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Belah's power leapt through them like lightning, igniting powers and strength they'd never known before.  Their friend's car practically disintegrated under repeated blows from the hammer they held, and Terrie didn't stop until there was nothing left but a pile of crumpled, broken junk.  Flipping the sweat out of their hair, returning to their senses, they realized they'd climaxed.  Several times.
Belah's power leapt through them like lightning, igniting powers and strength they'd never known before.  Their friend's car practically disintegrated under repeated blows from the hammer they held, and Terrie didn't stop until there was nothing left but a pile of crumpled, broken junk.  Flipping the sweat out of their hair, returning to their senses, they realized they'd climaxed.  Several times in fact.

The crowd erupted in cheers, and Terrie realized that somehow, at some point during their time on stage, the entire staff of Demolition Divas had joined in to cheer them on.  Artbreaker was giving an approving whistle, while Crush Hour blew them a kiss.  Wrecking-Belle herself came up on stage, looking over the wreckage with an approving eye before giving Terrie a massive hug that would have certainly crushed them only a few minutes... minutes? ago.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and Terrie realized that somehow, at some point during their time on stage, the entire staff of Demolition Divas had joined in to cheer them on.  Artbreaker was giving an approving whistle, while Crush Hour blew them a kiss.  Wrecking-Belle herself came up on stage, looking over the wreckage with an approving eye before giving Terrie a massive hug that would have certainly crushed them only a few minutes... minutes? ago.

Revision as of 16:41, 14 March 2022

"Pleasure isn't a crime"
Player: @Belah Nain
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Terrie Kelly
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: Mid-30s
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 585 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Variable
Biographical Data
Nationality: U.S. Citizen
Occupation: Adventurer, Wanderer, Enforcer, Demolitionist
Place of Birth: Saint Martial, Rogue Isles
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Multiple Partners
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Healing Factor, Increased Durability, Super Strength, Magical Enhancement, Destruction Aura
Known Abilities
Competent hand-to-hand combatant, dancer, and cook
Impervium hammer known as the "Decadent Ruin"
Known to be polyamorous. Also nonbinary; prefers they/them pronouns.

Afraid of Themselves

Terrie had always felt... different.

They liked breaking their toys. Not because they were violent or angry, but because they liked feeling strong. Of course, they were always careful when they did so, so they wouldn't get caught. They'd often explain the missing toys as given away, or lost, or otherwise innocuous explanations for why they so often disappeared. As they got older, the urge never left. If anything, the pull only felt stronger.

But so did the guilt.

If budding serial killers were often picked out at an early age because of dangerous, destructive behaviors... what about them? Were they some kind of monster in waiting? Were they going to turn into some kind of violent sociopath? What about all the videos and pictures they'd kept? Their heroes were Wrecking-Belle, Crush Hour, and of course... Belah Nain. Of course, their fear and anxiety kept them from getting close to the Succubus of Smash. What if Belah sensed something wrong in them? Picked them out as a monster, a threat to friends and loved ones? They adored Belah, but couldn't bring themself to attend any of her shows.

As time went on, the fears faded somewhat, but they still couldn't bring themselves to go to Demolition Divas, not on their own. It was irrational. It wasn't even a big fear. But it had stuck with them from day one, and couldn't muster the courage to make that final push.

Meeting Your Heroes

Sometimes your best friends are the best worst influences.

Take their closest friend, confidant, and occasional partner in crime for example: Someone who might have teased, but always with a smile. A friend who occasionally encouraged Terrie's habit without judgement, without regret, and with her own degree of curiosity for this particular pleasure.

And like all the best friends and worst influences, sometimes she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.

So when she piled Terrie into her crappy little car and the two of them shuttled off to the Demolition Divas club for "just a few drinks and taking in the sights", they couldn't protest too terribly much. The sounds, the sights, the sheer, unabashed, unashamed spectacle of cutting loose and wrecking... well, anything you wanted for the fun of it... it was intoxicating. Seductive. Inviting.

This was where they belonged.

And when their friend's car ended up on the stage, ready to be destroyed by Belah Nain herself? They felt that hunger come up from somewhere deeper than it ever had before. Their friend was cheering, screaming for Belah to smash it into junk. And Terrie was right alongside.

And Belah looked right at them. And smiled.

Something passed between them in that moment, and Terrie felt something surge inside of them. A rush. A wave of euphoria and joy and belonging that drove every other emotion they were feeling to even greater heights.

Clambering up onto the stage and taking the offered sledgehammer... Terrie never looked back.

Embracing Themselves

"What am I now?"
"What can I do now?"

Belah's power leapt through them like lightning, igniting powers and strength they'd never known before. Their friend's car practically disintegrated under repeated blows from the hammer they held, and Terrie didn't stop until there was nothing left but a pile of crumpled, broken junk. Flipping the sweat out of their hair, returning to their senses, they realized they'd climaxed. Several times in fact.

The crowd erupted in cheers, and Terrie realized that somehow, at some point during their time on stage, the entire staff of Demolition Divas had joined in to cheer them on. Artbreaker was giving an approving whistle, while Crush Hour blew them a kiss. Wrecking-Belle herself came up on stage, looking over the wreckage with an approving eye before giving Terrie a massive hug that would have certainly crushed them only a few minutes... minutes? ago.

That's when Terrie noticed their watch.

Over an hour had passed.

They'd completely demolished a car. A car! Frame and all. In just over an hour. On their own. And they weren't even tired!

They wanted more.

Belah came on stage to a renewed wave of cheers, raising her hands and holding Terrie's up in her own.

"Hello my dutiful destroyers!" Another cheer. Another wave of encouragement.

"Every once in a while... I see a spark. A spark just dying to ignite and show the world just how bright they can be. And tonight... we found a spark that I can only call... brilliant." She looked at the crowd, gaze wandering over all the Divas, powered or otherwise. Empowered by her or otherwise.

"I've shared my power with so many of you. Artbreaker... you have such a wonderful way with so many beautiful things. So much prettier after you've had your wicked way with them. Candi... You've always known the life. You could have fallen to brutality and malice and petty cruelty. But no. You chose a different way. Joyful, and enthusiastic and always willing to go over or through anything in your way, with anything you want, to make a better life for people through beautiful ruin. Belle... oh Belle... you have such a gift for spectacle, and for creative funishments." She laughed along with the rest of the crowd, as Wrecking-Belle gave a flex to show off. "And Crush. Kind, cruel, loving Crush. You've had so much taken away. You've found, you've lost, you've found again... and you keep going. You've seen the tyranny of people up close, and the tyranny of things, and you've fought back so passionately to protect and shield and free others from those chains."

Belah paused, blinking back tears as she felt the waves of emotion wash over her.

"Welcome our newest destroyer. Imbued with my power, but wholly because of who they are. Who they have always been. Someone that has loved the sounds of destruction. The sights. The feelings. Divas, welcome our newest destroyer. Our newest wrecker. But someone who's always known the chaotic joy... the primal rush... of breaking shit for fun."

Belah turned to Terrie, grinning.

"What's your name?"

"I... I'm Terr..." They stopped, taking a deep breath before grinning and holding their hammer up high.

"I'm Tear-Down."