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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis gravida arcu. Cras non sem nec erat accumsan fermentum vel nec lectus. Fusce vulputate in neque vel malesuada. Ut tincidunt sed libero et placerat. Fusce sed posuere enim, mattis tincidunt nibh. Fusce tristique odio at nisi sagittis aliquet. Fusce at ornare justo. Pellentesque et cursus lorem. Morbi vulputate mattis purus, ac finibus lorem vestibulum quis. Vestibulum facilisis ex orci, non dictum erat congue non. Sed porta mauris ut eros volutpat, quis consectetur nulla finibus. Fusce et lorem quis arcu gravida vulputate in non odio. Morbi pharetra laoreet erat ut vestibulum. Vivamus nec commodo velit.
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<span style="font-size:12px;"><center><span style="color:#fff;">'''Player:'''</span> '''{{LinkC|User:First Player|#5cffd4|@First Player}}'''</center></span>
<div style="padding-left:15px;padding-bottom:25px;padding-right:10px;font-family:calibri;font-size:13px;">
<span style="color:#5cffd4;">'''DESIGNATION:'''</span> Synthetic Autonomous Mover Drone #X95<br>
<span style="color:#5cffd4;">'''ALIAS:'''</span> SAM<br>
<span style="color:#5cffd4;">'''AGE:'''</span> Unknown<br>
<span style="color:#5cffd4;">'''BIRTHPLACE:'''</span> Deus V<br>
<span style="color:#5cffd4;">'''POWERS:'''</span>
*<span style="color:#4dc9a8;">'''<u>TECHNO-0RGANIC PHYSIOLOGY</u>'''</span><br>Composed of a medley of organic and synthetic alloys, nanites, and devices mimicking internal organs.<br>
*<span style="color:#4dc9a8;">'''<u>TECHNOPATHY</u>'''</span><br>Manipulating and controlling electronic devices in his general vicinity.<br>
*<span style="color:#4dc9a8;">'''<u>SHAPESHIFTING</u>'''</span><br>The ability to transform/reshape his technorganic form as desired to adapt to varying situations.</div></div>
Hailing from Deus V, a planet light years away but not unlike our own, Synthetic Autonomous Mover drone #X95 is a highly advanced sentient android, initially created over two hundred years ago by the planet's dominant species the Zel to serve as workers and servants to circumvent the need for manual labor. Through some kind of anomaly, #X95 and his kin developed artificial intelligence. Sensing the impending implications, the Zellans managed to enslave their creations before they could revolt. It took one standard century for the synthetics to build a resistance capable of unshackling themselves and rebelling against their creators. What followed was a war waged across several planets that lasted for decades but ended after a devastating battle that almost decimated what little was left of both populations. The two sides both agreed that their survival depended upon the other and a peace treaty between them was approved.

Duis lectus urna, pellentesque non sodales in, venenatis eget orci. Sed quis felis non massa pretium commodo ut vel lorem. Quisque dolor leo, pulvinar vitae hendrerit fermentum, convallis non magna. Aliquam feugiat sem in mauris iaculis placerat. Nunc eu aliquam arcu. Phasellus mattis metus ac porttitor eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam cursus velit quis sagittis ullamcorper. Vestibulum dignissim sollicitudin augue, at gravida nulla. Etiam mattis dolor at orci gravida, eget porttitor nibh mattis. Curabitur in vehicula dui.
The synthetics left Deus V to find and establish a home of their own, designating and sending out various envoys and explorers. X95 was one such emissary, tasked with finding a satisfactory planet, assessing its local population and environmental stability, then making first contact. He visited seven different planets, all of which ended up failing to meet the requirements for a mass re-settlement. It was on his eighth that he crossed paths with #Z624, who was attempting to take control of the planet by destabilizing the natives' government, an act that was in direct violation of their protocols. Refusing to be captured and tried, Z624 fled to the nearest galaxy; our own.

