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Originicon magic.png The Demonic Archetypeicon blaster.png
CreateSymbol Villain.png
Player: Confidential
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 25
Server: Everlasting
SupergroupBlack Lotus Phalanx
Personal Data
Real Name: Aires Silva de Faria
Known Aliases: Murkwing
Species: Confidential
Age: 19
Height: Approx. 5'5 (1.69m)
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Portuguese
Occupation: Mercenary
Education: 11th Grade
Place of Birth: Évora, Portugal
Hometown: Évora
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Fire Blast
Darkness Manipulation
Known Abilities

Aires Silva de Faria, better known by the villain alias of Murkwing, is a half-human male native to the country of Portugal on Primal Earth.

In-game biography

"Born a seemingly normal human, Aires lived a normal life in Portugal until his demonic nature emerged as he turned 16. Besides the physical changes, his body ceased to metabolize normal food. His growing hunger only ceased after witnessing a murder, and testing a theory with a bit of vandalism, it was confirmed - he had become dependent on doing or observing acts he saw as immoral.

As each feeding began to provide an increasingly pleasurable rush, survival quickly turned to hedonism. It wasn't long before Portugal became too small a playground, and Aires turned his wings to the Rogue Isles in the west. Adopting the name "Murkwing", Aires has now fully embraced his new eternity."

MAGI Summary Report

The following is a brief report by the MAGI sub-department of the Federal Bureau for Super-powered Affairs on the villain known as Murkwing:

Birth Name: Aires Silva de Faria
Alias: Murkwing
Alethonym: Unknown
Nationality: Portuguese
Gender: Male
Species: [REDACTED]
Affiliations: Arachnos, Circle of Thorns (formerly); Black Lotus Phalanx (believed)
Powers: Fire and darkness-based, flight

Basic data the FBSA currently has on Murkwing is mostly public knowledge. Native to Portugal, raised by his maternal family, father unknown. Demonic nature first emerged shortly after his 16th birthday, causing several physical changes. First known identifiable crime was the arson of a local festival in the Portuguese town of Campo Maior, the spreading fires causing extensive damage to the town, though it is very likely Murkwing had previous engaged in more discreet criminal activities. Further known activity since includes robbery, extortion, murder, kidnappings, and soul traffic.

Moved to the Rogue Isles in 20XX, reasons unknown. Originally took contracts from the Circle of Thorns, but involvement with the group ceased after an altercation. Was later approached by individuals affiliated with Arachnos, and has since had a neutral/cordial relationship with the organization.

Recent reports indicate a poential affiliation with the mercenary group known as the Black Lotus Phalanx. Further data is required.


  • Treat as immortal. Was confirmed killed by a task force of novice heroes, but re-emerged a month later. Proceeded to systematically hunt down and kill all those involved in the span of two months.
  • Visual reports indicate the flames emerging from his eyes sometimes assume a blue-green tone. Reason to why is currently unknown;