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Revision as of 17:47, 1 December 2022 by Reapfield (talk | contribs)
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Player: @Reapfield
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Sentinel
Security Level: 50
Server: Everlasting
Personal Data
Real Name: Laura Emily Canfield
Known Aliases: Ulti, Volt, Antagavolt, Sparky
Species: Human Mutant
Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: US Citizen
Occupation: Hero Trainer
Place of Birth: Paragon City, USA, Primal Earth
Base of Operations: Talos Island, Paragon City, USA, Primal Earth
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Electricity manipulation, electricity absorption, regeneration(requires electricity), magnetic manipulation, flight
Known Abilities


Sparks of Inspiration

As a child, Laura was always opinionated, though absent minded when it came to her studies. Because of her caring nature, she would always bring home stray animals to the chagrin of her parents and siblings. She also couldn't suffer a bully, always intervening when she saw someone being picked on. Though she enjoyed video games, she didn't like losing to her older brothers.

Soon, Laura discovered her electrical mutation which caused problems for most of the people around her. Fortunately, her older brother, Ryan, had been through it all before, teaching her how to control her powers. She had also learned that their father was the first to gain these powers. At around the same time, she attended a hero institute for gifted youngsters. With training from both sources, she had mastered her powers to the point where most weaknesses her brother faced barely affected her out on the field.

Eventually, she would notice that those she looked up to had their flaws. The heroes that were made out to be legends bent the knee to corporations. Her disgust and disillusionment inspired her to become a better hero than they ever could be, pushing herself even harder than ever before to become a role model to everyone. To become the Ultivolt.


Laura is a very opinionated woman who almost always speaks her mind. She also has a tendency to overwork herself as a hero. Though she is a capable leader and tactician, she expects far more of herself than she does of her teammates. She will often try to shoulder burdens on her own before asking for help. Her siblings often joke that she forgets the city won't burn down if she takes a break.

She seldom underestimates her enemies and takes diligent time to figure them out. Though this can become difficult when she is sufficiently angered.


  • Lemon tarts

Lemon tarts are among her favorite foods. Laura generally likes anything sour, but lemons are her favorite.

  • Her hero costume

She takes pride in her hero costume, which was designed by her adoptive sister.

  • Her family

Laura cares a lot for her family and will be first to rescue them.

  • Her job

Though training new heroes isn't a glamorous job, Laura teaches new heroes with pride in hopes that they will become the best versions of themselves.


  • Bullies

Laura can't stand bullies who pick on the weak. Though she jokes about bullying Malta, she feels guilty after defeating a villain if she found the battle too easy.

  • Dating

Laura has had many disappointments in her love life. Though her romances weren't catastrophic, they usually either left her heartbroken or disappointed.