Princess Pop

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Logo created by Marvel Lovelace.

Princess Pop, drawn by Kamaete
Princess Pop
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: '
Server: Everlasting
Personal Data
Real Name: Tessie Tanaka
Known Aliases: The Powerful Peculiar Princess Pop, Pop, Poppy, Tooth Fairy
Species: Human
Age: Early 20s
Height: '
Weight: '
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black (as Tessie Tanaka), Blue wig (as Princess Pop)
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: University student
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Two moms
Known Powers
Superhuman voice
Known Abilities
Teleporter belt


Tessie Tanaka and Princess Pop, drawn by stale_breadcrumb

Tessie Tanaka has probably always been a mutant, but it wasn’t until she was older that she discovered this fact. As a child, she was often praised for her voice, both when talking and singing, and she quickly found that she had a knack for imitating other people’s voices perfectly. In her late teens, she had realized that she was transgender, and while transitioning, she read online about how most trans people have to train and work for a long time to make their voices sound the way they want them. This was what made her realize that her ability to instantly and effortlessly change her own voice to sound however she wants it to might in fact be a superhuman talent. She decided to visit G.I.F.T. at Paragon City Hall, and they did a series of standard tests on her, eventually determining that she did in fact have an unusual genetic mutation, giving her perfect control over her vocal apparatus.

Having grown up in the superhero-rich city of Paragon, and having always been something of a superhero geek, Tessie naturally decided to make a colorful costume of her own, and became the glamorous, glittering masked crimefighter Princess Pop!

Powers and equipment

Princess Pop using her voice power.

When she had understood that her voice was in fact superpowered, Tessie soon discovered that aside from perfect vocal imitation, she has the ability to manipulate her voice in many unusual ways, achieving pitches and frequencies beyond human hearing, allowing her to affect her opponents in various manners, such as by stunning or disorienting them. She can also project her voice, making it sound as if it’s coming from another place, distracting and confusing enemies. Or she can just let out a powerful “sonic scream” to knock out her foes.

Early in her career, Princess Pop received a “teleporter belt” from a superhero friend of hers, which is a handy way for her to move around the city rapidly. The belt also has a function for teleporting different sets of clothes directly onto her, allowing her to make quick costume changes whenever necessary. Speaking of her costume, it’s made of a special fabric that’s not only constantly glittering and sparkling, but is also somewhat bulletproof.

She also has a headset with a microphone and camera, that she sometimes uses as a “superhero streamer”, showcasing her adventures to viewers online. She’s somewhat restrictive with using it, though, preferring to only switch it on when she’s absolutely certain that she can beat her opponents without trouble, making herself look good to her audience (which, to be honest, isn’t very large at this point).


Princess Pop using her power to frighten an opponent.

Princess Pop is a bright, cheerful and occasionally jocular young woman, possibly a little naïve, but very enthusiastic and courageous. She views her superhero career as a fun adventure most of the time, even when facing off against terrifying monsters and powerful supervillains. She might change her tune if she ever runs into any true danger, but so far she’s been lucky enough to avoid serious injuries or other unpleasantness (she will in fact sometimes joke about how good she is at dodging flamethrowers).

While the theme of her superhero persona is inspired by the glamorous popstar life, she hasn’t seriously pursued an actual music career yet. She’s tried recording a few songs and sharing them online, and is occasionally working on writing a song of her own, but she feels like she doesn’t have enough time for it between her schoolwork and superheroics.

When she’s out of costume, Tessie Tanaka tries to act like she’s a shy, mild-mannered and slightly awkward student at Paragon University, in order to hide her superhero identity. She’s usually not seriously worried about her “secret identity”, mostly viewing it as a fun challenge to see how long she can keep it going before someone finds out, and a way to avoid having her parents worry about her.

Family and friends

Tessie is the only child of two Japanese-American women, who loves her dearly and have always been very supportive. She hasn’t told them about her superhero identity yet, but she probably will sometime in the future. Despite her mild-mannered “nerdy” personality, Tessie has a number of friends among her classmates at Paragon University, and she tries to be somewhat active in various student activities (especially in the local student LGBTQ+ organization). Even though she hasn’t told any of them about her superheroic persona, it’s possible that some of them suspect or know about it anyway, but haven’t said anything to her yet.

Princess Pop has many friends and allies in the superhero community, and likes to hang out at the Pocket D club and chatting with them. She also enjoys flirting with anyone she thinks is cute (no matter their gender), though she is currently not interested in any serious long-term monogamous relationship.
