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*recording ends*  
*recording ends*  

The line of clones Prinzeps came from was split off from the Jester entertainment line several years back when "intriguing" mental activity was noted. Potentially useful cross-compatibilities were noted with the Kali military prototype, though aggression would be toned down. While it would take a few iterations and models to come out, it was decided that - if the physical and mental traits could integrate well - the result could be quite profitable, being used for infiltration and small team special operations. Gendertype was set to female, that being expressed in both root lines due to perceived ease of control.
===Preceding clone prototype lines===
Knyaz was the first stage, used mostly to test integration. Only five models were produced. Results were promising enough to continue.
Lady followed, working on shaping physical attributes and enhancing strength and energy. Dexterity increased as a result. Six models were produced.
Marques started developing mental attributes, tuning latent empathy into a control circuit. Five models were produced, noting some difficulty with behavioural stability. However, development was promising enough to continue, splicing in other minor lines and tweaking neural pathways and embedded training.
Nazim was primarily a culling of unneeded information and tweaking. Four models were produced before a new gene line was introduced (Rosa) which promised to enhance mental command and control.
Obahemaa 1-3 continued strengthening and fine tuning of mental control. New gene line introduced in Obahemaa 4, updated through 5-9 before the new line was authorized.
The Prinzeps line was the first to be paired with clone fire and infiltration teams from the first. Empathic connections were strengthened - which caused some issues during live fire exercises.
P04 was damaged during a live fire exercise when a bullet entered her skull just at the brow line. P04 was terminated for early iteration of 05, but the Prinzeps line - while not losing data - seemed to gain some degree of fear during live fire exercises from that point forward, despite attempts at suppression.
P07 was stolen from the facility by prior entertainment line laHache special unit. The facility was damaged, slowing the last two iterations and followon line.
===Following lines===
Queen - integration of psionic amplification and control tech during clone gestation is scheduled for this line. Line will be coded yellow.
Regina - Increased tech to handle larger teams as needed.

[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Vigilante]]
[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Vigilante]]

Revision as of 03:26, 20 January 2022

Prinzeps 1.png
Player: @Therra Arcson
Origin: '
Archetype: Fortunata
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Prinzeps
Known Aliases: Pri
Species: Manufactured human (clone)
Age: (Legal) 22 (Actual) 2-3
Height: 5'9
Weight: '
Eye Color: Purple to red
Hair Color: Pink to purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: '
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: Paragon
Marital Status: No
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Psionic in nature. Clone control links.
Known Abilities
Knives. Lots of knives.

"Remember, you've been given the opportunity to add your name to those helping in absolute cutting edge biological research. The advances made here will push industries forward at light speed - medicines can be tested without human risk! Nobody need lose family in wars ever again! Everything from organ shortages to labor shortages can be addressed. Even the entertainment industry is excited at what we do here - no need to risk stuntmen, or settle for 'almost' looks. The possibilities are endless.

"Welcome. You've been chosen to participate in the REsilient Biological Infiltration and Recovery Technology (Humanoid) Program. The project you've been assigned to is of great importance to national security. The final result will be able to infiltrate hostile areas and disable their ability to harm your countrymen, or rescue them before anyone realizes you're there. No need for signalling - they'll act as one...

"The hardest thing for some to remember, though, is that these are not humans. They look human, even react as human - they're designed to be able to interface and infiltrate that way. Remember, these units are not people, only designed to mimic them to aid their purpose in infiltration and interfacing... They will even simulate fear and pain. We anticipate some responses from our technicians as they settle into the project. Whenever you feel yourself reacting to their simulated responses, just remember it's a sign the unit is working as designed."

- AGENCY project orientation documentation.

REBIRTH project

Timestamp [redacted]

Iteration P07


T1: [Redacted]

T2: [Redacted]

T3: [Redacted]

T2: "I still think we need to filter what's getting uploaded to the next iteration. You've seen how this reacts to anything that looks like live fire exercises. Ever since that idiot shot P04 in the head." T1: "Stuff it. They'll deal with that in prepping QUEEN 01. We're falling behind schedule. Training grounds ready?... Green. Everything ready for data extraction after?" T3: "There was a power fluctuation reported about ten minutes ago. Doesn't seem to have affected anything. We'll be ready to start cutting."

  • Muffled crash and gunfire*

T1: "We've just dropped. There shouldn't be any firing yet. Just getting telemetry from P07." T2: "... You see that? Brainwave change..."

  • Alarm*

T3: [Intercom] "There's someone.. wait, are those.." *gunfire*

T1: "Someone's on the field - the hell's that smoke?" T2: [Intercom] "Unauthorized entry in the training grounds. You are in danger. You have ten seconds to exit the theater..."

  • Sound of glass breaking*

(Unknown female) "No, I think you're the ones in danger. Little sister, would you like to demonstrate?"

  • Sound of gunfire*

(Unknown female) "I think that's the last of them. I'm glad I got to you in time. Come on. Time to go...Prinzeps? Project name. It'll work for now."

  • recording ends*



The line of clones Prinzeps came from was split off from the Jester entertainment line several years back when "intriguing" mental activity was noted. Potentially useful cross-compatibilities were noted with the Kali military prototype, though aggression would be toned down. While it would take a few iterations and models to come out, it was decided that - if the physical and mental traits could integrate well - the result could be quite profitable, being used for infiltration and small team special operations. Gendertype was set to female, that being expressed in both root lines due to perceived ease of control.

Preceding clone prototype lines

Knyaz was the first stage, used mostly to test integration. Only five models were produced. Results were promising enough to continue.

Lady followed, working on shaping physical attributes and enhancing strength and energy. Dexterity increased as a result. Six models were produced.

Marques started developing mental attributes, tuning latent empathy into a control circuit. Five models were produced, noting some difficulty with behavioural stability. However, development was promising enough to continue, splicing in other minor lines and tweaking neural pathways and embedded training.

Nazim was primarily a culling of unneeded information and tweaking. Four models were produced before a new gene line was introduced (Rosa) which promised to enhance mental command and control.

Obahemaa 1-3 continued strengthening and fine tuning of mental control. New gene line introduced in Obahemaa 4, updated through 5-9 before the new line was authorized.


The Prinzeps line was the first to be paired with clone fire and infiltration teams from the first. Empathic connections were strengthened - which caused some issues during live fire exercises.

P04 was damaged during a live fire exercise when a bullet entered her skull just at the brow line. P04 was terminated for early iteration of 05, but the Prinzeps line - while not losing data - seemed to gain some degree of fear during live fire exercises from that point forward, despite attempts at suppression.

P07 was stolen from the facility by prior entertainment line laHache special unit. The facility was damaged, slowing the last two iterations and followon line.

Following lines

Queen - integration of psionic amplification and control tech during clone gestation is scheduled for this line. Line will be coded yellow.

Regina - Increased tech to handle larger teams as needed.

