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Anita was shortly thereafter transformed. All Faerie ripped out of the girl, and she was remade into a succubus, made into Anita Masters, new daughter of Rue.  Suddenly heaven was no longer a thing to look up to.  And now Anita is making her way through life with a newfound confidence, free of several of her old attachments.  She has a new Family, Sisters she looks up to, and two lovers that bring her the greatest joy.
Anita was shortly thereafter transformed. All Faerie ripped out of the girl, and she was remade into a succubus, made into Anita Masters, new daughter of Rue.  Suddenly heaven was no longer a thing to look up to.  And now Anita is making her way through life with a newfound confidence, free of several of her old attachments.  She has a new Family, Sisters she looks up to, and two lovers that bring her the greatest joy.
== Personality ==
Once a heroine, though prone to losing sight of her morality when emotion got in the way, she now has openly admitted to herself the actions she does are villainous.  She acts the hero out in public, and any manipulation she does she will swear is for the target's own good. To improve them. To make them better.  This has yet to be a lie, but it is still a justification.
She alternates between extroverted and introverted as moods strike her.  Mercurial still, that has not changed from when she was fact even when she was human.  Moods tempt her and she follows them down.

== Powers ==
== Powers ==
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'''Potioncraft & Herbology''':  Her knowledge of plants, both earthbound and Fae, allows her to brew potions and use plants to effect others in a medicinal capacity.
'''Potioncraft & Herbology''':  Her knowledge of plants, both earthbound and Fae, allows her to brew potions and use plants to effect others in a medicinal capacity.

[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Villain]]
[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Villain]] [[Category:Fantasia Diabolique]]

Revision as of 20:51, 2 May 2023

[[Image:Anita Masters|300px|]]
Anita Masters
Player: @StormyWeather
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Defender/Blaster
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Anita Masters nee Westwood
Known Aliases: Viridian/Thorn/Harvest/Relic Witch, Lady 'Nita
Species: Demon
Age: 30
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Golden
Hair Color: Reddish Orange
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Brand Partnership Director
Place of Birth: Paragon City, RI
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Dating
Known Relatives: Jessica Westwood, Ruby Masters, Myst Masters
Known Powers
Control of plants, creation of toxins, Hedonic touch,
Known Abilities
Teleportation, Magic spells, potion brewing
No additional information available.


Sidhe Just Wants To Be

Anita Masters was born to two relatively normal people, 11 years younger than her older sister Jessica. After her sister became a hero, and then fell, their mother pulled Anita out of public school for her own protection and into homeschooling. After her sister was reported dead, Anita's mother kept her from leaving the apartment. The paranoia that set in drove her father away, and for her entire tween and teen years, Anita was stuck inside. Heavily isolated, she had turned to fiction, television and video games for entertainment. But she was missing that social connection.

And then she turned 18. Anita ran away at that point, enrolling in the Occult Annex for Paragon University up in Salamanca. Her sister, as a heroine, had spent a lot of time up in Croatoa and Anita desperately wanted to know what had happened. And the first clue happened her very first night there as she felt a darkness, something oily and slick and wrong invade her dreams. Reaching to her, offering powers and opportunities in exchange for so very little.

For a couple days the dreams battered at her psyche. They appealed to her desire to follow in her sister's heroic footsteps, offering power and showing how she could change things. But it always felt wrong. Those in her classes whispered she was suffering from a unique sickness that afflicted a small percentage of people who newly arrive to Salamanca. But she was faltering...until a woman of unearthly beauty appeared before her and offered her protection. A tall beautiful woman named Blodeuwydd. For protection, all Anita would have to do is accept her powers and agree to fight things powered by those that existed Outside. Anita, desperately, accepted.

She gained the ability to control plants, and emit weaponized UV radiation. Still a human, she attempted to learn magic but struggled mightily as her blood was not the proper ancient types. And she found an established supergroup to join. But due to her lack of social skills due to her upbringing, she never really gelled with the team. And so when Anita suddenly vanished; it was not noticed by the group. And the college? Well, people disappear in Salamanca all the time. A shame but it happens. And all her stuff was put in storage.

All The Things Sidhe Said

Taken to Faerie, Anita was held captive by the Lady Blodeuwydd. Humans kept in Faerie are slowly changed, adapted, turned into the Fae themselves. But they are considered, at best, second class citizens. And Faerie has a treaty with Hell that states every 7 years, they must perform a tithe of 1 faerie to Hell. For 8 years, Anita was trapped there, in what was meant to be a ten year 'service' before being given to Hell.

