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Revision as of 04:02, 24 March 2021

Midnight Sun.png
Midnight Sun
Player: @TakelGryph
Origin: Science
Archetype: Warshade
Security Level: 50
Server: Everlasting
Personal Data
Real Name: Peter Wellstone
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human (Kheldian host)
Age: 31
Height: 6'5" (1.96m)
Weight: 227 lbs (103kg)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Blogger and reporter
Place of Birth: Hartford, Connecticut
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Warshade powers (Umbral Blast/Aura)
Known Abilities
Investigative journalist
Miniaturized digital camera, listening devices
No additional information available.

Origin Story

Peter Wellstone, an investigative reporter with the Paragon City Times, was by no means unfamiliar with the seedier elements of Paragon City. Finding out that an anonymous source within the Council wanted to expose a high-ranking city official as a member was exciting, but not something he was unprepared for. Finding out that the "anonymous source" was actually someone looking to hold him hostage to extort the city...unpleasant, but that's why you have your editor contact some local superheroes before you meet with the Council.

Finding out that the real "anonymous source" was actually a Nictus named Hungering Void who had lost faith in Arakhn's leadership and wanted a way out, and used the hostage situation as a chance to recruit a willing host...that, Peter had less experience with. In the end, though, he agreed to help the Nictus escape.

Unfortunately, the steady decline of the news industry would eventually force Peter to strike out on his own. Fortunately, Peter has done well since going independent. He makes enough to afford a decent Founders' Falls apartment thanks to his blog, The Wellspring. And after having used it to expose multiple scandals and misdeeds involving groups ranging from Crey to the Vanguard, his reputation as someone willing to fight for justice no matter who stands in the way has only grown.

Two things remain unchanged, though. By day, Peter Wellstone still seeks the truth no matter who tries to hide it. And by night, the Midnight Sun still shines into the darkest corners to which evil tries to flee.

The Wellspring

Peter Wellstone used to be one of the best investigative reporters on the payroll for the Paragon City Times, although he was laid off after a round of budget cuts in early 2020. He soon started his own blog, The Wellspring, which quickly earned a reputation for breaking major scandals and publishing well-researched articles on issues that affect Paragon City and the rest of the world.

The Wellspring's first big story, published in May of 2020, exposed an under-the-table Vanguard deal with Crey to trade Rikti technology for quantum array guns despite Crey still being legally prohibited from owning and experimenting on Rikti tech. It resulted in the resignation of two Crey executives and a fine of $600 million, as well as the arrest of just under half a dozen members of the Vanguard Gauntlet and a pledge by Serpent Drummer to "personally ensure that such a gross betrayal of Vanguard principles is never repeated".

The Wellspring doesn't do native advertising…or any advertising, really, unless you count affiliate links and the occasional merchandise plugs. The vast majority of Wellstone's income is from donations and Patreon subscriptions, although he did receive a grant from the Knight Foundation that covered his first couple months of expenses. Interestingly, Justin "Manticore" Sinclair has a $1,000 per month subscription, which has led Wellstone to suspect that Manticore is aware of who the Midnight Sun really is.

A Warshade's Past

Prior to becoming a Nictus and naming itself Hungering Void, the Kheldian that merged with Wellstone was called Silver Nebula. The new name "Midnight Sun" was chosen as a reflection of the combination of Peter Wellstone's ideals and Silver Nebula's past. He does not currently expect to retain the name of Midnight Sun once Wellstone is no longer part of him, though.

In addition to the nova and dwarf forms common to Kheldians, Midnight Sun can take on the form of a telekinetic avian species known as the Biraz. The specific Biraz that Silver Nebula merged with was untrained in using this telekinesis in any sort of combat situation, however; still, it has come in handy at times.

Unsorted Trivia

The Kheldian energy that Midnight Sun lets leak from his eyes "scrambles" facial recognition methods, both biological (e.g., the human brain) and software-based. As a result, while looking at a photo of Peter Wellstone next to a photo of the Midnight Sun may allow someone to recognize them as one and the same, it would be difficult at best.