkmothavatar.pngSilkmoth Archetypeicon_defender.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Neutral Moral/Altruist (Not influenced by law or chaos, focuses on morality. May often question their or others's actions.)

rdK8ynK.pngVulcanian V_archetypeicon_dominator.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Lawful Moral/Guardian (Leans to good by keeping order and maintaining honour.)


Concertoavatar.pngConcerto Archetypeicon_controller.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Social Neutral/Abettor (A non-committal follower of the law. Upholds and maintains order, while not feeling beholden to it.)

Copperwireavatar.pngCopperwire Archetypeicon_controller.png Originicon_science.png (Active)

Chaotic Neutral/Outlaw (Actively challenge and flout law, honour and order for the sake of freedom. Morality comes in second to them.)

Escapegoatavatar.pngEscapegoat V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png Originicon_science.png (Active)

Social Neutral/Abettor (A non-committal follower of the law. Upholds and maintains order, while not feeling beholden to it.)

PdynXvX.pngLeap-Frog V_archetypeicon_stalker.png Originicon_science.png (Inactive)

True Neutral/Agnostic (Sees use in all alignments. However, will not act extremely toward any side. May not go out of their way for the sake of good, but may not actively pursue evil.)

mFA3efu.pngLove-Tap V_archetypeicon_stalker.png Originicon_science.png (Inactive)

Rebel Neutral/Nomad (Tends to break honour codes and laws as they see fit to survive or otherwise, for their own freedom.)

AsVfzJw.pngMirror-Man Archetypeicon_sentinel.png Originicon_science.png (Active)

Social Neutral/Abettor (A non-committal follower of the law. Upholds and maintains order, while not feeling beholden to it.)

P3omHuy.pngNega Nuclear V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png Originicon_mutation.png (Inactive)

Rebel Neutral/Nomad (Tends to break honour codes and laws as they see fit to survive or otherwise, for their own freedom.)


BrushstrokeAvatar.pngBrushstroke V_archetypeicon_mastermind.png Originicon_magic.png (Inactive)

Rebel Impure/Marauder (Apathetic to honour, indifferent to morality. May be willing to screw over others to benefit themselves or their allies.)

4IorGBv.pngCadavo V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Social Impure/Sovereign (A non-committal follower of law. May have separate goals that don't consider morals.)

KillerRoseAvatar.pngKiller-Rose V_archetypeicon_dominator.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Neutral Impure/Hedonist (Not influenced by law or chaos, has a tendency to egotistic actions and acting self-servingly.)

Y99yTlW.pngMaxwell Demon Archetypeicon_controller.png Originicon_natural.png (Active)

Rebel Impure/Marauder (Apathetic to honour, indifferent to morality. May be willing to screw over others to benefit themselves or their allies.)

Rr7RtXn.pngMoonstroke V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png Originicon_mutation.png (Active)

Social Impure/Sovereign (A non-committal follower of law. May have separate goals that don't consider morals.)

Payaraavatar.pngPayara Archetypeicon_sentinel.png Originicon_magic.png (Active)

Chaotic Impure/Thug (Disrupt any law or code to get things going their way. Completely disregards any morality or ethics.)

6rW5sCU.pngVile Toxin V_archetypeicon_corruptor.png Originicon_science.png (Active)

Lawful Impure/Enforcer (Follows a morally gray or incorrect honour/moral code. May be extremely rigid and strict.)


ryYCEvn.pngGold Smith V_archetypeicon_brute.png Originicon_magic.png (Inactive)

Social Evil/Despot (May break their orderly discipline if it gets in their way of screwing someone over or pursuing evil.)