Nose Man: Difference between revisions

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| complexion = Peachy
| complexion = Peachy
| build = Lean frame, a bit slouchy
| build = Lean frame, a bit slouchy
| features = Burst blood veins tings the skin blue sporadically throughout torso and face
| features = Burst blood veins tinge the skin blue sporadically throughout torso and face
| alignment = 4
| alignment = 4
| reputation = 5
| reputation = 5

Revision as of 14:39, 22 January 2024


Nose Man
Player: @spooktheherd
Maelstrom of Mayhem
Character Build
Origin: Science
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 50
Biographical Data
Real Name: Chet Hybdinski
Known Aliases:
Age: 28 at start
Gender: He/Him
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birthdate: 9/28
Birthplace: Greater Paragon Suburbs
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160
Eyes: Yes
Hair: Red
Complexion: Peachy
Physical Build: Lean frame, a bit slouchy
Physical Features: Burst blood veins tinge the skin blue sporadically throughout torso and face
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Secret/Not-So-Secret
Years Active: 5
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Global
Citizenship: United States
Education: GED
Occupation: Entry level clerical
Marital Status: Betrothed/Polycule
Known Powers and Abilities
Controls fields of gravity within 500 meters
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Towel Cape, Shoulder Spikes, Finned Boots
ReldinBox Template


Chet Hybdinski was in his late 20's and had an extremely "fuck it" attitude about his own continued existence. He signed himself up for an extremely dangerous experimentation process at a black site with a low prospect of survival. Although his cells had been infused with antimatter for months prior, on the day of the final treatment, Chet's entire body exploded all over the walls and floors of the lab. It was surely another failure to learn from, concluded the doctor Grommet Wintbus, until Chet's biomatter pulled itself back together. And then exploded again. And pulled itself back together. And explored again. And pulled itself together one final time, Chet's naked, bloody body hovering over his lab chair as all the cabinets and equipment in the room began to rumble, tumble, and swirl around. The doctor proclaimed "fantastic!" just before a piece of heavy equipment struck him. Chet came to and the chaos began to subside. "They will be coming for you. Wanted me to make a new process to empower them all. Take your file. You can't let them know... I succeeded..."

As Chet grew to understand the gravitic centrifuge he had become, he started to look for leads on who had been funding the project which transformed him, but so too had they set out to find him! On his first night of chasing leads, he was told to "watch where you're sticking your nose, man!" but the only part of the message which landed was Nose Man. And thus was born Nose Man, maelstrom of mayhem! Having found the base of operations for a Council-adjacent group, Nose Man encountered January Arms, a young neuropsychic hero who had also recently been transformed through a different method. The two disrupted their operations and were accountable for the arrest of a half dozen seditious metahumans on their first outing!

Superhero Career

For a few weeks the two became a crime fighting duo, until they caught the attention of civilian superteam SPORT who invited them each to join!

Nose Man and January Arms fighting together in a warehouse as indistinct assailants fly through the air, discarded
Nose Man and January Arms teamup portrait

Chet was finally exhilarated by life. Nose Man and January Arms dated for nearly two years. Their relationship was under frequent scrutiny by GLIMPSE, the young science prodigy who had founded SPORT, who was motivated by jealousy. When the criminal Bitter And Then Some went on the warpath murdering the boardroom of her deceased husband's former company who had orchestrated a frame job that landed her in prison for 20 years, SPORT stepped in to put her to justice. Nose Man had her cornered, locked down by his gravitic control, but her tale compelled him, and he made a case that he could rehabilitate her murderly ways. He was granted supervisory responsibilities and Bitter made an effort to adapt her methods toward traditional vigilantism, however the true change of spirit was happening within Nose Man. Bitter and her team of loyal mercenaries had big plans to change the world in ways superheroes (keepers of the status quo) could never dream!

Descent into Vigilantism

Abruptly, Nose Man, Bitter, and her team fled the country and began a blood-soaked tour of sweatshops, warlords, and the human traffickers that always seemed to nourish them. They first targeted factories owned by the company of Bitter's husband. Gradually they would free 3rd world villages of their capitalist overlords and empower them to operate the factories for themselves. Their ranks were bolstered by villagers, eager to defend the freedom their villages had acquired, and were hereby known The Emancipators! As Nose Man had been corrupted to the ways of righteous murder, he had become Bitter's right-hand-man and lover.

Things came to a head when SPORT was granted international immunity in my order to pacify Bitter's rebel group. Now standing opposed to his former teammates, and beloved January Arms, Nose Man and the Emancipators pulled out all the stops to bloodlessly pacify their attempts to take them down. What followed were ideological verbal battles about peacekeeping as a half-measure and how responsible superheroing should lead to a freer populace the world over. The Emancipators sent SPORT packing with a few changed hearts.

Since then January Arms has defected to the Emancipators (as well as her boyfriend Patch Kidd and his plantfather King Cabbage), under the condition that they operate the team democratically and with clear motives. Bitter's motive, however, was clear from the jump: destroy those who would abuse power over others. Nose Man continues to serve as Bitter's soldier and lover even now along January Arms to whom his heart is deeply entwined. Nose and Jan will always mean the world to each other, even as they have taken other romantic partners.