Her reality was never stable, as in the demesne of the Lady, all reality was bound to the Fae's whims. Anita would regularly find her shape had been changed, turned into a variety of creatures, or plants, or other less animated items. All she had was her mind, and she wrapped that up tight in layers of defenses so she would not completely lose herself.

Unbeknownst to Anita was the fact that amongst all this torture, she was also being trained to serve in Hell. It would be years before this was known.

The last shape Anita was forced to take was one of a tree. But either Anita had been changed enough into a Fae, or pure force of will helped her, she was able to draw her roots out of the ground, turn them into legs and escape out of the Lady's demesne.

She ran throughout the Summerlands, into the thorn road, the Hedge that separates Earth and Faerie. Chased by Hounds loyal to the Lady, the Hedge intervened and hid Anita, using its shortcuts so she could effectively travel through it. And eventually it led her right to the outskirts of Salamanca, depositing her back on Earth.

All Sidhe Wants to Do is Dance

Found quickly by a former teammate, though finding out the supergroup was effectively dead, Anita was taken to civilization. And she had changed. More outgoing, and carrying a metric tonne of trauma, Anita navigated the social scene of Paragon. She joined one club, and then another. Made friends, lost friends, watched people disappear or drift away.

And she fell in love. The longest relationship was with Belle, the mortal host of the Greek Goddess Hedone. They were on-again and off-again for about a years time, got engaged...but they were finally separated when their plane crashed and Anita died on impact. That was not the end of her story, as Belle took the divine spark that was within her and implanted it into Anita, sacrificing her life to bring Anita back. And while Anita was brought back, she found that her heart was no longer inside of her.

After this Anita drifted even further. She felt alone, unmoored in the community and dealing with a loss no one wished to acknowledge to her face. And so she left, finding Faerie again and dedicating herself there. Gone for months, only returning around Christmas, she presented herself now as a girl who had accepted what had happened to her in Faerie. And she slowly began trying to rebuild her life.

Sidhe's Got The Devil In Her

And on January 19th, she was introduced to Silver Girl during a raid in the Hive. Thinking nothing of it, she left the raid and went to the D and was then introduced to Lucia Argento, Silver Girl's secret identity. Anita fell for her quickly, and found quickly that Lucia was taken by an archdemon, Ruinica or Rue Masters as most of the world knows her. Rue took an interest in Anita as well, and blessed the two to begin dating. Shortly thereafter Lucy, whom Anita had nicknamed as Ruby and the girl had begun taking as her actual name, got a roommate, Elle, that Anita fell for as well. Dating the both of them, she was in heaven. Heaven was not to last.

Anita was shortly thereafter transformed. All Faerie ripped out of the girl, and she was remade into a succubus, made into Anita Masters, new daughter of Rue. Suddenly heaven was no longer a thing to look up to. And now Anita is making her way through life with a newfound confidence, free of several of her old attachments. She has a new Family, Sisters she looks up to, and two lovers that bring her the greatest joy.


Once a heroine, though prone to losing sight of her morality when emotion got in the way, she now has openly admitted to herself the actions she does are villainous. She acts the hero out in public, and any manipulation she does she will swear is for the target's own good. To improve them. To make them better. This has yet to be a lie, but it is still a justification.

She alternates between extroverted and introverted as moods strike her. Mercurial still, that has not changed from when she was fact even when she was human. Moods tempt her and she follows them down.


Pheromones: She smells strongly of primal, wild grown roses. The kind not ever having been found on this earth. It has a 10' range capable of causing arousal.

Plant Control: The ability to grow and wither plants at will. She can use them to hear, sense, and even transmit messages. And her knowledge of Fae plants allows her to place growths inside of a person, allowing many kinds of effects.

Thorns and Toxin Generation: She can erupt thorns at will from her body, and use them to inject toxins she can generate inside of her. Toxins have effects beyond sickness and death, as she has mastered paralysis (both localized and general), befuddlement and confusion, and aphrodisiacs.

UV Radiation: As it says on the tin, she emits high intensity weaponized UV radiation at well.

Hedonic Touch: She can, if she chooses, cause someone's nerve endings to be overloaded with pleasure at a simple touch. If she maintains long enough, the sensation can travel and overwhelm the brain, allowing her to transmit thoughts and commands directly into a person.

Magic: As a magical being, she has gained the ability to learn and use magic properly.

Potioncraft & Herbology: Her knowledge of plants, both earthbound and Fae, allows her to brew potions and use plants to effect others in a medicinal capacity.