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Vivaria is an active Widow but works out of Paragon usually.  Several reasons for this.  It gives her a reasonable cover to be in Paragon when they need things done there.  Plausible deniability if things go wrong.  And finally if she has another psychotic breakdown it will likely not be in the Rogue Isles.  They have activated her several times over the months and her performance has been exemplary and flawless.  Demonstrating both subtlety and pure aggression as required, and capable of working within difficult mission parameters.  She shows a strong preference for field work with little expressed desire to step into leadership roles.  Perhaps this will change in the future but this preference has made her a favorite with her seniors as a safe choice.
Vivaria is an active Widow but works out of Paragon usually.  Several reasons for this.  It gives her a reasonable cover to be in Paragon when they need things done there.  Plausible deniability if things go wrong.  And finally if she has another psychotic breakdown it will likely not be in the Rogue Isles.  They have activated her several times over the months and her performance has been exemplary and flawless.  Demonstrating both subtlety and pure aggression as required, and capable of working within difficult mission parameters.  She shows a strong preference for field work with little expressed desire to step into leadership roles.  Perhaps this will change in the future, but this preference has made her a favorite with her superiors because she is unlikely to turn on them, and still capable of performing.
Examples of this includes the assassination of a low level mobster Jameison Bortelli who was interfering with shipments that were being smuggled to the rogue isles and wouldn’t back down without extensive bribes.  She took the place of an escort he hired and after seducing him, poisoned him with a fast acting neurotoxin lipstick that mimicked a heart attack several hours later.  Toxicology ruled it natural causes due to his obesity and no investigation was ever opened.
Another operation involved putting leverage against the Skulls where she infiltrated, beat up a gang house, made a few examples and delivered the message to pay their bills.  The loan sharks were a front for money laundering to the isles and their nonpayment was a problem.  She was unaware of this and did not understand the reasons she was sent on such a mundane task but she performed it without questioning reasons.

=Psychological Profile=
=Psychological Profile=

Revision as of 04:07, 18 March 2024

Origin: Mutation
Archetype: NightWidow
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Vivaria Debronte
Known Aliases: none
Species: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5'1
Weight: 110
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Purple & White
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Islander
Occupation: none/Assassin
Place of Birth: Rogue Isles, Mercy Island
Base of Operations: Paragon, KIngs ROw
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Rite (Mother,Estranged) , Father unknown
Known Powers
Widow Cybernetic Implants, Psychic Abilities
Known Abilities
Standard grade widow implants


Vivaria is a 23 year old Arachnos Operative working out of both Paragon City as well as occasionally sighted in the Rogue Isles. Vivaria is both seductively manipulative as well as emotionally unstable. Her state of mind can whipsaw between multiple states and stages in a second and this seems to occur when she is not actively keeping herself under control. She is known to say or make disturbing suggestions, or to do things that seem like complete nonsense and these may actually be her true state of mind and everything else is an act. With Vivaria it is very hard to determine what is the real her. When she is focused on a task it is frighteningly how ruthlessly effective she can be.

Having had a very rough childhood filled with abuse and neglect she watches out for herself and almost all interactions with her are transactional, even if not obviously apparent that they are. She has never had actual friends and so she distrusts anyone who attempts to get close to her as looking to get something. This has made her nearly perfect in her job as an operative since she has no moral qualms and does not suffer pangs of consciousness.


  • Mother - Rita, 40, Estranged
  • Father, Unknown,
  • Twin brother, Deceased, stillbirth

Early Life

Vivaria was one of a set of twins, her twin brother however died in the womb, chocked on Vivaria’s umbilical cord. Her mom, Rita, was a junkie and alcoholic and this it was feared was partly to blame for how Vivaria turned out. Her mom was too dopped up on drugs to even have an inkling of who the father was. Abused and neglected she was eventually in and out of foster homes, some just couldn't deal with her, others she was a paycheck, still others abused her. Sometimes she ended up back with her mother and all this led to her despising her and hating her for failing her.

Even as a small child she had horrible nightmares and stray thoughts of things no child should even know about. Sex and violence, mindless hatred, and the depths of madness. Prone to fits of violence her sense of right and wrong was grossly distorted. Her grip on sanity was always weak.

The Darkness. This is what she calls it. The dark thoughts that intrude upon her, the impulses to hurt those around her, even the occasional voice suggesting she do something. It sat like a shadow in her mind, always there.


In and out of the juvenile court system as well she was nevertheless extremely brilliant with a sharp mind that enabled her to exploit loopholes. As she got older she became more dangerous and better able to avoid trouble. These were noted in her files and caught the interest of Arachnos recruiters. Given the choice between joining and jail time she took the route she figured she could get out of best.

