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<p style="font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold; font-family: Garamond; border-bottom: 2px solid #C18E00;">Kid Avalon</p>
<p style="font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold; font-family: Garamond; border-bottom: 2px solid #C18E00;">Boy Avalon</p>
Text here

<p style="font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold; font-family: Garamond; border-bottom: 2px solid #C18E00;">Powers and Abilities</p>
<p style="font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold; font-family: Garamond; border-bottom: 2px solid #C18E00;">Powers and Abilities</p>

Revision as of 06:08, 20 February 2024


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Cool Text - Albion 447695725091800.png
The Valiant
Teddy Head.jpg
· Originicon_magic.png Archetypeicon_tanker.png ·
Player: @Archon Mk. 1
Real Name
Teddy Jordan
Boy Avalon (Formerly),
May 1st, 2000
Stokes-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
6'2 1/2"
Straw Blonde
Slightly ruddy fair complexion, freckled


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non tortor urna. Morbi nec eros ipsum. In hendrerit, libero eget placerat blandit, massa ligula dapibus elit, in facilisis ex lacus ut metus. Proin nec molestie ipsum. Sed id est a massa efficitur imperdiet. Donec et nulla posuere, consequat eros sed, lacinia ante. Donec dictum ante mauris, sit amet ullamcorper ligula sodales non. Pellentesque porta a sem vel imperdiet. Vivamus hendrerit, mauris sed volutpat pretium, felis risus scelerisque elit, in faucibus mi neque eget augue. Nam id congue diam, et malesuada turpis. Pellentesque ac semper lectus. Aliquam a sapien non nisi condimentum dictum at auctor orci.


  • Loyal
  • Genial
  • Welcoming
  • Reliable
  • Patient
  • Outgoing
  • Goofy
  • Perserverant
  • Dedicated
  • Disciplined
  • Respectful
  • Blunt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non tortor urna. Morbi nec eros ipsum. In hendrerit, libero eget placerat blandit, massa ligula dapibus elit, in facilisis ex lacus ut metus. Proin nec molestie ipsum. Sed id est a massa efficitur imperdiet. Donec et nulla posuere, consequat eros sed, lacinia ante. Donec dictum ante mauris, sit amet ullamcorper ligula sodales non. Pellentesque porta a sem vel imperdiet. Vivamus hendrerit, mauris sed volutpat pretium, felis risus scelerisque elit, in faucibus mi neque eget augue. Nam id congue diam, et malesuada turpis. Pellentesque ac semper lectus. Aliquam a sapien non nisi condimentum dictum at auctor orci.

Early Life

In nec iaculis purus. Vivamus nibh est, facilisis a sollicitudin sit amet, posuere id ex. Cras pulvinar risus quis efficitur elementum. Nunc in laoreet lorem. Suspendisse posuere sapien quis fermentum posuere. Vestibulum congue condimentum aliquam. Aenean a nisi pulvinar, porta urna non, imperdiet purus. Morbi maximus tempus vulputate.

Nulla imperdiet, nunc id imperdiet pharetra, sem nulla sodales metus, in efficitur ex lorem sed dolor. Maecenas euismod erat at dictum gravida. Mauris ut fringilla velit. Praesent posuere arcu odio, non posuere ex porttitor ut. Mauris luctus sem at ante bibendum posuere. Maecenas blandit sodales iaculis. Aliquam quis diam non quam sollicitudin ornare nec a massa. Aliquam nisl nibh, congue ac felis in, mattis placerat purus. Aliquam pulvinar magna et dictum pretium. Fusce interdum leo vitae orci porta, sed fringilla massa dapibus.

Boy Avalon

Text here

Powers and Abilities

  • SummerEvent_GodChampion_Headsplitter.png Swordsmanship - Utilizing a hand-and-a-half sword and proper technique, Teddy is an accomplished swordsman, relying on his sword as both his man output of offense, but also defense in the forms of blocks and counterstrikes. His style is inspired heavily by the Kunst des Fechtens style of fighting traditionally utilizing German longswords
  • Fighting_CrossPunch.png Unarmed training
  • WindControl_Pressure.png Athleticism -

Power Grid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Energy Projection
  Fighting Skill


  • Salvage_PoweredArmorCircuitry.png MediPort Beacon - Par for the course of a Hero, Teddy comes equipped with the MediPort Beacon to teleport him out of situations where his life is in danger, such as when unconscious. As shown in the past with MediPort, these can be bypassed by a savvy enough person.
  • Salvage_EnchantedWeapon.png Hem Heath Sword - The mystical sword found by Teddy within the hollow old oak tree, the Hem Heath sword appears to be not much more than a broadsword, generally closer to a half-and-a-half sword, but of indeterminable age. Whatever it's age, it seems to be in immaculate condition and polished to a near-mirrored shine with an edge that never seems to dull with each swing.


  • DarkMiasma_FearsomeAura.png Mortality - Behind the mystical belt, Teddy is just as mortal as any person. He can be permanently injured and even killed.
  • SuperSpeed_Burnout.png Reliance on the Magic - Without the belt, Teddy is as vulnerable as any other person, should it be cut from his waist or not be warned, he is as vulnerable to harm as any other person.

Badge_i19_hero_storyarcoptional.png Affiliations Badge_i19_hero_storyarcoptional.png

  • Friend #1: The description for Friend #1
  • Friend #2: The description for Friend #2
So-So People
  • Neutral #1: The description for Neutral #1
  • Neutral #2: The description for Neutral #2
  • Enemy #1: The description for Enemy #1
  • Enemy #2: The description for Enemy #2

Badge_I11HeroStoryArc1Complete.png Rumors Badge_I11HeroStoryArc1Complete.png

Badge_Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png Opinions Badge_Defeat8ClonesChallenge.png

Does your character have an opinion about Teddy? Put them below!

RP Hooks

TV Tropes

  • [Conditional Powers] - His unbreakable skin is only so when he's wearing the belt, and it must be a completed circle for him to do so. Should it be cut off or kept from being sealed, it's just a belt and he's just a normal guy.


- If there were to be a hypothetical City of Heroes film, Teddy would be played by Kit Connor.