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<div align="center">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999029545158058174/EVIL.png</div>
<div align="center">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999029545158058174/EVIL.png</div>
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<div align="center">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999030857731952721/evil.png</div>
<div align="center">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999030857731952721/evil.png</div>
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<span style="color:#df6b7c;"><strong>STATUS:</strong></span>  Single<br />
<span style="color:#df6b7c;"><strong>STATUS:</strong></span>  Single<br />
<span style="color:#df6b7c;font-size:35px;"><strong><center>POWERS</center></strong></span>
<span style="color:#df6b7c;font-size:35px;"><strong><center>POWERS</center></strong></span>
* <span style="color:#fff"><strong>SHADOWKINESIS</strong></span> <br />
* <span style="color:#b31d5d"><strong>SHADOWKINESIS</strong></span> <br />
Able to manipulate and draw on shadows to create damage and harm those around her to varying degrees.<br />
Able to manipulate and draw on shadows to create damage and harm those around her to varying degrees.<br />
* <span style="color:#fff"><strong>HEMOKINESIS</strong></span>
* <span style="color:#b31d5d"><strong>HEMOKINESIS</strong></span>
Able to manipulate blood in others and cause pain or, in rare cases, aid her 'allies' by reducing their pain.
Able to manipulate blood in others and cause pain or, in rare cases, aid her 'allies' by reducing their pain.
<center><span style="font-size:12px;color:#df6b7c;">🩸</span><span style="color:#df6b7c;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Jg5KYsudcP8GCQ8f9cAVH?si=57cbf4273b744a6c <span style="color:#fff"><strong>MUSIC</strong></span>]</span></center>
<center><span style="font-size:12px;color:#df6b7c;">🩸</span><span style="color:#df6b7c;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Jg5KYsudcP8GCQ8f9cAVH?si=57cbf4273b744a6c <span style="color:#fff"><strong>MUSIC</strong></span>]</span></center>
<div style="margin:0 auto;background: transparent;width:960px;padding:20px;font-family:Georgia;font-size:18px;text-align:justify;color:#B48197;margin-top:-70px;">
<div style="margin:0 auto;background: transparent;width:960px;padding:20px;font-family:Georgia;font-size:18px;text-align:justify;color:#B48197;margin-top:-70px;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In non ante placerat, pharetra tortor non, volutpat felis. Phasellus sed maximus arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer non hendrerit nibh. Duis sit amet neque eget ante mattis vestibulum at quis nibh. Phasellus interdum sem quis magna pellentesque, sit amet lacinia felis accumsan. Morbi aliquam tincidunt sollicitudin. Morbi malesuada libero leo, non pellentesque erat ultrices at. Vestibulum eros libero, interdum quis efficitur vel, convallis vel velit. Suspendisse lacinia leo quis laoreet scelerisque. Integer bibendum porttitor odio, in cursus purus placerat eget. Praesent ut tincidunt tortor.
<div style="margin-left:15%;margin-bottom:-20px>https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999085051776073728/bfi.png</div>
<span style="color:#8a8a8a">The Shadow Realm</span> is host to things that should not be; very little exists there to create true light or life. It insists upon its own darkness, with a recreation of that through every facet of its being. Most that travel there are eaten alive by what's crawling around in the dark, and all that's left is a painful reminder in shadowed bones made to dance for the enjoyment of whatever cosmic entity calls that its home.  

Aenean ut sapien tempor, efficitur justo tempor, rhoncus dolor. Vivamus ornare, velit nec vehicula convallis, lectus purus molestie lorem, eu sodales enim elit eget orci. Cras venenatis ac purus in sagittis. Mauris et pharetra lacus, in hendrerit nulla. Nunc imperdiet leo eget tincidunt consequat. Nunc id sem a tellus faucibus placerat porttitor in libero. Praesent non risus dapibus, pulvinar leo non, pharetra est. Curabitur egestas mauris ut sodales porta. Donec tellus purus, finibus at scelerisque nec, convallis eu lacus. Nulla eget viverra nulla. In erat arcu, pulvinar ut neque pulvinar, scelerisque feugiat eros. Aliquam fringilla massa et rutrum commodo.
Imagine, then, a young woman coming through and <span style="color:#fff"><em>persisting</em></span>. She lives through a force of will and magic and gives the darkness something to truly latch onto; to grow from. Not only does this young woman survive and, in fact, escape, but she also takes along with her a shadowform given life through her. A parasite of sorts, that is a framework — a blueprint — of what the shadow realm's ruler believes to be a perfect entity of <strong><span style="color:#8a8a8a">pure evil</span></strong>. She hitches a ride in the back of the mind of the young {{LinkC|Autocast|#fff}} and detaches just as they break through to the other side, slithering out like a snake and finding purchase wherever she can to draw upon that realm's shadows. To infuse her own; to grow.

