Good William

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Revision as of 15:16, 29 April 2022 by GoodWilliam (talk | contribs)
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Good William.jpg
Good William
Player: @OldManIvan
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: Confidential
Server: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: None
Known Aliases: 'Aristotle' or 'Ari' (Primary Pilot's Call Sign)
Species: High-Energy Hard-Light Holographic Drone
Age: N/A
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 0 lbs
Eye Color: Blue/Gold
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Place of Birth: Undisclosed Location in Yorkshire, England
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Known Relatives: N/A
Known Powers
The Good William drone uses high-energy hard light for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Known Abilities
Being made of light, gravity means very little to the Good William drone, and it is able to appear to 'fly' as naturally as to move in any other fashion.