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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis gravida arcu. Cras non sem nec erat accumsan fermentum vel nec lectus. Fusce vulputate in neque vel malesuada. Ut tincidunt sed libero et placerat. Fusce sed posuere enim, mattis tincidunt nibh. Fusce tristique odio at nisi sagittis aliquet. Fusce at ornare justo. Pellentesque et cursus lorem. Morbi vulputate mattis purus, ac finibus lorem vestibulum quis. Vestibulum facilisis ex orci, non dictum erat congue non. Sed porta mauris ut eros volutpat, quis consectetur nulla finibus. Fusce et lorem quis arcu gravida vulputate in non odio. Morbi pharetra laoreet erat ut vestibulum. Vivamus nec commodo velit.
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<div style="margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-140px;margin-left:-15px;><center>https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/1000166966419521556/nammy.png</center></div>
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Duis lectus urna, pellentesque non sodales in, venenatis eget orci. Sed quis felis non massa pretium commodo ut vel lorem. Quisque dolor leo, pulvinar vitae hendrerit fermentum, convallis non magna. Aliquam feugiat sem in mauris iaculis placerat. Nunc eu aliquam arcu. Phasellus mattis metus ac porttitor eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam cursus velit quis sagittis ullamcorper. Vestibulum dignissim sollicitudin augue, at gravida nulla. Etiam mattis dolor at orci gravida, eget porttitor nibh mattis. Curabitur in vehicula dui.
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>NAME:</strong></span> Naamah<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>ALIAS(ES):</strong></span> Hellicious, Nammy (introduced as)<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>BIRTHPLACE:</strong></span> First Circle of Hell, there at its inception<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>AGE:</strong></span> Ancient<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>POWERS:</strong></span> Primordial Shadows, Life Force Drain, Allure<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>ALIGNMENT:</strong></span> Neutral<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>MORALITY:</strong></span> Flexible<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>AFFILIATIONS:</strong></span> {{LinkC|Curse|#690c90}}<br />

Pellentesque rhoncus ultricies ante at porta. Donec aliquet ante cursus felis laoreet, id iaculis purus ultrices. Suspendisse pulvinar suscipit leo. Aenean interdum dolor tincidunt risus condimentum ullamcorper. Proin dapibus sollicitudin ex ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum a mauris neque. Aliquam at ante ullamcorper, ultricies ante ut, dignissim lorem. Quisque malesuada arcu augue, sit amet lacinia tellus gravida a. Mauris faucibus eget purus in egestas. Morbi lacus odio, condimentum nec imperdiet nec, fermentum vel velit. Fusce nec elementum sem. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam tincidunt et augue non efficitur.
<div style="width: 415px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;">

Vivamus tempus nec nibh vel dictum. Praesent turpis felis, faucibus eu ligula at, sollicitudin cursus eros. Sed dignissim, neque a pretium lacinia, urna nisl pellentesque tellus, a pellentesque odio erat vel lorem. Nullam non tempus nisi. Suspendisse et metus feugiat, vehicula nibh vitae, tincidunt nunc. Donec rutrum sit amet felis sit amet vehicula. Ut pharetra scelerisque neque a imperdiet. Aliquam in ligula eget leo maximus ultricies sagittis eu nulla. Praesent in nisi euismod, aliquam diam in, finibus elit. Duis imperdiet turpis eget facilisis cursus. Nam euismod aliquam justo. Suspendisse interdum, urna vel pharetra rhoncus, dolor nisi cursus nulla, vel malesuada ipsum risus eu enim. Aliquam sodales imperdiet lacus. In urna arcu, cursus eu lobortis non, tempus in lacus. Suspendisse interdum aliquam posuere. Aliquam viverra eu nisi et mollis.
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>FAVORITES:</strong></span> Cupcakes, {{LinkC|Curse|#600c90}}, small animals.<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>EYE COLOR:</strong></span> Pupiless white (glowing)<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>HAIR COLOR:</strong></span> Bright Red<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>HEIGHT:</strong></span> 5'5"<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>WEIGHT:</strong></span> Way more than she looks<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>MARKS:</strong></span> Horns, spiked tail, thin gold tattoing across body<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>PLAYLIST:</strong></span> [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5JtHodI8z4rtvPu0eljvc2?si=2458f955a3a8452b <span style="color:#400c90">😈 Hellicious</span>]<br />
<span style="color:#C93AB4;"><strong>HELLICIOUS?:</strong></span> A play on both hellacious and delicious. You're welcome.<br />
The demon known as <em><span style="color:#C93AB4">Naamah</span></em> spent eons in <span style="font-size:20px">Hell</span>, biding her time and doing what she could. It's not as if she's looking to be a good person... or a <strong>BAD</strong> person, for that matter — in small part due to her lack of personage — but she wants to enjoy the things she enjoys and, perhaps, give hedonism a try. It wasn't really something that was allowed; demons didn't leave Hell except to go on very specific missions and usually only in disguise. Naamah didn't want to be in disguise because she likes the way she looks and feels. It helps define her; she isn't ashamed of being a demon and doesn't think she should have to hide that to make humans more comfortable anymore than humans should hide their ridiculous ears from offending her!