Surprisingly she excelled at the training and showed a strong aptitude for both aspects of the widow, having the mental strength of a Fortuna as well as the physical prowess of the night widows. Being completely amoral she exhibited no qualms to any of the training and took easily to the cybernetic implants for the blades. The initial pain and healing of the implants was welcomed by her. Being equally skilled she had her choice of paths and favored the way of the Night Widow, finding enjoyment in the visceral directness.

The Darkness Emerges

During this time the darkness faded away. Her nights were restful again and she was in control. She proved extremely dangerous and it was considered that she would rise quite far in the ranks. Tests and examinations by the Fortunas just showed a strong mind with no hints of trouble. A brief meeting with Ghost Widow and her simple gesture of understanding left a huge impression on Vivaria and she is one of the few that actually hold her loyalty.

All that changed in one celebratory night. A night fueled by alcohol and drugs to celebrate graduation. A Fortuna known for taking advantage of students by mentally dominating them and using them. Aided by others under her sway she did what she wanted and manipulated people for years afterwards. Roofied Vivaria was unable to stop what was going on. Until the darkness arose unseen. Vivaria remembers nothing of what happened. Video someone was making showed her awakened and moving with a lethal purpose as though she was not under any influence. Her attacks were brutally efficient and used a combination of techniques that were not entirely part of the widow training. She brutally murdered the other five people before reaching the Fortuna. She shrugged off every mental attack and then with casual efficiency did what could only be described as disassembling the Fortuna while alive. It was noted in the recording after analysis that there was something said by Vivaria that stood out, “She is mine”

The next day Vivaria was found laying unconscious, and covered in blood, the only survivor of the masacre that had occurred.

Everything was covered up. Although it was a bloodbath the leadership did not want questions that would have led the arbiters to find out they had been aware of this happening for many years. Eventually however the arbiters did get word and acted against the school’s board. Archnos took great offense about the coverup and that this had been going on for years. Vivaria’s role in it was of concern but they choose to keep her as an asset since she had not been in control of her faculties and she had demonstrated a great deal of skill in dispatching her attackers.

Second Emergence

An encounter with another rogue Fortuna who promised to help her with the darkness ended badly and again the darkness itself broke free of the Fortunas control. Blacking out Vivaria remembered nothing of what followed. Taking control of her body she was fully possessed by the darkness which again laid claim to her before leaving with the one word “Mine”

Attempts to access her mind now result in active blocking and mentally lashing out. Vivaria now very strongly distrusts anyone who offers her "help" and may become antagonistic and aggressive at the suggestion

Ever since her grip on her sanity is weaker than ever and the darkness is more powerful than ever. Often she will drink herself into a stupor in order to sleep without dreams. Acts of violence also seem to calm it down and as a result she has become a rogue agent working in both the isles and in Paragon. A few unsolved cases are in the PPD files that could potentially be related to her but given these are gang related activities they are lost in the usual chaos at the street level.

Arachnos Status


Vivaria is an active Widow but works out of Paragon usually. Several reasons for this. It gives her a reasonable cover to be in Paragon when they need things done there. Plausible deniability if things go wrong. And finally if she has another psychotic breakdown it will likely not be in the Rogue Isles. They have activated her several times over the months and her performance has been exemplary and flawless. Demonstrating both subtlety and pure aggression as required, and capable of working within difficult mission parameters. She shows a strong preference for field work with little expressed desire to step into leadership roles. Perhaps this will change in the future, but this preference has made her a favorite with her superiors because she is unlikely to turn on them, and still capable of performing.

Psychological Profile

Diagnosed with a strong anti-social disorder, unofficially referred to as being a sociopath, and schizophrenia. She has either a case of Multiple personality disorder or some sort of possession but this cannot be verified since the conditions that bring it out are destructive and lead to her becoming very uncooperative. She exhibits sadomasochistic behavior along with self-mutilation and substance abuse. This is often to either distract her mind or to numb it so she gets some peace and can rest without nightmares. Acts of violence and aggression likewise seem to calm her mind and so she volunteers for action in the warzone on a regular basis where she is free to let loose. Risky behavior such as wandering seemingly unarmed in dangerous neighborhoods at late hours are her way of inviting trouble to find her. She has a chameleon like ability to blend in with a crowd, being extremely charming and manipulative. Most actions with her are transactional and she does not form deep emotional connections with people.

Emotionally she will change dramatically from one moment to the next and for seemingly no reason. She may behave childishly one moment and in another be lethally focused. At times when she is calm she exhibits signs of depression. She has oddly enough shown disgust and anger towards law enforcement and other officials when they put people in danger.




If I can't Have you

Sanity Slippage

Mind Rape

Character Inspirations

Harley Quinn

Hannibal Lector

Claudia from Dragon Prince (Unintentional due to similarities with Nightwidow outfits)


Nonsensical, Amoral, Seductive, manipulative, depressed, Focused, aggressive