Suspendisse tempor elit et tempus pharetra. Curabitur vitae augue congue dolor maximus finibus. Proin ipsum purus, vehicula eget enim ut, ultricies sodales erat. Pellentesque eu felis sit amet velit ultricies dictum. Vestibulum tellus tellus, tristique sodales porttitor at, sollicitudin a mauris. Donec iaculis ex erat, vitae feugiat lorem faucibus non. Vivamus dignissim fermentum iaculis. Nam elementum tellus ante, eget ultricies velit blandit at. Aliquam tempor feugiat nunc sed semper. Donec ac dapibus ante, ac pulvinar ante.
What once was merely a dark twinkle in the back of its shadowy realm was now the host's lifeblood. She exists, she chooses a name, and she goes forth to spread that evil she was created for in whatever way she can. Whether the world likes it or not.

Nullam volutpat mauris eu hendrerit ultrices. Maecenas eget purus diam. Donec eget lectus faucibus, sollicitudin mi vel, consequat urna. Donec in elementum erat. Vivamus id iaculis sem. Etiam eget diam bibendum, pretium augue quis, condimentum leo. Aenean tincidunt mollis posuere. Curabitur sed accumsan purus, vitae malesuada nibh. Cras eget consequat metus. Duis gravida sodales ultricies. Fusce volutpat maximus tortor vitae molestie. Morbi ac orci sodales, congue turpis vitae, egestas ligula. Etiam euismod velit sit amet scelerisque gravida. Cras elementum, justo tempus pellentesque venenatis, urna ligula elementum tellus, non accumsan arcu nisi sit amet orci.
<div style="margin-left:15%;margin-bottom:-20px;margin-top:-20px>https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999086567039709234/sh.png</div>
A lot of people claim to draw power from the Shadow Realm, and many of them do, but it's far more different for Lamia; she <strong>is</strong> <span style="color:#8a8a8a">the Shadow Realm</span>, as much as any being can be, and her powers are a touch more potent.

Fusce vel ante ac leo euismod volutpat. Phasellus eget erat rutrum, blandit lorem nec, tincidunt nisi. Duis magna tellus, viverra nec lacus non, rhoncus pellentesque elit. Cras eget nisl risus. Nam ut ante quam. Praesent felis erat, elementum id tristique vitae, euismod eu odio. Quisque id quam scelerisque, rhoncus lacus vel, luctus enim. Maecenas ultricies rhoncus nisi mollis pellentesque. Aliquam in est ligula. Quisque nec mi vel magna pretium imperdiet. Quisque venenatis felis quis mauris pretium porttitor
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">SHADOWKINESIS</span>
:Differing from the general shadow manipulation that several people with powers have been granted, Lamia's shadows come directly from <span style="color:#8a8a8a">the Shadow Realm</span>, a place born of evil and with potent magic sown through every single tendril. The control which she has over these particular shadows is paramount, and it's nigh impossible for anything or anyone to intervene and stop them; though she may not be unstoppable she's very hard to deter.
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">HEMOKINESIS</span>
:Learned from her original host, Lamia has become fascinated with the human concept of blood. A life-force outside of shadows that pumps through the veins. She has something akin to that within her now. But it is black and thick, though she is very much able to control the blood in others to cripple them, bend them to her will, or, in the rare case of an ally, help alleviate their pain and push them beyond their limits.
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">SHADOW FORM</span>
:Beyond just controlling the shadows, being an actual manifestation of the Shadow Realm means that Lamia can, herself, return to that shadowed form at all. While she shows all the hallmarks of a human being when in her assumed form, dissolving away into the heart of her evil core will return her to a shadowy being of pain.  
<div style="margin-left:15%;margin-bottom:-20px;margin-top:-20px">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563977039267233805/999090055085834400/bf.png</div>
Lamia's personality is lacking — or rather, it was before she escaped the shadow realm. Now, with an entire world of cultures and people to <s>devour</s> observe, she finds herself developing quirks and fits in with a few tropes: [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FauxAffablyEvil <span style="color:#b31d5d">Faux Affably Evil</span>], [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilFeelsGood <span style="color:#b31d5d">Evil Feels Good</span>], [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CardCarryingVillain <span style="color:#b31d5d">Card Carrying Villain</span>], [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LivingShadow <span style="color:#b31d5d">Living Shadow</span>], [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkIsEvil <span style="color:#b31d5d">Dark Is Evil</span>].
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">EVIL WITH A CAVEAT</span>
:Lamia is evil and beyond the telling of it, but her player has limits. She will do evil things off screen, but never will be described as graphic depictions of animal abuse or anything of the like. As it stands, if anyone has an issue with anything she does, please tell me. (I won't write about hurting an animal ever, trust me, hard cut-off.)
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">SHADOWS ARE MAGIC</span>
:The shadows that power her read both as evil and magic. They are not what one would consider normal shadows and seem to have a black depth deeper than pitch; anyone with those senses can probably determine where she's from if they have any information whatsoever on the realm itself.
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">BLACK VEINS ARE COOL;RED EYES ARE COOLER</span>
:Her face and parts of her body are wreathed in black veins, a tell-tale sign of the fact that her blood is probably not normal. Her eyes can vary from shades of crimson to pitch black depending on what she needs and sometimes it'll shift between the two in the flick of a nictitating membrane, much like a snake or lizard.
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">NICE? NAH</span>
:If she's being nice, she's just testing out theories and it's all an act. She doesn't exist in a space that can promote the idea of being nice. She is, quite literally, evil. She'll have allies (minimally), she'll have minions, but I doubt she'd ever consider anyone a friend.
;<span style="color:#b31d5d">FOR THE MAGIC</span>
:Making her 'father' happy is a thought in the back of her shadow-formed mind, and in that she will test out many things. Poking at things like someone would a science project, only with a magical eye rather than a scientific one.