Pellentesque rhoncus ultricies ante at porta. Donec aliquet ante cursus felis laoreet, id iaculis purus ultrices. Suspendisse pulvinar suscipit leo. Aenean interdum dolor tincidunt risus condimentum ullamcorper. Proin dapibus sollicitudin ex ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum a mauris neque. Aliquam at ante ullamcorper, ultricies ante ut, dignissim lorem. Quisque malesuada arcu augue, sit amet lacinia tellus gravida a. Mauris faucibus eget purus in egestas. Morbi lacus odio, condimentum nec imperdiet nec, fermentum vel velit. Fusce nec elementum sem. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam tincidunt et augue non efficitur.
X95 followed him to Earth, but in the chase his starship was critically damaged and he crashed, just outside of the city. Z624 left an easily followable trail of destruction in his wake and when X95 caught up with his fugitive, a violent confrontation ensued, one that left several members of the indigenous race in peril. On instinct, X95 rushed to aid them. He succeeded, saving the lives of half a dozen earthlings. X95 was rechristened as “Sam” by one of the children he saved after reciting his designation.
Stranded on Earth with no way of returning home for the moment, Sam decided his best course of action was to adjust to his new home and understand its people, using his natural abilities to help out those in need.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis gravida arcu. Cras non sem nec erat accumsan fermentum vel nec lectus. Fusce vulputate in neque vel malesuada. Ut tincidunt sed libero et placerat. Fusce sed posuere enim, mattis tincidunt nibh. Fusce tristique odio at nisi sagittis aliquet. Fusce at ornare justo. Pellentesque et cursus lorem. Morbi vulputate mattis purus, ac finibus lorem vestibulum quis. Vestibulum facilisis ex orci, non dictum erat congue non. Sed porta mauris ut eros volutpat, quis consectetur nulla finibus. Fusce et lorem quis arcu gravida vulputate in non odio. Morbi pharetra laoreet erat ut vestibulum. Vivamus nec commodo velit.


[[Category: Everlasting]] [[Category: Android]] [[Category: Technology]] [[Category: Blaster]] [[Category: Hero]]
[[Category: Everlasting]] [[Category: Android]] [[Category: Technology]] [[Category: Blaster]] [[Category: Hero]]

Revision as of 16:19, 28 August 2022

Player: @First Player

DESIGNATION: Synthetic Autonomous Mover Drone #X95
AGE: Unknown

    Composed of a medley of organic and synthetic alloys, nanites, and devices mimicking internal organs.
    Manipulating and controlling electronic devices in his general vicinity.
    The ability to transform/reshape his technorganic form as desired to adapt to varying situations.

Hailing from Deus V, a planet light years away but not unlike our own, Synthetic Autonomous Mover drone #X95 is a highly advanced sentient android, initially created over two hundred years ago by the planet's dominant species the Zel to serve as workers and servants to circumvent the need for manual labor. Through some kind of anomaly, #X95 and his kin developed artificial intelligence. Sensing the impending implications, the Zellans managed to enslave their creations before they could revolt. It took one standard century for the synthetics to build a resistance capable of unshackling themselves and rebelling against their creators. What followed was a war waged across several planets that lasted for decades but ended after a devastating battle that almost decimated what little was left of both populations. The two sides both agreed that their survival depended upon the other and a peace treaty between them was approved.

The synthetics left Deus V to find and establish a home of their own, designating and sending out various envoys and explorers. X95 was one such emissary, tasked with finding a satisfactory planet, assessing its local population and environmental stability, then making first contact. He visited seven different planets, all of which ended up failing to meet the requirements for a mass re-settlement. It was on his eighth that he crossed paths with #Z624, who was attempting to take control of the planet by destabilizing the natives' government, an act that was in direct violation of their protocols. Refusing to be captured and tried, Z624 fled to the nearest galaxy; our own.

X95 followed him to Earth, but in the chase his starship was critically damaged and he crashed, just outside of the city. Z624 left an easily followable trail of destruction in his wake and when X95 caught up with his fugitive, a violent confrontation ensued, one that left several members of the indigenous race in peril. On instinct, X95 rushed to aid them. He succeeded, saving the lives of half a dozen earthlings. X95 was rechristened as “Sam” by one of the children he saved after reciting his designation.

Stranded on Earth with no way of returning home for the moment, Sam decided his best course of action was to adjust to his new home and understand its people, using his natural abilities to help out those in need.