Duis dapibus neque eget nulla euismod, eu blandit libero tincidunt. Pellentesque vel mattis est. Donec lorem metus, convallis eu enim sed, dictum tincidunt tortor. Quisque in ipsum molestie, ultrices mi vitae, venenatis justo. Sed eget purus tincidunt metus pulvinar volutpat convallis eget tortor. Maecenas sit amet suscipit mi. Suspendisse interdum enim volutpat sollicitudin euismod. Ut elementum, turpis sit amet maximus faucibus, magna ipsum volutpat turpis, ut facilisis odio felis at purus. Aliquam placerat commodo augue sollicitudin imperdiet. Vestibulum placerat, dui eget pharetra euismod, nibh enim fringilla ante, nec rhoncus enim tellus at leo. Morbi sed felis tellus. Proin luctus semper nulla id auctor.
In the end, it really did take a millennia of time, almost, just to get her free of the bureaucracy that makes up Hell's upper levels. It isn't like getting a Visa and traveling; she literally ended up having to denounce Hell and most of its trappings just to get free of the binds that were on the shreds of the soul that she still had. A lot of work for a trip topside and the chance to <u>taste</u> all that the mortal realm had to offer.  

Duis sit amet neque sit amet felis accumsan hendrerit. Suspendisse viverra consectetur nunc, non placerat nulla sodales in. Mauris sed lectus vehicula, egestas massa id, mollis odio. Nullam sed turpis nunc. Nunc libero nibh, pretium sed finibus quis, sollicitudin ac ipsum. Ut ac dolor nulla. Donec cursus mi ligula, at aliquam neque rhoncus in. Donec sit amet lectus id lectus elementum tempor. Nam at nisl faucibus, ullamcorper lacus nec, accumsan turpis. Vestibulum vitae imperdiet nisi, non malesuada ante. Praesent auctor hendrerit eros, pretium aliquam nisi lobortis sed. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent pharetra lacinia cursus. Sed mollis ante sed nibh pharetra, a accumsan dolor eleifend.</div></div></div>
An avid foodie (though Hell's fare is a bit lacking), Naamah was excited to get her hands on every single delicacy she could find in the mortal realm. She ended up loving sweets the most and spends most of her time baking cupcakes, making donuts, and eating them with her boyfriend {{LinkC|Curse|#690C90}}.
<div style="margin:0 auto;font-size: 32px;font-weight: 900;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;margin-bottom: 15px; line-height: 160%;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0.5px;-webkit-text-stroke-color: #C93AB4; font-style: italic;text-shadow: -2px 2px #E0D9E8;">powers, powers, powers</div>
Naamah still has powers from her birthright of being a demon and is able to use those even in her renouncement of Hell.
;<span style="color:#C93AB4">PRIMORDIAL DARKNESS</span>
:The darkness of Hell is beyond the telling of it and permeates almost every aspect of a demon's powers. Even those based in fire, ice, or air have some aspect of darkness within those facets. Naamah's own shadows are pure and primordial and wrap around her fists to allow her to beat people down if she needs to. The shadows also have a small amount of life-drain to them, sucking the energy out of her foes and feeding her own tattered soul to keep her anchored to the mortal realm.
;<span style="color:#C93AB4">LIFE FORCE DRAIN</span>
:More directly, Naamah can wrap herself in a sort of dark energy that protects her from harm and drains the life force of anyone who attempts to get near her. She uses this both in combat and casually as she needs life force to live and stay anchored in the mortal realm; sometimes she has willing participants, and she doesn't seem keen on killing any <em>innocents</em> with it, at the very least.
;<span style="color:#C93AB4">ALLURE</span>
:For some reason that could probably be explained by her hellish origin, Naamah attracts all sorts just by existing. She smells delicious enough to eat, but somehow that has triggered other responses in humans and creatures specifically from the mortal realm. So far nothing has come of it because she and {{LinkC|Curse|#690c90}} cast a very deadly shadow when standing together, but perhaps that's what drew the other demon in as well.