Revision as of 23:33, 19 July 2022

Player: @Drea

NAME: Lamia
BIRTHPLACE: The Shadow Realm
AGE: Ageless
STATUS: Single


Able to manipulate and draw on shadows to create damage and harm those around her to varying degrees.


Able to manipulate blood in others and cause pain or, in rare cases, aid her 'allies' by reducing their pain.


The Shadow Realm is host to things that should not be; very little exists there to create true light or life. It insists upon its own darkness, with a recreation of that through every facet of its being. Most that travel there are eaten alive by what's crawling around in the dark, and all that's left is a painful reminder in shadowed bones made to dance for the enjoyment of whatever cosmic entity calls that its home.

Imagine, then, a young woman coming through and persisting. She lives through a force of will and magic and gives the darkness something to truly latch onto; to grow from. Not only does this young woman survive and, in fact, escape, but she also takes along with her a shadowform given life through her. A parasite of sorts, that is a framework — a blueprint — of what the shadow realm's ruler believes to be a perfect entity of pure evil. She hitches a ride in the back of the mind of the young Autocast and detaches just as they break through to the other side, slithering out like a snake and finding purchase wherever she can to draw upon that realm's shadows. To infuse her own; to grow.

What once was merely a dark twinkle in the back of its shadowy realm was now the host's lifeblood. She exists, she chooses a name, and she goes forth to spread that evil she was created for in whatever way she can. Whether the world likes it or not.


A lot of people claim to draw power from the Shadow Realm, and many of them do, but it's far more different for Lamia; she is the Shadow Realm, as much as any being can be, and her powers are a touch more potent.

Differing from the general shadow manipulation that several people with powers have been granted, Lamia's shadows come directly from the Shadow Realm, a place born of evil and with potent magic sown through every single tendril. The control which she has over these particular shadows is paramount, and it's nigh impossible for anything or anyone to intervene and stop them; though she may not be unstoppable she's very hard to deter.
Learned from her original host, Lamia has become fascinated with the human concept of blood. A life-force outside of shadows that pumps through the veins. She has something akin to that within her now. But it is black and thick, though she is very much able to control the blood in others to cripple them, bend them to her will, or, in the rare case of an ally, help alleviate their pain and push them beyond their limits.
Beyond just controlling the shadows, being an actual manifestation of the Shadow Realm means that Lamia can, herself, return to that shadowed form at all. While she shows all the hallmarks of a human being when in her assumed form, dissolving away into the heart of her evil core will return her to a shadowy being of pain.

Lamia's personality is lacking — or rather, it was before she escaped the shadow realm. Now, with an entire world of cultures and people to devour observe, she finds herself developing quirks and fits in with a few tropes: Faux Affably Evil, Evil Feels Good, Card Carrying Villain, Living Shadow, Dark Is Evil.

Lamia is evil and beyond the telling of it, but her player has limits. She will do evil things off screen, but never will be described as graphic depictions of animal abuse or anything of the like. As it stands, if anyone has an issue with anything she does, please tell me. (I won't write about hurting an animal ever, trust me, hard cut-off.)
The shadows that power her read both as evil and magic. They are not what one would consider normal shadows and seem to have a black depth deeper than pitch; anyone with those senses can probably determine where she's from if they have any information whatsoever on the realm itself.
Her face and parts of her body are wreathed in black veins, a tell-tale sign of the fact that her blood is probably not normal. Her eyes can vary from shades of crimson to pitch black depending on what she needs and sometimes it'll shift between the two in the flick of a nictitating membrane, much like a snake or lizard.
If she's being nice, she's just testing out theories and it's all an act. She doesn't exist in a space that can promote the idea of being nice. She is, quite literally, evil. She'll have allies (minimally), she'll have minions, but I doubt she'd ever consider anyone a friend.
Making her 'father' happy is a thought in the back of her shadow-formed mind, and in that she will test out many things. Poking at things like someone would a science project, only with a magical eye rather than a scientific one.