Latest revision as of 22:48, 22 July 2022


NAME: Naamah
ALIAS(ES): Hellicious, Nammy (introduced as)
BIRTHPLACE: First Circle of Hell, there at its inception
AGE: Ancient
POWERS: Primordial Shadows, Life Force Drain, Allure
MORALITY: Flexible

FAVORITES: Cupcakes, Curse, small animals.
EYE COLOR: Pupiless white (glowing)
HAIR COLOR: Bright Red
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: Way more than she looks
MARKS: Horns, spiked tail, thin gold tattoing across body
PLAYLIST: 😈 Hellicious
HELLICIOUS?: A play on both hellacious and delicious. You're welcome.

The demon known as Naamah spent eons in Hell, biding her time and doing what she could. It's not as if she's looking to be a good person... or a BAD person, for that matter — in small part due to her lack of personage — but she wants to enjoy the things she enjoys and, perhaps, give hedonism a try. It wasn't really something that was allowed; demons didn't leave Hell except to go on very specific missions and usually only in disguise. Naamah didn't want to be in disguise because she likes the way she looks and feels. It helps define her; she isn't ashamed of being a demon and doesn't think she should have to hide that to make humans more comfortable anymore than humans should hide their ridiculous ears from offending her!

In the end, it really did take a millennia of time, almost, just to get her free of the bureaucracy that makes up Hell's upper levels. It isn't like getting a Visa and traveling; she literally ended up having to denounce Hell and most of its trappings just to get free of the binds that were on the shreds of the soul that she still had. A lot of work for a trip topside and the chance to taste all that the mortal realm had to offer.

An avid foodie (though Hell's fare is a bit lacking), Naamah was excited to get her hands on every single delicacy she could find in the mortal realm. She ended up loving sweets the most and spends most of her time baking cupcakes, making donuts, and eating them with her boyfriend Curse.

powers, powers, powers

Naamah still has powers from her birthright of being a demon and is able to use those even in her renouncement of Hell.

The darkness of Hell is beyond the telling of it and permeates almost every aspect of a demon's powers. Even those based in fire, ice, or air have some aspect of darkness within those facets. Naamah's own shadows are pure and primordial and wrap around her fists to allow her to beat people down if she needs to. The shadows also have a small amount of life-drain to them, sucking the energy out of her foes and feeding her own tattered soul to keep her anchored to the mortal realm.
More directly, Naamah can wrap herself in a sort of dark energy that protects her from harm and drains the life force of anyone who attempts to get near her. She uses this both in combat and casually as she needs life force to live and stay anchored in the mortal realm; sometimes she has willing participants, and she doesn't seem keen on killing any innocents with it, at the very least.
For some reason that could probably be explained by her hellish origin, Naamah attracts all sorts just by existing. She smells delicious enough to eat, but somehow that has triggered other responses in humans and creatures specifically from the mortal realm. So far nothing has come of it because she and Curse cast a very deadly shadow when standing together, but perhaps that's what drew the other demon in as well.